Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
I would only buy DK Jungle Beat if you could find it for less then $20. It's a lot of fun but it is very short you are done with it in a day. Theres also absolutely no reason to replay it either since it loses it's charm after you complete it. You want to have a fun couple of hours go ahead with DK Jungle Beat. If you want something you can sink your teeth into there are a lot of other great GC games that can provide that.
Christ it still amazes me how people can keep a thread like this going for so long. The people who say they are otakus usually just want the title because it might make them fit in more with anime fans. But they have no knowledge to what extent the term means The actual otakus don't acknowledge it and do spend their entire lives obsessing over anime , video games, etc... Sorry if this was repeated I skimmed the thread:animeswea
[quote name='Bombu'][color=darkred]Guys, recommending what games to get or not to get is cool, but your discussion is starting to get a bit personal and off-topic and is sort of derailing the purpose of the thread, so please could you continue this over PM or IM?[/color] :)[/QUOTE] My bad I have a tendency to derail threads:animeswea. After playing more of Tales of Symphonia I highly recomend it. It's story keeps getting better and better and the combat system gets surprisingly deeper the more you progress. Definetly pick it up.
[quote name='Korey']Did I say MGSTTS was worse than SA2? Cause I don't remember saying it was. I do however remember saying that MGSTTS was a total waste of developer dollars. I did think that SA2 was frickin awesome on the DC when I was younger. My eighth grade mind thought it was the coolest game ever. Maybe I got nostalgic when I recommended it, I don't know. I don't think it was the nail in Sega's coffin though. Maybe it was because Sega released a system during a time where much better systems were set to come out and got blown away due to lack of first party support.....or maybe devlopers started to sway towards better technology and support from a better hardware developer....I don't know;)[/QUOTE] OK you lost all credibiltiy when you said nostalgia. Of course it's always going to be better when you are a lot younger and have horrible taste in games. The DC was one of the greatest video game consoles ever made. SA was it's Mario 64 (but nowhere near as good as it). Soul Caliber , JGR , Power Stone , Power Stone 2 , Skies of Arcadia ,PSO and the two best games ever created Shenmue , Shenmue 2. The DC had amazing software it was also the first gaming console to go online. It was boned because it didn't have a DVD drive. It was targeted at hardcore gamers to begin with. DC did a lot for gaming and it was better then the PS2 for 2 years after PS2 was released. Sadly it died and SA2 as one of it's trump cards failed horribly. So yes SA2 could have kept the DC going for a bit longer but it was such a failure of a game it couldn't.
I respect your opinion Korey but if you are saying that SA2 is a better purchase then MGSTTS you are insane. SA was the reason I bought a DC it blew me away when the DC came out and I got it at launch. However when you are a kid you are retarded. So I could look past the games HUGE flaws. All the levels except for Sonics sucked so bad(fishing anyone?). After finishing the game I loved it especially the final fight with Super Sonic and Chaos Ultimate. If I go back and play SA again I would have more fun being trapped in an elevator for 5 hours which is the games length. When SA2 came out for the DC my I realized how bad SA really was. They made absoultely no improvements. Aside from cutting most of the BS missions out. Like I said before it was another nail in SEGAs coffin. After playing this game I knew the DC was dead. MGSTTS was a great game since you could go back and play the classic. Try going back to playing FFVII and you will bleed from your eyes. Those games were good for their time but they don't hold up well. With MGS you could replay a better version of a classic game. MGSTTS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SA2 But if you liked SA2 thats cool. Just don't say it's better then MGSTTS.
[quote name='Korey']I said Sonic Adventure 2. I recommended it because I never took a shining to Mario: Sunshine and any other platformer/adventure game, so I suggested it. I also liked the multiplayer options on the GC version. So I will abstain for the shooting myself, thank you. I'm sticking with my suggestion F-Zero- is not as hard as you would think it to be. It takes time to learn, just like other games. The sense of speed is just plain awesome though. A good racer to back up Mario Kart too. MGS: TS was okay and I liked all the new stuff, but there was something nostalgic about the original version on the PSX. I personally thought it a waste of money, because the game was epic without all the new gameplay options. So I don't think it's a must buy. Unless you haven't played the original game.[/QUOTE] Sonic Adventure 2 sucked. Ill gladly shoot you if you dont want to. Super Mario Sunshine was an amazing platformer. SA2 did so many things wrong. The hunting and shooting levels were awful. Sonic and Shadow were the only fun parts but it lagged and the camera couldnt keep up. The only thing good about the game was the final battle. I was a huge fan of SA when it was on the DC then at the end of the DCs lifespan this piece of crap was released which was another nail in SEGAs coften. Vs mode and Chao raising don't help this game either. F-Zero wasn't a bad game. The story was decent and it was fast. But it always felt like you were slower then everyone else was. So it was a huge pain. Mario Kart completely owned that game though. Nothing beats Mario Kart 64 or even Double Dash. For F-Zero I think the SNES version was better then the GC one. MGSTTS wasn't popular because people were pissed that it was not on a Sony system. Some also felt it was stupid to remake a classic. I think it was great. It could get gamers into the MGS series without having to play the horribly outdated original. The only thing that sucked about it was tey took away all the girls sexy accents:animeshy:
Anime Parents And Anime: Do They Approve?
Kenshin DX replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in Otaku Central
A parent who censors everything their kid watches or does is an idiot. It is [I]not[/I] protecting your children. Oh no my child has watched an episode of Bebop where someone got shot! Now they are going to grow up and shoot people. it's not just anime I mean it's most media in general. I mean South Park is more explicit then any anime Ive ever seen (and Ive seen at least a 1000 anime titles). Most films are totally worse then anything an anime has with mature content wise.So if you think anime is what corrupts your it doesn't do any worse than a mature cartoon or R rated Movie. Seriously my parents have no problem with me watching anything especially anime. My dad has purchased me titles such as Samurai Gun and Gantz which both have a giant M rating on the pack. Ive grown up just fine some panty shots and some violent deaths didn't turn me into a criminal or pedo. They probably don't even care that I watch porn I just would never say it(as would the rest of you guys) because that's just insanely awkward. All my friends who watch anime their parents don't care at all. I mean seriously parents have been up in arms about Harry Potter a [I]childrens book[/I]. Anime like other forms of media does not damage your child's inner psyche and if it does your kid fails at life. -
No one said [B]Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes[/B]. It's a remake of the original MGS. Huge graphic overhaul , first person aiming , new cut scenes , extended VA. While the game has identical level design and boss fights. It's great if you never played the original MGS. Even if you have it is still great to go back and play it revamped. Everyone who recomended [B]Sonic Adventure 2[/B] go shoot yourself. Seriously Sonic was only good for it's time when it was on the DC and even then it was pretty crappy. [B]F-Zero[/B] is an extrmely diffucult game so prepare for a challenge. [B]RE4 [/B]is only slighty better on GC because it has slightly better graphics annd a more comfortable control scheme. RE4 for PS2 has a lot more content then the GC version. [B]Tales of Symphonia[/B] is a great game which is also 4 player coop. It's a fun, fast ,action RPG. No one said [B]Pikmin 2[/B] either. A unique and clever strategy game.
[quote name='ShinigamiNoMiko']Personally I have yet to find another anime where they [spoiler]kill off the main character in the very first episode...[/spoiler] .[/QUOTE] Gantz. And that was the general premise of both animes life after death.
Well indifference pretty much massacred the thread making everyone elses bad days seem like nothing. I am very sorry for your loss indifference. My cousin died suddenly in his sleep which shocked everyone because he was perfectly healthy especially before he went to bed. His funeral and wake were all pretty difficult days. Even though I didn't like my cousin I felt horrible survivors guilt and even worse that I couldn't feel worse about the situation. From there I had a lot of horrible days and have done things I regret terribly. Which I won't go into. but yeah everything after that death started a huge chain of bad days.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Kenshin DX replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I'm in total shock all this time I thought Dagger was a computer script. Not a real person and a good looking one at that :animenose Ill edit a pic of myself into this post later on once I get my camera going. -
[quote name='Bombu'][color=darkred]Isn't this stuff illegal though, I'm not too sure? I mean, unless you actually own the game you're trying to play without a CD?[/color][/QUOTE] Yes it is illegal and is pretty much as illegal as downloading a movie or music without paying. You can download games legally off of programs like Steam as I mentioned before but you have to pay. Then theres the whole CD key thing where if there isnt one one person could buy it and give it to all his friends and they can all download the game from the same disc.
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I don't like fake people. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Especially fake women with fake boobs.
WTF are you talking about? You can do that for your PC through a program called Steam but you still have to buy the game from them .It just installs directly.
I got plastic surgery for my ears when I was 8 years old. I just remember the horrible feeling I felt when I regained consciousness. I was really sick. The sickness afterwards makes the surgery seem like nothing. So unless I become facially disfigured I don't plan on having any plastic surgeroy
User Names: Because Repeat Threads Are Good For You!
Kenshin DX replied to SunfallE's topic in General Discussion
Well Samurai X Trust and Betrayal is my favorite movie(which stars Kenshin). I just feel connected to the character he is extremely guilt ridden and just seeks atonement. Like myself not to mention he tries to live a peaceful life of non violence in a very violent world. He also fights to protect which I admire greatly. I admire the character and sympathize with him. The DX just sounded cool. -
I thought this was a joke at first.No just no.I mean Gundams are made from fictional material called Gundanium. So even if you build a giant robot it wouldnt even be a Gundam just a giant robot. Your link is also broken.
Checked the thread directory and didn't find a thread on Gits Solid State Society. So Ill just make a thread about it. Gits SSS is the first gits movie thats not a pain to follow. The original and Innocence were great but they were so confusing. The plot in SSS is a lot easier to follow. The events begin two years after Motoko(The Major) has left Section 9. Togusa is now is now in charge and is leading the investigation into a series of crimes setup by the hacker the puppet master. The movie was shown on SciFi but was just recently released on DVD. Now I enjoyed it a lot. The animation was stunning resembling the art style used in 2nd Gig rather than the past movies. There were some also truly brilliant moments such as [spoiler] Togusa faced with the issue of sacrificing himself or his daughter that was literally stunning when he told her to run and held his own gun to his head. Battous reaction when he thought he was dead was also great. I also enjoyed the sniper battle with Saito.[/spoiler] It was a great movie and was like a extended version of a Gits episode rather than a traditional Gits film.
Yes I am bringing the thread back from the dead. Even though it will probably get 0 responses. The Sopranos was one of the greatest shows on television. It was psychologically deep. If you think it is all people getting whacked you are missing the bread and butter of the show. Yes people get killed a lot but thats not what the show is about. The dream sequences were great as well as the dialogue and overall plot of the show. It also had a stiking amount of symbolism and psychology in it. You can't approach it as just another mafia show. The series finale was terrible though. It should have been cut at the episode before.[spoiler] Tony and his crew finally go to war with Phil Leotardos crew. It starts great and was probably the most intense 50 minutes I have ever spent watching a show. Bobby being shot to death in the train store and Silvio being put into a coma. With Tony and and the rest of his men go to a safehouse. Tony is lying in bed with his M16 in his arms looking at the door. It was genius.[/spoiler] I wish the series had ended there instead of the restaurant where[spoiler] Tonys fate is left unknown if he is going to be killed. Some believe it was just to scare you others believe Tony was killed and others believe the viewer was whacked not Tony. I did enjoy one scene where Tony persuades Paulie to take charge of one of his teams Pauly is hesitant because all of the future leaders have been killed horribly but Tony makes Paulie give in. After Tony leaves a stray cat that Paulie believed to be bad luck shows he is doomed the same fate as the others.[/spoiler] Truly a superb series with a really bad ending.
[quote name='Break']I've seen both films - I was't too phased by the gore in either. What disturbed me most was the psychological shock of a) the (fictional) government's plan and b) the children actually [i]doing[/i] it. It really makes me think about what [i]I[/i] would do. It makes me sick lol.[/QUOTE] You have discovered the core of BR. It is actually pretty terrifying especially some of the deaths that occur. When you see close ups of students who have gone completely insane it sends chills down your spine. As for gore in the BR movie it is a lot worse in the manga and the book.
[quote name='Tombstone'] Although, I think about playing Zelda: OoT and Majora's Mask again (as well as Goldeneye and Perfect Dark) I can't because I am missing the cord (chord?) where hook it up to the tv as well as the center piece where the expansion pack goes. (And I'm not certain if these stores are selling these missing links.)[/QUOTE] You can use the cords from your GC(assuming you have one) for the N64 and it will run the same. All you need is the expansion pack even of it doesnt have it's cover as long as it's fully inserted in the system. You can play OoT and Goldeneye without the expansion pack though. [QUOTE]I would also like to go back and play Shenmue. (I can play this game all day, everyday) But my Dreamcast (actually my brothers' dreamcast) don't work anymore, and Shenmue (disc 1) is all scratched up. It's too bad too because it helps ease my mind. (don't ask.).[/QUOTE] You can probably play it all day due to the fact it is the greatest game ever created. You can order a DC and Shenmue for reasonably cheap off ebay I did it recently. I always go back to play Shenmue and Shenmue II there has never been another game like them. They were games truly ahead of their time. The graphics still hold up well even by todays standards. Those are really the only old games I ever go back to.
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]I love dreaming because it gives you excellent ideas. I keep a pen and notepad next to my bed and if I had a really awesome dream I would write it down. Some of my most brilliant work comes from dream experiences.[/COLOR]
Request Metal Gear Solid Avatar Request(Banner Optional)
Kenshin DX replied to Kenshin DX's topic in Creative Works
Oh dear God someone actually did it? I was just about to try and delete the thread. Thank you so much Delta. I really love it. The color scheme is perfect and you used the text I requested. Thanks again. -
[quote name='Konata']Does it beat Berserk when it comes to gore?[/QUOTE] Due to the fact that the art style isn't drawn like traditonal manga and emphazies on realism yes the gore is a lot worse. It's one thing to see a poorly drawn cartoon lose it's head it's another to see an actual person lose their head. Just the shear amount of detail when eyes pop out of the skull and brain drippings. Very gruesome.
Remeber people Internet = Extremely Serious Buisness ;) Sad news it doesnt matter how many were killed thats like comparing lives to ants. Each person is someone important to someone whether it be 9 or 50,000. So it wasn't a huge amount but it still doesnt make it any easier on the families.