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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think PWNED means that Twin Snakes is a remade of the PS1 one game, so technically it's not Nintendo exclusive.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I thoguht an exclusive meant it was only for that console. Even thoguh Twin Snakes was a remake I count it as a completly new game. That only laucnhed on the GC. So we could go into this whole debate what makes games exclusives but that would throw this thread off topic. Is Zero suit samus a completly new chacter or a transformatiion like Zelda/Sheik?
  2. [quote name='PWNED']What I mean is that Metal Gear Solid has not had a Nintendo exclusive for quite a while (PS2 got both Twin Snakes and Substance) and he isn't a Nintendo owned character. That is why I was suprised by his inclusion.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Um no... Twin Snakes was a GC exclusive it did not appear on the PS2 and its not that old of a game. The reasons hes in is that Kojima requested it. And seeing how hes good friend with the creators they gave Snake a spot. [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=PWNED] I for one was amazed at the level of detail on some characters and was actually suprised that they included Snake who has never had a Nintendo exclusive game (Maybe the original Metal Gear series{Not entirely sure of their console} and the 2D game on Game Boy Color but that one sucked) [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Snake stared in Twin Snakes for the GC.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Does anyone else think that since Link is going with the look in his upcoming gane, DO you think that Young Link might actually get the 'Cel-da' look?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I was actually thinking of that. It would be pretty cool to have cel shaded link included.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkGreen]^^^^Same here clones never bothred me. But if it comes down to having a completly new chacter or a clone like one. I rather have a brand new chacter to add some diversty to the game. I would rather they keep all the chacters from Melee and add them to Brawl althoguh it seems unlikely that they will bring back everyone[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred]Yeah, I know there are no clones in SSB, as I said in my previous post. My argument stands because basically I'm from a different target audience from say, you or Erika. I don't play SSB competitively, and I know for sure that if I ever did play any of you, I'd get whipped. I pretty much play the game because I enjoy the atmosphere it produces -- you know, multiplayer with mates, the chance to see loads of Nintendo characters at it all at once, the cool stages, and the mini games. So, from my perspective I get fed up seeing Marth and Roy, Link and Young Link, or Piikachu and Pichu, because I'd prefer a much more varied set-up of characters, where as those who play the game competitively would welcome characters like Captain Falcon and Ganondorf, because of the technical differences. I don't really care if they're crap or not.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]No worries you have to be really hardcore to notce these things. Yes the chacters are still to simialr for my likieng as well. Althoguh YL IMO is much better than Link as is Roy better than Marth. I wouldnt mind seeing some of the way to simialir chacters(Dr Mario,Pichu) removed in place of better ones. Its a little unrealitsic to expect them to bring over all the chacters back in. So I except Dr Mario,Pichu,Young Link, to be removed from the final cut. To be replaced with chacters like Snake, Pit, and Medaknight. Which I have no problems with seeing as I would like totaly new chacters in place ofthe similair chacters[/COLOR].
  6. [quote name='GUNmanZERO7']Sephiroth was easy for me and so was Org XIII. When they play the Sephiroth song what do they say? The only thing I can Make out is "Sephiroth".[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sephiroth was a wimp in KH2. After hours upon hours of trying to beat hin in KH 1 Sephritoh in KH2 was too easy. His only move that will complelty #### you over is his heartless angel. If you stay close you can easily dominate him. I was very dissapointed with this fight it was fun and all but I spet a year and a half trying to beat him in KH 1. I beat him on this one on the second try [/COLOR] :animesigh .
  7. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I usually buy the artboxs for series that hold the rest of the series. I love the way it looks on your shelf. Especially the FMA boxes are awesome looking.[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred]That's one thing I've always found annoying with SSB. But, for me, it's not so much the fact that they're crappy characters, it's just that I find it pretty boring how the game boasts having plenty of unlockable characters, when some of them are pretty much the same, with a few differences, such as Ganondorf and Captain Falcon. I hated it in SSBM when a "new" character would come along and challenge me out of nowhere, and it turned out to be someone like Marth, Pichu, or Doctor Mario, when I already had Roy, Pikachu, and Mario. I'd like to really be wowed by the new characters in SSBB, like the way GameandWatch did it for me.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Heres the truth. Their really are no exact clones of chacters in SSB they are chacters with similar movesets but totally diffrent stats. For instance Pichu is much faster than pikachu and has a stronger B^ move. Jigglypuff is certainly not a bad chacter its just people never took the time to use her since shes well.....jigglypuff. She and kirby are the only ones with superior extended jumps.Making her not complelty useless. Also Marth and Roy are nothing alike Roy is alot more power oriented than Marth. Despite this being said I wouldnt mind Pichu or Dr Mario taken out they arent exact clones but I rather have complelty diffrent chacters like Pit and MedaKnight take their place.I also want Ganondorf with a sword.It was a little strange using him without one[/COLOR].
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Saiyuki double barrel collection offer 8-10 episodes a piece. Also Scryed has been lowered to 3 DVDs with yet again 8-10 episodes. As far as extras im not sure but if you havent seen these anime you can get alot for your money.[/COLOR]
  10. Ive only seen the first couple of episodes. But its a solid series great animation I especially liked the opening of the anime where[spoiler] the main chacter butchers the entrie village[/spoiler]. My only problemis the pace can be a little slow at times. This series kind of reminds me of Elfen Lied in terms of animation and violence.
  11. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Did you by any chance accidently remove the memory card while saving or copying data? Games always warn you about it. If you did it damages the MC and the system so thats probaly what happened. If the new MC dosent work get a new PS2 theya re about $130 nothing outrageous.[/COLOR]
  12. You think 4 episodes are bad? Try Gantz which had 2 a piece and then was upped to 3 and cost double. That was a rip off. The trick is to wait awhile look at the original Saiyuki it spaned 12 DVDs. But is now 6 and has 8-10 episodes per volume. Scryed was also reduced to 3 DVDs with 8-10 episodes as well. Great animes like Bebop and Texhnolyze are 6 volumes and span the whole series. Which is quite reasonable. Then theres FMA which spans 13 volumes. Thats alot of DVDs and money. If they added more episodes to a volume you would save a ton of money. The trick is to wait it out. Then the good deals pop in.
  13. [strike][SIZE=1]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41137&highlight=anime+sequel[/SIZE][/strike] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I merged the two threads together. -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][COLOR=DarkGreen]Found the original thread in case mods decide to lock this[/COLOR] After finishing Outlaw Star it could definetly use a sequel its left very open ended and im sure they could come up with some fresh good material for new episodes.[/COLOR] Edit:Ok r2 just didnt want to spam up the board with duplicate theards
  14. [quote name='Diablo']^ I am well aware of Scar's intention about that incident. With that being said, I still don't have to like it. ^^[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I never said you should have nor did I try to convince you[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Speaking of all that and such. Just to clear things up for anyone else who feel the need to explain things to me. (Please don't take that as me being stubborn or anything.) I understand the concept of Fullmetal Alchemist very well, let alone most of the characters intentions as most if not all are explained in the series. But when I say I don't like seeing animals being killed, slaughtered and whatnot. I mean it, literally. I like animals over people in general. (Sad, but true)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes i prefer animals to people aswell I personally hate people in general. Animals are innocent creatures. Unlike humans. I felt that was one of the best moments in FMA however you could really feel Eds Rage as well as your own. That and [spoiler]Hugehs death had such a storng impact on me[/spoiler] aswell as Roy [spoiler] killing Winrys parents and his reaction [/COLOR] afterwards[/spoiler]
  15. [QUOTE=White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma] Hey, did anyone else notice that in the beginning of the trialer when the graphics of the characters are changing, Kirby doesn't change at [i]all[/i]. I mean, Mario and Link looked great, and you can at least [i]see[/i] a difference in Pikachu... but Kirby just stays the same. Maybe it's just because I was on my laptop. :animesigh . [/FONT] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] No I noticed it to. Then I relizaed what could they possibly do to change kirby. Seeing as he has the most simplistic design. Link and Mario do look great the details are incredible.
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen]No betrayal is when your best friend shoots you 6 times and knocks you out of a 60 storie building glass elevator.Thats betrayal . What your going throguh is somewhat ofbeing betrayed. You trusted these people and now you find out they never really liked you. But you dont need them your strong and independant.They probaly werent your friends to begin with.Dont feel abadoned you really shouldnt.You dont need backstabbers in your life.[/COLOR]
  17. ^^^Dont take stuff so seriously if your going tp post at a MB you need a sense of humor or you will be in fights all the time.Take it from somone with experience [quote name='different ki']Something I forgot to mention, Gren doesn't count because he wasn't actually trying to be/look like a woman. There are men who grow breasts naturally due to hormonal problems, that doesn't make them transsexual.[/quote] Im just going to nit pick for a second. At the end of episode 14 Gren [spoiler] posses as a woman to trick Vicious[/spoiler]. So in that case he was trying to look like a woman. But I understand what you meant
  18. [quote name='Diablo]I skipped that episode last night. I remember the last time I saw that episode. It's the reason why I gave up on the series the 1st time. [spoiler]Messed up part is I wasn't effected when I 1st saw the girl as a chimera. [/spoiler] What pissed me off was when [spoiler]Scar killed her / it.[/spoiler'] I swear I wanted to lauch my tv out the window. I have a serious problem when it comes to animals getting killed / hurt in reality, comics, movies, animes or whatever. (Hell, I even dodge stories about animals on the news) I try to avoid it as much as possible because it's the quickest way to become my natural enemy. (And I would take it out on everyone.)[/quote] Well you have to understand that Scar did it out of mercy rather than cruelty. i felt it was better it ended that way since going on living in that form would be horrible. Scar felt bad and tryed to end her suffering not doing it to make her suffer more. But yes it was sad and upseting and if I was Ed I would have[spoiler] beaten Tucker to death[/spoiler].
  19. [QUOTE=White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma] Really, I cannot wait for the game. And I can't [i]wait[/i] to see how they incorporated the new controller system with the fighting. Oh boy. I'm getting excited again. [CENTER]*runs to watch the trailer*[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] The Wii mote will not be used for Brawl just throwing that out there for anyone who was confused. It wouldnt work out to well to begin with. You will either use a controler skin or a GC controler to play Brawl.
  20. [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]^If there is online capabilities with the Wii which there had better be. I am so ready to ownerz all of you in this game..[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Good then you will be gald to hear there is .You just need a wireless connection.
  21. I would like a Spike banner. If it isnt to much trouble no worries about the avatar I can make them myself. Just a banner I ll provide a couple of links feel free to use whats easiest [url]http://www.walledcity.ca/maw/cowboybebop_01_1024_768.jpg[/url] [url]http://rscc.dip.jp/data/old_junk/graphic/back_ground/bg5.gif[/url] If you cant use the following feel free to use your own. Thank you.
  22. [QUOTE=Dagger] Samurai X OVA series: The Samurai X OVAs serve as a prequel & sequel to the Rurouni Kenshin TV series. While the Kenshin series has many fans, the OVAs are more critically acclaimed and are done in a completely different, much more violent & realistic style. The prequel, Trust & Betrayal, is more independent. The sequel, Reflections, requires more foreknowledge of the characters. There are regular & director's cut versions of each.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I wholeheartdly recomend this series. These are the best anime movies in existence with excellent chacters, storytelling and animation. A must own.Both DC of Trust and Betrayal and Reflections have been packaged in for $35. Well worth the money[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Elfen Lied and Gantz: I'm lumping these together because both are known for their gore and have sold very well. They seem to hold a lot of appeal for casual fans (as much as any non-AS series can hope to, that is).[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I wouldnt lump these two together seeing as they are complelty diffrent animes.And the gore in Elfen Lied is much stronger than Gantz. I prefer Gantz (one of my all time favorite anime) Gantz is retailing at $55 for the first season and Id definetly get that as well. People seem to have a serious beef with the second season which I dont understand b/c I felt it was much better than season 1.[/COLOR] Definetly add these series to your store they are great and cheap.
  23. [quote name='Diablo']Lol. Perhaps that's just fanboyism / girlism. (no offense) I like RK just as much as the next person because I'm a sucker for samurai animes, but there is that brink of overhyped-ness there. It probably didn't meet her expectations. (Like how I was expecting so much out of Naruto, and see it as being overrated) And lets not forget that reply is like 2 years old. (Maybe her views have changed by now.)[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah Im a shamless fanboy[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Anyways, from that volume I've seen, I didn't really like it. Sure it had nice animation to a certain degree. Where they went and got sloppy at was when they would do something like freeze frame or whatever it's called during most of the fights. (As I've said before, I'm a sucker for samurai, action and whatnot but you can't cut fights like that and expect me to not dislike it.) Didn't really get the story especially since I think I was jipped $5. (I could've held onto that for something else)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Thats b/c the anime blows. Animation nice. Concept good.Excecution horrible. I hate the anime the manga however is fantastic dont let the anime discourage you from reading the manga since its one of the best out there.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Dagger]I've read several reviews of SDK, although I'm not particularly interested in seeing it. It sounds quite similar to Rurouni Kenshin (which I personally think is overrated), so I'd be interested in reading a comparison of the two shows. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Rurouni Kenshin overrated!? *falls over and dies* Seriously thoguh did you watch all of the Kyoto arch. That was the highlight of the series. SDK is nothing like RK. Sure they are both samurai anime but the concepts are completley diffrent. SDK is alot more supernatural than Rurouin Kenshin. RK is aganist killing while Kyo kills at the drop of a hat. RK has more of a pasifisc edge (despite several brutal fights) while SDK has a strong focus on violence.RK main theme about respecting life while SDK is more about friendship and the bonds between people. They are complelty diffrent animes.
  25. A classic anime would be Akira. That one anime really had a huge impact on America. When you talk about classics Akira defintely comes to my mind.
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