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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. Gantz could use a sequel. The ending wasnt complelted since the manga takes off where the anime ends. Gantz is one of my favorite animes and should have been alot longer.Another anime i would like to see acontinuation is Getbackers. I know its been done to death but Getbackers should have had a movie with them fighting the [spoiler]Brain Trust[/spoiler]. They pretty much gave up on what could possibly have been the Best Arch in the series and went home. When I think about the fights they could have had aganist the[spoiler] Gods of the Limitless fortress[/spoiler] I want to cry . The whole Return to the Limitless Fortess Arch sucked. The fights were a huge dissapointment especially [spoiler]Ban vs Akabane[[/spoiler]. I guess we will all have to settle for the manga. Also hasnt this theard been done like a 1000 times?
  2. I cant wait for this one. I think they incorprated special attacks into this game like Kirby cooking people alive.And Links Triforce Slash. this game is the reason im picking up the Wii.
  3. I can stop watching anime whenever I feel like it. Addiction is terrible and my life certainly does not revolve around anime.It is a good challange for those addicted but I dont see how anime is harmful. Like quiting smoking is a good addiction to give up. To much anime really isnt that bad for yourself.
  4. I tend to cram anime into my brain all at once or I fear Ill never get back to it and forgot what I was up to. Sitting up late watching Gantz are some of my best memories.I love anime marathons.
  5. There was a theard very similar to this but Illl post anyway seeing how I love the opening to Gantz.Super Shooter is one of the best OP anime themes out there.
  6. [quote name='Diablo']I thought the idea of changing Bruce Wayne from batman was stupid too... But I got over it quickly. You pick up these things when you're an action junky, and don't look too much into things. (It's not worth it anyway)[/quote] Amen to being an action junkie. [QUOTE]As far as your little siggy..... And me being unreasonable.... Later on down the line, you'll come to know that I could careless about being unreasonable.... (It's just my way of not caring).)[/QUOTE] Never asked if you care. Im not trying to reason with you I dont care if you dont buy Outlaw Star or not. I just find the concept and was aiming this at everyone that if you miss a show you can do something about it.Buy it and enjoy it. But seeing how me and you pretty much killed the topic at hand. This is not to be broguht up again.Seeing as our posts will result in lock, ban, or deletion. I have no beef with you Diablo and quite frankly I think your pretty cool. So lets drop the BS.
  7. [QUOTE=Diablo]Nothing's wrong with common sense, I just don't care about it nowdays.... And you do realize I can get better things for $40? Clothes, college material.... etc...(free money is never easy to come across either) But seeing as how I'm turning things off-topic..... Do they have to be animes? Because I do miss Batman Beyond when it was coming on Toonami as well. Probably not as good as JLU or whatnot, but the fighting still held my interest.[/QUOTE] Fine be unreasonable. Take a look at my sig for my opinoin on internet fighting. BB was terrible by the way. Batman should be Batman even in the novels I cant stand it when they change Bruce from batman.Bruce is Batman. Not some dumb kid with a cool jet. But to each his own..... Ill play ball I miss Paranoia Agent they canned it. But I did the smart thing and instead of sitting down and complaing about it I boguht the whole series.
  8. Thats it Diablo I am mailing you $40 to buy OutlawStar. And whats wrong with common sense?
  9. ^^^I am targeting [B]everyone [/B] smart one. If you can get a C.C of an anime for a cheap price buy it. If you miss outlaw star go out and buy it dont complain about it not being on anymore. The price is reasonable. Gungrave retails at $120 great series but not worth the cash.Outlaw Star is affordable and should be boguht.
  10. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]You know that if you look at it that way, thats what this whole thread is about. People complaining over Anime that they could but at a store somewhere, and besides if a whole lot of people miss one anime that means that it probaly was really good for them to miss it. Its not fair to point out a single group when everyone can be accused for doing the act. Besides I really don't care what it was about. I was in fourth grade. I was easily pleased with almost anything at that age.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Run that by me again? No offense but I couldnt understand what you said exactly.
  11. [QUOTE=Tallgeese-]Thanks alot, thats some good info. Now I want to know if Gundam Seed is better then Gundam Wing, because personally out of all the Gundams I've seen Gundam Wing was the best.[/QUOTE] Gundam Wing is the best.My favorite gundam series. Gundam SEED was aimed more at a younger audience. GW was alot more mature.
  12. [quote name='Tallgeese-']Everyone seems to miss Outlaw Star. It was an awesome anime but they showed it like 5 times in a row before stopping it so it's not that bad, plus it's short so you could buy it cheap. On other hand I can't recall them ever showing all of Kenshin.[/quote] Your right they never aired the 3rd season of RK. People stop complaing about Outlaw Star. Whole collection $40 uncut. Just buy it. Youd be surprised about how much CN cut out.
  13. [quote name='Tallgeese-']Rurouni Kenshin's set is $400? Hm, that's kind of expensive I should see how much I can get it for if not I'll just get it. But yea I miss Rurouni Kenshin, I'm pretty positive they never showed the whole thing, also I always wanted to see Case Closed I never got the chance to see it all.[/quote] Well what they did was put RK into 3 seasons and released them for around $100 + each. However they were the wooden boxes which are always more expensive. They now released econmomy box sets of the 3 seasons going for $60-$70 each. So the max it would cost to buy all of them would be $210. I own them alll and saved a ton of money.
  14. Kenshin DX


    [QUOTE=Dagger]So apparently the new system will be officially [url=http://revolution.nintendo.com/][u]called[/u][/url] Wii. Thoughts, anyone? This is going to take a while to get used to... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] My thoguhts worst name for a system ever.I dont even know how to pronouce it.They should have kept it as Revolution.
  15. [quote name='wayofthreversed']One pice is a lot more then 130 episodes, it is still going in japan and I think it is up around 260 or something[/quote] Really more than 130? Thats an insane amount of episodes.
  16. I miss Gungrave on G4 it would air alll summer and i would watch it constantly.to bad they made the boxset so expensive:animesigh .
  17. [QUOTE=Otaku America][COLOR=DarkRed I do hope ADV releases a Gantz complete collection in thinpak form like they have done with Rahxephon & Full Metal Panic.[/COLOR] :sleep:[/QUOTE] Your in luck the first 13 episodes were released on DVD in thinpack for only $50-$60. I picked up the series and loved it. Its an all out gore fest. Not for the squemish. And once you reach DVD 7 you will know what strong sexual content means. The series makes all the chacters feel like real people. They all have personality and all feel human. My only problem is that it can be a little slow paced at times. Other than that I would recomend Gantz to anyone with a strong stomach. If you like strong, life like chacters and an engaging plot. Defintley pick it up.
  18. The games are decent having played both. The movement is a little iffy and you can use specials way to much making it really cheap. The graphics are great however and the opening for Bleach 2 with CHANCE is great. My biggest complaint wiith the game however is the lack of chacters. They really could have addedd alot more chacters from the Bleach Universe.
  19. [quote name='GoldScorpion78']I wasn't aware of any transsexual characters in COwboy Bebop. Name please? (Your avatar changed)[/quote] Gren from Jupiter Jazz part one and two was a [spoiler] transexual after being experimented on due to Viscious setting him up.[/spoiler]
  20. Good game. Im a big fan of the Tales series. Im playingTales of Legendia for the Ps2.And its great so far. I love the anime style cut scenes.
  21. Pick your favorite anime chacter. Or the easiet one to cosplay as.
  22. [QUOTE=Up4anime][COLOR=DarkRed] Samurai champloo(I was sad for 2 daysin which i wouldnt eat)[/QUOTE] What was so sad in Champloo? I think if that show made you cry it really didnt mean to.
  23. Didnt sam goody go out of buisness? My local one did and I got all of Gantz and Gilgamesh for $8 a pop.
  24. [QUOTE=Diablo]Whoops..... forgot there were two of them. Yes, I am talking about Overdose. (I like it because it was basically a game I could blow off some steam over.) I haven't played the original. Knowing me though, I'd probably like the original as well. I'm assuming it's just pointless shooting like OD?[/QUOTE] OD wasnt that bad your right it did help blow off some steam. The original you can beat in under an hour wiithout dying once. The game has a nice ending thoguh which diffrers from the anime. I fyou can find it under $10 get it. Anything higher is outrageous. About the X-play I dont think they are predujice aganist Anime games. They did give Budokai 3 a 4 out of 5.
  25. [quote name='Diablo']other . Although I thought Gungrave was rather decent for it's short length. (It calmed me down) Maybe they do go a little far when bashing it, but "shrugs" that's like the way life is. You're not going to find many places where there isn't any bashing of other people's favorites going on.[/quote] I hope your talking about Gungrave OD and not the original. The original was garbage. OD is pretty bad but at least its not 6 levels and is valued price.
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