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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [quote name='Ænigma']Dont even bother playing MGS2:SOL it was by far the suckiest Metal gear Solid game.[/quote] Allright I know where most of the hate comes from and that is from Raiden.[spoiler] Not being Snake completely turned everyone off. Snake was the pinnacle of coolness and then they give you pretty boy Raiden. Whats even worse its they lead you to belive your Snake and after the 2nd hour screw you over[/spoiler].I also hated the story it was so confusing.MGS2 did however have amazing grphics and some good stealth mechanics. And the FPS mode saved lives. Snake Eater more than made me happy it was way better than MGS2. Still MGS2 was not a bad game since it introduced most of the mechanics found in the latter instalments. So MGS2 was very important.
  2. [quote name='Dagger]If you're interested in Get Backers, [i]don't buy anything past the fifth disc[/i']. The first half of the show has some amusing stand-alone episodes along with a fantastic longer arc (the Limitless Fortress saga). The second half has promising moments, but on the whole, it just kind of dies. Plus, if you leave off after volume 5, you'll save money and you'll stop at what's really a more satisfying point than Get Backers' actual ending. ~Dagger~[/quote] LolI was just about to say that Dagger. Episodes 15-25 great. Then the series hits rock bottom. It is like the manga except so watered down it can make you sick. If you are expecitng the manga quality in the anime. You will be dissapointed.God DVDs 6-10 were such a waste of cah :animecry: . Witch hunter Robin is suppose to be great and I enjoyed Madlax so I dont think you can go wrong with either serieis.
  3. [quote name='Charles']I hated the online play in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. Don't even bother with it. People either exploit the system or use cheats to the point where it's not even fun. Additionally, the Metal Gear Solid gameplay feels awkward in all but one mode. The total package is more than worth it but I wouldn't rush out and buy a network adaptor for it.[/quote] Your right about the hacking/modding its really gotten annoying. The game hasnt even been out that long and already people are cheating. I wouldnt buy a network adapter for it either I assume he had the built in one. so it wouldnt really cost him anything. Anyway if you can find a fair game it can be alot of fun. I prefer Socom 2 thoguh.
  4. 1.You can find MGS2 SOL at gamestop for like $8. Substance will cost you a lttle extra. 2.As for MGS3 think classic MG gameplay but instead of fighting CPU you fight actual people. Its a lot of fun,especially b/c of the insane amount of modes.It controls and feels like the campaingn mode.
  5. Im think its anime.It was also made in Japan so i dont think it falls under cartoon Then again it pretty much depends on how you define anime.
  6. So your question is how do you tell your friends your gay right? If thats the case then just tell them. If they dont approve or shun you for being diffrent than they are not your friends to begin with. Friends are their to offer support and accept you. if they cant accept you then you dont need them. Just be proud of who you are.
  7. [quote name='BKstyles']Not to mention i love Asuka. She got a bitchy attitude, but i got a weakness for fiery redheads. :animeswea[/quote] Asuka is a complete $%^. But at the end of the series you will feel extrmely bad for her. The sorrow she undergos is intense. Thats why I hated the TV ending b/c [spoiler] she recovers from her depression in Eoe. But in the TV ending she lays naked in a bath tub?[/spoiler] Thats one reason i prefer Eoe over the original ending. I also think one of the animes strongest themes is lonliness. All the chacters are extrmely lonely and you can feel it as the show progresses.
  8. [quote name='Hanabishi Recca']Tell me a scripture that says cheating is bad.[/quote] Well cheating on a test would fall under "Thou shall not steal" Assuming you follow the 10 commandments.
  9. ^^^ I really like yours an 8/10.I have no idea who the little guy is supposed to be. I love your usernname on your banner.
  10. [QUOTE=Ayokano]I've been playing it here and there the last two weeks. I'm at the end, but want to hold that off so I can get extra stuff, like Ulitma weapon. ?[/QUOTE] Good luck that thing is a pain in the #$% to get. I havent gotten it yet but im sure Chef has it. I must have ran to every world to find the pieces and now I still need a thunder gem.It was so easy to get in KH1 at least they made that harder.
  11. [quote name='Gravy Train']Was Gundam Wing the last series that they made? And does anyone know if they are planning on making more?[/quote] Isnt Gundam SEED the lateset Gundam series? Id love to see a follow up to Gundam Wing because Endless Waltz was a disgrace. Its not possible we will see a sequel because [spoiler] everyone destroyed their Gundams in Endless Waltz.[/spoiler] Its a shame since Gundam Wing was my favorite Gundam series. My favorites would be Wing Zero Custom- because I love the angel wings on it. Sandrock Custom -again because of its awesome weaponry and the sound it makes when it draws its weapons. Heavy Arms Custom- This Gundam is just sick the guns it has are incredible.
  12. One of my favorite moments would be in Jade Empire. When [spoiler] you invade the cave of the mother of the cannibals. You and your companions run from the collasping cave.[/spoiler] I just love how funny that scene is.
  13. Perfect Blue .Why? Because that is the most horrificly scary thing Ive ever seen. I had to sleep with the lights on for a month after watching that movie. :animedepr .
  14. You mean like cheating on a test? Or cheating on your lover?I think you mean the latter. No I havent ever cheated on someone being disloyal IMO is disgusting. You destroy the persons , love,faith and trust in you and themselves. It reallyhurts the other person deeply. Its a very .selfish thing you can do.
  15. This game is bascialy Dynasty Warriors and Panzer Dragoon execpt no where near as good as either of them. These games bored me to tears you fight the same enemies over and over. You basicaly mash square the entire game. I do however like the stroryline in the original. And it had some vey intresting chacters. But even those dont save this game from being flat out boring to play.
  16. I really dont have high hopes for this game. I love the anime but anime based games generally dont turn out well.
  17. [quote name='The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1]Sorry, but the bossness will never end.[/color'][/size][/quote] No problem bro no ones denying your bossness.
  18. My parents are 10 years apart. That means when my dad turned 20 my mom was 10. If they fell in love then it woud be completely wrong. My mom married at 30 so my dad was 40 that is completly acceptable. If your to young than age does mattes but when you get older age diffrence isnt as serious.
  19. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] Here are things I ponder: [B]1. How can it be possible that we as a planet and world, are just a product of chance? 2. Why must people in general take their beliefs and doctrines so seriously, if doing so will only lead to that person's anger towards others of a different belief or doctrine. Why believe in something that will ultimatley make you unhappy? 3. Judaism, Christianity, Islam ----> Same God? 4. What is the point of hating another individual or group whom has done nothing against you personally? (i.e. homophobia, xenophobia) 5. Why am I such a Boss?[/B] That is about it for now.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] 1. Its hard to belive but some people who do. It could very well be chance it just seems unlikely. 2.I dont know either. 3. Is it really the same God I have to look into it. All religions do have some form of a God thoguh. 4.There isnt. People are just idiots. 5. No offense bro but could you give that Boss thing a rest?
  20. [quote name='Dagger]You can buy the DVD [url=http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=ANSB-2005][u]here[/u][/url'], but you need an R2 or region-free player, and it's not subtitled. Although subs aren't really necessary to enjoy them. ~Dagger~[/quote] Thank you so much Dagger. Im really looking foward to the all action OVA.
  21. Mix Breed I like the banner colors you used I just dont know the anime you chose. Im not crazy about the avatar thoguh. Evenn thoguh its a powerful scene in Naruto. 8/10 for the great banner
  22. [quote name='animeloyalist91']Well I went to Fyes and I saw that they had Gantz for 15.00 and I think that is pretty good but I did not see alot of anime that was the only one they had. :animecry: But as in OST I saw alot[/quote] Thats because GANTZ has two episodes per volume.Anything more than $15 would be outrageous.
  23. [quote name='hey_love]:animestun [size=1']Where did you manage to find the OVAs?[/quote] Yes what she said. Did people download them ?Or is there a DVD I can buy?
  24. ^^^That was a great post . I like how you anazlyzed each episode very well. But I thoguht we were on the topic of impact not substance.
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