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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [quote name='kagomefruitcup][COLOR=RoyalBlue']I think you mean "escape from the city" that song is awsome. I love crush 40. Like all the songs from sonic heroes.[/COLOR][/quote] No live and learn is the theme of SA2. It plays during the final boss fight he was correct.Escape from the city is the theme to the first level. My song would be the 4th opening to FMA. I love the way it gets your blood pumping.
  2. [quote name='ANBU kunoichi']I can feel the hate mail coming already but... Gundam, Neon Genasis Evangelion, and just about any other mech anime. I tried Gundam SEED*[/quote] Allright NGE wasnt reallly about the mechs to begin with. I dont even consider it a Mecha series. Just a series with light mech elements. Since NGE is about chacter devlopement, the flaws in human beings, and heavy religoin elements. Gundam SEED was decent. But its not a good gundam franchise to start with. Gundam Wing rocked. My favorite Gundam series. It was alot more mature than the childish Gundam SEED.
  3. [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] 4. I should slap you for making such a pathetically lame post. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] That was going easy on someone? I dont want to see you when your being hard on someone :animeswea .
  4. Yeah its pretty obivious info but go easy on the poor kid.
  5. I fall alot. Its a problem in my inner ear I cant balance correctly. If I wear my backpack with both straps on I fall over. So im prone to falling.
  6. [quote name='hentai#1']When I first watched Evangelion the ending completly blew me by :animeswea . Though I understand more of it now since watching it again, but some things are still confusing. :animestun[/quote] I agree that anime ending was insanely hard to follow. I prefer EoE as the ending than the TV ending. The TV ending was good but it just didnt rap the series up or provide any closure.
  7. People think this show is cruel. Its a cartoon however so I see nothing wrong with them being brutally killed. I think its quite funny but requires a strong stomach since some of the deaths are absolutley disgusting.
  8. Oh God its going to be live action. This could be an awesome animated film. As much as I love the games I have little faith in video game based movies.I really hope it dosent turn out like the Mortal Kombat Movies.
  9. I guess my sig shows I love Kenshin. Im also here ALL the time.
  10. I think both the anime and the games suffer from the same thing and that would be they both do the same stuff over and over. Ash and friends meet new pokemon and people, team rocket shows up, they defeat them and Ash walks into the sunset. Its the same with the games it basicly has you do the same thing in every game. Oh whats this you say you added five new pokemon? Now I have to start all over again just to get them? Ill pass. Im not going to deny that I loved my pokemon blue version but then it was fresh and unique. Then by Giold things got old really fast. If pokemon needs a change they may be able to pull it off on the DS or revolution. Not games like the crappy pokemon dash. But something innovative and new.
  11. [quote name='The_Mix_Breed'] And the Yugioh GX series just seemed a little silly.[/quote] A little? Have you ever sat throguh an episode of that show? I rember an episode where the opponets they dueld constanly made their dialogue rhyme. The dialogue in general is horrible.
  12. If I could stay home from school and be alone in my own house then that would be my perfect day.
  13. I hate school.You trying doing freshman year 3 times!! It is not fun. I am so sick of school I could throw up. The sooner it ends the better. I suppose if you have friends it makes school bearable. But being a loner makes the days extremely long, and the weeks seem like years.
  14. I really enjoyed the ending of the Warriors. It felt just like the movie. I loved [spoiler] throwing the knife into the guys hand[/spoiler] his reaction was priceless. Then the remaing Warriors [spoiler] slowly walking along the beach back home[/spoiler]. Truly a great scene and memorable moment.
  15. Thanks so much KW I love you so much. It looks great Im glad you used the pictue I gave you. Thanks again.
  16. Yeah its a decent game but if you want a great samurai game Id play Onimusha. I do enjoy the QTE but thats really the only highlight of the game. Its not bad its just nothing special.
  17. It would help to know what age you and he are. For instance if your 13 and hes 17 thats a huge difference. If your lets say 28 and hes 32 thats allright since when your younger a couple years is a huge differnce in maturity.
  18. [quote name='Dagger']But he's 19! :animesmil [/quote] Yes but he has the voice of a 8 year old in need of Riddilin. So I see where people get confused. [QUOTE] And despite watching significant portions of both Trigun and Rurouni Kenshin (in Trigun's case I saw practically every episode, albeit not in perfect order), I wouldn't really count myself a fan of either show. I'd mention Kannazuki no Miko as well, but I seem to bring it up in almost every thread of this nature, so... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Rurouni Kenshin is a great series once you get to the Kyoyo arch. First season is ok but its bascillay Kenshin beating everyone in one hit. Season 2 outstanding it creatred the RK fanbase. Season 3 horrid he just fights these European guys :animesigh . Trigun was bleh... It had its moments mainly the [spoiler] fight between Vash and Knives[/spoiler].
  19. This theard has been done to death but Ill humor you. Inuyasha is a show I couldnt get into. I found it way to long, way to repetive and just plain not intresting. I mean just kill Naraku already. Did they ever kill that SOB? I couldnt get into FMA for awhile but the whole Greed arch is what hooked me.
  20. The only one I can think of is FAKE. I peronsaly dont have a problem with gay manga or anime but Ive yet to find one that intrestss me.
  21. If it would be allright can someone make me either a Rurouni Kenshin or Samurai X set. Prefably of Kenshin heres one pic if it helps.Dont have to use it.And if at all posible can it say Samurai Mix once again it isnt nessecriary. [url]http://www.tekuteku.org/wallpaper/wall_kenshin01-1152.jpg[/url] Thanks in advance.
  22. [quote name='Charles']The game isn't short. If anything, it's been slightly criticized for being too long. Based on what I've read, it's approximately 40-50 hours long. Complaining about the game's length doesn't make much sense when you haven't finished it yet.\:[/quote] Lol yeah its a pretty long game its just that people seem to think that the game will last forever since theyve waited so long. I logged on at about 45 hours and thats with doing just about everything. Thats more than enoguh time on a game to keep me happy.
  23. Im like Sting even if I wantd to play Im missing alot of crap for the system. So playing isnt an option. Id still like to play Mario 64 the original instead of the horriblely contolled DS version.
  24. [quote name='ceath']i believe that if you have to give it time to make an impact than it obviously wasn't that good, i must admit that i now like Champloo more than in the beginning because of those episodes. but Bebop had an instant impact on me, as well as the fact that watanabe started off creating Champloo as a fun project of 13 episodes that wasn't really meant to have the substance of Bebop and only after interference did it develop into what it is now..[/quote] Id have to disagree. IMO I find that hard to belive that Bebop had an instant impact due to the fact the first 4 episodes of Bebop were nothing special. When I first saw the first 4 episodes I thoguht wow this anime is pretty cool with the good dialogue,action , and intresting chacters(all of which champloo had). But wasnt deep. Then you hit episode 5 and things turn from good to outstanding. Ballad of Fallen Angels is what hooked most pepoleto Bebop. Then like Champloo things go back to being slow and then pick up again (with some good episodes in between) and then you get the next great multiparter for Bebop and Champloo. The final epsiodes are what left people with the biggest impact of all. The final episodes of both series were frickin outstanding. Alkthoguh Bebop had the better ending. It dosent have to start with an immediate impact to be good but just as long as it makes its impact.
  25. [quote name='TheRebel_Nikolas]I'm not so much [i]confused[/i] as I am [i]wondering[/i]. Did [spoiler]Spike really die[/spoiler'] at the end of Cowboy Bebop? Or is it there to leave everyone wondering?[/quote] Simple answer ,Yes Spike [spoiler] did die[/spoiler]. However people have this whole conspiracy that Spike[spoiler] is alive[/spoiler]. Which would totally destroy the point the anime was trying to make. So definetly yes but you will run into a few crackpots that will argue no. Blue Gender totally confused me at the end by only telling the main charcter what was going on and not the viewer.
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