Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
Anime What anime do you wish you never saw in the first place?
Kenshin DX replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=silver_blade]Anime I Should Not have Watched 1.Kikaider--They switched the plot around and gave it a bad ending. 3.Reign: The Conqueror--Freaky bloated midgets and grown men in codpieces with no pants. Enough said. :animestun[/QUOTE] Now the following I completely agree with. 1) Why did they feel the need to ruin this series? It ended on a good note. Then they come back with the last 4 and destroy it. 3)There were so many things wrong with this show I diont even know where to begin. Animation terrible. Story past the point of confusoin. And like you said grown men in cod pieces. -
^^Ok that helps alot. Now have you come up with any good fight scense? Or are you going to have this rely on storytelling? Its important two combine them both well. Chacter devlopment is also crucial to a good story make sure to have the chacters change over the course of the story.
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Kenshin DX replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Up4anime']When i first saw the preview of this anime i was like no way am i watching this.But i got the first episode and i really like it.I personally like mugen better then Jin.[/quote] Same here. Mugen is the chacter every guy wants to be hes toguh, can fight, gets the women, dosent think to much, dosent take crap from anyone, and break dance fights(who dosent want that?). What I liiked most about Mugen is that his past while the least intresting out of the 3 was so well done it took my breath away. With [spoiler] Mugen floating to the bottom of the sea after the explosion. It recapping his whole life so well. All the hardships he endured on the island. And how it molded his chacter into who he is[/spoiler]. I was dissapointed with Fu and Jins pasts thoguh. It builds up alot of suspense but didnt deliver. With the battle between [spoiler] Jin and his master was to fast and wasnt as devloped as I would have liked it to be.[/spoiler] At the end of Fuus I lost intrest completley. My point is the flash back was so well done it stunned me. -
So the "touched pepole" can fight aganist the main charcters? What types of wepons/powers do the chacters possess?
So is this going to be an action series? Or is it going to just be a gruesome killing story?
And the purpose of these holographic discs would be?
[QUOTE=Starwind]But by far, the show I most miss on Toonami has to be, no surprise, Outlaw Star. I don't care if they finished it, I still want to see it again. It was a good show and they can run it again. It's been too long since that last time I saw that particular series. .[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]Bro buy the boxset its like $40 now since its been done by anime legends. Outlaw Star was so hacked up it made me sick. They cut out an entire episode. Toonami really went to alot of trouble trying to get that show on the air. We do owe Toonmai however for introducing pepole to these animes. Althoguh they keep pulling the good shows which is a huge pain.[/COLOR]
Anime Think Anime Are Starting to Get More Complicated?
Kenshin DX replied to animeloyalist91's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Red]][quote name='ceath']i've seen Champloo and liked it but as far as i'm concerned it still lacks the same substance as Bebop, .[/quote] Champloo certainly does not lack substsance. You just have to give it time. For instance episode 14 Misguided Miscreants part2 would have to have had the best flashback sequence Ive ever seen in an anime. The Elegy of Entrapment 2 parter(the ones with Sara) were excelllent. , and the final 3 episodes were brillant. I think this show is just as good as bebop. You just have to give this sereis time before it gets good.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Charles]I like how you completely ignore my posts that are a lot more harsh. The gameplay was lame, kid. Play other [better] games (i.e., Oblivion, Dragon Quest VIII, Nocturne, etc). You'll be enlightened. The fact that you called the gameplay "unique" speaks volumes. From what I remember, the player was limited to heavy backtracking in extremely small, segmented worlds, collecting, sloppy platforming (due in part to a weak camera), and a combat system influenced by the 3D Zelda games. The fact that Kingdom Hearts was received as well as it was had nothing to do with unique, solid gameplay. Nope. It was released in 2002 when next generation gaming was fairly new. The high production values and use of top licenses gave the game a "gee-whiz" factor that allowed people to overlook or forgive the drawbacks in the gameplay. Now, in 2006, standards are a lot higher, which explains why the lingering flaws are more pronounced. Granted, most agree that Kingdom Hearts 2 is marketdly better than its predecessor, but in comparison to top-tier games it's nothing special.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]Well I was planniing on commenting on your posts but James posted the most recent so I chose his. I happen to own Oblivion , Nocutrne, and DQVIII. They are all great games. But they are nothing like KH. I just found the battle system like nothing I ever played. I love the combat system. Im not going to excuse the backtracking or platforming they were God awful. The camera is fine once you get used to it. But for some fights it can be a real pain. I think KH is a top-tier game. the storyline is well done(with the exception of some really bad dialogue bits).It also has great music. Its just that no game out there like KH.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium] I understand the popularity of the original Kingdom Hearts, but even fans of the game would have to admit (at least in comparison to other titles) that the gameplay was mediocre. Yes, the cinemantics were nice and yes, the visuals and the tie-ins were well done. But the raw gameplay was certainly nothing incredible; it was a mixture of light RPG elements and semi-awkward platforming. That's really what it boils down to. anything.[/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]Medicore? Arent you being a little harsh?I thoguht the gameplay was very well done. I had alot of fun with the gameplay. It was unique and origianl. You just got to give it time. Once you unlock the colisieum then things get alot cooler. Some of the boss fights are amazing. Yes the platforming did suck but the RPG elements were mixed in well with the combat. Yes I agree the gameplay was not revolutinary but it was fresh and unique.I will say that the gameplay is not on par with the story but its pretty damn good. KH 2 is also an increbile game with dual wieldeing , and fusions added. My only complaint is the game is to easy. I havent gotten that far about 4 hours in. But im already loving the gameplay and the story.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Ohh now I get it you only want every one to play demo disks for every game that their intreseted in. But wouldn't it be alot more convenient to go and look at a review? I mean if it is a reliable source then its prolly gonna be a good thing overall. Also what parts would I be missing? I think the beggining three levels in any game sums that game up prty well. Unless they drastically change the way the game is played halfway through.[/quote] [COLOR=Red]Tell me which one it the reiable source IGN 7.6,Gamespot 8.7,GameInformer 9.5, 1up 90%. All the opinions are diffrent. Like so everyone is going to have a diffrent opinion. Just cause 1up says its good does that mean yourgoing to like it.No. If you didnt make it to Hollow Bastoon you never experinced KH.[/COLOR]
^^^[COLOR=Red]There are demo discs and rental places out there.Im not suggesting everyone buy every single game out there.About the playing for an hour I was figuratively speaking. You pretty much got nowhere and didnt even get to the parts that make pepole love KH as much as they do.[/COLOR].
[quote name='Avenged666fold']So if that is the case then no review should exist. They DO get as many people as they can to review that game. That is how most review sites work. Also what would you give KH2? Also I played for around 10 hours and I think that is more than enough A. I started several characters at once. B. I explored thouroughly C. You cannot get to the third level in one hour.[/quote] [COLOR=Red]No thats not what im saying. What im saying is that pepole should not base their opinion and dission on a review if you havent played it yourself. It sickens me that most pepole are brain washed by reviews. Thats the point im trying to get across. Stop getting so defensive. Im not insulting you.[/COLOR].
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Ok look First of all I do know what im talking about. I have played enough to know that he game is goo(7.6=good) but the gameplay needed some work. And Acid getting a 6.5 is veeeeeery generous beacause it dissapointed me greatly. Also Jade Empire=awesome game not 9.9 maybe 9.7. Also good=crap WTF? Soo an equal eye means everyone thinks its great (8+) perfect?(9+). Also for your info I have already oredered my copy and I have been planning too for a while. Even if the game is aweful I will still love it for the music(only j pop I like ina game). So why don't you try and chill with the attemted flaming?[/quote] [COLOR=Red]No ones flaming anyone. If you were offened by my post then I aplogize. But you should play a game longer than an hour before making up your mind about it. My only wish is for games to be reviewd by more than 1 person from each site. It seems one person makes up their mind and everyone feels the same.Be it magazine or site. The whole review system disgusts me. Who do you trust if everyone is giving it a different grade? The only way is to play the game first aqnd decied for yourself.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Hmm abot that whole ign thing only a crazed fanboy would do something stupid like that. If they gave it a bad review they gave it a bad reviw why do you care huh? Does this affect you in any way? Also 7.6 is fair if they kept the gameplay the same since before it was bleh.[/quote] [COLOR=Red]Alright from reading your past posts you havent even beaten the first game. You didnt even beat the thrid level. So stop trying to know what your talking about. I care because it gives pepole like yourself reasons to go around bashing the game you know nothing about. I feel IGN gives bad reviews like MGS ACID a 6.5? It desrved better than that. Jade Empire a 9.9 their highest grade for a decent game. I just cant stand unjust reviews. Your entitled to your opinion but when 1000s of pepole are reading this review they are going to think oh KH2 is crap. I want reviewrs to look at games with an equal eye.[/COLOR]
^^^ Well mangas are usually done black and white and read right to left.
[url]http://www.gamespot.com/pages/gamespace/reviews.php?pid=915410[/url] [COLOR=Red]Gamespot has their review in. Which is pretty good althoguh I would think the game would have been scored higher.I was dissapointed to find out this game is pretty easy. Id think it would be harrder. [url]http://ps2.ign.com/articles/698/698697p1.html[/url] IGN also reviewd it. Do not read unless you want to throw your computer out a window and write angry letters.I think this review was unfair. This is why I HATE IGN. [url]http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3149052&did=1[/url] Finnaly we have 1up.com which scored it the highest. This is a pretty good review. So KH ranged from good to great. I dont care needless to say Ill play the game and see for myself.[/COLOR]
Are you planning to turn this into a manga? Or is it going to stay a comic book?
Your going to have to release a little more info for people to become intrested in it.
Anime Body-Swapping, Crossdressing & Gender-Bending Anime/Manga
Kenshin DX replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Les Beijoux(sp?) might be up yuor ally. Its medievil and is about a guy who is a man by day and a woman by night. Its a pretty intreseting read. -
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Gotcha yea im joking about that deep depression stuff. .[/quote] Hmm I get the feeling you werent joking :p . But whatever I really dont get depressed over an anime being over. It was a gret ride while it lasted but all good things must come to an end. The best thing to do is to find another quality anime to watch and enjoy. After finishing Champloo I really felt more satsified with the series than depressed.
Yeah I was right most stores will be reciving it on the 30th. I must have called 5 diffrent stores. Well its just one more day.
Anime Where is the best place to buy anime?
Kenshin DX replied to animeloyalist91's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Domon']Personally I would shop at Best Buy or Hastings. They're also just the only stores around that sell anime cheaply. I mean $19.99 probably isn't all that great but still its cheaper than what freaking FYE is wanting...[/quote] I hear you bro FYE is a serious ripoff. $30 a pop is insane. The trick is to find a store that specializes in anime. They are usually the cheapest. -
Anime The List of New Anime in the Spring 2006
Kenshin DX replied to EevilJ's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Red]Allright I chcked for myself and Gun Sword will be released 5/23/06. Im reallly looking foward to this one.[/COLOR] -
[quote name='Avenged666fold']I just saw thecommercial on G4 tv. Omg is the music really that friggin awesome? II have to buy this and kingdom hearts 1 Omg Omg awesome.[/quote] [COLOR=Red]Yeah I just saw the commercial to. It was well done with good music it also summed up all the worlds you will be traveling to. Now I really want this game.[/COLOR]