Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
Wow tommrow is the big day. Although I dont think it will hit stores until the 30th. The stores sometimes get the games late. I really hope I can grab a copy tommrow.
[quote name='J!nX']pfft I'm glad its for ps2 to be honest since I probrably won't drop the money on a ps3 right away and I loved the first one and would very much love to play the next one asap[/quote] Same here Id rather it on PS2 since I dont plan on getting a PS3 for awhile. I was just surprised it wasnt next gen.
Anime Where is the best place to buy anime?
Kenshin DX replied to animeloyalist91's topic in Otaku Central
Best Buy for sure. It has the best prices on anime. Places like Suncoast and gamestop are overpriced or used :p . Best buy has a pretty good selecion altthoguh I usually shop at anime castle which is a huge retailer. They really have everything. -
Just for PS2 you say? Thats a little odd seeing how PS3 is just around the corner. I wan to see some gameplay footage before I get to excited.
Anime The List of New Anime in the Spring 2006
Kenshin DX replied to EevilJ's topic in Otaku Central
Does anyone have any idea when Gun Sword comes out? I cant find a release in either Japan or America. -
Neon Genesis Evangelion when Shinji was [spoiler] forced to fight his friend Toji. The whole dummy plug kicking in and Unit 01 desroying Tojis Eva. Then Shinji reliazing that he just witnessed his friend being beaten down[/spoiler] sent chills down my spine and really stuck with me.
[quote name='Avenged666fold']WHAT? Peace Maker is funny? I bought it for violence and blood(the advertising said it way super bloody). Oh well. Thank you.[/quote] It has its moments of violence but it is more of a comedy than action. It also takes a while to get to the best action scenes.
I highly recomend Cromartie High School. Its very funny. Tthe animation seems low budget but its about comedy not good looks. Give it a try.
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Kenshin DX replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
^^^Well when the show started out no reallly liked each other at all. In Lullabies of the lost verse they even split up Fu told the archer how she couldnt stand either of them. He told her once you travel with someone they become like brothers. This is a huge turning point in the show and makes Fu relizae they are like a family now. This changes drasticlay over the course of the show. The first real act of commitment and friendship is demonstrated with Sara about to [spoiler] kill Mugen. Fu throws herrslf on his body to protect him[/spoiler]. Now at the end of the series Fu gets [spoiler] captured by the freaky eye people she tells them Mugen s the worst and that he would never come for her yet he does and throws down his sword risking his life for her[/spoiler]. Earlier in the show he would have never have done it. so the relationship changes alot over the course of the show. Still maybe dislike was to strong a word maybe not getting along would be better way to describe it. -
Anime Which series grabbed you from the start?
Kenshin DX replied to Nekova's topic in Otaku Central
Samurai Champloo- The first 4 episodes of this show were absolutely amazing.The excellent action ,chacters,and animation are what hooked me. -
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Kenshin DX replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
Well most episodes served their puporse. For instance the one with[spoiler] the christian group[/spoiler] was awful.But it was a nessecraiy evil because it advanced the plot by giving the main characters background info on the Sunvflower Samurai and where to go next. Some episodes like the [spoiler] baseball and ninja episode[/spoiler] didnt advance the plot but were very funny so I didnt mind. Then theres episodes like the Artistc Anarchy and the [spoiler] zombie[/spoiler] that were terrible and didnt advance the plot. They were compltely pointless and could have eaisly been cut. Some episodes seriously lacked but were important to progress the story. Basically the anime is a journey.So to call them fillers wouldnt be correct. -
^^^Only one episode left Stafal -chan. Next week makes episode 51.
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Kenshin DX replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
I decided to give a second opinion hoping it will help other people. If its to late feel free to delete the post. 1.The series was supreb especially the fight scenes and animation. Some episodes were terrible however but most were nesseciary to advance the plot. 2.I would have liked longer fight scenes and more of them. They were just to brief althoguh the last 3 episodes were more than satsifying. 3.Hands down Bebop. While Champloo had a ok very predictable endiing Bebop was pure brillance. 4.The fight scenes, music, and animation were the highlights. 5.I think given the[spoiler] condition Mugen and Jin were in after the final battle it would have been anyones game[/spoiler]. 6 Mugen was a great chacter as welll as Spike. I think Spike was more devloped than Mugen thoguh. They were both great so its hard to choose and lets not forget Jin who was great and had the more intresting past than Mugen or Fu. 7. I had a feeling no chacters would die. Champloo didnt seem like that kind of anime that was really depressing. However given what Mugen and Jin went throguh im amazed they made it. 8.The theme would be friendship. at first Mugen and Jin[spoiler] are at each others but thorats but at the end they no longer feel the need to kill each other[/spoiler]. Mugen and Fu didnt like each other but Mugen [spoiler]threw down his sword to save her[/spoiler]. Jin seemed cold and distant and onley foguht for himself later on he[spoiler] drew his sword to protect fu[/spoiler].So definetly friendship is the theme. -
Anime Who's your favorite Anime bad guy/Assassin?
Kenshin DX replied to xXxiTaChixXx's topic in Otaku Central
Another great killer would be Dr Jackal from Getbackers. He always smiles even after he bruttaly murders you. -
Last night episode was pretty good they explained the whole [spoiler] door to both worlds and the truth about eqvilent exchange[/spoiler].Which took me by surprise. I was also glad to see Rose show some emotion. My only complaint was [spoiler] fight between Envy and Edl[/spoiler] it was a huge letdown I did however enjoy Envy [spoiler] changing faces to make Ed feel guilty . And the ending was great with Ed [spoiler] getting brtualized by Envy[/spoiler] I really want to see next weeks episode now.
[quote name='silver_blade']I don't have any problem with open-ended series or series with depressing endings.Cowboy Bebop had one of my favorite endings ever,where you could sort of interpret it in more than one way.It was sad but beautiful.Samurai Champloo,however,left me unsatisfied.It seemed like the studio rushed everything.It was open-ended(I'm not going to spoil it),but it felt unrealistic after everything that had happened to Mugen,Jin,and Fuu.Did anyone else see it and feel the same?[/quote] I have to disagree. I mean the journey couldnt go on forever right?Them [spoiler]going their own serperarte ways seemed fine[/spoiler]. What I hated was the fact that they could have given each chacter a place to go. They should have had Jin [spoiler]return to his lover(the prostitute)from the episode Gamblers and Gallantry[/poiler].Mugen could have ran into the [spoiler] ninja lady[/spoiler].And they could have had Fu go see Shinske the thief who[spoiler]died[/spoiler] mother. I would have liked to see those chacters again.
Anime Who's your favorite Anime bad guy/Assassin?
Kenshin DX replied to xXxiTaChixXx's topic in Otaku Central
I think Muriel and Yamamura from NOIR. Are the best most ruthless assasssins. -
^^ Where did you hear that? Im pretty sure the date is still the 28th.
I just boguht the boxset and am up to episode 12. Im very impressed with the visuals its clean, detailed, and just plain gorgeous. I was going into the series expecting to hate Tetsu but I love him. You just have to admire his sprit. My only 2 complaints with the series is its hard to keep track of chacters names :animestun (for me anyway). And it can be a little slow at parts. Everything is building up to a main conflict. The action that is there is great. All in all I really like this series I cant wait to finish it.
I hated the Blue Gender ending. Where no is question answered. And the worst ending of all time would be Getbackers. I ranted about this a million times on other theards so im not going into it. At the end all you can do is say wow.
Yes what Dagger said. The TV ending sucked . Definelty get the 4 OVAs they are the best episodes in the series.
I seriously recomend buying a new one.Like James said the laser is garbage. I constanly had to take mine apart and tweak the laser. Your better of buying the new model which comes with a built in network adapter. Thats what I did im just hoping it stays good until PS3 arrives.
^^^ Uh the spoiler didnt work you have to put the / in the last tag. Im surprised X-play already has the review of all the maganzines and sites ive read none had a review. From what you said it sounds really cool. I like the idea of another playable chacter.
^^Just to save you some stress bro but there are 30 episodes. So you have one more DVD to buy. The final 4 episodes are fantastic. If you already know then im sorry for wasting your time.Im glad your enjoying the series.
^^You should read Getbackers its a perfect blend of action and comedy. It has a great cast of chacters, fantasic dialogue,and supreb artwork. It is defintly worth a read.