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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. ^^ Yeah I was shocked when I heard that Samuel Jackson was in San Andreas. Getting back on topic I like the way the chacters look. I love Soras black outfit. From the look of it this game is gonna be alot darker than KH1.
  2. Anybody have the new Remix DVDs? Are they any good?What are the differences from what I saw its just some commentary and better sound.
  3. [quote name='Bombu][color=darkred']Mina Suvari? Do you mean the same Mina Suvari who was in American Pie and American Beauty?[/color][/quote] Ill take Mina Suvari over Mandy Moore any day of the week.
  4. Wow almost all the posts in this theard are for FF and KH. I love the opening song to Bleach 2 the game. It just gets your blood pumping.The lyrics sound good and has a great beat.
  5. ^^ All right I didnt understand half your post but MGS3 would have to be one of the greatest endings of all time. It was very powerful and very sad.All in all I didnt find it dissapointing at all.
  6. ^^^ Dont beat yourself up just buy it. Thanks to my good buddy Swedish Chef I know how the games connect. Its safe to say you will not need to play this game to understand KH2. But it may hold you over untill KH2 comes out.Id end all of COM disscusions now and save them for that theard.
  7. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]But i love him and i only want to see him happy. If that means sacrifice my own happoiness then so be it. The hardest thing i have ever had to do was tell him that. [/QUOTE] Whoa Whoa, Whoa dont you think thats a little overdoing it? I mean to sacrifice your happiness for some jerk. Dont let him suck the joy from your life. You have a right to enjoy your life. No one deserves to take your happiness from you. Hope this works out for you.
  8. ^^ Thanks alot buddy that was alot of help. 13 DVDs is gonna be expensive Ill wait till they put more episodes on a disc.One more thing what is the movie about and where does it fit in with the show? This show has gotten really good all of a sudden with [spoiler]Ed and Al on the run. I find it interesting how they finally found the Philsophers stone and is now part of Al.[/spoiler]
  9. ^^^Your one to talk noob. Im pretty sure there are only 51 episodes. Anyway, does anyone know how many DVDs the anime spans? Id like to know before I start buying.
  10. Yeah im with Chef dont spam up the board. Anyway Im not to familar with the names of voice actors are the ones listed all the originals? Also is Sora supposed to [spoiler] have amnesia he began losing his memory in chain of memories[/spoiler]. I really hate amnesia plot lines but it is KH2 so I can look past that
  11. Since people seem desprerate for info I decided to post some.... Hellsing, an organization devoted to the elimination of the vampire threat, has recently uncovered information regarding the attempted production of "man-made" undead. The world is presently in the thick of WWII, and the current leader of Hellsing fears the Nazis could potentially use these creatures as front-line super-soldiers. Although the technology of creating artificial vampires is still in it?s infancy, it has advanced enough to be a serious threat. In an attempt to put a stop to this perverse and dangerous experimentation, Hellsing has sent two of its most skillful agents to Poland. A young man by the name of Walter C. Dornes - a.k.a. "The Angel of Death," and Alucard, an ancient vampire currently in forced service to the Hellsing Organization. Together, they attempt to stop the progress of the Nazi's efforts. Also Kouta Hirano( author of Hellsing) will be doing the story and artwork. Im really looking foward to seeing Walter in his prime.
  12. Nice, March couldnt come soon enoguh. Im glad we now have an OFFICIAL release date.
  13. [quote name='bellpickle][SIZE=1]It's an entertaining enough read, I think. I especially like when [spoiler]Dante DT'd at the end.[/spoiler] What I wonder is how [URL=http://www.tokyopop.com/dbpage.php?page=product&productid=3820][U]the DMC novels[/U][/URL'] will turn out.[/SIZE][/quote] Yeah I checked your link and they are shifting the focus from Dante to a new chacter which is a little strange. People really like Dante focusing on a new chacter will turn a lot of people off. It could still turn out good but its just odd at how they approached this. Tokyopop site shows listing for only two manga in the series. But there could be one focusing on Lady in the future.
  14. Yeah DMC manga does exist its nothing spectaular but its still good. The artwork is nice but it be a little to dark at times and its hard to tell whats going on. The writing could also use a little work its not terrible but can get downright awful in spots. I also hate Dantes negotiaor he bugs the crap out of me. There are only 2 volumes so I think the second volume might follow Virgil.If you like the game you should give this manga a try.
  15. Anyway I looked into it and there is a Star Ocean anime called Star Ocean EX( not sure if it fits into the game sice I havent played them). Its about Claude C. Kenni, a crewmember on the spaceship Calnus and son of the commander of the ship, is transported to Expel, a backwards planet with swords and magic. He teams up with Rena Lanford, who thinks he is the legendary Warrior of Light, and other characters to investigate the Sorcery Globe, a meteorite that has been causing problems all over the world. Hope that helps. Sorry r2vq
  16. Try animenewsnetwork they have alot of anime info and if it exists which Im pretty sure it does they will have a ton of info on it.
  17. Um.. Tical we have the same exact topic at the end of this page. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ramen_Mido, I understand you want to help, but please stop playing mod, it is against the rules. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  18. Yes this L and R thing is in Hellsing. In the anime its Arucard instead of Alucard which he is refred to in the manga.
  19. Diffrent storkes for diffrent folks my friend.I can see this turning into a flame war so dont get upset if it gets closed.
  20. Through the Night is the opening song. Im not sure of the other one.
  21. Yes Haku is a boy if you watch they tell you upfront.
  22. Mine would be Getbackers. Words cant describee how much I love this anime. The I.L saga would have to be the best.
  23. Simple, I like Ramen and I like Ban Mido so I combined them.I like the way Ramen Mido sounds.
  24. I havent read the manga but Ive seen the anime. Im hoping to get around to start reading it but at the moment im collecting to many series.Plus my funds are running short :animesigh .
  25. Try animenewsnetwork.They have alot of Hellsing info there.
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