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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [QUOTE=Keyblade Wielder][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Why yes, Ramen_Mido, you can actually fight along side Auron. I think you can actually control him, too. The attacks that you can do with him are totally awesome and it looks so cool. If you want to see some movies or screenshots, just go to ign.com and type up Kingdom Hearts II. I hope this helps. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Yeah it sure did thanks.I checked gamespot thoguh I have a personal hatred toward IGN. Auron is on your team and you can pull off crazy moves together. From the look of it Sora has some pretty sick looking moves as well. It looks like this game is going to be more fluid than the original.Im also looking foward to facing off aganst Axel(introduced in Chain of Memories).It will be intresting to face off aganist others who use keyblades.
  2. Yes we shall my good friend and once again I apoligize I should have read more of the previous posts.Now we have cleared that up I heard that Auron will [spoiler] be able to fight alongside you in the Hades stage is it true?[/spoiler] If so that would be truly awesome.
  3. [quote name='Swedish Chef']As carefully as I looked through my post good sir I do not see myself mouthing off to you. So I suggest you calm down and wait for the exact release date to come out just like the rest of us.[/quote] Well my good sir you were very rude in your last response(as well as I). I was only trying to help out by giving out a release date I thoguht was correct. However as it may seem was only an estimated release date. Therefore I was wrong for the right reasons. So lets put this behind us and become friends in the future shall we? :D .
  4. [quote name='Swedish Chef']Not it isnt March 30st. That is only an estimate so PLEASE stop with the false dates unless you have proof. -_-[/quote] Whoa buddy watch your tongue you have no right mouthing off to me. I trust gamespot and March 30th was the date on the site. It could get pushed back and I could be wrong but that is what I heard . Im not going on a limb or heard something from a friend that is the official release date of the game but like I said it could get pushed back.
  5. I think we just had a topic on this and it was closed.
  6. Yes alot of people like Inuyasaha. I swear this must be the 100th time someone posted this topic.
  7. Yeah sometimes animation in a series will undergo a change. It happens alot and especially in movies.Dont be upset if this theard gets closed thoguh.
  8. Im kind of confused is the question whats the most popular anime/manga or whats most poular with you?If its the latter Id have to say Getbackers the anime and manga are both subreb with great animation,chacters, and battles.
  9. Not at all, im very attaracted to anime girls(pathetic as that may sound).
  10. [quote name='Ramen_Mido']March 30th is the offical release date. I wouldnt recomend Chain of Memories unless your a hardcore fan. The battle system is pretty weak and the story basicly has you doing the same thing you do in Kingdom Hearts 1.[/quote] Actually when I made this statement I was refering to the gameplay. To me it was downright boring. It didnt require much skill just keeep your top attacks on top and you can pretty much take every enemy out. You also had to play every level in KH1 again. What it did offer was as people have previously stated is a intro to the new chacters. So yes if you want to meet everyone before hand or kill sometime before KH2 go ahead. You just have to play throguh an average game not the excellence KH1 was.
  11. March 30th is the offical release date. I wouldnt recomend Chain of Memories unless your a hardcore fan. The battle system is pretty weak and the story basicly has you doing the same thing you do in Kingdom Hearts 1.
  12. I just saw an episode on demand. It was dissapointing I expected alot more. It wasnt really as funny as I had hoped. Im going to try another episode and see if that appeals to me.
  13. I just got Mega Man X anniversy collection and I have to say Im very impressed with the music.Its really one of the high lights. Despite being old the musical score can hold its own even by todays video game music standards.
  14. I had mixed feelings about the FFXII demo. While the fighting system is kinda cool it took me by surprise. I was expecting more of FFX than free roaming combat. Im sure once the story kicks in the game will get more intresting.
  15. [quote name='Arsene Lupin']I loved the whole Limitless Fortress mission. [/quote] Yeah the I.L saga rocked. I loved it the battles were insane.As far as im concerned the series has two drawbacks... 1.The fillers can be downright terrible and theres way to many of them. 2. The craptastic ending. You get all excited that [spoiler] th'rye going to Babylon City and face off aginst the Brain Trust all they do is walk in and its over[/spoiler]. What the series has going for are awesome charcter, great battles , and has its really funny moments. Update One more thing but my artbox dosent look like that. It dosent have Teshimeni or Lighting Emperor Ginji on it. Did I get a bootleg box or something?
  16. I belive the official U.S release date is August 1st. I wouldnt be surprised if it were pushed back.
  17. While this is a great anime and Grave is an awesome chacter he really doesnt have a personality. He never devlops over the course of the show. What is known about hm is that he is fiercley loyal. The series excels when it comes to Brandon and Harrys relationship. They have such a strong frienship which has a heavy impact on the viewers. The theme is Friendship and Loyality and it is expressed very well.
  18. This is a good topic but you first need spoiler warnings and this should be in the manga area.
  19. Sorry anime is only from Japan.Im sure they call animation in Korea something differnt.
  20. I saw the trailer and it looked really good. I might check this sereis out.
  21. Invader Zim is not an anime.
  22. [quote name='Lore]I kinda don't get why anime fans are desperate to label [i]anything[/i'] they like as somehow anime or Japanese. Anyway, I guess that might be a topic for anothher thread.[/quote] Exactly what I was thinking. Dont label a cartoon an anime just because you like it.Its ok to like cartoons just dont label it an anime when it obivously is'nt.
  23. I belive theres 10 volumes of the Hellsing manga. Theres also supposed to be 2 episodes a DVD of Hellsing Ultimate. I reallly hope they add more thats way to little and can get really expensive. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ramen_Mido, I edited your post to remove the QUOTE tags for the following reasons. 1. You shouldn't quote an entire post if it's very long, clutters up the boards with repetition. 2. Because you're replying to the post right before yours, it's easy to tell who you're talking to. You don't need to clarify any further. 3. The quote was longer than your entire post! Remember, if you want, you can cut out parts of the post to bring attention to specific points the poster made in his/her post. This is just to help keep the forums cleaner and less spammy. Thanks. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. I say screw it you dont need this extra drama. Your busy with high school,college, and your black belt. Tell Josh it wont work out and he will have to suck it up and move on. I hope this works out for you.
  25. [quote name='wayofthewarrior']I NEED INFO ON ALUCARD'S WEAPONRY. I AMGOING TO COSPLAY HIM, AND I NEED THE INFO. :mad: :mad: . GIVE ME THE INFO. one problem, i live in the u.s, and I cna't get the real guns for they are illegal due to gun control laws.[/quote] What do you want to know?
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