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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [quote name='otakukev']I happen to be very fond of the soundtrack for Mystical Ninja starring Goemon on the N64. Maybe it's just my japan-obsession, but the opening theme and all the BGMs just make me happy. It all fits really well with the feel of the game. It's very Japanese...^_^.[/quote] Mystical Ninja had an awesome soundtrack. It really helped the mood of the story it was also the best part of the game. Its to bad the PS2 version never hit the U.S.
  2. [QUOTE]My favourite character from DBZ has always been Goten. And so, when my friend challenged me to a duel (SSJ4 Goku vs Normal Goten) I just had to accept. Like you, my friend thought that just because he was SSJ4 Goku he would win, but he didn't. I really don't think that Goku is much better then any other character. It all depends on what kind of characters you are good at using.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Notice I said half cant beat Goku. Goten is an extremely good chacter to begin with. Im saying chacters like Hercule dont stand a chance against Goku(unless you flat out suck). Im saying they should even up the chacters making chacters like Videl enoguh to face Goku.
  3. The chacter roster is impressive but most chacters flat out suck like Hercule and Android 17. Another thing I found cheap and is in every Budokai game is making Goku to powerful. I know hes the best in the show but half the chacters in the game cant beat him once you unlock his higher super saiyan forms. Same goes for Vegeta but whatever. I can get past this they just have made each chacter a little more equal. My favorite chacter would be [spoiler] Broly[/spoiler].
  4. [quote name='Chikara Kokoro']Just a heads up for people who get Turner Classic Movies. Every thursday evening this month TCM will be playing 2-3 Miyazaki movies (most are dubbed, but at least one isn't, I think). They replay the lineup immediately after, by the way.[/quote] Thanks for clearing that up I was under the impression that they would be playing Satoshi Kons movies. Now I wont be able to watch Perfect Blue or Tokyo Godfathers thats dissapointing :animesigh . Miyazaki has great movies thoguh.
  5. [quote name='Bombu]']Ramen_Mido, could you possibly try and elaborate on your posts a little further in the future? Get into aspects such as why you prefer Budokai 3, or why Tenkaichi isn't as good or up to your standard. Stuff like that.[/quote] Sorry Il elaborate more. I thoguht it would be obivious why I prfer Budokai 3 to Tenkaichi and that would be the camera system. Its been completly reworked in case you havent played it the camera is behind your chacter(like ZOE vs mode). Its pretty cool but it dosent feel like a Budokai game. Budokai 3 was an amzaing game Budokai 1 and 2 were garbage especialy the story modes. I havent played Tenkaichis story mode so I have a question is it like Budokai 3 fly around find Dragonballs and fight or is it completely differnt?
  6. I belive its supposed to make sense its just confusing the way its told. You also spelled sense wrong.
  7. Its a pretty good game. Kind of like Zone of the Enders vs mode.I still prefer Budokai 3 thoguh.
  8. I hated Tenchi in Tokyo nothing happened in that show. The ending was pretty good but that was it. Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi Universe however were great. I loved the chacters and the love triangle between Tenchi , Ayaka, and Ryoko(sp?). I miss that show in fact I miss the old Toonami. Id watch Tenchi everyday.
  9. Getbackers manga and anime are my favorites. The'rye funny, have great action, and are both well written. Yuya Aoki is an excellent writer and did a great job on Getbackers and Rando does great artwork.
  10. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?]That or Zone of the Enders the Second Runner in which [spoiler']the main charachter is wheeled off for medical attention and the girl comes along to live happily ever after and Leo is reunited with ADA. I like endings like this which don't try to be all crazy, but just wrap up the story in a way that ends it well.[/spoiler][/quote] I just finished ZOE2 and was dissapointed with the ending. I really dont like happy endings.I also didnt like [spoiler] Jehuty and Anubis hugging in space it was really corny[/spoiler]. The ending was way to predictable for my taste.
  11. [QUOTE=Random]Here's a different spin on this topic...what about gay people? Who should ask who out first in a homosexual relationship(-to-be)? Just wondering... -Random[/QUOTE] That doesnt make any sense they're both the same sex. Whats the differnce who asks who out? Back on topic I personnaly have no intrest in girls(Im not gay thoguh). Ive had bad expiernces with women. I have a friend who was asked out by a girl and they have been togehter ever since. Hes even in love with her(or so he thinks).The point is if the girl asks the guy out it can turn out really well. It shouldnt make any differnce than if a guy asks a girl out.
  12. [QUOTE=Renate]I'm completely sure it was called that way, and has aired on Belgium TV. I remember well that Kenshin and the gang were in it! O.o But perhaps I was mistaking anyway and it was another anime after all. I remember an episode in which Kenshin was wandering again I think and saved an entire village (Which was not in the Kyoto saga because he was on his own.). I also remember one scene from another episode (probably earlier) in which the whole gang is standing by a river. ^^; I don't know if that's of much help, but I'm quite sure it aired here.[/QUOTE] I can safely say none of the parts you metioned are in Trust and Betrayal. Possibly Reflection. I havent watched it in a while so Ill get back to you on it.
  13. I think being in love with a fictional chacter is a little much. I mean I love Ban Mido but im not in love with him. You probaly think your in love but your probaly just really obsessed.
  14. [QUOTE=Lilt][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=royalblue][b]Good luck with getting a Mech RP together, Fox. It sounds like you're making it more like Mech Assault or something. If it was more like Gasaraki, I'd probably join. Well, at least you inspired me. Someone needs to do a Gasaraki style RP.[/b][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#4169e1]Thanks. ^__^[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] Yeah I agree with Lilt someone should make a Gasaraki RP. You have some really great ideas Fox but Im not into Mechassault. So im out. I hope this goes well for you.
  15. Most annoying enemies would have to be in Zone of the Enders 2 you fight [spoiler]Viola and Anubis at least 4 times each[/spoiler] . Those two just wont die.
  16. [quote name='Renate][B']Is there a difference between Samurai X and Rurouni Kenshin? Because I could swear I saw a Samurai X episode when I was young, but now I'm rewatching the series I still haven't found it.[/B][/quote] [COLOR=Red]Samurai X is before and after Rurouni Kenshin[/COLOR]. Im not sure what you saw thoguh you sure it was Samurai X? Im not saying your wrong but I dont think it was aired on television. Unless you saw the DVD somewhere. Hope that helps
  17. No doubt Samurai X Trust and Betrayl. Great cast of chacters ,superb animation, and insane action. I love this movie.
  18. [quote name='flames']One of my chat friends told me that there was a movie about Kenshin's past, that he had a wife/gf :animeswea sorf thing and the how he fought during the revolution and the reason why he fought. He doesn't remember the title though. Does anyone know? He said maybe thats why Kenshin doesn't really want to get together with Kaoru coz he's still inlove with that other woman/girl :animeangr .[/quote] Sorry if I confused you Reflection is the end Trust and Betrayal is the begining. Your friend is refeing to Trust and Betrayl(best movie ever).T&B shows Kenshins life as Battsaoi.Beautiful animation, great plot, insane action this movie has everything. Recently both movies were released for $35 so theres no excuse to miss them. Finally watch T&B first that way Reflection will make alot more sense. Hope this helps.
  19. After seeing the trailer im realy looking foward to Gun Sword. The concept is cool and the animation is impressive. I really hope it turns out well.
  20. [QUOTE] Plus I'm hoping this means that the box set of the original series will become a little cheaper. :p [/QUOTE] Hellsing is part of signature series so their $15-20 bucks a pop. Theres only 4 DVDs. I suggest you buy them indivudaly(sp?) the boxset is insanely expensive ($110.) Hope that helps.
  21. [quote name='Noside']Last comment: The music was incredible in this anime,I think that's one of the things that kept me interested.[/quote] I loved the music also. I own the soundtrack my favorite track would have to be strangers.
  22. [QUOTE=flames]ok I watched the whole series for 2 whole days! I heard such great news about it... hahaha.. talk about no sleep :animestun is that all? The ending I mean.. I was hoping for a better ending.. does the book have a different ending? I love it the whole series! Its funny, has its own moments.. the ending just caught me off guard.. :animedepr[/QUOTE] The ending is Samurai X Reflection. Defintly check it out as well as Trust and Betrayal(keep in mind its bloody).
  23. [QUOTE=Byakuya]Don't get what I'm saying twisted. It's just something I question everytime I watch it. I didn't say anything about taking his sword away from him. He's a master swordsman.... o....k..... I know about all of that. /sarcasm >_> (They're just thoughts that goes through my head....) It's nothing to really blow your load over.[/QUOTE] Dont worry about. In the end however Kenshin does give up his sword(see Samurai X Reflection)
  24. People are under the impression that big eyes on chacters make it an anime. The TV was on the other day and my sister says "hey Teen Titans is on you should like it its an anime". She assumed that since anime chacters usually have big eyes that Teen Titans was an anime. Artstyle does not make it an anime an origin from Japan does. Im not saying Boondocks is bad their are good american cartoons but Boon docks is not anime.
  25. Kenshin DX


    What are you talking about 4th season rocked.The kids actauly did something unlike season 1 and 2 where theyd stand around. I still love 1 the most followed by 4. 2 was horrible and 3 was dreadful. I think kids turning into digimon was cool.
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