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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. Well duh the Bible and the church are against it so it must be wrong. It doesnt affect me negatively in anyway so why should I care if two men do what straight men and women do. There is nothing wrong with it just people are idiots who are intolerant to things that are diffrent from their views of normal. I never understood homophobia. I mean of all the things to be afraid of in this world you are afraid of homosexuals? That's ungodly pathetic. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Oh Jeez, and here I just hoped we might get a few weeks between an abortion thread and a homosexuality one, seriously, I now support Sandy's rule about not allowing repeat threads in a forum....[/SIZE][/QUOTE] No this isnt nearly as bad as all the gay marriage threads
  2. The Darkness was mediocre. The controls were such a pain although I blame that really on the layout of the PS3 controller. The fighting is alright no new ground has been covered and the the Darkness power are cool but you are always better of with a gun. There were some really annoying parts that took away from the experience like having to use Creeper to unlock doors or destroy lights every 3 seconds. The story was great however and it gave you some great FP moments like Half Life 2 did. For instance [spoiler] The darkness restaring you and having to watch Jenny die was genius.[/spoiler]. The narrative was also suprebly done. Graphics were also truly astonishing when you shot someone in the face you would see the holes. The executions were also genius I never got bored of pulling them off. As a FPS it's decent. From a story and presentation standpoint its fing brilliant.
  3. [quote name='Konata'] I haven't read the manga though. How is it?[/QUOTE] It's actually better than the book in some cases. Every characters back story is much more in depth then in the book. The writing is much better and the action scenes are also done extremely well. There are also some changes so don't expect the same experience you had with the book. The only thing is it's one of the most gruesome , brutal , grotesque mangas out there. People brains get blown out and drip. People lose ligaments and get cleavers in the face. Their are also some disturbing scenes and since the art style isn't like conventional manga and leans toward realism it makes those scenes a hell of a lot more scary. If you can handle the gore then by all means grab the series.
  4. Remeber when Toonami didnt suck? Thats when I started watching anime. DBZ , Outlaw Star (which sucks looking back at how much they edited it) YYH and the Tenchi series. Good times then I stopped watching for quite awhile when Toonami was killed. When Adult Swim was introduced it renewed my faith in anime Trigun got me back into anime along with Bebop and such. From there I started investing time into anime.
  5. [quote name='Dagger']Ah, but certainly no more so than Bleach, Naruto, Kenshin, Dragonball, etc. While it doesn't hold up well compared to more ambitious, highfalutin' fare, it holds up astonishingly well compared to its peers. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Hah you are most certainly right. Bleach(especially Bleach) , Naruto , Rurouni Kenshin(I chose my username because of the amazing OVA) and Dragonball are completely cliche. You can litteraly see an episode and then watch a new one and feel like you have seen the exact same thing before. It's one of those" I swear I saw this episode before even though it's brand new". Yes I feel Bleach is probably the most horrendous when it comes to being predictable. YYH is certainnly not as bad as the list of animes you mentioned.
  6. [quote name='Dagger'] 1) Gets consistently better as it goes along; 2) Doesn't have any filler; and 3) Has a real ending. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] 1. Not always the case with the series. It starts off terrible until the fighting actually starts. Then it does get better up and past the Dark Tournament arch. Chapter Black arch was horrible up until the end where one of the best moments in an anime occur.[spoiler] Kuwabara , Hiei , and Kurama all are hepless and have to watch Yusuke die. When they manage to escape they all charge Sensui with all their highest power even though they didn't stand a chance of beating him.[/spoiler] Truly heart wrenching. The final arch of the series was just WTF am I watching here? There were a few good episodes mainly the [spoiler] Hiei vs the man who gave him his third eye[/spoiler] but that was about it. I suppose it did end with a good conclusion which seems to have become rare in animes nowadays. 2. No filler just annoying as hell episodes that barely advanced the plot or were just boring. 3. Offered a good conclusion but wasnt a great or memorable ending. YYH had some truly great action sequences. But it was such a cliche anime and it got a bit too predictable
  7. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura'] [quote]Resident Evil 4(PS2, GCN, soon on Wii)- Voted best of 2006 on X-Play, this is absolutely one of the best games ever. Shooter, Action, Puzzles.. This game has really got it all, and in my opinion, the best RE game to date. The PS2 version is better, but the GCN version is still awesome, of course, it matters what you call "better"[/quote] GC version is better in terms of graphics and controls. PS2 just has more content. Wiis control scheme is a lot of fun for this game. I don't know why you think the game would get boring Des? It keeps you on edge the whole way through. One of the best action games ever. [quote].hack 1-4(PS2)- These are wayyy awesome. Voted best RPG of 2003, and loved by fans all around the nation, they bring something new to the table. The story is awesome...the way you play...is awesome. It almost is like you're in the real online game, which...is awesome. O.o. [/quote] No just no. The .hack games suck so much. If you wanted to play an online MMORPG go play an actual MMORPG like Guild Wars. .hack you run through the same dungeon 100,000x . The battle system sucks and the stroy is boring it also has one of the worst conclusions ever. [quote].hack G.U//Rebirth- This game is great fun. It kept me wanting more, and I liked the gameplay alot more than the originals. It's alot mroe fastpaced, and alot easier to go out and level up. It's very interactive as well, which I like. [/quote] These games suck to. It's just more action based then the originals. I dont know what you found interactive about this piece of crap. OMG a card game! Seriously avoid it. [quote]Custom Robo (GCN)- This is great. The graphics aren't the best, but it's a great game to play. The story is great, and the battles and gameplay are awesome. Building robots is always fun, right? In fact, there's two stories...The first is the main story, and then, after you beat that, you can play the story after that, in which you go around battling in tournaments around the city. Usually, I don't go back to replay games as much as I've replayed this one...I've beat at least twenty times...I play it all the time.[/quote] Your ideas of good plots scare me. GC version is good but you are pretty much doing the same thing over and over. The DS version is a lot better. I recomend all the Castlevania on the portable systems{GBA , DS). Not the horrible console ones.
  8. I am a huge BR fan. One of the best mangas out there. The gore is just over the top at times though. Everyones backstory is fleshed a lot more than in the book which is why I prefer it. Best part of the stroy was [spoiler] the fight between Sugimura and Kiriyama.[/spoiler] That was intense. BTW your Kiriyama avatar is awesome.
  9. [quote name='Meggido']I'm really interested where the anime fits in with the game series after ep 4. I mean i'd heard rumors that it came between DMC3 and DMC1 but that can't be true now. Ep 4 [spoiler]had the introduction of Trish who knows Dante on a more personal level then if it was before DMC1.[/spoiler] So now I'm of the mind that maybe it comes between DMC1 and DMC2.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Heres the timeline DMC3 manga > DMC3 > DMC1 >DMC anime The anime has to be [I]after[/I] DMC1. It's hard to indicate if the anime takes place before or after DMC2. But DMC2 plot was such crap and barely tied into the DMC universe.I don't think it matters.[/COLOR]
  10. I made a thread on this ages ago. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53926&highlight=Gun+Sword[/url] Gun x Sword starts off decent but doesnt really pickup. I enjoyed the series a lot morewhen Alex was introduced but even then it didnt take off and I was really expecting a lot more from the series. Good watch just nothing memorable. Mods could you move this post to my original thread?
  11. Hey I always hate to ask for a favor I can't return but if it's not to much trouble can someone make me an avatar out of one of these? Doesnt matter which. [url]http://es.konami-europe.com/media/es/726.jpg[/url] [url]http://cache.kotaku.com/gaming/metal-gear-solid-3-snake-eater-20040721022520440.jpg[/url] If you would like to make a banner and it's not to much trouble then i would appreciate it a lot. If it could just say "When I Woke up this morning got myself a gun". Completely optional I would really just like the avatar.
  12. [quote name='Dagger']I really like this game so far, but my God, the load times are just horrendous. It's also a shame that the skits aren't voiced in the English version. If they weren't going to dub them, I wish they could have found a way to let you manually skip to the next line. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Lol you have obviously not played a game with long load times if you think Abyss is bad. I do agree with the skits you should be able to progress to the next line instead of watching the character mumble inaudibly. TOA is a great game story and gameplay wise. Though Luke is such an annoying character. Even when he reaches his arc he is still annoying as all hell. This is a game worthy of the Tales name Tales of Symphonia was great and Tales of Legendia was one of the worst games I have ever played. This game really redeemed the series.
  13. Kenshin DX

    E3 2007

    This is how I saw it go down Sony - They did an excellent job of showcasing their games. They have a ton of AAA titles on the way. MGS4 alone would have been a system seller. As a future investment PS3 is going to be essential if you are truly wanting to play a next gen game. What I hated was they spent too much time trying to redeem the PSP which is still a piece of crap system that they should have just given up on. Then there was the whole release of the 80GB model and the discontinuation of the 60GB which drove people insane. Still Sony did a great job of demonstrating it's new games. Microsoft - Pretty bad. All they really had going for them was Mass Effect which everyone has high hopes for but Jade Empire sucked so bad I lost a lot of faith in Bioware. Then Halo 3 which looked terrible . It was the most underwhelming game at the show. Factor in the fact 1 out of 3 360s break by the time these games roll around your systems broken. So Kudos Microsoft. Nintendo - Very good for the most part. Mario Galaxy looked amazing but everyone knew that already. Brawls release date has been confirmed which we all know will be awesome. Finally some news on Phantom Hourglass(I thought they had dropped the game). Then Metroid Prime 3 with Wii controls looked great. While it wasn't the greatest E3 with MGS4 being the highlight of the show. It demonstrated the power of next gen systems.
  14. [QUOTE=Phenom] I've also been looking into the .hack series, but I keep getting mixed views about it. I keep hearing that it's an action rpg type of game, but it play's like a MMO, and I'm not into MMO's. Perhaps someone can sum up what the gameplay is like because I've been a little too curious about this series.[/font][/QUOTE] No it does not play at all like an MMO. The game just simulates one. In other words you are playing a game in which your character is playing a game.You get peoples email addresses , form parties , read forums stuff like that. If you want to invest in it skip the original and play the GU games they are much more action based. They arent great series to begin with though. Extrmely repetive gameplay.
  15. [quote name='Meggido']You'll probably have to wait and see regarding that. If I remember correctly Virgil was actually the Dark Knight boss in the first game.[/quote] Who was also Mundus servant and was killed by Dante in DMC 1. He is not going to be in the anime if it takes place after DMC1. The manga was a year before DMC3 begins so thats why Vergil was in there.
  16. Christ they added a stupid kid into the anime in an attempt to give Dante a soft side. Patty hasnt appeared in any of the DMC titles. But they will need to throw in more people in because the DMC games contain a very small cast of characters. As a huge DMC fan Im really looking foward to watching this. Ive only seen the trailer so far. This will probably be the best video game to anime adaption ever.
  17. [QUOTE=Minako] And Kenshin, "Your world isn't falling apart. Far from it in fact." What falling apart is for me is different than what it is for you. You've been through a lot, and I'm not saying that it's nothing that you've been through. I've had a relatively easy life, and school means the world to me, especially because I've always wanted to go there. I'm sorry for what you've had to deal with, and I'm glad that you've made it out ok. That's so great for you, and I'm glad. :).[/QUOTE] My bad, I didnt want to sound insenstive to your problems Im sorry if it came across that way. Im just saying things could be a lot worse. School is just one of those things where you have a lot of control over.And I completely understand that everyone holds everything in diffrent respects like you said falling apart for me is diffrent from falling apart for you. So Im sure you will do great next year nothing is ever as hopeless as it seems.
  18. OK this thread died pretty fast so Ill revive it. After playing SPM to completion it has been a great game. Not at all what I was expecting but great nonetheless. It has gone in a compleltly diffrent direction then the original and TTYD. Since the previous titles focused on quick reflexs and combat. This one is almost strictly puzzles. With some platforming. Which will either please or dissapoint fans. The graphics still kept their charm and the dialogue was actually really good and sometimes funny unlike TTYD. I just wished they had encorpated some more platforming and RPG elements into the game. It was cool playing as 4 characters as opposed to just Mario and the story while crazy was entertaing. So while it may be almost nothing like the games that came before it.It is a great Mario game nonetheless.
  19. Your world isnt falling apart.Far from it in fact. If I could I would trade problems with you in a second. School can be a nightmare but it isnt something that ruins your life. When I was 14 I was physically and mentally abused, lost my 16 year old cousin , and suffred from a extreme anxiety disorder. I felt hopeless and was contemplating suicide. Now Im 18 and am doing much better even though my perosnality has changed drasticly. Yes I still get depressed , smoke a lot of cigs , and am guilt ridden. I now feel there is light at the end of the tunnel. **** happens but we move on and hopefully become a hell of a lot stronger from it. I wish you the best of luck
  20. [quote name='Snake'sLover18']yeah i think teh ps3 is pretty sweet but the problem is how pricey it is. and i am trying to save up for one. i am thinkin that i should wait a year or so untill they lower the price :animeswea[/quote] It will be more than a year before PS3 drops its price. And with the discontinuation of the 20GB model you are going to be waiting quite awhile for the PS3 to get cheaper.
  21. Start fights over the internet. You can let it all out and not get your *** kicked. Seriously though it depends on what kind of anger you have. Some people will say exercise will help but thats only a temp relief and is used to control stupid feelings of anger. Than there is deep emotional pain anger which can't be solved by running 100 miles. If it's the former take up a sport or jog. If it's the latter see someone you can talk to.
  22. [quote name='Phenom][font=comic sans ms']I love how people make it seems like $50 is easy to come across these days. (Maybe people should just go plant a money tree in their backyard and make life that much easier.) Some people do not have jobs, and some folks don't rely on their parents to buy movies and whatnot. Plain and simple. If people want to dwell about watching past shows, then let them dwell.[/font][/quote] Just because you are really poor doesn't mean we want to hear about it. discountanime.com has very reasonable prices . And since when is $50 a lot of cash? That is nothing. How the hell do you eat Phenom ? Anyway Adult Swim needs to constantly fresh out new material. They must have run through Bebop and Trigun a thousand times. Over the summer was the worst when they would rerun FMA and show Big O over and over. Over the years AS has gotten much better even though Trinity Blood and Eureka 7 are over.Bleach and Blood + go on for quite awhile so they will milk it for all it's worth.And AS will soon have Death Note which is going to rock. So AS is doing a great job of keeping things going there hasn't been an anime drought in quite sometime. So defiantly keep shelling out the new stuff.
  23. Linkin Park was good when they first came out. But they suck because all they release is the same material remixed. All they have done over the past years is remix their remixes. I will throw up next time I hear another version of "In The End" :rolleyes: . They should have just killed themselves after Collision Course. Their new song is decent at best but it seems they are finally trying to stray away from doing the same crap over and over. Which is a good thing. If they can create another album like Hybrid Theory than I will start to listen again.
  24. The next game is called .hack G.U.Reminisce which will of course follow after the events of .hack G.U Rebirth. I don't know where you heard April(must have been speculation)the game is slated to release sometime in May. Info here... [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/rpg/hackguvol2/index.html?q=.hack[/url] Might be old but this thread needs something to go on. Anyway i'm looking forward to this game I loved Rebirth and am really looking foward to seeing Ovan's avatar.
  25. [quote name='Phenom']And to get back on track with the topic itself, IGN has 2 trailers. The first trailer is the same trailer that was at the TGS (I think), but in a higher quality, and the second trailer is with actual gameplay footage.[/quote] There has been a gameplay footage traile for [I]awhile[/I] now That's about as old as me posting characters in the Brawl thread lol. And the TGS trailer is nothing special. When you find something impressive PM me. ;)
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