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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [quote name='Dagger']It provides all the closure it needs to, it sheds a new light on the OP animation, and it makes sense. It's a very elegant ending. [/quote] I completely agree with you. It wraped up the series well. It really didnt leave any unanswered questions.It also didnt have alot of wtf? just happened parts unlike Evangelion. Id say the best part of this series would be the chacters. They were all great even if chacters like Toboe or Hige annoyed you by the end they grow on you. You really begin to love them all. They all have distinct personalties and feel very real. I loved the dub to this anime they did an excellent job with the voice acting and picked the correct voice for each chacter. I cant get this show out of my mind to me it truly is perfection despite the filler episodes.
  2. I highly recomend Samurai X Turst and Betrayal. It has the best animation Ive ever seen, a great story, and insane action. Reflection is also good but only see it if youve seen Rurouni Kenshin first. Dont miss out on these great movies.
  3. [quote name='Raiyuu'] Sure, the voices fit the characters pretty well. It's just a shame the voice actors were chosen for that, and not their acting talent.][/quote] I completely agree. While the voices fit the chacters the acting is terrible. Theres no emotion in the lines and everyonne speaks to slowly. Another problem I have is the crappy filler episodes. They dont move the story along and they dont have any chacter devlopment. I still like the anime but Im sure the manga is better. Ill defintly pick up a copy.
  4. Before I buy Id like to know more about the protagonist. Im not a big fan of little kids is he likeable or do you have to use to him?
  5. Sounds good. I think three sides fighting would work out. You could make each fight a seperate chapter. Just a thoguht.
  6. [QUOTE=serenayasha]I have: I want to change the Eps where [spoiler]Hughs dies[/spoiler] in Fullmetal Alchemist, and ending of wolf Rain.[/QUOTE] Why would you change Wolfs Rain ending it was brillant.Just because it was sad doesnt mean you should change it. I think a happy ending wouldnt have the same impact as the original ending. I personally think the ending was perfect.
  7. :animesigh you dont put the asterick in the spoiler tag. I hope you didnt ruin anything for anyone.
  8. Yeah I would be intrested but can you explain to me how this RPG works?
  9. The most overrated game is God of War. I just dont like this game. You pretty much fight the same enemy over and over, linear levels, really bad puzzles, decent story.DMC is just alot more fun IMO. This game won a whole mess of awards and DMC and Resident Evil 4 won nothing. Its depressing :animesigh .
  10. Darkartic please stop making pointless theards.
  11. I love Getbackers and am a huge Ban fanboy. One of my favorite animes and favorite manga. Chacters are great, the battles are intense, and the animation is smooth and fluid. Great series. What do people prefer the Getbackers anime or manga? I much prefer the manga the anime is really watered down. Its not bad but compared to the manga its crap. The manga has alot more mature themes like cursing,sexualthemes, and *gasp blood. Dosent make it better but thats really how it differs. I much prefer the dialogue in the manga than the anime.
  12. No one system will be the best. They all have their strengths and weakness. Saying what system is best is just stupid. No one system is better than the other.
  13. [QUOTE=copperingle]Hey All! I was lucky enough to play a demo of Wild Arms 4 and it is great. It is an RPG in a stlye that mixes Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. I just read that RPGland.com gave it a score of 8.5 out of 10. It comes out tomorrow and I am excited! I played earlier Wild Arms games and was not impressed, but this version is being produce by a brand new company XSEED and it plays great! They've got a new battle systme based on ares instead of single characters. It really opens up tons of new possibilities during the fights. Seriously, check it out! [url]www.wildarms4.com[/url] I'd get ready for this one because I have a feeling it is going to be a title that is going to last for a long time.[/QUOTE] Keep your pants on I wouldnt trust a review from RPGland. It got average reviews the game is not revolutonary in any way. But if you like the previuos titles(which I played ) your going to like this.Just dont expect it to shake the earth like FFX did.
  14. Why: Because I know a whole lot about anime and this is a good way to test my skills. Fav: To many to mention. Anime Questions:Im ready for anything except Inuyasha I cant stand that show.
  15. A Getbackers fighting game that would rock. Each chacter has their own ability so specials arent a problem.Bans Snake Bite,Ginji going into Lighting Lord, Jackals Bloody Sword. There would also be a huge cast of chacters to play as. That would be a great anime based game. Unfortunly if it was made it would probly suck just like the Bleach Game.
  16. Kenshin DX


    [quote name='Ikillion']I can see the Revolution actually being better than both the PS3 and the Xbox 360! ][/quote] Whoa lets not get ahead of ourselves. I still think that once again PS and XBOX will rise on top. Dont get me wrong but this controler is a heavy gamble and Nnitendo knows that. Its just the majority of gamers want what their acoumstaed to. (I am not speaking for everyone). I belive things are gonna stay the same. PS on top followed by XBOX and then Nintendo. But I could be wrong, I just severly doubt Nintendo will dominate the market. On another note change the topic title. This applies to more than just XBOX fanboys.
  17. Kenshin DX


    Just watched the video Im still not impressed. I can safely say this controler is not for everyone. I feel some people craving innovation will love it. Me however am still going to dislke it. I feel that most of the games were light con gun games, and fishing games. It also looks to family friendly for me. Thats just my opinion.
  18. Kenshin DX


    Can someone post a link to this video? Id love to see it.
  19. Kenshin DX


    I really hate the idea of the revolution controller. Its a remote :animesigh . A low price point is great and all but I rather have a regular controler.
  20. The worst game I ever played and im sure everyone would agree would be Superman 64. That game had the worst controls ever. Why was there so much green fog?Why couldnt Superman walk?Why did I get mission failure for no reason? They actually charged $70 bucks for this piece of crap.Thinking of this game makes my head hurt.
  21. [quote name='persocomblues']I'm a big Last Exile and Wolf's Rain fan, but I'm sure my life wouldn't be radically different had I not see either one of them and I'd much rather have a Burberry of London product any day of the week than to actually have had the opportunity to have seen any of these shows.[/quote] I disagree with you on this one I much rather have my memories with an anime than a physical possesion.
  22. Definetly Ban Midou from Getbackers. The Evil Eye and the Snake Bite techniques. It would be awesome :cool: .
  23. Saiyuki is great a perfect mix of action and comedy. Whats great is the double barrel collection it comes wth 10-8 episodes per volume(a total of 6 volumes). If your gonna start the series pick these up itll save you alot of money. I love all the chacters they all have differnt distinct personalties. I havent read the manga yet but if it offers the same quality of the anime it must be good.
  24. Im amazed I found the whole collection for $30 bucks good deal. On another note the manga runs 7 volumes but they have a second series called JKB Twilight Tales that runs 6 volumes.
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