Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
I saw this anime in Best Buy for $100. It contains the whole series plus 4 OAV episodses and the soundtrack. Might just pick it up.
Its a technique that has to do with the power of evolution. Basicly everyone changes to insane alter powers from it.
[QUOTE=Dagger]It started airing recently, so it hasn't yet been licensed for a North American release. Given the genre, though, you can probably expect it to start coming out here eventually. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Yeah thats what I thoguht the store I go to hasnt even heard of it. Its a shame I really want to see this one. Im also looking foward to Gun Sword as well.
[quote name='Charles']See, your first post was reasonable. So was your latest response I quoted above. But to say that ninety-percent of the games are "crap" and leave it at that is kind of silly. A system should always be judged by its best games. And, to be honest, both the DS and the PSP have their fair share of stinkers.[/quote] Your right I made a biased statement. It came out wrong. What I was saying is right now the PSP library isnt as revolutioary as Sony said it would be and that kind of ticks me off. The PSP has its fair share of great games like Lumines and GTA(despite technical proplems) the rest are decent to bad. The DS also has alot of bad titles. Its just right now DS has alot more and better software. The PSP will catch up I didnt put $250 into a system that I know will bomb. We will just have to give it time.
I really dont like Inuyasha. Naruto is a pretty good manga. I'll go with Naruto.
[QUOTE=Charles]You are idiots. Neither system "sucks." Save that nonsense for the school yards. I mean, why make a thread like this if you already have a preconception? When creating a thread like this you should remain completely objective. It seems as if all along you simply intended to start up the DS vs. PSP debates we've seen countless times. I'll outline the situation for those who may actually be seriously considering a purchase between the two. In reality, both systems have a wealth of quality games. Buy a PSP if you're interested in portable console-style games or the system's multimedia abilities. There are also some nice original titles coming along like Loco Roco. The Valkyrie Profile game looks beautiful too, if you're interested in RPGs. Additionally, titles like a near current generation quality Grand Theft Auto in portable format is a really attractive selling point if you're interested in that series. If "Me and My Katarmi" turns out all right, it'll be another reason to take the dive. Recently I've heard that the control issues aren't as problematic as they were first made out to be, so I remain optimistic. The DS on the other hand offers ample originality. The touch screen is starting to be used to good effect in games like" Kirby's Canvas Curse", "Trauma Center: Under the Knife" and the latter part of Phoenix Wright (which is one of the best portable games ever). You've also got all the successful Nintendo franchises to choose from and some fun, if not wholly original third party offerings, like Castlevania. I've also had a blast with "Advance Wars Dual Strike". The DS is absolutely perfect for strategy games. Obviously, you have the entire GameBoy Advance library to consider as well. Depending on how big your collection of GBA games, backwards compatibility could be very enticing. Both systems really deserve a fair share of praise. Whereas the PSP offers many multimedia capabilities that the DS does not, the DS is designed better. It's more durable and has a longer battery life. So, there's always a give-and-take between both. They each offer advantages and disadvantages over one another. And, as has been said here many times, each offers a different experience. I enjoy both very much. If you must decide between them consider whether durability or multimedia features are more important to you, along with the kinds of games you will prefer to play. Or get an N-Gage. Some of the games have been looking pretty nice lately.[/QUOTE] First of all im not bisaed I own both a PSP and a DS. IMO the DS has much better software than the PSP. Im sure the PSP will catch up its still early. The advantage the PSP has over the DS is the wide range of stuff it could do. Music, Movies, and games are all in one. However to really get everything you need the $80 dollar memory stick. What im trying to say is both systems have their pros and cons. Saying one system sucks means your a biased noob. Look at both systems with an equal eye.
Its a piece of crap. Im not surprised worst controls since the Getaway.
[quote name='Avenged666fold']That is my friggin point!! And btw Colorful was made for teenage guys who are into stuff like the simpsons and south park. So really its iust a japanese sitcom just really simplified.[/quote] Dont bash colorful that show was hilaroius. Althoguh I can see how it offened women.
but the battery life is crap.[/QUOTE] As well as 90% of the games.
Is this anime availble on DVD yet or is it only availbe by download? Sounds like an intresting series.
[QUOTE=Avenged666fold]Can anybody tell me of any Good dark anime? No horror! Beacause their not scary!!!!! More like berserk or ninja scroll that sorta thing. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hellsing[/COLOR] is pretty dark as well as [COLOR=DarkRed]Paranoia Agent.[/COLOR]
Anime Who is the best anime character, in your opinon?
Kenshin DX replied to King Vicious 2's topic in Otaku Central
Its been 59 posts and no one said Grave Im dissapointed. Grave is hands down my favorite. His quiet nature, his strong sense of loyalty, his ability to kick serious ***. Grave is a deep, highlly symphathetic chacter, that is often overlooked. -
[QUOTE=Blood Angel]ok, Seras does feel something more than respect for Alucard, but there is nothing betwen them than a Master-Apprentice thing. The relationship betwen Alucard and Integra is very deep and complicated to try to explain, the thing is that Alucard would never let enything happen to Integra and Integra would never let anything happen to Alucard, they pretend to hate eachother but in the end they can't live without eachother, they are stealmates. Look at it this way, in oder 1 when Alucard returns from the church, Itegra was waiting for him and had a smile on her face until she saw Seras, then in the gallery when Max calls Integra a sow, Alucard was going to kill him, then in Integra's surhery, Alucard never moved from the window, he knew that she going to make it, but just to make sure...lol, then when Integra is badly ill the first thing she says is "Where is Alucard" tell if that is not "love" lol But also I think that the times that Sreas called for Alucard and he ignored her, was to try and make Seras stronger, but I don't thhink that Alucard would never let anything happen Seras, otherwise I think she would be dead by now...but in the end Alucard will always run for Integra. Someone correct my if I'm wrong please.[/QUOTE] You pretty much hit the nail right on the head. The relationships in this anime are not romantic but are about loyalty and devotion.
Get a DS its portable and has great games like Castelvania and Mario Kart.Its also half the price of a PSP.
[QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"RiSinG ZANNN!!!! The Samurai Gunman..." [IMG]http://www.ncsx.com/www/ncs090798/rising_zan_1.jpg[/IMG] Just to funny... The theme song was just to much... [IMG]http://www.findmeagame.com/images/1/621701.jpg[/IMG] "I'm the Super Ultra Sexy Hero, here to savvveeee the day!"[/FONT][/COLOR] :animeswea [COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ps, I'd say it's not fair to say Master Chief doesn't have style considering it's in First-Person View...[I]Just saying.;)[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Finally a rising zan refrence! I see your one of the unfortunate 8 people who had to play this game.
Great anime. Arucard, Seras , Walter, and Palidn Alexander are all awesome chacters. It has insane action and a great plot. I just finished the anime great series but I was dissapointed with the final Arucard vs Incognito fight. I wish they kept it straight up gunslinger style. To rate the series Id give it a 9 if the ending wasnt so dissapointing and it was longer it be perfect.
[QUOTE]Everytime I look at the show I do tend to question Kenshin's concept of not killing. It sort of urks me too because he's trying not to kill people yet he's still using a sword. Even if the blade is on the other side it can still kill. (Hell, a wooden sword can kill) It's nothing major, I just think about it everytime I watch it.[/QUOTE] ^^^^ What do you want kenshin to use a paper fan? Hes a swordsman for the love of God. Hes the best swordsman so he can beat oppents without killing them.
Anime Name an anime that you can watch over and over
Kenshin DX replied to meka2003's topic in Otaku Central
Gungrave,Getbackers, and Wolfs Rain they gets better every time. -
[quote name='Hiko seijuro 14']I love watching S-cry ed I enjoy it alot. i must say though I didnt quite like there new suits. *sees grave yard coming at me with a pitchfork* I think they could have given them better suits. I dont like that thing that kazuma has hanging of the back of his head and I dont like Ryuhou's suitat all I think I liked the way his second form looked....although I do liek cougars form and his last form...I think they should have done Kazuma's and Ryuhou's suit like in that form. ;)[/quote] You really didnt like them? I thoguht they were great all thoguh I wish they had yoused Kazumas alter from the manga instead. I love Kazumas alter in the manga. Also did they ever explain what SCRYED is in the show? I know they did in the manga but I think the show left it out.
Anime What anime do you wish you never saw in the first place?
Kenshin DX replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Sting]I probably didn't explain why I didn't like this show good enough the 1st time. I regretted watching this show (granted I only seen the dub and don't plan on downloading the sub or manga) because: 1) I don't care for too much comedy when it comes to animes... cheesy comedy at that. (1 of the reasons I don't care for Naruto anymore.... "shrugs") There are only a few animes I will watch that have comedy in. And it has to have tons of action... (i'll get to that in a moment.) Vandread is one.... and that one caught me by surprise. 2) Other than Pirates of the Carribean I don't care for the whole pirate type story..... Yes, I grew up hating Peter Pan... >_< And then the kids fantasy type thing doesn't quite cut it for me.... A boy trying to be the #1 pirate..... uh.. yea.... >_> 3) The action...... Don't have much to say about it..... It doesn't do anything for me.... It doesn't glue me to the screen. It doesn't make me say wow. Let's face it.... some people wants the whole package. They want an anime that tells a good story and looks good. I don't mind the looks though. I'll leave the RPG comment alone because I don't play them ^_^. [b]Yeah I guess Shinji is a bad character but only because he represents our indiscisive side of us that we try to deny or cant except. ;) thats MHO[/b] I'm assuming this one is directed towards me? As I've said before. I have low tolerance for such things. I can't stand cowardice, over dramatization...(Naruto) It's just petty things. I guess you can say it's not much.... but that's just my attitude towards things. And with Shinji being that bad..... It's enough to make me dislike the show. (Yes, for me 1 character can blow the entire show..... again... Naruto) Speaking of which..... I'm starting to regret watching Naruto. I do download the manga and find it better..... but I'm growing tired of the whole thing. As I said about Shinji, Naruto (the character) is blowing the whole thing for me. I do not find him funny. He is way too dramatic. The words "believe it" put together in a sentence pisses me off now. I do like the fighting I've seen thus far but...... "shrugs". I won't go into deep details about the whole voice acting thing but I'll say this much about it. They sound far too dull. (I've never seen the sub) How can I explain this.... Ok.... Kakashi. I think it was this past episode. Kakashi had a surprise look on his face. But his voice didn't match the expression. He just said whatever he said with no emotion.... (petty thing but that'll put me to sleep) Other than that.... it's all Naruto. [COLOR=Orange]I agree with you completly that Naruto can singlehandly ruin a show for someone. Seriously he says BELIVE IT after every sentance. I cant watch the show anymore because of him.[/COLOR] Edit: I will say this about Evangelion now that Asuka (the orange head?) came into play... Things have gotten a bit interesting. Perhaps I'll have a different opinion about it when I see the next episode.[/QUOTE] Wait until you get to the end of the series then it gets great. You will be hooked. However the last two eprsodes are going to drive you insane. -
Just finished the series and I have to say that was one of the sloppiest endings I have ever seen. Great sereis but it didnt resolve itself or answer any of your questions. Its a great series until you reach the last two. Im hoping End of Evangelion wraps the story up.
Grave without a doubt. His guns Cerebrus and his coffin filled with guns are reason enoguh. He kicks serious *** , sure the games suck but the chacter is my favorite of all time.
Is anyone else dissapointed by the english dubbing? I find Narutos voice so annoying my ears bleed whem I hear it. He says BELIVE IT every time he opens his mouth. They should change his voice to something less irratating like the screams of a dying animal.
No thanks nintendo, I have a real dog. I think this game is aimed for kids who dont have one. How long does the fun in this game honestly last? Id say 2 weeks before you get sick of it.