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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. Ok changed it to an outlaw star pic instead. Can you make a banner out of the pic in my thumbnail?
  2. This would help alot.Thanks in advance.
  3. Great thank you. I just need to know how to post a pic.
  4. Auron would have to be mine he is such a badass.He is the best chactrer in battle,hes cool amd calm, and you got to love those glasses :cool:
  5. Theres also the fact all those people who reserved the system now their all gone. People are gonna flip out.
  6. Kenshin DX

    Xbox 360

    How do you think 360 is gonna make it in Japan? The original left a bad taste in peoples mouths. To me 360 is aimed at American gamers .
  7. My favorites are The Real Folk from Bebop,Throguh the Night from Outlaw Star and Tokahashi from Bleach.
  8. Im looking to get a banner but I cant make one myself. So I was wondering if anyone could make me a Gungrave banner. Just tell me anything I neeed to do to help.Id really appreciate it. Thank you. Im not specific on what the banner has to look like Id really just want to have one.Anything will do.
  9. Im looking to get a banner but I cant make one myself. So I was wondering if anyone could make me a Outlaw Star banner. Just tell me anything I neeed to do for help.Id really appreciate it. Thank you.
  10. Everbody seems to have awesome pics for their signatures how do I get one? Whenever I go to edit signature it dosent allow me to add a pic. Please Help.
  11. Kenshin DX

    Xbox 360

    Im not sure of the Xbox 360s future. I dont think it has the software to back it up.From what I here the PS3 will be more powerful and it already has an amazing line up (MGS4,DMC4 ,Tekken 6....)
  12. I was thinkin of buying this game the demo with OPSM was good. Is it worth the buy? or its to short and worth a rent?
  13. Paranoia Agent hands down. I love this anime, however alot of adult swim viewers hated it so it was first pushed back and then pulled *sigh*.. Anyway Scryed and Champloo are now my current favs.
  14. The worst villian would have to be Bloody Harry. The man kills his best friend.Thats pretty damn evil.
  15. This is a great game a must have for RPG fans.The FFXII demo is really dissapointing thoguh. This can be a toguh game thoguh so you need past RPG experiince to play. I had to lvl up 3 times before I foguht the second boss.
  16. Thanks Desbreko for a breakdown of the game. I cant wait to play this one. MK64 was one of my favorite games of all time I was dissapointed with Double Dash. Im sure this one will make up for it. Cant wait :D
  17. Faye my sweet Faye she is the sexeist anime chacter IMO and she has class. Shes also a great shot. If only she was real :animecry:
  18. [quote name='Ryuujin]Well I wasn't going to bring this up but since you did Syk3(I still don't get this Greg), I will expound upon it. You said that [spoiler]Spike died in the last session, but they may not be the case. Spike has been injured more times than imaginable. For example in KHOD he ummm.... (don't want to ruin it for ya) well he gets shot and you would assume he died but indeed he didn't. So just because you assume he died does not mkae it so. So for all of you who cried because he died think that he just passed out from a loss of blood or something.[/spoiler'] There's my 2 cents to the subject.-OutlawDragon[/quote] Good point but if Spike had surived wouldnt you think the remainder of the syndictae finish him off? A Spike movie would be great I would also love to see Spike's days in the Red Dragon Syndicate.] Another good movie would be when Spike meets Jet for the first time.
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