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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [QUOTE=Zet22x]Im hopeing for more of the elfna lied to maybe come out. Can any one clear that for me?[/QUOTE] No, no news has been confrimed of another season of Elfen Lied. And I really don't think their will be one despite the open ended ending.
  2. [QUOTE=Red]The game hasn't been ripped out of your hands. You're still going to be able to play it. What difference does it make if someone with a 360 is going to be able to play it, too? Your reaction strikes me as pretty bizarre; the only people hurt by this are the people at Sony![/QUOTE] Nah im just mad at Sony at the moment. I bought a $600 system for it's exclusives but that was a mistake seeing how 360 now has most of PS3s best sellers. 360 has a lot more exclusives than PS3 such as Dead Rising , Lost Planet , and Gears of War. Sony is doing a horrible job at the moment in terms of games. AT least can never get MGS4 and Final Fantasy they even lost Dragon Warrior. It's quite sad. It's good news for 360 owners but horrible for Sony. It seems everyone is fing Sony over. The only system that has all it's great exclusives are Nintendo. I mean this game was the reason I bought a PS3 now I find out it'll be on 360 a console I already owned way before PS3. You would be pissed to. Damn MGS4 better be the best game ever created.
  3. [QUOTE=Phenom] [COLOR=Gray]I'm becoming more and more less surprised to see these top selling sony exclusives going over to microsoft, but for it to be on the pc... That's kind of shocking, but I am happier now that I don't have to cough up $600 for the console plus the game. Now I just have to cough up $400 unless Xbox get a price cut.... /wishful thinking :) [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Am I the only one really pissed about this? This and MGS4 were going to be the PS3s top games. This is ridiculous first Virtua Fighter 5 now this? One of my favorite series getting brought over to the 360. Thanks Capcom for becoming **** sucking whores. I was hoping it was a really bad joke. This game was the reason I bought a PS3. Screw you Capcom :animedepr
  4. There's really nothing you can do in this type of situation or any help anyone can offer unless you talk to your lawyer or someone who knows the legal system well. Tough luck bro.
  5. It's not even your sister so you should have not gone off on her. It makes you sound judgemental and stupid. I think you handled the situation absolutely horribly. You have no say in another persons sex life her parents should be the ones to console her about the dangers not you. Sure it's OK to be concerned but make the situation worse and push her further away is just stupid. At best you just pissed her off and embarrassed her which really accomplished nothing. Teenagers are hard to console and you have to be careful how you deal with them and bringing in her brother just makes the situation even more awkward. The best advice you could offer would be to use a condom or abstain till shes older then end it their and let her make her own solution. As for being a virgin threres nothing wrong with it but among your peers it can be a huge deal especially if you are a guy. So for some people mature enough they won't hold it against you but some people think it's a huge deal especially if you are a teen. So it will differ between people.
  6. SH Covanant is a fantastic game. The original was meh... It had horribe graphics , some really bad plot moments(the Li Li story) and some pretty lame characters. I also hate the Berserk system but it's much more mangable in Covanant. SH was a seriously flawed game but it's sequel fixes a lot of it's predescors problems. The combo system adds another layer of startegy. My only complaint is the story isnt as dark as the origina but the graphics, voice acting, and much better battle system more than make up for it. I love the games sense of humor and as BK said Yuri is the defintion of cool. I recomed this game to all RPG fans and the original only if you are extremely patient.
  7. [quote name='Heero yuy']Plain and simple, I believe my girlfriend is being unfaithful towards me and our relationship. It's hard to tell, considering this is a long distance relationship. [/quote] I stopped reading there. Like everyone said they never work out. If it's long distance chances are she is cheating on you. Because people need constant love and attention and in a long distance relationship you really can't have that kind of intimacy. They never ever work out. You are better off ending it and find someone new close by. No matter how many phone calls you make or how long you chat on AIM it won't work. And if she is cheating on you well that be reason enough to break up with her in the first place because if you are committed and she isn't then it's obvious you shouldn't be with her.
  8. Yeah well it happens. My school no tatoos or facial piercings whatsoever. Like others have mentioned there is a decleration you must sign first day of school. Where you agree to abide by their rules or you get the boot. It's a problem with a tatoo since well there is nothing you can really do about it in terms of getting rid of it. I guess the school doesnt want to look bad because cathotic schools are very strict about their reputation. All I can say is tough luck, I know students in my school who have gotten thrown out for a lot lesser things then a tatto.
  9. I like a lot of users here mainly everyone who has made me a banner or avatar over the years at no cost but at the kindess of their hearts. I think I like Dagger because she knows so much about anime it's crazy. She knows more info than all of ANN . Its unbelievable what she knows and I respect that immensely. BTW Dagger you haven't answered any of my marriage proposals PMs yet :animedepr
  10. crushing is such a 6th grade thing. I thoguht people had grown out of it by now. All they are is a bunch of stupid mixed emotions that kids have. Which is normal but when you get older the concept is ridiculous. Now asking a guy or girl out is a different story. AIM is easiest way to ask someone out most def. That way if you get rejected it's not as devastating as in person. problem is some people are completely comfortable over the Internet but when you get face to face it becomes a huge problem. That's why its important to be face to face and feel comfortable with the person before you ask them out. Nothing is more awkward than a date where you are too nervous or unprepared to say anything.
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hell to the yes. I'm really looking forward to this one. SPM looks like it will be a triple A title. It''s still not my most anticipated Wii game(Brawl still has me won over) but this game is making me want March to end and April to start. The only thing I hated in the last PM was the dialogue. But I can look over that if the combat system and puzzle elements are as great as they look. This game , Mario Galaxy, and Brawl are making me extremely glad I got Wii. -KDX[/COLOR]
  12. Kenshin DX

    Dane Cook

    If people get offened by comedians you should probaly not listen to any copmedians in the first place. I mean I watch a lot of comedians and in one way or another they will make fun of a group of people. Hell Robin Williams did it on Broadway and he was great. Dane Cook has a lot more offensive material than most comedians Ill say that. And his style is immature but he is a good comedian.Not one of the greats but funny nonethless.
  13. Midicroncia is one of the best experimental groups around. Their music is just plain weird but really good. None of their songs sound the same which is why i cant stand mainstream music. Also check out Jinn another unique group.
  14. [QUOTE=Felix Santiago][SIZE=1] That didnt answer my question. -___-' since then I've solved my problem, but I have a new one, I've managed to finally get those songs onto my [B] psp [/B] by they are in AAC format, which means I really cant pull up artist info, album info, etc. is there a program that will allow me to do so?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] It is extrmeley complicated and illegal to put itunes on your PSP(seeing how itunes are meant to be used on apple products). I use Yahoo Music Jukebox to convert music to my PSP..
  15. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's certainly paying me better than normal work ever did, I can tell you.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] How do you always get away with one sentence answers lol? And lets put it this way without prostitution Id still be a virgin so i'm not really against it :animeswea .
  16. [QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520] I'd say the reason he's not as memorable is because he wasn't in the 90s cartoon very much. Though, interestingly enough,[B] he apparently worked (and merged) with Hydroman once to create an unintelligent mud monster...[/B] -r2[/color][/QUOTE] I actually remember that lol The reason I don't like Sandman is because they could use cooler villains like Carnage. Where the hell is Carnage? Fans would go nuts if he was in it. Green Goblin and Doc Oc were very cliche villains and the most well known which is why they probably chose them. But maybe villains like Kraven , Silver Sable, Black Cat(throw in a little love interest there), Electro would be cool. At least they are not using Chameleon that would be uberlame.
  17. [QUOTE=Chaos]Mmm, I suppose it might just be a matter of personal preference, but when I play, I feel a definite difference between DW and SW. Sure, the control schemes are the same, but the small things like the way the charge attacks physically hit and the abilities of the Musou attacks have a distinct feel to them. When you hit something in DW, particularly with a Charge4 attack, you really feel and see it, whereas in SW the enemies kind of float away like a bubble. *shrug* I don't know. Maybe I've developed a little bit of fanboyism over the years and just don't like it because it's not the epic struggle I can remember staying up until three in the morning reading and later replaying. But, in my opinion, there is just something different in the physics engine of SW that I just _don't_ like.[/QUOTE] I'm just saying they play very similar to each other. The problem with SW is it has so many problems that DW doesn't have. Like the fog is much worse in SW , the physics like you mentioned is flawed, the camera is horrible, and there's only a handful of characters.While DW has about 40+ characters to choose from. DW is obviously the superior game but they are both part of the same family but SW is the retarded cousin of DW.
  18. Great work both of you Ill save both and alternate which nes I use. Thanks again :animeswea
  19. How did this thread die? Speed Grapher rocks. After viewing the whole series I can safely say it is one of my favorite series of all time. The [spoiler] SeuTengu episode was easily the best in the series[/spoiler]. And I agree the series is quite disturbing but oh so good. I found the ending to be very anti-climatic and [spoiler]Saiga going blind was sad[/spoiler]. I love this series to death the battles were very creative not to mention it has one of the best dubs Ive ever heard.
  20. [QUOTE=cancer]My school has internet filters, and blocks myspace. It also blocks some backdoor sites. Does anyone know a way to bypass this? [color=red][size=1]Instead of closing the thread, I merged it with this thread. However, post quality is still an issue here, and though it's straight to the point, it couldn't hurt to give more than 2 lines of detail. ~Phenom~[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Easy stuff .Hack the schools main computer and while you are at it change your grades. No same in my school unless you have permission (which I doubt they would give you ) then theres no way to fully access the site.
  21. Pssht teenage drama. You are like 14 am I right? You shouldn't be chasing boys to begin with. At this age they are all self conscience, hyperactive, jack-assess. Boys are really immature but usually with age they get better and so does dating and having a relationship. Unfortuantly some teens don't grow out of it and act like 8 year old idiots for the rest of their lives.You are better off waiting a couple of years.
  22. Great thanks a lot jiggly it looks great I love the colors and my username on it. No need for a banner thanks though. Id like to see Kitty's as well.That is if you still want to make it Kitty?
  23. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial] (followed, of course, by the [B]Insane Clown Posse[/B])[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] I fully support and endorse the death of the ICP.
  24. [QUOTE=Dagger] EDIT: For the record, a lot of dialogue has been cut out of the Yotsuba arc in the anime. At least 50% of the manga-dialogue was absent from episode 21. This is a good thing. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] The arc where [spoiler] Light becomes a wussy good guy right?[/spoiler] Yeah I couldnt stand that arch even the climax to it is pretty lame.
  25. I'm finding the anime extremely painful to watch. I'm all ready so far ahead if it in the manga its ridiculous. The anime does have great animation but it's practically word for word with the manga. People who are dying of anticipation should start reading the manga it's a lot far ahead of the anime. It's almost at it's climax. Ill continue to watch the anime being the loyal DN fan that I am. But i'm not ready to jump out of my skin like you guys are since manga wise I'm really far ahead. If it weren't for Geass Id say this would be the most anticipated anime of the year.
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