Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
\[COLOR=DarkGreen]]Speed Grapher- seriously a MA series. But a great one nonetheless. Its unique concept and love story suck in you. Its a thriller anime that constantlly throws you in loops. Great cast of characters. Amazingly creative battles. And Saiga and SeuTengu are just so badass. Every episode is unique in its own way. A truly underrated but amazing series. Samurai X Trust and Betrayal- Truly the greatest anime movie of all time. Amazing animation and storyline. Romance and shows a era filled with violence and blood splattering. Kenshin is a great character(hence my username) . There really is nothing wrong with this film it's perfection. Never has an anime combined so many elements and made it all so good. Except more of my favorite titles in the future[/COLOR]
:My God the ending of Getbackers is insane. [spoiler] Final Get Backers Manga Chapters Spoilers (Simply Jawdroppin' Spoilers!) ]Ban & Akabane fight to the death at the gates of Babylon but Ban loses in the final strike, Akabane tells him he's reached his limit and thus his own lowest point but luckily for him this is his own lowest point too and then promptly liquifys into an ocean of blood spraying out from every part of his black suit as his hat slowly floats to the ground, Ban lays down comforted by Paul & Himiko but tries to express how he never expected to die like this and starts to disappear like his father slowly, elsewhere Ginji, Teshimine & Makubex finally open the gate to Babylon at long last and peer inside only to find... the king of creation himself, Akabane dressed in a real doctor's suit who explains the final door is the gateway to reality...thats right reality!, everything in the GB world has just been one gigantic hologramatic plaything of some huge hologramtic company in the real world and Akabane (this actual real version of him) has been tasked with caretaking this world until a new caretaker would be able to take care of it in his absence from now on, and he chooses Ginji for the task as his successor. [/spoiler]
[url]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2006/243/reviews/929568_20060901_screen005.jpg[/url] [COLOR=Red]Yakuza I came across the other day and since most of the reviews said it was simailiar to Shenmue I decided to pick it up seeing how Shenmue is my favorite game. Sadly its almost nothing like Shenmue. But its still a solid brawler. I fell in love with the story. Which revolves around Kazuma a mobster who takes the rap for a friends crime and ends up 10 years in prison. When he gets out everything has gone to hell. Your lover has gone missing along with 10 billion dollars of Yakuza money and your best friend has betrayed you.Now its up to you protecet a young girl named Haruka from the dangers of Tokyo. The game is sort of a mystrey game. But its a brawler at heart. You basicly get into fights every 5 minutes but the fighting system is very good. I just wish their was more variety in the enemies and your moveset. The story is what keeps you going every twist and turn you look foward to each cutscene the story is great. As well as the final boss fight. It has a great cast of characters especially Kazuma a mobster with a heart of gold. But he will break your face in and leave you in a wheelchair if youthreaten someone he cares for. I recomend Yakuza to anyone looking for a good story or a good brawler. I can't wait for the second installment of this series. Oh and if anyone could tell me how to post screen shots it would be most appreciated.[/COLOR] [color=#4B0082]Please don't post images that stretch the site's layout. Either use a thumbnail image linking to the full size one or a text link instead. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color] [COLOR=Red]EDIT:Sorry Desbreko I am new to this image thing[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=Blue]What kind of games are you looking for? Juding by your list you only own fighting games. Get Virtua Fighter 4 evolution for PS2. If you can be mmore specific I can recomend a lot more.[/COLOR].[/B]
[B][COLOR=Blue]I just picked up this game.The first hour and a half I just wanted too kill myself it was so boring. Not to mention the liscense system and gambits were complicated. After playing more though the battle system became second nature setting gambits was easy as well as using liscenes but it does take awhile to get used to. The characters are ok im not to far in but they really don't intrest me Balthier is cool but they hardly flesh him out. Like they did with the other characters. Ive noticed this game revolves around Politics and not action or religion. Its a good game i just hope the pace picks up soon. I also got the collectors edition if anyone has it are their any stuff worth watching on it?[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=Blue]Devil May Cry will hopefully be as great as the games.I want to see it. Im also looking foward to the new installments to Hellsing. And finally the end of Speed Grapher.[/COLOR][/B]
[QUOTE=Meggido] PS3 (no aus release yet also): Metal Gear SOlid 4 Final Fantasy XIII [B]God of War 2[/B] Devil May Cry 4 Elder SCrolls 4: Oblivion .[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=Blue]GOW 2 will be on the PS2 not PS3. Just for the heads up.[/COLOR][/B]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Konami has said that this game will probably come out on the 360. Save yourself 200 bucks and the hell of searching for a PS3.[/COLOR][/quote] [B][COLOR=Blue]False. Its was only a rumor. MGS4 will stay PS3 exclusive[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=Blue]]Firefox is still my favorite. I tried IE7 but its really not that great. FF still beats out everything on the market[/COLOR].[/B]
[quote name='Phenom']Unless there's been a confirmation, I'm not really sure if Vergil's going to be in DMC4, but then again, I haven't read that much about it..[/quote] [COLOR=Blue][B]Im sure Vergil will play a small part like he did in DMC1. At least I hope :animeswea . Thanks for reminding me Phenom im also looking foward to Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Assassians Creed. Also Tekken 5 DR and Virtua Fighter 5 look sweet too.[/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=SunfallE] Playing them on the playstation3 actually looks worse than playing them on the older system would. I know I wouldn?t want to buy playstation3 until that was fixed. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Thats where software/firmwire come in. There will be downloadable patches to fix all these bugs. ;)
[COLOR=Blue]Two games will make my year complete Brawl and Devil May Cry 4. Brawl- Melee was a fantastic game and I still play it. The super frantic speed and great character roster. Amazing game. Now Brawl has some awesome new characters and enchnaced graphics. This game Ill be playing for years to come. DMC4- Seeing how the DMC series is my favorite game series. I really want the 4th installment. Nero looks like a great new character to play as and II want to see how they encorprated Vergil into the game. Another game with outstanding graphics. These two games are going to be fing awesome. We just need a release date [/COLOR]:rolleyes:
:animestun Absolutley amazing work. Thanks so much.
[QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=black]Looks like fun; I hope you dont mind, i've nothing else to do for the moment (I just got off work).[/color][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][b]*Gets to work on avi / banner*[/b][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Thanks bro. Really appreciated :D .
If anyone could make this into a banner and avatar [url]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/244/f/6/VFC_ID_by_Vergil_FC.jpg[/url] Id appreciate it. Feel fee to do what you want with it I really dont have any specifications. Thanks in advance. Oh and if the pic doesnt work feel free to use another one anything will do.
[QUOTE=hidaboy]Sony :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: yes, i have lost faith. my reason, releasing a console at $600, and this whole $100 games.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]WTF are these $100 games you are talking about?[/COLOR] [quote] oops, i lied, is this just a myth i've heard talking to the gamers i associate with or can the ps3 only play ps3 games?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]PS3 has full BC so it plays PS2 games as well as PS1 games.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Gow stealing game of the year from ZTP is a crime :animesigh . Even X-Play gave Zelda GOTY and they suck at their jobs. The rest of the games were no freaking duh. MG won something Gow won, Zelda won, the Wii and PS3 only have one supreb game each title so no surprise there. Im glad an original title won for best DS game. GBA - Who cares? DS- I agree im glad to see an original title take a GOTY award. PSP- Agree great game and a lot better than MG AC!D GC-No duh Zelda. PS2- FFXII of course would win. I think there were far more deserving games. Xbox-They still make games for that? Wii-Duh Zelda PS3-Duh only has one good game being Restiance PC - I agree with company of heros GOTY-Should be Zelda for GC or Wii. Gow is a great game but no wherre near as engaging as Zelda. Meh...this generation wasnt much due to the fact the Wii and PS3 just came out. Im sure next year with Brawl, MarioGalaxy, Battlion Wars 2 , DMC4,MGS4 etc... It will be a seriously great year for gaming. Zelda FTW.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Charles']When you got yours did you cradle it for about five minutes and then rub it up against your face repeatedly? Not that I did that or anything.[/quote] [COLOR=Teal]Charles I want you to be the Godfather of my children. Anyway I got my Wii a couple of weeks ago. With Zelda TP(I wanted to stay dedicated to one game.) What I love most about the Wii is the BC it plays GC games flawlessly. I pawned my original GC when I found out the Wii was a perfect substitue. 360 BC is terrible. Everytime I save in a game the music shuts off. Not to mention you have to wait for updates. And PS3 needs some work. Luckily the BC issues will be fixed or at least Sony says they will. My only problem with the Wii is the interface which isnt bad but just meh... I much prefer the 360s interface. Im highly impressed with this system and it compliments my DS nicely.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Kaze][font=Times]I want to see this... But not until I can view it all at once. I have this problem, where I cannot watch a series if I don't have every episode of at least its first season (or in the case of an OVA: the entire OVA series). I need closure. My buddy has the first episode if I remember, and I smacked him in the face for suggesting that I watch it. >_>[/font][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=Navy]Are you retarded? All of Hellsing Ultimate won't be released until 2009:rolleyes: and its just to good to wait another 3 years. Anyway Hellsing Ultimate was one of the best animes Ive ever seen. The original Hellsing can't hold a candle to this one. Im glad they kept the same VAs as the original. It has excelent animation. WIth a great amount of detail especially in Alucards guns. The fight between Anderson and Alucard was also awesome. in the original anime it was horrible. But now we have it in its full gory glory. Hellsing Ulitmate is definetly one of the best new anime releases and everyone should watch it immediatly. Since this is the true adaption to the manga. [/COLOR][/B]
Thanks Nash Im looking foward to seeing the banner :animesmil . Ill just edit this post after its done to thank you. EDIT Dont be so hard on yourself Nash you did a great job.Just one thing did you copy the caster(gun Genes pointing) twice? Because his eye blocked out. Thats really the only thing wrong .If its possible could you fix it?If not Thank you for your hard work.. EDIT 2: Thank you so much Nash the third one is perfect.
[COLOR=DarkRed]If its not to much trouble could someone make me an Outlaw Star banner from this link[/COLOR] [url]http://outlaw-star10.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/gene_starwind1.jpg[/url] [COLOR=DarkRed]If its possible could you put "Raion" somewhere on it. Any colors are fine thanks a lot. EDIT:Thats funny Retribution the link works fine for me. If people are having trouble with that image then use this one[/COLOR] [url]http://clubs.users.cnu.edu/anime/outlaw_1_800.jpg[/url] [COLOR=DarkRed]Sorry[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Allamorph] Oh, and the fact that Nightroad is a pacifist probably won't lend too well to the breaking loose of all hell.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Who said anything about Nightroad letting hell loose? Its quite obvious even from episode 1 that the Vatican isnt exactly stable .With the pope being a wuss and his older brother is definetly power hungry.And there theres also a lot of foreshadowing toward another war starting( Id go into it further but my spoilers tags arent working). Nightroad is just in for the ride Id also have to disagree with it being like Wolfs Rain. In WR it focused mainlly on character devlopment and how these stray wolves become one pack. It focused heavy on themes like friendship, camrady , and trust. Trinity Blood does not give me that vibe at all instead of expanding characters in each episode they introduce new ones. Each episode does not flow evenly into the next like WR more like NGE where after every episode you feel like you missed something inbetween.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]This game is just Wow... Its looks and plays great truly one of the best looking games ever made. This is definetly the 360s killer ap. Im having a ton of fun and with coop as well. This game is just flat out fiun. My only complaint would be the controls take some getting used to. I hate how slow you move while starefing. This is not a run and gun game. You have to use cover and precise aiming to get through it. I havent been online yet but this game may even surpass Halo in multiplayer if the single player holds up to the multiplayer. GOW truly is a great game and a must own for 360 owners. its a little diffcult if you approach it the wrong way but if you learn the fundamentals this game will rock your world.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]When I saw the title of this thread I was going to beat my head aganist the wall till I died. But now that its on the Wii maybe my love of Mario Party will return. I have fond memories of Mario Party 1 it was my first party game and I still have blisters from rotating the control stick. 2 was good , 3 was ok(I expected the series to end there), 4 ,5,6,7 were the same crap over and over and the mic system they implemented was horrible. On the Wii however the minigame ideas are endless. This could be the game to save the series from its repitive nature. I hope they go all out for this one. That way we wont see a Mario Party 9,10,11,12 with the same game mechanics.[/COLOR]
Manga Could you sign petition for Samurai Deeper KYO?
Kenshin DX replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=SlateGray]Id sign but SDK is long enough as it is its allready 38 volumes. Its a great series but gets overdone and repetitive toward the middle. I can't possibly think of anything new they can do with the series. Plus I don't think a petioin is going to help and this [I]might[/I] be aganist TOS as well. Still theres always a chance of them continuing or expanding the characters just seems very unlikely As for a picture collection and a fan book. that would be pretty cool.[/COLOR]