Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
Karas is an excellent anime movie. It featured great animation , fighting , and characters. While the plot can be a little hard to follow and it moves at a very quick pace its still highly enjoyable. The animation is absolutley stunning on all levels after seeing the begining fight scene Karas will hook you in. It features a great cast of charcters and they all have unique pesonalities and such. Its a must have movie, its essentially a 6 episode OVA but the first 3 episodes were combined into the first movie The Prophecy. Episodes 4-6 will be out somtime next year. I anxiously await the conclusion to this great series.
Anime What do you look for in an anime and what do you dislike in one?
Kenshin DX replied to Magus's topic in Otaku Central
What I look for in anime is great animation , action , and character devlopment. These three aspects are what make anime worth watching too me. I love a compelling story but that can always take second place to action. Im an action junkie I enjoy my fight scenes a lot especially if done well. I also love great animation I guess you could call me shallow since I prefer action to plot but whatever to each his own. I feel character devlopment is important as well I like to see anime characters change over the course of the story and become more compelling then when the series started. What I hate in anime are bad fight scenes and fillers. Episodes that dont advance the series in anyway just flat out suck. Such as Bleach and Naruto despite being two of my favorite animes the fillers offer pitiful action , poor attempts to be funny , and dont advance the story or the characters at all. So all in all im really a action junkie who appreciates good animation but also a good cast of characters. -
Ok im going to rediercet you to animenewsnetwork encylcopedia [url]http://animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php[/url] Take a look around the B section and see if any of the names ring a bell. Sorry its vague but its better nothing :animeswea .
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I have mixed feelings about the anime the manga and OVA Trust and Betrayal were fantastic. The anime just lacks what those two had. Season 1-Introduced all the major characters and had a couple of memorable moments like kenshin vs Jin-e and Aoshi also Aoshi's men [spoiler] getting chanigunned to death was a great scene[/spoiler] other thsn that it flat out sucked like the Sumo wrestler episode , cannon girl, and pirate ones. Overall a 7.5 Season 2- Rocked to high heaven. It followed the manga closely and had great amounts of fights and character devlopment. Kenshin vs Saito, Sojuiro and then Shishio were nothing short of brillant fights. All the epsiodes in season 2 kept the series rolling and wasnt loaded with crap. A 9.0 Season 3- :animeangr Way to **** up an anime. After Season 2 ended they should have either stopped the anime or animated the Jinchuu arch(Enishi arch) into the series. Not the crappy job the OVA did covering the Enishi arch but the way the manga did it. It consisted of 95% filler with a crappy Chrisitanity arch thrown in to make it even worse. A total failure desrves nothing more than a 6.0 . So I loved parts of Season 1 all of season 2 and despised season 3. So RK isnt an horrible anime but if it had followed the manga all the way to the end it would have been heaven for all RK fans.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I just started Bleach and am on episode 31 after the whole[spoiler] Renji and Rukia flashback[/spoiler]. This has quickly become one of my favorite animes. The action is so well done and theres enough blood to go around. Once Soul Society starts the series gets alot more intresting. Some episodes tend to drag however like when [spoiler] Ichigo encounters the gate guardian with the axes[/spoiler]. The charcters are also great Ichigo, Renji, Chad , Uryuu , Rukia , and my personal favorite Byakuya. The story is compelling it just can be a little slow sometimes. One things for sure after [spoiler] Rukias rescued[/spoiler] I am not looking foward to the fillers you guys have been going on about. But i suppose you have to take the bad with the good[/COLOR] :animesigh .
[COLOR=DarkRed]Basilsik is a series Ive recently gotten into allthough im not that far in (epsiode 8). The series is great. Its amazing to see so many main characters die. Characters that would seem to last the whole series can get easily wiped out in an early episode. Thats where the genius of the anime is. You dont know whos going down and whos making it out alive. I like the unique set of powers allthough some are strange like[spoiler] a ballon like man and a man with the abilty to merge with any surface[/spoiler] Half the fun is seeing what powers the characters have. The love story isnt what drags you in its pretty typical R+J stuff like Raiyuu said but the action and suspense are the heart of the show. Action is great all the scenes Ive seen have been very impressive. I anxiously await volume 3.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well im glad the manga ended on a good note unlike the crap movie Reflections. The fight with Enishi was well done. Im just a little pissed they cut volume 28 so short. Half was RK then it was just a couple of chapters of Renkin. They seriously shouldnt have gone and done that. I felt ripped off. Still it was a satsifying ending for a great series. If only the anime had encorprated the final arch of the manga into the anime it would have been subreb. As I said before Kenshin vs Enishi in Reections was no where near as good as the manga fight.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Couldn't find a thread on this in the directory so I decided to make one myself. BBB is a run of the mill vampire anime. It dosent cover any new grounds and is simaliar to that of Hellsing. However for an action series its pretty well done. It stars Jurou a vampire also know as the "Silver Blade" since he wields a giant katana.He also posseess psychic powers so in other words he's flat out bad***.The Kowloon Children are the enemies. Vampires are refered to as Black Bloods and Humans Red Bloods. Jurou suffers greatly over the loss of his lover and leaves the viewer wanting to find out more about Juros tragic past. The action is great with all the vampire killing you could ask for. Aside from that its not particualry deep Ive only seen up to episode 3 but so far so good. It satrts off with a bang and then slows down to set the stage like Trinity Blood did. My major gripe is Jurous little brother Kotaro who gets on your nerves rather fast hes mainly there to offer the comic relief but hes annoying none the less. I see promise in BBB and am intrested by the main character. Ill be keeping a close eye on this anime.[/COLOR]
[quote name='animeloyalist91']naruto sucks. I can not stand it. In english or japanese. Come guy what selfrespecting ninga wears those clothes. all The ninga in the anime wear bright clothes. WTF. The storyboard is so crappy.The diouloge is the worst. I will give it this tought the fighting is really smart.[/quote] WTF is a ninga :rolleyes: ?
[QUOTE=Dagger]What kind of answer do you want for this question? I mean, how far have you read? Are you looking for spoilers, or are you only seeking speculation from people who are at the same point in the series as you? Many readers do feel that the second arc is lower in quality than the first. I disagree. It's less shocking, certainly; how could Ohba have kept our astonishment at the same level as before without resorting to cheap tricks? But I don't think there's some kind of huge divide between them. If you go back and re-read the beginning after finishing the series, the foreshadowing is actually stunning. The two halves of the story complement each other. But if you're looking solely for more of that pure mind game goodness, then you very well could be disappointed. I'd suggest trying to keep an open mind about it--don't let your opinion be determined solely by what everyone else seems to be saying. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Ok.... What I was getting at was what do people think about [spoiler] Ls death and how will Near fill his shoes[/spoiler]. I know how DN ends Ive read the final chapters but in order im up up to[spoiler] where L keels over and dies[/spoiler].the look on Lights face is priceless so full of evil. I would NEVER let my opinion be determined on what everyone else has been saying.Im a free thinker and decide for myself what I like and dont not based on others opinions.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Shinmaru][spoiler]That's not L's name. It's an alias he used so that Light would be unable to kill him. He chose it because it was also the name of a famous pop star; if Light wrote the name in the Death Note, he could very well kill Ryuga the pop star, which would obviously be bad for Light. :P Apparently, though, a new "volume" of Death Note is going to be released next Friday in which L's real name will be revealed.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]My bad I got confused. Anyway does anyone else feel that [spoiler] That Ls death was kind of a downfall for the series?[/spoiler] I mean he was a genius and was a perfect rival for Light. Near is suposed to[spoiler] be Ls succesor[/spoiler] How do you think that will work out?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Im a bit skeptical about the DN anime. The manga always feels superior Get backers, Black Cat etc. The anime adaptions never turn out as well. So how does it compare would you say the anime is just as good as the manga? Or did the anime change the storyline around? Im curious about it seeing how the manga is one of my all time favorites. Im not expecting the same qualty of the manga in the anime but something that does the manga justice.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Nekova']Plus, do we EVER find out L's name? I know it doesn't have any real impact on the story, but I want to know![/quote] I think its Ryuga.
[COLOR=Blue]My lateset purchases would be Enchanted Arms and Saints Row for my 360. Saints Row was great despite being a GTA rip off it did alot of things better and looked great. I enjoyed it alot. Side missions were actually fun and the shooting and drving were done very smoothly. A definte must have if you like GTA games. Enchanted Arms is your standard JRPG but for ome reason it enticed me. I just wanted to see what happend next not to mention the battle system was alot of fun and original. There were way to many random battles but thats a usual for JRPGs and the English Dub was terrible. Thanks for the Sub option :animeswea . I beat it twice and enjoyed it both times not to mention i got a boatload full of Achievement points. These two were fun and addicting . My next game will probaly be Phantasy Star Universe can't wait for that one.[/COLOR]
Request Bleach Avatar and Banner Requesst (Renji) lpics inside.
Kenshin DX replied to Kenshin DX's topic in Creative Works
Thank you so much KW. I only wish you werent the only one to attempt making my banners but whatever. The banner looks great and the color scheme is perfect . Thanks alot :animesmil . -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Trinity Blood has become one of the best action animes Ive ever seen. I mean in the first epsisode someone gets [spoiler] their heart ripped out and then crushed[/spoiler]. Now thats what I call intense. Allthough Nightroad is cool in his true form his human pacifistic side is annoying. Very much reminds me of Vash from Trigun. Gunslinger is another character I adore .A homicidial android with a genocide mode whats not to love? Trinity Blood has some great action and the plot isn't terrible. I definetly want to follow this series to the end not for the story but for the intense action thats only goiing to increase as the war gets closer and closer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]Inuyasaha has passed its due point. It wasn't all that great to begin with and now its just insanely bad. Its become so repitive I can't sit through an episode. I just want them to kill Naraku and end it allready :animeangr . While I do enjoy the romance between Inuyasha and Kagome its gone on way to long and now feels more like a soap oprea than anything else. Hopefully they will end it on a good note to please fans. But any ending is fine with me as long as it decides to end.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]After watching episodes 5-9the series has picked up with the inclusion of Alex he is a great character and a good rival for Vaan not to mention his Armor is awesome. The episodes that included him were great. The action is finally becoming alot more intresting with Vaans fight on the island and aganist the giant Snake Armor. Its definetly an improvement to when the sereis started. Im glad the characters back stories are being fleshed out more and more. While I wouldnt say its the best new anime its pretty damn good.[/COLOR]
[B]Berserk[/B]- is a must read. It is regarded as the greatest manga of all time. It starts out as a simple story of revenge but once you get further into it it gets incredibly deep. Great action scenes and Guts(main character) is the defintion of awesome. [B]Battle Royale[/B]- is another great one. Which does character devlopment so well. If you can stomach the intense amounts of gore. Its a must have. [B]Black Cat[/B]- ok I know not many people are fond of it but its a fun read. Nothing deep or complex just straightfoward action and comedy simialr to that of Get backers.
Enchanted Arms is one of my favorite Xbox 360 games. I just recently beat it and it was great. I really appreciate the fact it can be switched from English to Japanese audio with subtiltles. The visuals were amazing and the plot was compelling , I really enjoyed the battle system as well. The problem was there was too much random battles for my liking making running from place to place a huge pain. I also didnt like how thre game treated you lie you were retarded." Allright Atsuma press A to climb the ladde"r.WTF? ANother thing that turned me off was the horrible mini missions for instance [spoiler] rebuilding London City and proving Yuki's innocence[/spoiler] were really annoying and broke up the games story. All and all its a highly enjoyable game thats worth a rent even though not everyone will like it some will love it. If you do get it however switch to Japanese VO youll thank me later ;)
If its not too much trouble Id like aBleach banner and avatar the character is from Bleach. For the banner [url]http://a-graph.uv.ro/poze-main/poze/bleach/images/bleach-byakuya.jpg[/url] Prefably my username on it but thats optional. And for the avatar [url]http://forums.moonanime.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/normal_byakuya~0.jpg[/url] If neither work any will do thanks in advance. EDIT-Since no one responed to my Renji request Ive change the character to Byakuya hopefully someone ,anyone can make this for me.
Anime Anime that need a sequel/continuation
Kenshin DX replied to 5th Hokage's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=black rurouni]Here are the show that should have sequel: s-cry-ed- the end was CRAP they did not explain who won the main land or the alters. trigun-they did not explian what vash did after the whole nives thing. cowboy bebop-they did not explian if spike [spoiler]died [/spoiler]and what about every else. fullmetal alchemist-they did not explian if ed [spoiler]got back through the gate to al.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I agree Scryed was utter crap.I still confuses me. I felt Trigun really didnt need to in a sense Vash [spoiler] saved Knives from himself and thats what Rem wanted[/spoiler] so I was content with it. [spoiler] Spike is dead people just made up a stupid story that he was alive because they felt it was sad and didnt like it[/spoiler]. I thought the ending was brillant Another anime that needs a sequel is Berserk they call it season one but there are no plans for a second season. It felt like they did a half assed job since the manga has been revered as one of the best mangas of all time.[/COLOR] -
Everything Charles said was spot on.Except Yakuza which is most likely going to suck. DMC3 Special Edition is a must if you enjoyed DMC3. Its only $2o and the extras are well worth the purchase. Shadow of the Colousos(sp?) just hit $2o as well. Which is a game like no other. Sly 3 is another good game thats low priced if you enjoy platformers invest in the series. You cant go wrong with these games they're great and cheap.
Im sorry but its going to be almost impossible to help you without a picture.
Can we do animes that ended allready but should have ended earlier? My vote goes to Getbackers it had quite possibly the worst second half of an anime ive ever seen. They did a halfassed job especially compraed to the manga counterpart. It should have ended after the IL arch .They should have ended it if they werent going to put any effort into the rest of the series.