Kenshin DX
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Everything posted by Kenshin DX
Ive been rerading the manga and I found the [spoiler] girls in the lighthouse to be the most disturbing thing Ive ever seen in a manga. One girl dieing from poison and bloating up anothers face being blown up and her eyeballsflying out. Finnaly the girl who jumped to her deathand her manglaed body[/spoiler] They really went over the top with it. My stomach was in knots. ANother disturbing thing was [spoiler] Mitsukos death that really shook me up[/spoiler].
I agree with every one else. Maybe its some sort of fan art? You should ask Dagger if she dosent know this character its probaly not an official anime character.
[quote name='UnemployedNinja']Yeah, I thought that was odd as well, since in isolated Japan, how did they know about Pulp Fiction?[/quote] One of two reasons 1-Japan has seen American Movies. I saw an interview with the writer of Gantz and he talked about a couple of American movies like Pulp Fiction, Blade Runner, and Kill Bill. 2-Battle Royale is an [B]ADAPTION[/B] not a direct translation. So theres going to be some refrences to American pop culture.
I almost cried when Nishi in Gantz[spoiler] died. It was so sad sure he was a total jackass but they way he begged for his mother was one of the saddest things Ive ever seen in an anime[/spoiler].
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Pretty much all anime on Ebay is bootleg. I never buy pirated anime. I think prices are reaonable it just depends on the store. For instance stores like Fye sell anime at $30 a pop +tax. Which is a huge rip off. I think $25 a pop is reasonable depending on the number of episodes your getting. Getbackers had 5 episodes to a disc so thats $5 an episode. FLCL and Gantz had 2 episodes per volume and charged full retail price which was a rip off. Boxsets can be fair for instance Evangelion and some outrageous like Gungrave. When a set is usually completeld they charge a huge amount of cash for instnace Samurai Champloo. Give it a year and they will sell it in seasons cheaper than buying it at once. The trick is where to look and the content your getting.[/COLOR]
Yeah I post at IGN alot. Game collections seem to have become peoples bragging rights. I really dont collect games.I buy games and keep the ones I either still play or have fond memories of. So I do trade in some bad game purchases but I like to hold onto my favorites. And Bloody Roar 4 doesnt suck just the VO is bad.
Gaming 9 hour plane ride, what DS game should I get?
Kenshin DX replied to Viper0529's topic in Noosphere
[B]Castelvania Dawn of Sorrow[/B]- This game rocks. Its one of the best Castlevanias since Circle of the moon. If you never played one they are basicly 2D sidescrollers very simialir to metorid for the GBA.It has a lot of RPG elements weapons and spells. Theres very little use of the touch screen.Only when you have to defeat bossess and even then its a huge pain in the ***. The map is also on the bottom of the screen making navagating in Dos much easier then in previous games. This is a must have for your DS. -
Gantz is perhaps my favorite anime. The manga is great too. Unfortuetly it hasnt been released on the US. So im stuck with my crappy fan subs :animecry: . i hate the whole [spoiler]revival concept if you die you should stay dead like in the anime[/spoiler]. Theres alot more chacters in the manga and Kurono actually has a lover unlike the anime. I really hope they release the manga in the US soon. Gantz is a unique series thats a great read but like the others have stated strong language , sexual themes, and violence.Not that it bothers me thoguh.
Hmm it looks like Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star as a kid. But im not 100% sure.
[quote name='AnimeHeroX']so what's getbackers about i was interested in the manga and was wondering could you give a little bit of a description. thanks[/quote] Heres a basic descrption of Getbackers Ban Mido and Ginji Amano are a recovery duo infamously known as "GetBackers." Ban possesses two special powers: the "Snake Bite" (his hands have a gripping power of 200kg) and the "Evil Eye" (anyone who looks into his eyes will be locked into a powerful and nightmarish hallucination). Ginji, on the other hand, has the ability to generate thousands of volts of electricity from his body. Together, they run a freelance business of recovering anything lost or stolen from a client - and they claim a 100% success rate at their job.
Black Cat has quickly become one of my favorite manga. The art style is great as well as the chacters. The battles are done so well and the dialogue is great. Black Cat is definetly worth a read. As the plot thickens and as the story progresses it gets even better.
Battle Royale is a great series. I loved the book and the manga follows it closely. Not a big fan of the movie since the chacters werent as devloped in the movie as they were in the book and manga. The transaltion in the manga is done extremely well. Also it has a very diffrent art style which is alot more realistic looking than traditonal manga. The gore factor is an 11/10. This manga is disturbing especially [spoiler] Mitsukos death where a gunshot literlally rips a giant hole in her face and you see her brains fly out.[/spoiler] Thats not even the worst death in the series. The chacters all feel real and they are all done so well. Every charcter has a background that are so well done they feel like real people. You even get attached to them and even feel bad when they die. At the end after seeing Kiryiama and Mitsukos(the two biggest killers in the program) past you even grow to feel bad for them. I seriously recomend Battle Royale to anyone with a strong stomach and mature enoguh to handle the strong sexual content.Great series and worthy of the book.
[B]Samurai X Trust and Betrayal[/B]- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The story of Kenshin during his days of being the hiotkiri battosai. Amazing animation, supreb chacter devlopment.Great fight scenes very bloody. This is a must have anime movie even if you disliked Rurouni Kenshin you will still fall in love with this movie.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Definetly kenshin from Samurai X not Rurouni Kenshin.When he was the Hitokiri Battosai . The way he kills so brutally and fast. His amazing speed and agility. He fights without mercy and kills in the most brutal ways.Kenshin definetly gets my vote.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I know Gun x Sword is a westren. However it may not be your cup of tea since the fighting takes place in mechs. The setting is very westren and very simaliar to Triguns setting. You could give it a shot.[/COLOR]
Yes I like the song. Not crazy about the video thoguh the whole deer people thing is really weird. Fallout boy is a pretty good group Dance Dance is another one of their works I like.I really dont see any signifance in the saluting maybes its like a KISS thing like when they stick out their tonues.
Getbackers manga is an amazing series and is alot better than the anime. The manga has alot more substance and a hell of alot more fanservice then the anime. The manga is really directed at mature readers while the anime is watered down and made to appel to a younger audience. So far the Venus de Milo just got wrapped up. It was great to see [spoiler] Lighting Emperor come out[/spoiler] .The next arch looks promising which is going to be game oriented.
Anime What anime ending confused you?
Kenshin DX replied to the Samaruimist's topic in Otaku Central
The ending of Gantz was confusing. I think the director left it up to the viewer to decide what happens. [spoiler] Kei is on the subway tracks and the subways approcahing he lifts his fingers and goes BANG! Then Gantz dissapers[/spoiler] I have no idea what happens to Kei I wish it was explained better. It felt cut off just like the Getbackers ending. -
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I dont get your thread. What are the mods getting revenge for? I seriously doubt any of the mods have grudges aganist anyone.[/COLOR]
Warning: Sexually related Question. 17+ Only. Rating [M-S]
Kenshin DX replied to Dhampir's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Wow I cant belive this thread hasnt been locked. The purpose of the water thing is [spoiler] It makes the women have intense bowl movement in other words crap her brains out[/spoiler] Now i find this kind of thing disgusting and not arousing at all. But keep in mind Japan is another culture with its own fetishes. Im not saying all of Japan likes it just seems like a trend there. That and women growing male body parts[/COLOR] :sick: -
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime[/url] This should help clear things up and offer insight into what makes anime ,anime.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I cant belive no ones mentioned this yet[/COLOR] [url]http://www.animegalleries.net/[/url] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]animegalleries allows you to make your own avatars.I make all my own. Its fast and very easy.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=celestialcharm][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua] Now what I thought of the film: [spoiler]The beginning was so confusing! You know how they said 20 years before, then 10 years before? Did they means 10 years after the 20 years before or the the middle of the 20 years before?! Why did they have to be so confusing! [/spoiler] ][/QUOTE] They meant 20 years before the film begins. Then it went to 10 years before the film began. Just thoguht Id clear that up.
[quote name='Manic Webb']Well, it just felt a little... gratuitous. Aside from the fact that Yuriko stood there and intimidated the audience for the first 2 hours, there was really nothing building up to their battle. Granted, it was a good fight. However, I felt that subtracting a minute out of that fight and adding to Jean & Scott's fight would've been nice. Cyclops disappeared in the first act, and what do we get when he returns? Three zaps.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Cyclops is one of the most important Xmen yet in every movie hes given such a minor role.He dissapears throguhout the first 3/4 of Xmen 2 and he [spoiler] dies 15 minutes into X3[/spoiler][/COLOR] [QUOTE]Plus, I'm a regular comic book reader, and I (like most Marvel readers) am tired of Wolverine getting overexposed. There was actually a point in the comics where Wolverine was on Cyclops' team, Storm's team, Havok's team, the Avengers, had his own solo comic, and was making frequent cameos in Spider-Man's books. At the same time. So whenever I watch X2 again, I actually die a little inside when I remember just how much that movie centers around Wolverine.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Amen. Wolverine has had a guest cameo in just about every new Marvel comic. Marvels under the impression if they put Wolvy in every issue people will buy. Im not crazy about Wolverines solo comics. I much prefer him as a member of the Xmen. The movies put to much focus on him. In fact X2 was going to be called "Wolverines origin".Good thing they changed it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I didnt find the original DS cumbersome at all. I wish I could say the same about the PSP(whichl needs a change in structure).After playing the LIte however I relizaed all the flaws the original DS had. The lite is downright comfortable and sexy looking. I plan on trading in my old DS and getting a Lite.How much are Lites selling for? About the UK Flame I checked around but to no sucess since it just came out in the US. Im sure it will hit the UK shortly.[/COLOR]