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Kenshin DX

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Everything posted by Kenshin DX

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes that mustache thing was weird. And I agree the first episode was pretty good it just hasnt picked up since then. From what Ive read of the second DVD thoguh it looks like things are going to get more intresting. Im hoping for some better action scenes and something to keep me intrested in the story. Since i can see people losing faith and giving up on it.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Gantz is one of my favorite animes Id gladly join in.[/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Manic Webb']I'm inclined to disagree. I thought the Wolverine/Deathstrike fight was overblown, and far too long.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Wow someone complaining about a fight scene being to long thats the first I heard of it. Im usually complaning that fights are way to short.It seems these days fights dont last longer than 2 minutes. I prefer my fight scenes long and brutal. [/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='TaMs']i dont even know what is that "gitaroo man" :D[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Not surprising since its not a commonly known game. Its a quirky game from Japan where you have to save the world by playing your guitar to defeat evil forces that threaten the world. Yes its as weird as it sounds. You use the analog sticks to direct the music notes. Its a music game like Parappa the Rapper and Mad Mistro. Very fun but short.[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='BKstyles']In that case, Samurai X.[/quote] Correct looks like your up.
  6. [quote name='BKstyles']Looks like Rurouni Kenshin to me.[/quote] Close but i dont know if you I can give you credit because its from an OVA. If you can name the OVA/Movie its from then it would be correct but Ill leave it up to Nomura to decide.
  7. Hell Yeah I actually got it .Allright so I guess its my turn [url]http://static.flickr.com/42/78968953_5a32cc5396_o.jpg[/url]
  8. [COLOR=DarkGreen]X-Men 3 was good over hyped but still good. It was nowhere as good as X1 or X2 but they did a good job with it. I was a little dissapointed with the fight scenes in the movie.In X2 the best battle would have had to be between Wolverine and Deathstrike it would be hard to top that. I also felt the fight with Juggernaut was very anticlimatic. I also didnt like how they [spoiler] killed Cyclops so fast[/spoiler]. But [spoiler] Profesor X dieing was brillant[/spoiler]. I didnt like how they didnt focus on chacters like Colosuus who should have had a little more depth. like celestial said I really wish they added Gambit he would have been cool. I thoguht the movie was good but X1 and X2 pawned it. I wouldnt compare it to the other 2 since X3 wasnt even in the same league. A good movie but not worthy of the ones that came before.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen] Hmm... Is that the anime [U]Colorfu[/U]l?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I couldnt find this thread so I made my own if its been done before feel free to lock it. To start Gun x Sword(pronunced Gun Sword) is about a man name Vaan searching for his fiancees killer. A man with a claw. Along the way he meets a young girl named Wendy after saving her she teams up with him to find her brother.Thats the general plot summary of the show. Ill start with animation it is almost as good as Gantz in that department. Smooth, crisp, and fluid this is one of the best looking animes Ive ever seen. Its real eye candy. Plot eh.... its decent keep in mind Ive only seen episodes 1-4 but from what Ive seen its nothing special. Im sure it gets better but its nothing to keep you begging for more. Ill post more on how the story devlops as soon as the next DVDs released.I have high hopes for this one and intend to stick with it. Action is so-so Vaan carries a sword but most of the combat takes places in giant robots called Armors. Think along the lines of Scryed in that the action is very brief and consits of one hit KOs depending on whos hit the stronger power level.Its not bad but not breathtaking. With that being said Gun Sword has some great potential. The hunt for Vaans killer will only add more twists and turns to the series. Im sure the story will pick up later on. As well as the action. Seeing how Ive seen animes with slow starts pick up momentum fast.[/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Amelia][FONT=Arial']Is Nintendo 64 considered classic?[/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I consider N64 last gen . Classic would be along the lines of the NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis. But whatever floats your boat. As far as old systems go my favorite would be the DC that would have to be my favorite system of all time. Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur, Shenmue I and II and Powerstone I and II. That was a great system with great games to bad it flat lined[/COLOR] :animedepr .
  12. [quote name='Avenged666fold']OK I will think of it as a really short sequel then. But you do understand what I mean when I say sequel right? Like another season. GAH! SEASON! THATS THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR.[/quote] Im glad you read my entire post where I clearly said second season :p .
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen]God everything is controversal these days .Define your idea of a sequel.I know what you mean Avenged you want a second season right as opposed to a 90 minute movie? [/COLOR] EDIT: Shortend for technical diffculties.
  14. I cant recomed Samurai X Trust and Betrayal enoguh. Amazing animation and chacters. You dont have to follow RK to enjoy this one. Reflections is also very good but in this case you need to have wathed alot of RK since its almost all fan service(excluding the Enishi fight).
  15. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]You're refering to this part, correct?[/color] [color=#4B0082]It doesn't actually say anything about PAL releases, though, so I wouldn't take it to mean Nintendo definitely isn't going to release a GCN version in PAL regions. All this is saying is that they'll be releasing both GCN and Wii versions in North America. So I still kind of doubt that Nintendo is going cut the GCN version from other regions.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes thats correct. I could be wrong but those were my impressions. I think it would be a good business move for nintendo to can the GC version altogehter.The Wii would sell much better since I doubt people will actually by 2 copies of the game if it will be avaible for GC . But I would like to keep the GC controller as optional over the Wii controller.Now this isnt what I want but it might be a good move for nintendo to really push people into buying the Wii.[/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']As for the GCN version not being released in PAL regions: Where did you hear this? I haven't seen anything about that, and I find it a bit hard to believe that Nintendo would cut out all the GCN owners in Europe and Australia for such a big release.[/color][/quote] [url]http://wii.ign.com/mail/2006-06-01.html[/url] Found the link.
  17. [COLOR=DarkGreen]WTH did you hear friend hear this?You need some type of proof.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Well those of you planning on getting ZTP for GC in PAL regions the game has been kicked and moved to the Wii. If your in the US you can still get it for GC seeing how the US has the biggest market. Sucks to be in a PAL region now you have to own a Wii to play this game.[/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Pyrogamer']One of my friends told me that there making ff7 for the ps3 just with better graphics. Of course they said the same thing when the were coming out with the ps2. Are they going to do it this time or is this another rumor[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Just rumor and speculation. I wouldnt get my hopes up they are to busy with FF XII and XIII.[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=panzerzanaku]hmm u could try Chrono Crusade(really great anime) Rahxephon Blood+ Black Cat(the manga is better tho)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Despite the horrible quality of that post I agree wiith everything on it. Rahxephon is a brillant series and rivals Evangleion.It is not a mech show however dont let anyone tell you diffrently. Blood+ is great to. Black Cat is one of my favorite new anime/mangas. It has a distinct art style and intresting chacters. Check these out as well.[/COLOR]
  21. Oh im sorry I thoguht you meant the anime on the list. In that case Id go with Gantz its like Elfen Lied in terms of violence and gore. It has excellent animation and a great storyline. With great chacters and intense action. I highly recomend Gantz. You can get the first seasoon for $55 or buy the first DVD for $15 and see if you like it.
  22. My favorite Jrock group other than Rip Slyme. They have alot of talent I love Rewrite. They have alot more talent than most of the artists we have today.
  23. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Without a doubt FMA should be first.Great chacters, story and animation. Then Outlaw star great animation, chacters, horrible ending thoguh. Followed by Gundam WIng which is the best Gundam series.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkGreen]You must be refeirng to Gungrave Overdose.I thoguht you meant the first piece of #### game.OD was decent nothing mind blowing .The cutscenes were all chacters inside little boxes with horrible VA. As for Naruto like Avegened said dont get to excited.Since its most likely going to bomb. Seeing how bad the GC versions of the Naruto franchise have been. Maybe Naruto has a better chance on the PS2.[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='Avenged666fold']I would keep my expectations nice and low. Every anime game save 1(gungrave) were aweful so far. I'm pretty sure gungrave was a gaem first as well. So if this does turn out to be decent it will be a nice suprise.[/quote] No offense bro but Gungrave sucked. Short , simple , repitive in every sense of the word. Im saying this as a huge fan of the anime. Your entitled to like it but I thoguht it was God Awful they couldnt even afford cutscenes.
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