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Everything posted by DeityTheGreat

  1. i just got hired at Walmart thought I'd find out who else has a job
  2. [FONT=Tahoma]I live in Bakersfield which i recently graduanted from North High im currently visiting my mom and hope to go back but meanwhile ill relax up here in oregon, [/FONT] Ive moved back now lol imm living on my own in an apartment its great and so is BC. which is the college im going to
  3. I came up with my name from Legend of zelda magoras mask Feirce Deity's Mask was where i started it, I started called all my characters Deity but after the orignal term meaning God and a god, I misspronouced it i thought it was pronounced Dei Tay to be exact and once I learned the real meaning. I never really could figure out how to spell it correctly untill now but Ill stick with Deity cuse it looks better. But anyways it has nothing to do with God or me decloring my self god or anything like that im accually a very Christ centered guy soo. Theres accually a whole story that comes with it but im not going to go into that...
  4. [QUOTE=Ganymede]Sigh... I dread graduation with a passion!!! I hate change and graduation represented the worst kind of change ever. It feels like...every thing that was holding everything and everyone together will just magically snap, and everything will just fall apart. The ceremony was pretty cool, but before the ceremony they stupidly made all 500 something graduates sit alphabetically in our school gym, which was horriblely hot, and expected us to be...quiet. It make me wonder how such...mentally retarded teachers expected to keep us under control. Now that its.....what ...almost a month since graduation, it still saddens me to think that all those people that I wa so familiar with, might not ever be apart of my life again. But there is a good side to graduation, at least we aren't held prisoners anymore to those stupid curriculums and limitted to only so few subjects. I have more freedom than I've ever had (which sometimes makes me a little too giddy for my own good) and I SO love it! ...Though.....I haven't started college yet so....I might change my mind. Now that the nervousness of an impending change is over with, I kinda looking forward to learning new things and being able to depend on myself. Now that I've have shared my two cents I will go off and explore this new domain.... :D[/QUOTE] South High has a small gym how the hell did they fit every one in there? No wander it was so hot in there lol i bet the color on your gowns where fading.
  5. OK first off just to say bravo on the quoting man ive been around and ppl dont really quote anymore but this thred is like quote city man its crazy, secondly the tension in here is crazy man , and finally Thirdly... this subject has came in everywhere and ppl have judged the fact that is there really a god? Well there is and everyone can chose to beleive him or not it really is your choice my choice is to yes believe him this life is so based on faith and hope you have to believe in something, im not saying to convert im just saying let the other ppl be if they believe in God thats great if they dont then thats great too. to challenge a subject this big takes a lot ofcourageit took me a lot of courage to do somethings in my life i cant quote on them though anyways, believe or dont believe its your choice my choice is to believe it gives me hope in even the most impossable things if you dont have anything to believe in then cudos to you for standing up to so much **** in this world partion my bad language... :cool:
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