[QUOTE=Ganymede]Sigh... I dread graduation with a passion!!! I hate change and graduation represented the worst kind of change ever. It feels like...every thing that was holding everything and everyone together will just magically snap, and everything will just fall apart.
The ceremony was pretty cool, but before the ceremony they stupidly made all 500 something graduates sit alphabetically in our school gym, which was horriblely hot, and expected us to be...quiet. It make me wonder how such...mentally retarded teachers expected to keep us under control.
Now that its.....what ...almost a month since graduation, it still saddens me to think that all those people that I wa so familiar with, might not ever be apart of my life again.
But there is a good side to graduation, at least we aren't held prisoners anymore to those stupid curriculums and limitted to only so few subjects. I have more freedom than I've ever had (which sometimes makes me a little too giddy for my own good) and I SO love it! ...Though.....I haven't started college yet so....I might change my mind.
Now that the nervousness of an impending change is over with, I kinda looking forward to learning new things and being able to depend on myself.
Now that I've have shared my two cents I will go off and explore this new domain.... :D[/QUOTE]
South High has a small gym how the hell did they fit every one in there? No wander it was so hot in there lol i bet the color on your gowns where fading.