The Newfie
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[COLOR=SeaGreen]Because if we didn't know the lyrics we wouldn't know why we hate the song...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][quote name='Jakehammaren']I just sort of got used to the screaming and growling after a while. I figured I could deal with the vocals seeing as Death Metal offers some of the most complex, technically advanced music available today. Nowadays, I barely pay attention to the vocals, and at times actually enjoy them. It's definately an aquired taste.[/quote] Well, if technically outstanding and complex music (Not lyrics per se, but they're good too!) than may I suggest the 18-minute masterpiece by RUSH, Cygnus X-1 Book Two: Hemispheres? I think it's technically perfect instrument-wise (Some of the greatest drumming of all time, courtesy of Neil The Professor Peart), and you can draw your own conlusions on the vocals (I happen to like them). No growles or screaming here, though. (You may like the lyrics though... I don't know, from my limited knowledge of death metal they seem to be along the same theme sort of. [url]http://www.lyricscafe.com/r/rush/034.htm[/url] ) 'Da Newf Oowatanite [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]I drink beer but that's about it... I'm a hoser ( [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoser[/url] ) so I have a natural immunity to alcohol, I don't remmeber when I was drunk (As in SMASHED). I, quite frankly, love beer. The taste, the feeling, everything - and I never get drunk so no hangover which means no hard-to-explain mornings. I can't say that I have a love of vodka or any other hard alcohols, but that's because most are pretty tastless and are just around to get you smashed... My beer-of-choice is La Fin de Monde (Which means, literally, The End of the World), a 11% beer made by Unibrou and is found almost exclusvily in Quebec (Which makes it hard to get my hands on.) It has a great taste and is pretty hard stuff, but, like I said, I'm a hoser so I can usually have a few a night without any ill affects, eh... But if you're drinking just to drown your sorrows... ain't gona happen. Gona wake up with a headache and the problems will be worse than before. If you can't handle it don't drink it... I remember one kid from when I was younger, he snuck two 36 oz. bottles of vodka into school. He skipped class and drank both bottles in about 5 min. Bet you didn't know that alcohol is a paralizent - when you drink as much as that kid did, than the part of your brain that subconciously controls breathing is paralized... the kid didn't die but he suffered permanent brain damagwe 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR]
Well, there was a female Prime Minister in Canada in 1993... for about 4 months. Kim Cambell. Didn't make a huge splash. The thing is that even though there are an enormous amount of women who are as capable if not more than most men at Politics. I don't know why, but people in some parts of the US still cling to their anti-feminism and the like - so a woman getting elected is unlikely. Same with why a black man won't get elected, or a homosexual man... they can be the best politician ever and still not get elected. Seems idiots can, though....
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Whenever I listen to Death Metal, I'm left with the impression that if they just stopped screaming into the mic they could pass it off as decent music. I really like a lot of the instrumentals and I wish they could just take out the screaming and leave it as an Instrumental-only genre... 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]I haven't watched the video yet. But a couple years back though, I went to a conference held by a professor at my university, A. K. Dewdney explaining some conspiricy theories concerning 9/11. He discussed how the two towers could not have collapsed from the planes crashing into due to the fact that the building were constructed from metal that melts at a higher temperature than the temperature at which the plane's fuel combusts, something like that. He also mentioned how it was absolutely impossible for cell phones to work at the altitude the planes were at when they were first hijacked (the scientists tested this out themselves), though there were reports of cell phone calls made from the planes.... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] It isn't a matter of the metal melting, it's a matter of structural integraty. These buildings aren't built to withstand a plane crash - I mean comon, a strong breeze makes them rock back-and-forth. The planes were trans-contenental - that means that these things were absoutly LOADED with fuel. Even before 9/11 they were described as 'Flying Bombs'. The explosion would have been more than enogh to structurally destabalize the Towers. Considering that Cell Phones use Satelites, than, unless the Terrorists were supposedly flying around Mars at the time, the Cell Phones could work from any where as long as they have the right service provider, or if they have SatPhone. Besides, a lot of planes have built in phones that can contact the ground - they have to work somehow, don't they? My conspiracy theories are not directly related to the 9/11 attacks themselves or the results, but rather the events leading up to them and the ensueing world-wide conflicts. Here goes: Back during the time of JFK's presidency, the US wasn't very friendly with the communist nation of Cuba. They knew that Cuba had the potential to launch missiles etc and could be a cornerstone in any Red invasion. But, being a democratic country, they couldn't just attack. So, Operation Northwoods was concocted. Operation Northwoods is simple. America would commit acts of terrorism againts itself, and than blame the Cubans - thus giving the US an excuse to attack Cuba. Various attacks on cruise ships and coastal towns etc were commited by American agents or people paid by Americans or other covert whatnot. The ensueing chaos was blamed on the Cubans. Result? The Bay of Pigs. It is my theory that 9/11 is a very similar event, although more complex. Put simply, the US (Not going to specify which leader...) had been long aware that Oil is going to be running out soon. They also knew that if that was the case, than Oil would become rediculously expensive (And it has!). By having a puppet government in the Middle East (In this case two, Afganistan and Iraq) they have easy access to this oil. If it does turn into an oil war, they'd also be in a great position to defend their oil intrests from whatever enemies there may be (Most likely China at this point). All the needed was an excuse. Since it looked like Saddam wasn't going to invade anyone, they looked elsewhere. They needed a new scapegoat. The answer was, again, terrorism. Rather than just outright hire some people to hijack a plane, they may have gone right to the higher-ups of al-Queda and simply bought them off. They would have had to simply put the plan in motion, because their followers would never rat them out and would follow unquestionably. May have happened when bin Laden recived his CIA training. So, there you have it. The Trade Towers and the Pentagon are wrecked, a plane going to hit the White House is braught down by passengers. Than a bunch of imformation is concocted (Such as the aformentioned passport) and the attacks linked to al-Queda. Afganistan is 'liberated'. They don't stop there. They make up another story about Saddam and his missiles. They 'liberate' another country and install another puppet government. If that wasn't enough, because of the fearmongering ways of the US government, they scare the holy hell out of everyone. People load up on weapons and defenses and spend rediculous amounts of money. Result? The Government gets one hell of a lot of money from taxes. That's just one simple Newfie's opinion, mind you. 'Da Newf Oowatanite.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Having watched that video previously, and having many of my own conspiracy theories concerning 9/11, I must ask two looming questions: 1, if a Boeing didn't crash into the Pentagon, what did? I know that there is that video 'evidence', of somthing small crashing into the Pentagon, but it is a doctered video done by an amature and released by al-Queda to stir up trouble. 2, if a Boeing didn't crash into the Pentagon... where did it go? What happened to the passengers and the plane itself? My conspiracy theories are much more sinister, and I'd likely be flamed for even bringing them up, so I'll leave it at that. 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]John Lennon's life was taken by a madman with a gun. He was shot twice in the back as he left his hotel, and he died as he was rushed to the closest hospital. Perhaps the most beloved of the Beatles, perhaps the greatest song writer in history, perhaps the most caring, peace-loving man to ever live, John Lennon was one of the most beloved people to ever live. He gave us the timeless classic 'Imagine', he was the driving force behind the bands that revolutionized the world of music. I cried for a solid hour when I hear that John Lennon was gone. John, we miss you. 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]There's about 1 meter (3 ft aprox.) of snow in St.John's today. Nice and cold at -17. Great weather and a great day. I usually play hockey on a local open-ice rink when I'm not out fishing. It's great fun because all the kids on my street come and so do a lotof other people, and we just have a little non-competitive non-contact game. Kind of touching, really. I like it cold :cool: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]I love Folk. It's my second favourit genre. Folk varies greatly, but I love it all. Some good Folk Artists I can think of right now: [B]Bruce Cockburn[/B] (Coh-burn) - try 'Waiting for a Miracle', 'Tokyo', or 'If I had a Rocket Launcher' [B]Gordon Lightfoot[/B] - try 'Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald', 'Sundown', 'Canadian Railroad Trilogy (Beautiful song)' [B]Neil Young [/B](Folk-Rock) - try 'The Painter', 'Harvest Moon', and if you're in an up beat mood, 'Keep on Rockin' in the Free World' [B]Stan Rogers[/B] - try 'Northwest Passage', 'Bluenose', or 'Fogarty's Cove' 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]I'm Jean-Philip Boullion Rivet (Riv-ait not Riv-et), and oddly I am not French (Though my heritage is). I'm 41 (SHOCK) I live in St.John's, Newfoundland, but am originally from a small town called Bonivista. I'm a fisherman, me and 6 friends own a boat called Codfish Dan. We make a lot of money and go out every few weeks during the summer. We don't work for anyone so we don't have to hate our bosses, unless we get depressed and emo. I'm a devoute of Classic Rock, I was raised on it and am still a firm believer in the power of the axe! I cannot stand new music, rap, or anything remotly emo. The Beatles, RUSH, April Wine, David Bowie, and BTO/The Guess Who are a few examples of bands that I love. I'm athiest but don't rule out the possibility that I'm wrong - I just think that religion is BS but am not so closed-minded as to rule it out completely (On grounds of making no sense). I'm a far-left activist, namely a Communist (No, not a Soviet). I can't stand conservatives, the entire right wing, in fact. That does include the Librels, since they are infact not leftist as they claim, but are just crosses the line into Rightwingedness. I play hockey on weekend in a beer league with some friends. I play defense, and a lot of people feel I could have gone pro - including a professional scout who watched me play 25 years ago. I didn't like the pro lifestyle and I was a fisherman at heart so I turned it down, but I still love the game, even at 41. I've also broken every bone in my left arm at least once playing the game. Yea, even the little wee ones in your hand. I live on a diet consisting of codfish, crab, pizza, and other assorted fish - most of which I catch myself and don't have to pay for. I hate it when I run into non-Canadian fishing trawlers fishing in Canadian waters, i.e the Grand Banks. I remember a time when my dad took me out there, you could throw a net off the side and pull it up full of fish! Now you're lucky if you can fill a hold with a week of straight fishing. I find it depressing. I've never been married because I could never find a girl who'd stay faithful when I'm at sea for half the year. Me and my friends (The Crew of the Codfish Dan) once rented a huge sail boat (Codfish Dan II) and sailed from the St.Lawrence River to Portugaul. It was an amazing jurney that I'll never forget. Took us 2 months because we took the scenic rout. I've been around. [QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] I am obsessed with classic rock. I know far too much about the Who and the Beatles, and would take them over R. Kelly and Green Day any day. I believe Genesis is the most-genius-group ever created, until Phil Collins replaced Pete Gabriel and then it stank. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I like, I like! I do agree, Genisis went down hill when Gabriel left, but they were still pretty damn good - and it's nice to see both Genisis and Peter Gabriel become hugely popular after the split. 'Da Newf Oowatanite [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Avenged Sevenfold are, like most new music, a joke. The vocals are half-decent, and then they're digitally enhanced. The instrumentals are, again, half-decent and mostly digitally redone - I've heard them live and I laughed for a solid 10 minuets. It isn't even just the music of this so-called Rock that's out now. The emotion is gone. The passion, the Rock N' Roll just isn't there. Everything that Rock N' Roll was, should be, is gone. I cannot stand that these bands even call themselves Rock. 95% of these news 'Rock' bands sound absolutly terrible live, and the other 5% most likely weren't very good to begin with. I miss Rock N' Roll. Da' Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Attimus331] Consequences for homosexuality? Are you sure there is none? Positive? Have you died yet? Have you been to heaven? I don't want to sound like a fanatical christian, but according to my beliefs, homosexuals go to hell. That sounds like one hell of a consequence, don't ya think? Baha, gotta love dem puns... Yes, Jesus said you should love not hate, and i totally agree with that. But never did he say you should have sex with everybody you love, which is what it sounds like you're doing. Of course i know you're not, but just because you love somebody doesn't make it alright to have sex with that person. Slaves and hygiene is nothing like homosexuality and the three should not even be compared. It's absurd. And don't be so hypocritical either. If it's ok to knock off the gay thing, then why not anything else in the old testament? Or heck, what does the bible have to do with anything we do today? Why even read it anymore? (note the sarcasm)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=SeaGreen] Now, I'm not expert on Christians, but I do seem to recall somthing about the Old Testement and the God portrayed in the Old Testement as the 'Mean God' who killed people and flooded things etc etc, and than after the Crucifixion he became the 'Loving God', thereby making the Old Testement obsolete in the modern world. The part about how evil Gays are is in the Old Testement. They are not alike superficially, but they are the same in a way - all were things considered right/wrong in the Old Testement, but aren't any more. The Old Testement does not, was not meant to, and should not apply to Modern Life. I mean, 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' doesn't exactly apply anymore. 'Da Newf [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]My best-concert ever is a bit of a three-way tie: A few years back (I really cannot remember when) I somhow managed to snag some tickeets to the Runnin' Back Thru Canada tour by the reuinited Guess Who. They didn't play at huge venues, and the band itself is incredible. It was The Guess Who's first tour together since Randy Bachman left the band (To form BTO) and Kurt Winter died. Seeing Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings on stage together was just amazing - and when they did their tribute to Kurt I was almost in tears. That, and the band is totally kick ***. Another one was this year. Again, I had to spend obscene amounts of money, but I managed to get my hands on a few tickets to the RUSH R30 aniveristy tour. The closest place was all the way in Montreal, though, so I had to drive about 8 hours to get there - absolutly worth it. They played in the Bell Centre, which is a pretty large place that mainly serves as a hockey arena not a concert hall, but it was great! I've been a huge RUSH fan since I was a kid, but this was the first time I'd seen them live. RUSH's drummer, Neil Peart, is the greatest drummer of all time (And that is not bragging, listen to him and you'll have to agree) and when The Professor went into his 15-minuet drum solo I, and 30,000 other RUSH fans, were exstatic! One of my most memorable concerts wasn't in a bar or in a huge concert hall - it was out at sea on a fishing run. We ran into a pod of whales (Big freaking whales!) out in the open ocean, and, let me tell ya, whales can sing. We were all alone that night and the sea was quiet. The whales seemed to be singing only to us - the whole thing was just serene. We took a break from out ship duties, grabbed the lawn chairs, and just sat there, listening to the whales sing. They really seemed into the concert, too - they were leaping clean out of the water, and I tell ya that beats the hell out of any light show or fancy concert effecft. 'Da Newf[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]All 'da go'd singles er' out on 'da ocean fishing fa' cod! I never really concerned myself with love or whathaveyou - so I've never had to face rejection. Lonlieness doesn't bother me, but that's probably because I spend so much time at sea. Trust me though, the good people are there. *starts humming Where Have all the Good People Gone* 'Da Newf[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Hug Monster - love who you want. Love is love - one of the last pure things left here. [QUOTE=Attimus331]When the hell did i say you couldn't love a person? And when did love become a sexual thing? Go ahead, love who you want, i just don't think you should be kissing a guy just cuz you love him. Love him as a friend, a brother, a mentor, not a lover. I don't judge people for being gay, i believe in gay rights, go gay, whatever. I just disagre with being gay in general. God made two sexes, not one, deal with it. Anyways, i stand by my confused bit about gays. [/quote] How can you believe in gay rights, equality etc, the whole time saying 'Homosexuality is wrong'? Seems a tiny bit hypocritical. And you're welcome to believe that there are two sexes for a reason - but if you're opinion is likely to offend somone, wouldn't it be best kept to yourself? [quote] What's wrong with affection between two humans? Nothing, as long as it's not the wrong type of affection. Having sex with the same sex is disgusting and wrong. Once again, there are two sexes for a reason. [/quote] Where did you get the moral high horse? Love is love - and love involves sexual activities. Ya know, there are a lot more creepy, heterosexual types of sex than sex between two people of the same sex. (Wow I said sex three times in that sentence... four times if you include heteroSEXual) You can't pick-and-choose what you like and what you don't, in this case - either you're cool with gays or you aren't. You can't 'believe in gay rights' if you think that somthing that, inevitably, does happen between them. As I said - where'd ya get the moral high horse. [quote] Why isn't there a right or wrong? There is in mostly everything else. Just because you want something to be so doesn't make it so. Just cuz you want to be gay, it doesn't make it alright. The DNA bit, i seriously doubt that, but seeing as i know nothing about it, i won't argue it. [/quote] Well, actualy (And I don't have the source on me so don't ask), there were studies taken on corpses by some obscure university. They examined the corpses of homosexual and heterosexual men, and homosexual and heterosexual women. They found that a small, small portion of the brain in the homosexual man was closer to the size of the same part of the brain in the women examined. The same part in the homosexual women was closer to that of the heterosexual man. What does this all mean? Horomone levels control more or less every development in you're bodies. This part of the brain produces horomones (Come to think of it, it might have been the pituitary - but don't hold me too it). The size determines the level of horomones. We don't understand it all that much yet, but, basically, homosexuals are homosexual for a reason - they don't just get confused, the level of horomones in the body (apperently) determines the sexuality of a person (To an extent). 'Da Newf[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]I work half the year (Usually the summer months, so I can spend time at home enjoying the winter) as a fisherman. We have a boat (Codfish Dan) that we all (6 friends and me) bought together. We got a licsense from the DFA ('Da Fishin' Agency) and now we basically go out every week, sail around and catch until our holds are full (Usually a week, now 'dat the Grand Banks are majroly depressing) and than take a week off. Repeat as needed - we usually just go out whenever we're running out of cash. Not really a bad job, since we're our own bosses and fishing pays pretty well to begin with. We pull in an average of 2000/month each (CDN) if the fish are jumpin'. Usually we save half of it, and by the winter we've got a lot of money left over and we can live like kings! Newfie Kings a' Da' Cod! 'Course, there's always those Atlantic storms to deal with - scary stuff. Still, a newfie's gotta eat. 'Da Newf[/COLOR]
Fighting a war for peace is like ******* for verginity. Peace is relative. You cannot have world peace - it isn't possible. There's always going to be somone who feels they're getting the short end of the stick, so there will always be people starting wars. Fighting a war for peace is even stupider - because then you've got the people you had to fight all disgrunteled and such, therefore it is not world peace. Peace through love isn't possible either - because love just don't fly with the brass up there on Parlimant Hill. You can't build new factories on love, by'. Need land, need money, need people - need war. Countires go stagnent without war. Besides, do we even [i]want[/i] world peace? War is what keeps countries advancing - a large reason that we've advanced so much over the last century is because of War. If we had world peace than the world would stop advancing - we'd become Eloi waiting to be picked like ripe fruit.
D'as Newfoundland by' and don' yea forget't! Little taste of the local tounge. The island-province of Newfoundland (New-fund-land) is where I call home, specifically the city of St.John's. Great place to live - peaceful, great weather (If you like it cold, and unforgiving, which I do), and great people. Wouldn't live anywhere else. We got lot's of fish and lots of oil (offshore) and lots of hosers - I work on a fishing trawler in the summer so I spend a lot of my time offshore - I only live here for half the year. Da' newf.