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Everything posted by Gambito

  1. Gambito

    Heavy Metal

    [QUOTE=Box Hoy]Limp Bizkit. Isn't that a game that perverted teenagers play...never mind. Anyhow, I classify Murderdolls as more punkish than Wednesday 13, even though their nearly the same. I would say they're a shock rock band like Rob Zombie with a faster sound. I mean, just listen. The electric guitars and drum beat isn't meant for punk. It's a speeding shock rock band... Take the song "I Walked with a Zombie" Definetly fast, definetly hard, and definetly...shocking. I don't see a better place for him.[/QUOTE] shock rock? nu metal? etc etc you got good heavy metal, you got rock, then you got all the ******** in between who dont cut it, enough of this already ffs :rolleyes:
  2. bumpage I just jumped on limewire about 10 mins ago and rattled out a ton of their stuff, and most of it is quite cool. Check em out on wikipedia though, their meant to be con artists whos slogan is "rip-off" BWAHAHAHAHA ^^ :animesmil edited to add content.... check out the differences from the bleach version of Asterix to the general release :animestun
  3. Just downloaded 1 - 62 the other day and got completely addicted ^^ uber stuff :animestun
  4. Where is everybody atm? attendance dropped so low that i left the guild to develop my char and learn more of the game solo style, i dont even see any of my buddies online atm! :animestun
  5. yeah guildwars is the pw what do ya know, common gambito whats a good 9 letter word pw for a guildwars server hmmmmm pendejo...... :animestun The port IS 8767 Server IP: gw.upallnightgaming.com:8767 ( man our cape really does suck :animesmil Oh yeah regarding binds, just set up "push key" to talk and for channels and stuff, guy i spoke too just said fluffle up a SA until he makes the channel :D [color=#4B0082]Please use the Edit function rather than double posting. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  6. [quote name='Meggido']Maybe back in the 18th century, times are changing dude. get with the program.[/quote] If the program your on involves guys crying over cartoons I might be oblidged to giving you a wide berth tbh ^^, yeah i can definately appreciate people being sensitive to things they are obviously emotionally attached too, (common who was filled with fire during ep26 of cowboy bebop or rocky 4? rwar) but crying? I guess where your from the cloth just aint cut from the same peeps of the 18th century huh? :P
  7. Hey guys, about the TS ok lets see Server is gw.upallnightgaming.com Pass is erm, forgot but working on rememberin LOL ive saved it but forgot it, server is ok (as far as TS is ok lol) we just need some peep to ask the SA for a CA while were there, our own server will be nice but this **** is free and easy and will serve our purposes quite well i believe unless we get militant with our game. Havent been around past few days, had RL **** to take care of, however yeah our cape is defo due for a big change with the luck of god :animesmil
  8. you cried over anime? :animesmil isnt it law or something guys are only allowed to cry after avenging his families death or winning freedom for his country? am sure it is..... but anime??? :animestun :animesmil
  9. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Okay, I've gotten everyone into the guild now. Welcome, and have fun. :) And I've started playing more often again. I started a ranger (yes, again, but I'm not letting my secondary class distract me this time) and played her through pre-searing. She's still there currently, but all that's really left to do is take her to post. I'll probably do that some time tonight. I'm planning on going primarily Wilderness Survival for doing traps, ignite, poison, gas, all that fun stuff. I'll probably throw some interrupts in there too. Ignite Arrows is already lots of fun, and I can't wait till I can pump Wilderness higher and get Lightning Reflexes for the attack speed bonus.[/color][/QUOTE] Now work on the guild forum! Got the TS sussed i think, free 200 member server, just gonna check on the CA availability tomorrow and if its all cool, ill post details and peeps can sign up :animesmil
  10. hmmm Akira and Legend of the Four Kings!!! Akira i saw around '91 and the latter i saw some short time after, one a show on Channel 4 called "Late Licence", it showcased weird stuff like anime at 12:00am >.< Devilman was also one of my firsts and hmmm stretching RIGHT back when i was a lil kid, i got a VHS of Fire Star in the late 80s >.<
  11. [quote name='Revolut1on][COLOR=DarkRed']I think the hardest boss is Leopaldon from Guilty Gear Isuka. I've had the game for almost a year and still haven't beaten him. I think it's impossible, even when you block his attacks you still get hurt.[/COLOR][/quote] Good call, Justice from Guilty Gear was a total nightmare to take down, cause frankly the computer cheats the hell outta ya, just like Streetfighter 2 on the PC, the NPC does loads more damage and cuts a frame or 2 out of attacks, pisses you off to the point of booting the dog out the window or putting the controller throught the screen and damn, if you managed to take down everybody including justice in 1 go, then you gotta fight the hidden boss, (chick with 1 arm forget her name) and the fun contiues.... :mad: That said, Guilty Gear was defo my hardest boss fight outta any game i played, it wasnt a matter of skill or tactics, it was a matter of die hard patience :animesigh
  12. you kids are crazy! 1) Hasanko - Outlaw Star - Mastered Tao magic to the point where he would have taken over the universe if not for gene and the gang 2) The Devil - Spawn anime - well hes the devil aint he? 3) Amon - Devilman 3 - Apocalypse - Devilman loses control and reverts to his true demonic form, the general demon Amon, and more or less slaughters everything 4)Fat King Guy - Orguss 02 - Goes insane when he hardwires himself to the giant mecha and starts destroying the worlds populations 5) M Bison - Streetfighter - Cause am a big streetfighter fan :P YOu peeps need to branch your anime horizons i think and see some of the truly EVIL peeps instead of the new wave of anime :P
  13. [QUOTE=Brasil]We're having some difficulties sending out guild invites. Please make sure of the following: 1) You currently are not in a guild. 2) You're on the American servers. (instructions on switching are below) To change servers, log in, go to "Edit Account," then "Change Territory." You can only change territories a max of 5 times, so make sure you get it right. ~_^ We're on the American server (it may be called North America).[/QUOTE] better be peeps playing on GMT hours as well damnit lol >.<
  14. have no idea what that is lol ok am on the european district 1, i sent ya a whisper msg, do you change over to an american region or something?
  15. Well got GW: Special Edition today >.< gonna make up my peep for PvE use and see how it goes, could the members in the guild here pm me your MSN or what not so i can have some real time advice and not ***** my noobness over the forum all the time :D Will do a Necromancer/Warrior peep for those concerned
  16. so am i creating a character for PvE or PvP or 2 characters for both? :animesmil what is the guilds primary focus atm?
  17. "On the contrary it is worth noting that pre-searing characters cannot interact with post-searing characters regardless of district (after all it is set in a different time). Nevertheless, communications through private messages even then is possible with people in a different location from you. So I'd chat with them, or jot down their handles from here." Can you explain the searing thing better for me pls? :animesmil thanks amigo
  18. Was thinking about creating a necromancer character, dont wanna do the old warrior archer thing as i usually do, wanna mess about with magic, any suggestions? and pros/cons of the necromancer? :D yeah i forgot to ask, which server you guys gaming on, obviously wanna power up my char with the rest of you f00bs :animesmil
  19. If you guys here at OB have a guild set up for us, i will gladly join your ranks :) Once i get rid of EVE and WOW (my current damn time sinks) i will resort to a free to play Guild Wars and in general have a laugh with peeps around this community :animesmil
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