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Everything posted by PaganAngel

  1. Yeah, well my daddy's the Food & Beverage manager at a hotel/casino in downtown Reno, The Sands. It's great. He's always right in the middle of the action during Reno's world famous Hot August Nights and Street Vibrations. Plus, during the summer I get to hang out at his casino's pool parties every week, spending hours in the hot tub sipping endless virgin pina colada blends. It almost makes me feel rich. Almost.
  2. Heehee. That's funny. Right now I have 3 nickels and a Trident wrapper in my wallet. My income is pretty much holidays. It's the only time my folks give me any money... I get about 300 bucks from each (having divorced parents rocks). Or I'll steal money from my brother, he's got too much of it. I'm thinking of taking a job at the Family Support Council as a babysitter this year for $7.50 an hour. Not bad when you're fourteen.
  3. Sorry I wasn't able to respond! Haven't been online in centuries. Life is cruel, isn't it? It's times like these I regret the fact that my computer doesn't know how to display pictures right. Jiggly, it's awesome. I'll take it, thanks so much! I'll also credit you in my sig.
  4. I'm a devout RPG-er. I dunno, there's just something about number-based battles and spending hours leveling up that just gets to me. And I lurve a good story. My motto is, "If a game/book/movie/whathaveyou can't make me cry, it's not worth playing/reading/watching/someotherverb." Playing a game without a satisfying story just seems pointless to me. No rhyme or reason to what you're doing, and being as practical as I am, I can't help but wonder sometimes why it is that darned monkey kidnapped the princess or why Frogger wants to get across the street that bad. That being said, I do love playing and replaying some previous-gen platformers just for their fun. Who could forget games like Banjo-Kazooie or Mario 64? It's a shame there's no good platformers around anymore.
  5. Yours is really nice, Shinje, but I'll see what jigglyness makes before making any judgment. ^^
  6. Yeah, same here, I was checking my e-mail around midnight and BAM, Yahoo gives me the bad news. It's so weird... this guy was a legend. It's one thing if someone famous like a rockstar dies from murder, overdose, or what have you, but Steve Irwin? He was invincible. It was so hard calling my mom to tell her--some of my fondest childhood memories were of the two of us watching his TV show, or my mom pinning my cat down, covering his eyes, and grabbing his tail, saying, "Crikey, look at the size of this crock!" I know I'm gonna miss ol' Steve.
  7. Welcome to Gardnerville, Nevada. Population is in the eye of the beholder. The only real thing I can say about Gardnerville is how fake it is. Consisting mostly of senior citizens, the residents resist change. Consequently, it's a small city with the air of a small [i]town[/i]. It's small enough that you're expected to engage in small talk with anyone you meet walking down the street, yet big enough that you have no idea who it is you're talking to. It's all just so fake. Real estate prices are sky-high for a town with an OK view of some mountains you forget are there within a week. If you're not a rancher (or live on the Native American reservation), I don't know why you'd want to live here. You've got a Smith's, a Scolari's, a Raley's, and a few fast food joints. Oh, wheeee. There's nothing to do here and everyone my age is a smoker. The cumulative IQ of my school is around 4. I really hate it here. I much prefer Reno. That's where my dad lives, that's where I was born and raised, and that's where I am right now, actually. A lot more fun. I lurve Reno.
  8. Never thought I'd be the one to start a thread about this but... the other day I heard a song on the radio called "Beer!!!" by a band called Psychostick. Funniest song I think I've ever heard. So I looked them up online, and their stuff seems pretty... bizarre... like the song "Two Ton Paperweight" dedicated to the guy's ever-so-faithful car. This band seems pretty cool, and I think I might just pick up their album (simply titled We Couldn't Think of a Title). Anyone else ever hear of this band?
  9. For me, it's gotta be manga. But then, this is the girl who learned to read at three, so I guess my opinion doesn't matter... I like being able to read at my pace. In an anime, it moves along regardless of whether you're paying attention (which, nine times out of ten, I am not). Being able to write the character's thoughts makes it a lot less reliant on dialogue, whereas in anime, they depend on the dialogue to progress the story and it often feels cheesy. Manga's cheaper as well... it's a lot easier to save up for a volume of manga to get my anime fix than waiting until I have 30 bucks for a DVD.
  10. [img]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b282/AzureTwilight/biiiiiignosebleed.jpg[/img] Let's get this over with. Gackt is love. Love is Gackt. I love Gackt. You love Gackt. We all love Gackt. Gackt is sexy. Gackt knows he's sexy. Gackt takes advantage of the fact that he's sexy. We love it. And then there's Hyde... ...Better yet is Gackt and Hyde in all their shiny fangirl-approved togetherness. [url="http://www.geocities.com/irishmafiagirl/silly.html"][u]Wheee,[/u][/url] fanservice. On a far less Asian note, I also love... [img]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/9/9c/250px-Tom.jpg.w300h304.jpg[/img] The awesomeness that is Tom Delonge (Blink 182, Angels & Airwaves). He's the biggest dork in the music industry, but he's incredibly hot when he wants to be. [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c303/slinkyminky2006/joaquinphoenix.jpg[/img] Joaquin bleeping Phoenix. I saw him in Ladder 49 and fell in love with him. I saw him in Walk The Line and married him. I saw him in The Village and divorced him because he's far too good for me.
  11. I don't appreciate that sarcasm... this is the first time I've been able to get online in a while, and then Otaku explodes. Excuse me for being a little frustrated.
  12. My photoshop decided to die, and alas, I wanna new banner/av. So make me one. Go go, speed racer. Here's the details: Character: Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII: [url]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e313/Gir721/FinalFantasy/Yuffie/9233387c.jpg [/url] [url]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e313/Gir721/FinalFantasy/Yuffie/d3518075.jpg[/url] [url]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h280/Selphiedem/YKisaragi.jpg[/url] ...or any other pictures you care to find. Knock yourself out. Dimensions: 300(or less)x100 Text: I want the banner to say "Dare to Dream" in a elegant, cursive-y font. PLEASE don't put my username on it, I'm thinking of changing my username soon. No text on the avatar. Colors: Green would be nice, but I'm open to anything. Other stuff: I'd really like to get this sometime today (Sunday), so be fast! Thanks in advance to anyone who does this for me!
  13. Yesterday... OB was broken... as was MyO... it made me very, very sad. And I know I'm not the only one, two friends of mine couldn't get on. So what was going on? Tell me they fixed something...
  14. [QUOTE=Anime Pet][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]That happens to me sometimes as well. Try checking all the pages in your inbox - when we had the problems with our messages, old ones would be coming in on back pages. So, say you have a 'new' message, but you can't find it on the first page. Try looking on later pages. Other than that, maybe the site or your comp is messing up?? I really have no idea.......[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] No luck, it's not on any of the pages, and I even tried pulling it up on a different computer. Holy frustration...
  15. Wow, my second complaint on one page? I'm such a nuisance... So here's my beef. I just logged onto MyO for like the first time in two weeks, and it said I had 4 new PMs. I checked my inbox and it showed only 3. Even now I can't find the enigmatic 4th PM, it still says I have one unread. Can someone please help? I was expecting a pretty important message, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. PaganAngel

    Family Guy

    This show is... great. A notch above The Simpsons, but a notch below South Park. Speaking of which, did you guys see the episode of South Park where they were making fun of Family Guy, and in the end they found that Family Guy was written by [spoiler]manatees[/spoiler]? Wouldn't quite surprise me. This show can be so random... like in the episode where Brian has a crush on Lois and he goes into the bar and sits next to Peter and says, "Peter, I think I have a problem." Peter goes, "OH MY GOD, YOU CAN TALK." Brian just blinks at him for a minute. Did anyone see the Stewie Griffin Untold Stories? "Get your wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man at Bob's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flaling Tube Man Emporium!" God, now every time I pass one of those I have to announce it to anyone around me.
  17. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I don't see how making a gum packed with oestrogen is a big Stepford Wives situation, especially when it was made in Japan. Many Japanese women have small busts naturally so a non-surgical, presumably-cheaper, solution would be welcome there, and probably the reason it was researched. Sure, medicinal research could've gone to better projects, but the gum has been made, the funds have been wasted, get over it. [/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Hm? So they're doing it for the women's sake, you're saying? I've got twenty bucks on the person who invented it being an unmarried 38-year-old guy. "OMFG big boobz for cheap3r!1!!"
  18. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I just thought of something. If you want to make sex better why not just make guys learn more about the female anatomy? I swear to God that would make sex a hell of a lot better than just increasing bust size. I mean it. If you guys had a manual maybe you would perform better.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Amen to that. I applaud you. But seriously, after just having watched The Stepford Wives today, this is getting me a lit~tle paranoid... I suggest all women resort to a bomb shelter and prepare for a war of the sexes. *yawn* Or maybe I should just go get some sleep...
  19. It's gotta go to Digimon. Digimon can digivolve into uber forms just about every battle; meanwhile, it takes for-friggin'-ever for a Pokemon to evolve. That Agumon would Digivolve and squish that little electric rodent--my only regret is I didn't get the chance to do it first.
  20. A good series that a lot of people enjoy that you might is DNAngel. On one hand it's a school comedy with your classic love triangle (er- make that a quadra-angle), and on the flip side it's got a bunch of action and magic. It blends it all in smoothly. I strongly reccomend it to anime newcomers just for its light-hearted humor.
  21. 1.) Breaking Benjamin- So Cold 2.) Angels & Airwaves- Start The Machine 3.) Placebo- Every You, Every Me 4.) Angels & Airwaves- The Adventure 5.) The Verve- Bittersweet Symphony 6.) Blink-182- Stay Together For The Kids 7.) The Killers- Mr. Brightside 8.) Blue October- Hate Me 9.) Red Hot Chili Peppers- Dani California 10.) Boxcar Racer- There Is 11.) Boxcar Racer- I Feel So 12.) Breaking Benjamin- The Diary of Jane 13.) Angels & Airwaves- The War 14.) Blink-182- Carousel 15.) Blink-182- Adam's Song What does it say about me? It says I raided my brother's iTunes one too many times, and that I have a Tom Delonge fetish.
  22. This is quite possibly the most random topic ever... ...But at least I have a story to go along with it. Sixth grade was when I experienced my "anime big bang". I mean, I did watch a couple anime shows from time to time--Toonami, Kids WB, you know, the works. But I couldn't call myself an anime fan just yet. But in 6th grade, I met Angelica. She was a fan of anime, and she loaned me a volume of Marmalade Boy, a volume of Kare Kano, and a DVD from Newtype with Azumanga Daioh on it. The next time I was at borders, I picked up volume 1 of Chobits and Azumanga Daioh. BANG. I got hooked. And the anime gods saw that it was good. It was very good. Kinda pathetic that that's the only significant thing that I did that happened that year, no?
  23. I hate singing. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I hate the sound of my voice. I know I suck. I wouldn't put poor people through that. I do mouth the words, though, and when I'm alone, I may hum... and humming might develop into a couple words here and there... but I'll never just start belting 'em out.
  24. [font="times"][color="#CC0033"]Name: Rachel Baker Age: 15 Appearance: In life, Rachel was a plain looking girl. She wsa short, only ever reaching 5'1" by the time of her death. Her figure was entirely average otherwise. Her wardrobe could only be described as modest, consisting mainly of polo shirts and jeans, and commonly high-heeled shoes to aid her height. Her medium brown hair was long, reaching down to her waist. She seldom tied her hair back or used any hair accessories. Her round green eyes and thin eyebrows gave of an aura of curiousity and coyness, but her round face balanced it with a seeming serenity and innocence. Personality: Rachel was gifted with cleverness and an ability--and a thirst--to learn. She hated to be selfish and always put the needs of others before her. Around her friends, Rachel did her best to act cheerful, never one to make anyone worry. In truth, though, she was depressed and dissatisfied with her life, her friends, and her family. She was frustrated with how empty her life was, knowing she was meant for something special. That was the case until she turned fourteen, when her life changed--and ultimately ended. Bio: [quote][font="arial"][color="red"][b]Angelfall918 [7:14 P.M.]:[/b][/color] Hey asl? [color="blue"][b]xx_Dragonfly_xx [7:14 P.M.]:[/b][/color] ummm you first [color="red"][b]Angelfall918 [7:15 P.M.]:[/b][/color] I asked you first... but I'm 17/m/az, will you tell me now? [color="blue"][b]xx_Dragonfly_xx[7:15 P.M.]:[/b][/color] I'm 17/f/ca [color="red"][b]Angelfall918 [7:15 P.M.]:[/b][/color] Tell me something... [color="blue"][b]xx_Dragonfly_xx[7:16 P.M.]:[/b][/color] Hmm? [color="red"][b]Angelfall918 [7:16 P.M.]:[/b][/color] You got a boyfriend? [color="blue"][b]xx_Dragonfly_xx[7:16 P.M.]:[/b][/color] ...are you hitting on me? [color="red"][b]Angelfall918[7:17 P.M.]:[/b][/color] Yeah. Pretty much. [color="blue"][b]xx_Dragonfly_xx[7:17 P.M.]:[/b][/color] I don't even know your name... [color="red"][b]Angelfall918[7:17 P.M.]:[/b][/color] The name's Jason. [color="blue"][b]xx_Dragonfly_xx[7:18 P.M.]:[/b][/color] Hi, Jason. I'm Rachel.[/font][/quote] It was the beginning of the end for Rachel. She didn't mean to lie to him. She didn't mean to eventually say yes to him. But it was just a game to her. Of course nothing would come out of this. They'd just talk from time to time, and eventually time would make them drift apart. It'd be nothing. She was just bored enough to do it. But another thing she didn't mean to do was to fall in love. It happened gradually, but surely. As the weeks went by, she began to look forward to coming home at night to talk to him, to hear from someone who actually tried to make her happy. No one had ever gone out of their way to make Rachel happy before, and Jason was the first. But she knew it couldn't last. How could it? He was so much older than her... how long could she keep going on a lie? She knew she'd have to end it before he found out the truth. She did, eventually, and it was the hardest thing she ever did. After it ended, she became incredibly depressed. She gave up just about all hope, all will to live. She was consumed by guilt--Jason was an amazing person, and she'd lied to him and hurt him. She was on the verge of ending it all. But, ironically, it wasn't suicide that killed her. It was Jason. Through the benefits of Google, Jason learned the truth months later, and found a page that revealed Rachel's address. The day before her fifteenth birthday, he killed Rachel without saying a word to her. -AFTER DEATH- Name: The same Apparent Age: 18 or 19 Race: Human Appearance: Her modest appearance has been all but shattered since her death. Now she opts for a more risque wardrobe involving black leather and chains. Her once bright face is now an appropriate pale, and there are heavy shadows under her eyes. Her round eyes have narrowed somewhat, making her look every bit as clever but a bit sinister as well. Her hair is darker, but the same length--for one reason or another, she has an aversion to cutting it. Personality: Since her death two years ago, Rachel has become more subdued a hundredfold. She rarely talks, but she has a sharp tongue and a sharper wit when she does. Even in death, she can't find it in her to hate Jason. As far as she's concerned, it was what she had coming. In her eyes, by killing her Jason did her a favor--did the thing she was too cowardly to finally do herself. The one thing she looks forward to in the afterlife is the time when Jason will join her in death. Then she will give a long-overdue apology--and an unexpected thanks. Weapons: [ooc: could you clarify on these? Are these modern weapons, fantastical weapons, or what?] Powers: Illusion. When strongly motivated, she can make things seem as they are not. She can disguise herself as one as the enemy or hide herself, and in extreme cases, can alter others' way of thinking. Appropriate, as it was lies and deception that brought her to her demise. She's a master of stealth--when she wants to be. Being apathetic as she is, though, her talents are limited.[/color][/font]
  25. Preschool: Hoarding the Lincoln Logs=kicked out. Nuff said. Kindergarten: Lowercase a's are sent by Satan. I could not figure out how to write those. 1st Grade: Pay attention. (In retrospect, that's all I learned-- I remember NOTHING about that grade, not my teacher, my school, my classmates, anything.) 2nd Grade: Moving three times in a year usually amounts to few friends. 3rd Grade: Guy teachers are officially the greatest thing ever made. 4th Grade: 10-year-old romance is anything but romantic. 5th Grade: Don't eat the school pizza; don't think about eating the school pizza; don't think about not eating the school pizza; don't touch the school pizza; and most of all, friends don't let friends eat school pizza. 6th Grade: ANIME. Yeah. That's when my anime big bang occured. 7th Grade: Life sucks. And she's not [i]really[/i] your friend; she's a cheerleader for Christ's sake. 8th Grade: This is where you start to regret the fact that you didn't try harder in life. 9th Grade: Well, we'll see. ^_~
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