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Everything posted by PaganAngel

  1. SHING SPARKLE SPARKLE! You are now partaking in the cheese roll. Too bad the cheese has been munched on by a pack of rabid rats. At least you didn't eat any of the cheese... wait, you DID? Oh, that sucks. You die of rabies. I wish there was a mall in my town.
  2. Brrring! You are now in Kingdom Hearts 2. Unfortunately, you are a monster in the game and totally get pwned by the heroes. You die. I wish I didn't have homework in History tonight.
  3. If we compiled a list now, I don't think it'd ever end. Besides all the obvious yaoi/shounen-ai/yuri/shoujo-ai titles like, as were mentioned, Gravitation and Yami No Matsuei, there are countless series that have innuendos at the very least. Pretty much anything by CLAMP has such: Legal Drug, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Chobits, to name a few. There's some jokes in DNAngel on it, there's Kaorin's obsession with Sakaki in Azumanga Daioh, and heck, there's even a quick one-liner (one I hardly even caught) in the ridiculously immature Hare + Guu. The fact is, homosexuality is a big theme in anime, one that a lot of writers can't help but either implement or poke fun at. Face it. People who create like making fun of their fans. This whole topic is just a fact of otaku life.
  4. Ka-BLOOEY! Congrats, Lord Dante. You are now the single most amazing person on planet Earth. You are charming, funny, attractive, athletic, smart, and artistic. Unfortunately, a top-secret government-sponsored organization recruits you to join their army to end an invasion of aliens as you are clearly the only human up to the task. The aliens, intrigued by your superiority, kidnap you from your figher jet and lock you in their UFO, where you will be examined as a scientific specimen for all of humanity. I wish my package from Amazon with my manga would get delivered today, as it should.
  5. (I hate jumping into threads as long as this one, but oh well.) Ka-BLOOEY! (yes, tis my sound effect.) You eat the ice-cream with no bodily harm. Said ice-cream has 9,000 calories per scoop, thus going straight to your thighs. I wish I didn't have school tomorrow due to a holiday.
  6. I was quite the N64 fan back then. Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask make my list, those took up so many hours of my life. I also like most of the platformers on that system, like Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Yoshi Story, and, of course, Super Mario 64. It's a pity there's no good platformers around anymore. I loved 007: Goldeneye and Pefect Dark, to this day the best first-person shooters ever. I also liked Jet Force Gemini, Mischeif Makers, Mario Party (Redefining "guilty pleasure" as we know it), and Mario Kart. There's only one PS1 game worthy of making it onto my list, and if you can't see it coming I don't know where you were in the 90's. Final Fantasy VII. It totally redefined the RPG, the Playstation, and the gaming industry.
  7. I usually do the dub. It's just a lot more convenient to be able to take in the artwork without having to compete with reading the subtitles in time. That's all fine and dandy when the dub is good. But some of my absolute favorite series, like Gravitation and Fruits Basket, have dubs so atrocious I can't watch a single episode without leaving the room. For those, I put on the subtitles and switch it to good ol' Japanese. Usually, when I first get an anime series, I watch an episode in both English and Japanese just to see which I prefer for that particular series. So my choice on dub vs. sub really depends on the series itself. Another thing I like to do is have on the English dub with the subtitles so I can note translation discrepancies, jokes that must not have translated, what the original version was trying to say, etc.
  8. Honestly, now. Were you expecting people to read over this and go "Ohmygosh! This is the single greatest idea I've ever heard!" If you really think it's such a good story, convince us. Give us details, man. We wanna know everything about the characters, plot, themes, motives, relationships, twists, villains... everything! I'm not saying what you've got here's necessarily a bad idea... but it's not even a [i]full[/i] idea. It might actually be pretty good... I can't tell, though.
  9. One idea I had was basically taking my school life and all our bunch-of-misfits group's inside jokes and imaginations and making it into a manga- think Azumanga Daioh except American. That idea pretty much fell flat, though. Somehow, you can never compare to AzuDai.
  10. One part of me's screaming "Sailor Moon," the other "Magic Knight Rayearth." You simply need to bring something new to the table, m'dear, which I can see some efforts of. For instance, the band idea. It's just not working. This whole series seems to have spawned from your theory of perfection, which brings me to my next point. Your group of girls all seems perfect and none of the characters (from what you've told us) seem to have any bad sides. They're all pretty one-dimensional. This leaves little room for character development, which is crucial when you have a story as weak as this. Why did these girls get the power? From whom? What "evil" are they intended to fight? Are the boyfriends fighting for the same goal? What and where is this "Clasha" world? Is it facing the same evil? How is it connected to Earth? What motivates these girls to become heroes? You see, there's just far too many loopholes... you really need to plan it out a little bit more before you're going to meet much approval here.
  11. You've probably seen this on other forums, but in case you haven't, here's the rules: You take the title of a song and add "in my pants" at the end. You normally get some pretty funny results: Smells like teen spirit in my pants The Adventure in my pants So Cold in my pants Crawling... in my pants o_O Alright, your turn. (Any wagers on how many posts it takes before a mod closes this thread?)
  12. 1. Pick a band or artist: Linkin Park 2. Are you male or female: This is the only one I can't answer... *sigh* 3. Describe yourself: High Voltage 4. How do some people feel about you: Numb 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Forgotten 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Pushing Me Away 7. Describe where you want to be: Somewhere I Belong 8. Describe how you love: From The Inside (does that make sense?) 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: A Place For My Head 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Nobody's Listening 11. Now say goodbye: Don't Stay
  13. Eh, I could just go on and on... first there's Pushing Me Away by Linkin Park: I've lied to you The same way that I always do This is the last smile That I'll fake for the sake of being with you (Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down) The sacrifice of hiding in a lie (Everything has to end, you'll soon find we're out of time left to watch it all unwind) The sacrifice is never knowing [chorus] Why I never walked away Why I played myself this way Now I see your testing me pushes me away Why I never walked away Why I played myself this way Now I see your testing me pushes me away I've tried like you To do everything you wanted to This is the last time I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you (Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down) The sacrifice of hiding in a lie (Everything has to end, you'll soon find we're out of time left to watch it all unwind) The sacrifice is never knowing [chorus] Then there's Somewhere I Belong, also by Linkin Park: When this began I had nothing to say, and I get lost in the nothingness inside of me I was confused And I let it all out to find that I'm not the only person with these things in mind Inside of me But all the vacancy the words revealed is the only real thing that I've got left to feel Nothing to lose Just stuck, hollow and alone, and the fault is my own, and the fault is my own [chorus] I wanna heal I wanna feel What I thought was never real I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long (erase all the pain till it's gone) I wanna heal I wanna feel Like I'm close to something real I wanna find something I've wanted all along Somewhere I belong And I got nothing to say, I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face I was confused Looking everywhere,only to find that it's not the way I had imagined it all in my mind So what am I What do I have but negativity, cause I can't justify the way everyone is looking at me Nothing to lose Nothing to gain, hollow and alone, and the fault is my own, and the fault is my own [chorus] I will never know myself until I do this on my own And I will never feel anything else until my wounds are healed I will never be anything till I break away from me I will break away, I'll find myself today [chorus] And last but not least, There Is by Boxcar Racer: this vacation's useless these white pills aren't kind i've given a lot of thought on this 13-hour drive i missed the grinding concrete where we sat past 8 or 9 and slowly finished laughing in the glow of our headlights i've given a lot of thought to the nights we use to have the days have come and gone our lives when but so fast i faintly remember breathing on your bedroom floor where i laid and told you but you sweared you loved me more do you care if i don't know what to say will you sleep tonight or will you think of me will i shake this off pretend its all okay that there someone out there who feels just like me there is those notes you wrote me i've kept them all i'll give a lot of thought of how to write you back this fall with every single letter in every single word there will be a hidden message about a boy that's loves a girl do you care if i don't know what to say will you sleep tonight or will you think of me will i shake this off pretend its all okay that there's someone out there who feels just like me there is
  14. Um... America the Beautiful? XD "For amber waves of grain..." Yeah, that's the best I got. New word: Shine
  15. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']Can you tell I have a deep loathing of FFX's mini-games? :twitch:[/color][/quote] More or less. It would seem to me you didn't have a lot of fun with the lightning dodging then, eh? I'm pretty proud of myself right now... I'm not much of a monster arena buff but yesterday I managed to beat the Jumbo Flan, which really wasn't that difficult if you cast Shell and use Holy a trillion times, but still, I'm proud of myself. Don't interfere on my happiness. XD
  16. amazon.com tends to have some really good deals on bundle packs, and even if you weren't gonna buy a bundle from them, they sell used stuff for really cheap (just got a Cardcaptor Sakura DVD in mint condition and in its original packaging for $1.97).
  17. [quote]Another aspect of the series I enjoy is that despite Georges' purity and virtue and so forth, his blind faith in people isn't always affirmed. So instead of seeming like some perfect angel, he just seems stupid and naive, and even he realizes this. That keeps him from being too annoying.[/quote] I agree... I was terrified that he might have what I like to call the "Sakura Kinomoto complex"- a character who's so perfectly perfect that you just wanna slap 'em across the face, but he's not. Georges is a real person. He recognizes his own faults and stuff. Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to pick up vol. 2 next time I have 12 bucks on hand.
  18. Sounds like fun... I think I'll join... I don't like the idea of having to post every single time or risk death, but I think it'd be fun.
  19. Thinking of starting an Angelic Layer RP, but only if I can get enough people interested. I was thinking a battle tournament like in the series. Everyone gets to make up his or her own Deus and Angel and then battle them... what do you guys think?
  20. I'm reading Shannara... I've read Sword, Elfstones, Wishsong, Scions, and I'm almost done with Druid. Never read Sword of Truth, though... but a Shannara RP sounds pretty fun.
  21. [quote name='Desert Wolf']I hate thos show because they nomally spolid the game p.s. i cant spell today :alcohol: :alcohol: :alcohol: :alcohol: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: i love diding that :sleep:[/quote] You can't spell? Surely you jest. (sarcasm) I used to watch X-Play (and AOTS, for that matter) religiously. Lately, though, I've kept my distance from G4 due to their recent uprise in shows I just don't care about (The Man Show, Star Trek, and everything else that has nothing to do with games). But I loved X-Play to death. It was more than reviews; it was humor. I'm not mad at Adam and Morgan, because they're the guys who get it right, no matter how brutal the truth may be. Avid Final Fantasy fan though I may be, I still chuckle along at every "Yuna's such a ditz" jab. And, oh, the memories. All the characters and whatnot. Cobra and Mongoose, Johnny Extreme (to the max!), Ratty the puppet (suck it!), Drunk Link... I'm getting all nostalgic... *wipes eyes* Oh, and since I haven't been watching lately... what color's Morgan's hair these days?
  22. Heh, I feel more than a little noobish jumping in this thread all of a sudden... I always do. -_- anyway, the butterfly catcher minigame is driving me insane. I wouldn't even do it- I never use Kimhari anymore anyway, never have since the battle at Gagazet where you have to use him- but you need his Sigil to get Ixion the Break Damage Limit ability, and Ixion's my favorite aeon... so, that was a long way around to ask a question. You guys have any strategies on how to catch those stupid butterflies? The red ones are always in the way... *sigh*
  23. I love DDR so much... I got it for my birthday in October and I'm currently on Standard mode. The only versions I've played are Max2 because that's the version they have at the bowling alley and Extreme 2 because that's the version I own. Favorite songs... hm, Look At Us by Sarina Paris (first song I could ever master), Polovtsian Dances and Chorus by I have no idea, Dive by Be For U (J-poppy and happy), Injection of Love by... eh, I forget, and Nori Nori Nori by... wow, I'm really bad with artist names, huh? Go me.
  24. [i]Summary: The boys of Gravitation go in for some one-on-one mental counselling... why? I don't know. Just because. Note: I published chapter 1 of this on gurabiteshiyon.net, but for reasons not worth going in detail about I can't post there anymore, so I think I'll finish this fic here on OB. So there.[/i] ~~Ch 1~~ Doctor Daisuke Kimura woke up that Friday morning knowing that he'd do better just to throw his alarm clock against the wall and crawl back into bed. All right, so he felt that way every day, but could you blame him? After all, he was a psychiatrist, a shrink, if you will, and his occupation was quite ironic considering he himself was teetering on the brink of insanity. Yes, Dr. Kimura had little love in his exasperated heart for his job, and he was always somewhat reluctant to start each day. But today was different. Dr. Kimura had a gut feeling that this was going to be a day unlike any other. Groggily he rose and turned on his shower, allowing the water to heat first before stepping in. He watched the mirror in the bathroom slowly steam up and then jumped when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the reflection of something that didn't belong here. It was a photograph, a portrait of a pretty, young woman with wavy brown hair, and next to her, a boy, no older than six or seven, the spitting image of his mother. The picture was framed in a fancy border of gold. Of course, it had to be gold. Tomoyo had always loved gold. Of course, Dr. Kimura would know, having invested thousands of dollars in that stupid wedding ring that Tomoyo had ended up chucking off a bridge six years later before running off with that stupid French metrosexual, Jacques von Douchebag, or whatever the hell his name was, and taking their son Hideki with her?. "Deep breaths?" Dr. Kimura willed himself to calm down. He just had to make it through today and then he'd have the whole weekend to wallow in self-pity, just as he did every weekend in between reruns of vacuum infomercials. He grabbed the picture in question and hurled it in the trash can, satisfied with the shattering noise it produced. After his shower, he cooked himself a serving of instant ramen- the only provisions remaining in his one-room apartment- and as he sat on the floor eating it, he wondered how it was possible to have a Ph.D. and have to worry about paying the rent each month. But Tomoyo had taken every last penny of his when she divorced him, none of which she should have had a claim to anyway. Tomoyo was an aspiring actress- or in simpler terms, a mooch- and was all too quick to marry a DOCTOR, after all he was loaded and it wasn't as though there'd be any FEELINGS involved, at least not for her? as for Kimura, who the hell cares about how he feels?. At this bitter thought, Dr. Kimura snapped a chopstick in half, throwing the remains across the bare house. Sighing, he looked down at his watch- one he'd bummed off a guy from work- and decided it was time to head to the office. ~~~***~~~ Dr. Kimura stepped into the dimly lit office and fought the strong impulse to burst out in tears. He had psychotics of every flavor there in his waiting room, and a few who redefined insanity entirely. There was a pink-haired boy, clinging to the arm of an older blonde man, babbling incessantly though Dr. Kimura couldn't comprehend a word of it for the life of him; a man in his early thirties, humming an impromptu tune as he made a stuffed, pink rabbit on his lap dance; a man with platinum blonde hair, a pimp hat, and a feathery coat, casting shifty glances around the room; and a? JESUS CHRIST, was that American carrying a GUN? Whispering reassuring words to himself under his breath, he walked to his secretary's desk like a condemned man walking down Death Row, and asked, almost afraid to hear the answer, "What's my schedule look like today, Hitomi?" "You're booked solid, doctor." Hitomi was wearing one of those stupid, I-love-the-world-and-everyone-in-it smiles, complemented with a "Have a Nice Day!" pin set on her chest. Hitomi, of course, loved life. Hitomi has had a steady boyfriend for over a year and just last week he proposed to her. Hitomi had no complaints about life, but she didn't have to deal with raving lunatics on a daily basis, either. "When do I start?" I grumbled. "Right away," she said, referring to her clipboard, blowing a bubble with the watermelon-scented gum in her mouth. "Let's see? Shuichi Shindou?" The pink-haired young man jumped up from his seat. "That's me!" he called. Hitomi beamed. "The doctor will see you now, sir." The guy- Shuichi, was he called? - groaned. "Why do I have to go first?" he whined. Hitomi made a "tuh" noise, rolling her eyes. "Because this is a poorly written fanfic, silly. The main character always goes first." "Alright, fine." Shuichi grudgingly made his way to the front of the office, following Dr. Kimura through the open doorway. Dr. Kimura seated himself in his swiveling, rolling office chair, the one that always made him feel so important and superior; the one that gave him the only true high in his pitiful existence. It was his little way of saying, "I have a degree in psychology, and guess what? You don't." "Please, Mr. Shindou, have a seat on the couch." "Cool!" Shuichi said, plopping down on the striped sofa. "It's just like in the romantic comedies when the main character gets super depressed and goes to the shrink-" the doctor winced at this belittling term, he was a psychiatrist, dammit- "and the doctor makes him sit on the couch and relive his childhood and interpret ink blots and stuff-" "Fascinating," Dr. Kimura interrupted quickly; the kid had nearly suffocated, having said that whole sentence (run-on though it may have been, but a sentence nonetheless) in a single breath. Not that he'd really terribly mind if Shuichi Shindou dropped dead. It was just that no patient had ever died in his office, and given that this job was the only thing keeping him from the homeless shelter, it seemed in his favor to prevent any unnecessary death. "So, Mr. Shindou, how old are you?" He tapped his clipboard nonchalantly with a purple gel pen- Hitomi's, of course, and grape scented too- drumming a staccato beat that matched the ticking of the clock that was moving steadily slower each second. "You can call me Shuichi, and I'm nineteen." "Uh-huh." Dr. Kimura checked off the box under "blame it all on teenage hormones" on Shuichi's analysis sheet. "What do you do for a living, Shuichi?" Shuichi raised an eyebrow incredulously. "I'm a singer. Haven't you ever heard of Bad Luck?" Bad luck? Dr. Kimura thought. I'm witnessing it right now. He merely shook his head, though. "Don't you have a TV, or a radio, or SOME communication with the outside world?" Shuichi tilted his head in confusion. "No." The look on Shuichi's face was one of complete preposterousness. Not that Shuichi would ever think "preposterousness" was anything besides an herbivorous dinosaur, anyway. "Man, you really need to get a life," Shuichi declared. Yeah, rub it in, is what Kimura thought, but what he said was, "That's not of importance here. Please tell me about yourself, Shuichi." He raised a Styrofoam cup of lukewarm coffee to his lips. "Well?" Shuichi tapped his chin in concentration. Thinking was apparently something to which Shuichi wasn't terribly accustomed. "Like I said, I'm a singer in a band. We're really popular around here, but you wouldn't know that." He shot a glare at the offender of the said sacrilege. "I've been living with my boyfriend for about?" Dr. Kimura coughed up a mouthful of the tepid coffee, leaving a splendid brown stain on the front of his white shirt. "W-what?" he choked. "What what?" Shuichi asked. "What did you just say?" Dr. Kimura responded. "I said, 'what what?'" was Shuichi's reply. Dr. Kimura slapped his forehead. Pink had hereby replaced blonde as the ditziest hair color known to man. Dr. Kimura knew there was only one way to deal with a ditz of this magnitude, and that was to spell it out for him. "So, let me get this straight (he inwardly chuckled at the pun). You have a boyfriend?" "Mm-hmm." "Is that mm-hmm yes or mm-hmm no?" Shuichi rolled his eyes. "Since when has mm-hmm ever been no?" Kimura had to admit, he had a point. "So then, you're gay?" "Mm-hmm. But-" "Hold on." Kimura held up his hand, halting Shuichi mid-sentence. "From now on, let's agree to not say 'mm-hmm,' okay? It's sort of confusing." "Mm-hmm- I mean, okay." "So tell me about your, um, boyfriend," Dr. Kimura prompted. "Well, his name's Yuki, and he's well?" Shuichi broke off then, looking for the words to say. After a pause of several seconds, Dr. Kimura pressed him to continue with a quick "Mm-hmm?" "AHA!" Shuichi jumped from the couch, pointing at the wrongdoer. "YOU SAID IT!" "I- I didn't!" Dr. Kimura stammered. "I said 'uh-huh'! There's a big difference!" "Yes you did! You said 'Mm-hmm'! I heard it!" "I did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Uh-uh!" "Mm-hmm!" "THERE!" Dr. Kimura cried, exasperated. "You said it too! Now can we PLEASE move along?" "Sure. Uh?" Shuichi scratched his head. "What were we talking about again?" "Erm?" it took a minute before either of them recalled. "You were just about to tell me about your boyfriend. Tell me some of the things you like about him." Shuichi was stuck on this one. Anything he could say about Yuki was either a negative comment or a statement that, due to its explicit nature, was better left unmentioned. "Um, I don't really know, to be honest with you. He's really mean and cold and sometimes I get the feeling that he hates me. No, on second thought, it's not like he hates me; he acts as if he really doesn't care about me, and that hurts even worse." Shuichi had gone from hyperactive to hypersensitive in a matter of milliseconds. "He never shares his feelings with me, and he's always blocking me out." "And in spite of all that, you stay with him?" Dr. Kimura was perplexed. "Of course!" Shuichi seemed insulted by the question. "I love him! He's my Yuki! I'd do anything for him! I'd willingly die for him!" "I see." Dr. Kimura checked the box on the paper next to "manic depression". "But? why?" "Huh?" Shuichi asked, distracted, watching the world's largest fly make its way throughout the office. Groaning, Dr. Kimura added another checkmark to the box labeled "short attention span". As he did, he got a glance at his watch, and realized they were already three minutes over the allotted time for their session. "Well, Shuichi, it looks like we're out of time, I guess we'll have to meet again!" Like, for instance, in hell, he amended himself mentally. He followed Shuichi out the door, and then leaned over Hitomi's desk. "One nutcase down, a billion more to go. Who's next?" Hitomi looked down. "Eiri Yuki." ~~~~ [i]Thus ends chapter 1... I'll write chapter 2 whenever I feel like it... see ya then.[/i]
  25. Hands-down, it has to be Ryuichi Sakuma from Gravitation. I act exactly like him, and all my friends on MyO call me Ryuichi anyway... he's famous, talented, sexy, gets away with toting around a Kumagoro and calling things shiny, and he gets to make out with Tohma Seguchi onstage. What more could ya ask for? XD I'd also like to be ANYONE from Angelic Layer, just cause Angelic Layer's so cool and I want to play it so bad! :animecry:
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