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M. Night Shyamalan directing the next Harry Potter film?
PaganAngel replied to Deathsye's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] Hell, anything better than the first two is great. I don't know whether or not it was Columbus's fault or the bad acting, but I die every time I have to watch either of them.[/color][/QUOTE] I feel the same way, but for me I think it's just Hermione's over-poofy hair and Harry's not-yet-deep-and-manly pre-puberty voice. XP -
[b]Chobits.[/b] That series made me think more than The Da Vinci Code. It was one of those things where you had to stop and reconsider all the morals you've been taught. What is love? What is acceptable love? Can you love someone even if they're not physically capable of returning the love? Can you replace someone you loved? Moreover, is it right to do so? These questions and more made Chobits a hit.
Without a doubt, I'd have to say Suguru Fujisaki from [b]Gravitation[/b]. He never seems to be in the spotlight... he was really just more of an add-on than an actual character. He just took up space in the story. Didn't really do much after volume 7 of the manga. It's a shame because he's so cute... ever listen to his parts in the anime in Japanese? Even his voice is cute. I just wanna... squish him... *sigh* it seems the only ones who take note of his existance are the fanfiction writers... and then only because they have no one better to pair Hiro with, and everyone hates Ayaka. XP
You today compared to you a year ago
PaganAngel replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
A year ago I [i]was[/i] single. Today from a year ago... I'm happier. A lot happier. Something big happened to me around that time... I had a hard time recovering from it. I was constantly dwelling on the past, always regretting. My life was at a standstill, and I lived in the past. Now, though... I'm in a relationship, and I learned to move on from all the stuff that happened. The past no longer fazes me. But what's different is that, instead of being tormented by the past, I'm always worrying about the future. Funny how that works, isn't it? -
Here's an exciting one. Tomb Raider reminds me of Digimon. I was playing Tomb Raider I while Digimon was playing in the background. Now every time I'm on that same level, right on that same bridge, I remember that episode. Now, I don't really know which episode it was... all I remember was that Tai and Mat were arguing over who was the leader of the group or something along those lines.
OK, so the point of this thread is, you name two really different objects, ideas, or whatever, and explain (in as much detail as possible this thread doesn't get the dreaded lock) why they have a special link for you. You're probably confused, so here's an example: Final Fantasy VII reminds me of clam chowder. I was home alone one day, sick from school, and I spent about 7 hours playing FFVII. The only thing I ate that whole day was a bowl of clam chowder that I cooked in the microwave too long, so it was all gross, hot, and watery. It already tasted funny because I was sick to begin with. Now every time I play that game I can practically taste that nasty bowl of soup... ugh. Way to spoil a classic.
M. Night Shyamalan directing the next Harry Potter film?
PaganAngel replied to Deathsye's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Deathsye]But we arent talking about the books are we? And another thing Rowling couldn't do it she doesn't have the skill to be a director. Believe it or not it is hard work. M. Night went through Film School and had to learn everything about how to direct. She could be a consultant to the movie but nothing more. (This is my personal opinion)[/QUOTE] It was just a joke, I wasn't implying that Rowling should direct. All I meant is the only person who can accurately manifest the Potter magic is Rowling herself, not some second-party director, no matter how many Oscars he has under his belt. -
Full-blown yaoi? Well, I'll cross my fingers with ya, silver_blade. Hm, never considered that Kakei-Saiga theory, actually. It actually seems pretty reasonable. But you have to wonder what Tsukiko and... (tryin' to find the name) oh, right, Kei have to do with the story. [spoiler]I can't help but wonder if there might be some CLAMP-tastic incest implied in there between Kazahaya and Kei.[/spoiler] Gah, this series is driving me insane. I have to know what's going on! Now I'm truly eager for volume 4 to come out!
How odd; our zebras appear red. SHINING
M. Night Shyamalan directing the next Harry Potter film?
PaganAngel replied to Deathsye's topic in Noosphere
It was hard enough for us to figure out how to pronounce "Avada Kedavra" and "Beauxbatons," now they're trying to make us pronounce "Shyamalan" too? The life of a nerd is an arduous one indeed... But I don't really care who directs the movies, because I don't care if Steven Spielberg does it, they could never compare to the books. Short of Rowling directing and the movies lasting 5 hours, there's no way they could fully meet expectations. -
[quote name='silver_blade'] I might be able to see them as just friends, but it's hard. Especially after the extra story about chocolate.[/quote] [/nosebleed] Only one word describes my feelings about this series. Yum. There's not much to hate about it. CLAMP prettyboys teasing each other in a tolerable storyline? Sounds like a good ol' time to me. It definitely ranks in my top 5 manga series... maybe even the number 2 spot behind Gravitation (anyone else seeing a trend?). There's just so much to love... I really can't wait for CLAMP to keep working on it. Dagger said earlier in this thread that it could be a pretty long series... well, I hope so. It'd horrify me if CLAMP finally squeezed out volume 4 and that was the end. There's no way they can do that to the fans after how [spoiler]im[/spoiler]patiently we've waited!
I'm not gonna do this one, I just want to say, DaSilva, you totally got it wrong. It was All Your Base are Belong To Us. Geez. Get with the program...
[QUOTE=Morpheus]I[B][I][SIZE=4]Why On Earth Do People Use Internet Explorer Or AOL Explorer?[/SIZE][/I][/B] [/QUOTE] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"] Just for that oddly rude font size change, I shall retaliate:[/size][/color][/font] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="6"]You do realize that some of us are under 18, right? [/size][/color][/font] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"] I've got no choice about my browser. Which is... *gulp* AOL. My mom likes the parental controls. A little too much, I might add. And she really REALLY likes the time restrictions you can put up. Want a double dose of reasons to hate me? I'm still on dial-up. Why? Because my parents are cheap and hate me.[/size][/color][/font]
Oops, you're right, Acheron... in my last one I meant to put "unfortunately" for my "u". Whoops. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Many individuals seek sole incineration supposedly selfless intoxicated power plants included. Not exactly sure if that deals specifically with electricity Oblivion, but as close as I could get it. BLACKADDER[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Bred Ligers Are Cool, Kicking, And Dope. Don't Ever Resist. AYBABTU. If you guess what I'm thinking, I will marry you.
[QUOTE=Ålpha-Æpsilon]No I won't. TPBM thinks that the next statement is true and the last statement is false.[/QUOTE] Um, if you insist, then sure. TPBM has an In-N-Out Burger in his/her vicinity.
[QUOTE=silver_blade]This post has a possibility of getting deleted, but I say Rikuo and Kazahaya from Legal Drug would make a cute couple. //snip// Unfortunately, I think I heard that CLAMP stated that they weren't going to be a couple, which I find hard to believe. //snip//[/QUOTE] Holy goodness gracious ALMIGHTY, how did I leave these two out? I think it's just adorable how Rikuo's always picking on him. C'mon, Rikuo, you know you can't deny a boy that pretty... IN A SCHOOLGIRL UNIFORM! XD! Oh, god, if I was Rikuo I'd be all over Kazahaya. Heh. I loved the chocolate sidestory. "I wasn't WRITHING on you!" And yes, the chapter opening art... heh. Gotta love it. Like the 2-page color one at the beginning of volume 2... where Rikuo's totally pinning Kazahaya down... whew. I can stare at that picture for an hour and not get bored. Whaaaaat? They're not gonna be a couple? NOOOO! Stupid CLAMP! So many fans have already lost faith in you for postponing the series in the first place, but THEN you tell us that all our patient waiting will be in vain? Well, I guess it's just back to fanfiction.net for me... *sigh* And musical_kitten, I loved Ueda and Yumi too! There was so much in their relationship that said, "this'll never work," but they made it. It made me so happy when they worked things out finally! [size=1][indent][color=#007520]I shortened the quote. Especially if it's the most recent post you're replying to, you don't need the entire post in your quote. Remember that you can shorten quote tags yourself by removing text inside the [QUOTE] tags. -r2[/color][/indent][/size]
[QUOTE=gaaraluver]In Chobits [spoiler]when Ueda tells Hideki the story of how he married a persocom, and how he cant see her anymore.[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] Oh my gosh, I can't believe I left out that! Ueda and Yumi were my favorite couple in that story... I was so glad that everything worked out for them. [spoiler]And when Ueda said, "In your case, I'd be in love with you even if you were a persocom,"[/spoiler] I just lost control! They had me crying more than anything else in the series... possibly because of personal experience...
[QUOTE=Avenged666fold] -Angelic Layer- [spoiler] Well I cried when the little girl and heremother were reunited. You know you did too admit it. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/QUOTE] As a matter of fact, I did. CLAMP sure knows how to make a person misty. ...While we're on the note of CLAMP... In X, [spoiler]When Kotori died, I just started bawling. And I hated Kotori with a passion. But seeing Kamui all sad like that... I couldn't take it. It was too much. I was all, "Don't worry, Kamui! I'll cheer you up!" XD[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=silver_blade]First, Rowling invented wizards' Quidditch. Quidditch is one of the best things she could have made for the franchise, too. SANCTUARY[/QUOTE] Sometimes, Aaryanna never closes threads, and r2 yells. The biography of the anime forum. Now, for all you x-haters, XENOPHOBE. But you're not allowed to use xenophobe, xenophobia, xenophobic, or xylophone. Ha. (Hint: use xanthotrichous! USE IT!)
[QUOTE=Leon Fury]false I do not / I wear a pair of really really worn out adidases, sorry the person below me listens to thrice, bloc party, and/ or senses fail[/QUOTE] Um... false. TPBM has a tendency to spontaneously combust.
PaganAngel replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Macha']ok ive done all the dot hack games (infection mutation outbreak and quarantine) and i had 99% of the item event done then guess what my friends dog ate my memory card ;.; ITS NOT FUNNY....well actualy it sound funny when u say it like this '5 years worth of gaming was eaten by a dog' roflmao but its funny to satrt your games again without fear of overwriting your other game data ^^. It only took me 2 weeks to get to part 3 and its easy :D. To bad u dont get Mia for like the end of part 2 part 3 and most of part 4 and ive always partyed with Blackrose and Mistral but u cant party Mistral in part 3 ;.;. But i hated doing the last part to get Mia back its eeevvviiilll 15 floors of data bugs oh my did my data drain infection have a breakdown lol it went from blue to red in 2 floors x.x i died fast cauz of that. Anyways dot hack was what got me likeing anime :D[/quote] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"] A similar thing happened to me playing Final Fantasy X. 100 hours of gameplay, all the legendary weapons, all the sidequests, gone, because I didn't pay attention to which file I was saving to. I cried. Back on topic... you can't be with Mistral in part 3? Are you serious? That's so lame. I've always done BlackRose and Mistral too. Oh well... guess that means I gotta start levelling Elk up... oh, one time I gave him an Aromatic Grass and nothing happened. I was so ticked.... TELL me there's not another mission in parts 2-4 where you have to have Piros in your party. I can't stand that guy...[/size][/color][/font] -
And no, I'm not talking about the time they didn't have volume 3 of [insert series here] in stock. I'm talking about a series that just had you in hysterics by the time it was over. Ever happened to you? (by the way, just a friendly reminder: spoiler tags are your friend!) For me, it was Chobits, even though it had a happy ending. No, it's more like because it had a happy ending. It was so cute how all the couples worked out their differences. Just the part when Hideki admits [spoiler]how much he felt for Chi, even though she was neither alive nor a Chobit... it was really ironic because Hideki was the one insisting all along how persocoms weren't the same as people, and yet he fell in love with one.[/spoiler] The story of Freya and Elda was pretty heart-wrenching, as was the story of Minoru and his sister. That series really makes a person think. Hard.
[QUOTE=Wolf2gto]Hmm, I think I would have to go with Daisuke and [spoiler] Riku [/spoiler] form DN Angle. I don?t really know why, but I just think they are a good couple. [spoiler]I guess the main reason is that Daisuke was in love with Risa in the beginning, but he ended up pairing up with her sister,[/spoiler] Which I find kind of Ironic. And because there sort of [spoiler]opposite of each other, Daisuke is kinda and gentle and Riku is a Tomboy.[/spoiler] Sorry about all the spoiler tags O.o I didn't know how many people have seen the hole show all the way through.[/QUOTE] I. Hate. Risa Harada. Got to be one of my least favorite characters in the history of forever. Her voice irritates me. [spoiler]And if she ended up with Daisuke, I would have thrown my DVDs out the window. He and Riku are so much cuter... you're right, they are exact opposites.[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=DaSilva]Sprachgefuhl. Space pirates run at coif-hating episcopalians filed under "haggled lepers" Wow. Rafflegilliam.[/QUOTE] Raise all flags for legendary events granting individuals leave in a Monday. In other words, IT'S A THREE-DAY WEEKEND, BABY! Break out the American flags! Ovoviviparous.
[QUOTE=Crazy Ace]false- they all taste around the same to me TPBM has been assaulted by a japanese kid on golden inline skates with a bent golden bat[/QUOTE] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]False... Well, I can dream... TPBM has done The Chicken Dance in the past 60 days. [/size][/color][/font]