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Everything posted by PaganAngel

  1. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]Wooo, time to start the rant... I finally beat Infection last night after, what, a year and a half of having that game sitting on my shelf. I only played it every now and then (don't blame me... my mom thinks the devil lives in machines), and when I was playing, I was too obsessed with getting rare items, Mirielle-style. I was collecting all the Golden & Silver Axes and the elemental items (burning oil, pure water, well water, etc.) so I could trade for nifty stuff that I'll probably keep in storage and never use. So I need to get Mutation as soon as possible... but first I guess I need 20 bucks....[/size][/color][/font]
  2. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]Every time I watch Gravitation I get a nauseated feeling every time they call Kumagoro "Mr. Bear..." but that's another matter entirely, I suppose. I think the Japanese honorifics should be put in. These days they don't even really need an explanation... lately, all the manga series I pick up don't even have the reference guides. I think it's easy enough to figure out. Even cutting the honorifics altogether might be fine. I just hate using an English title with a Japanese name. It sounds so awkward.[/size][/color][/font]
  3. Hope I'm doing this right... The Who>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation>Trajectories>Force>mass>SI (International System of Units) Now connect My Little Pony to Antarctica.
  4. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me... I think I'd have to go with the pirates. Take a look at Captain Jack Sparrow's wardrobe, and there lies my reasoning. Plus, a pirate gets to steal- er, commandeer- super cool boats, Grand Theft Auto-style. Another reason... this guy in my Spanish class is already my personal ninja (in other words, he caters to my every whim). This town ain't big enough for two ninjas.[/size][/color][/font]
  5. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]My brother's the lucky one. He's going to work at a skate shop. Meaning he's getting paid for wearing whatever he wants and sitting behind a cash register reading a magazine and blasting music louder than it should be. I imagine that'd be a pretty easy job. Meanwhile, I'm dragging tots out of the bathroom at the bowling alley, all the while casting longing glances at the DDR machine in the arcade.[/size][/color][/font]
  6. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]An X video game would be totally rad. I could imagine it as an arcade-style fighting game where you could play as the Seven Seals and the Seven Angels. It would rock to be able to control all of their powers. As for games that should be anime... Katamari Damacy? XD! That'd be pointless. But I'd still watch it, if only for the "wtf" factor. [/size][/color][/font]
  7. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]Huh, I was under the impression that this sort of thread wasn't allowed... well, no matter. It'll probably get locked if it goes downhill anyway. Surprisingly, my favorite anime [i]isn't[/i] Gravitation. o_o I just realized it this moment and I'm kind of weirded out by that. The manga's my favorite, though, so I only feel halfway blasphemous. Me=rockin'. I think my favorite... oh, this is a tough pick. It's a close one between Last Exile and X. Both are phenomenally written action series with outstanding artwork and music for the genre. I think it has to go to X, though. The voice acting, the battle scenes, the characters... they're all flawless. Ulterior motive: Kamui Shirou is one fine CLAMP prettyboy. XD[/size][/color][/font]
  8. [quote name='leyoko][SIZE=1']Oh A&A is great,awesome thing is they're coming to my state next month cause they're opening for Taking Back Sunday.Terrible thing is,when I wanted to get tickets they were sold out ):[/SIZE][/quote] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]Yeah, the show my brother's going to sold out in, like, minutes. Plus, he's got a ticket for right up front. He's gonna camp out front of the concert place the night before. XD[/size][/color][/font] [quote="Vegetruks"]They are fantastic. I love them. I really enjoy listening to their whole CD, because I get really deep into it. They have such meaningful words, and lyrics that I can relate to, and usually most of the time, it's how I feel about my Love. They're a great band, that's all I have to say.[/quote] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]I agree. ^^ Their lyrics... you can tell a lot of effort went into them. "I left some words quite far from here to be a short reminder/I laid them out in stone in case they need to last forever." That's not something most people could dream of writing.[/size][/color][/font]
  9. [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]What you're doing, Mage17, is essentially what I'm doing. I'm a volunteer at our county's Parks & Rec department where I help out with the Adventure Camp. I don't get paid, but it's worth it because I get to go cool places for free... and my mom's not nagging at me all summer to make a difference in life. XD[/size][/color][/font]
  10. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#af992f][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Duo: "And I will let you have one guess where I am going to put this apple..." [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"]Dear god. The worst part is, that was what I was thinking of. This thread is going to the dogs... Am I the only one who noticed the odd angle at which his fingers are bent?[/size][/color][/font]
  11. [quote name='"me"']I want to make it clear that the purpose of this thread is to talk about couples that already exist or that seem likely, not dream pairings (yes, I just added this because I know we'd get a lot of Sasu/Naru OMG they're so hot!1!!11 otherwise). So... which couple's your favorite?[/quote] [quote name='"The_Mix_Breed"']My favorite is pretty darn clear. Yeah its yaoi, but it's hot! SASUNARU baby! Though ItaNaru and GaaNaru are pretty awesome too. I basically, in any anime, like the hero as the uke. YAOI forever![/quote] I so saw that coming. -_- [COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]Above post removed by moderator for being off topic. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='"floral_realms"']In Tsubasa Chronicles, I think Syaoran and Sakura should be together. I really think they should be together because they look so cute together and their personalities match. Also because its one of my favorite animes I do agree that CLAMP has a way of putting gradual relationships[/quote]I was about to suggest them! I thought it was so adorable that Syaoran was so willing to sacrifice Sakura's memories of him to bring her back. I love them both so much. ^^ I also love Ritsuka and Soubi in Loveless... I know, kinda creepy since Ritsuka's what, twelve? But they're really cute together. I love the side of Ritsuka that only Soubi can bring out. Seeing them together gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.
  12. [font="ocr a extended"]Angelic Layer- Cloud Eight Loading...........................done[/font] [font="arial"]Welcome to the Cloud Eight homepage. New members, please read the rules before signing up using the form below. [b]What is Angelic Layer?[/b] Angelic Layer is a battle game. Special battle dolls, called Angels, are the fighters. The player, called a Deus, can control the Angel with his or her mind using headsets and make the Angel move and attack. [b]What are the rules of Angelic Layer?[/b] Generally, a match has a ten-minute time limit. The Angel whose ten stamina points are depleted first loses. Alternately, if an Angel is thrown out of the Layer (the playing field), it automatically loses. If neither occurs in the ten-minute limit, the Angel with more stamina remaining is the winner. [b]What is Cloud Eight?[/b] Cloud Eight is a tournament of Angelic Layer players throughout the world, each the sole representative for his or her home nation. Eight players will take part in a single-elimination style tournament. The champion will receive the grand prize of $250,000 and a custom-built next-generation Angel, courtesy of Piffle Princess Enterprises. [b]How do the rules of Cloud Eight differ from normal Angelic Layer gameplay?[/b] The structure of Cloud Eight differs in that the winner is determined by a combination of strength and style. Matches are played until one Angel is defeated, then a judge will grade each Angel's fighting style, grace, originality, and Deus/Angel harmony on a ten-point scale. Added to the style score is the amount remaining of the Angel's initial ten hit points, if any. The Angel with the higher score wins. In the case of a tie score, a sudden death match will commence under one-hit-wins rules. [b]How does the tournament system work?[/b] Players will be placed on the bracket at random. Winners from each round proceed to the next round to face one another. Losers are eliminated from the competition immediately. It is necessary to win three matches to become champion. [b]Can I level my Angel up?[/b] In role-playing games, players can "level up", or strengthen, their characters through battle. In Angelic Layer, a Deus may enhance his or her Angel with experience points awarded in tournaments. Each Angel starts out with 25 experience points that a Deus can distribute to the 5 categories of Strength, Agility, Evasion, Defense, and Morale to his or her liking. Once chosen, these statistics are permanent. Additionally, each victory in a tournament will award the Deus three temporary experience points, which can only be applied for the duration of that tournament. A player may only optimize each statistic to 12 points. [b]Are there any restrictions on my Angel's customization?[/b] In the interest of fairness, Cloud Eight will consist strictly of hand-to-hand combat between Angels. Participants are not permitted to equip their Angels with weapons. In addition, any other equipment or customizations that provide a significant handicap or advantage to the player are not allowed. The judge will be the ultimate authority regarding this rule. [b]Who is eligible to participate and how do I sign up?[/b] All Angelic Layer champions from each country are eligible for Cloud Eight. Exactly eight players must enter or the tournament can not take place. If you are interested in signing up, please use the form below.[/font] __________________________________________________ [font="ocr a extended"]Deus Information[/font] [font="arial"]Name: Age: (All ages are permitted to enter.) Sex: Country representing: (Only one player may represent each country.) Appearance: (Please describe your appearance or attach a picture.) Experience: (Describe your past experience with Angelic Layer, how long you've been playing, etc.)[/font] [font="ocr a extended"]Angel Information[/font] [font="arial"]Angel's Name: Entry Phrase: (All Deus/Angel teams have an entry phrase they use before entering battle. Any phrase is acceptable as long as the Angel's name is in it.) Appearance: (Again, describe or attach a picture.) Stats: (You have a total of 25 points to distribute to the five attributes below; additional points may be won in the tournament in accordance with the rules above. Remember that each attribute may not exceed 12 points.) [i]Strength- (Physical power of attacks- opposes Defense) Defense- (The Angel's ability to sustain heavy damage- opposes Strength) Agility- (The rate at which the Angel can strike the enemy- opposes Evasion) Evasion- (The Angel's ability to dodge attacks- opposes Agility) Morale- (Special attribute- the Angel's ability to fight on low stamina and its cooperation with the Deus)[/i] Style: (Describe the Angel's fighting style based on the stats assigned to it.)[/font] [font="ocr a extended"]Thank You and Good Luck! [/font]
  13. When I'm bored, I do... this. Steal one of my mom's bottled Costco-pack Frappucinos, turn up the stereo, and just fiddle on my computer. Sometimes that means online and on here, but sometimes not- the time I had a 3-hour Minesweeper marathon comes to mind. Other times, I'll just stare at the wall. Think about stuff. I never seem to run out of things to think about. I can basically push myself into a hypnotic state... one time I zoned out for like 2 hours without even realizing it. Great way to pass time. Or, I can just whip out my Ocarina and play that song that makes half a day pass by... what was it? c-right, c-right, a, a, c-down, c-down? Ah, you probably don't know what I'm talking about.
  14. Time to get all materialistic 'n' superficial on ya'll and say my favorites are the graphics and the music. Graphics- because if you're going to be staring at the same character running with his back turned to you for 40 hours, why not make it a pretty character? I've pretty much spoiled myself in this area. After playing Final Fantasy X for a few years, I decided to give VII a shot after a lot of reccommendations. Even though I know it was state-of-the-art back then, it gave me a headache to play. ARGH! BLASPHEMY! I have spoken ill of the greatest game ever made! *disinfects self with Lysol* Music- if a game's music sucks, I won't play it, simple as that. I could always hit mute and keep playing, but that's like rewarding the producers for laziness. I don't know how many times, playing FFX, that I screamed at the TV in the Cloister of Trials because the music in there ticked me off that bad. Seriously, whose decision was it to have such irritating music in the most annoying point in the game? Storyline's also big for me depending on the genre of the game. In a game like, let's say, the Need for Speed series, story's not crucial because you can just go drive. But in an RPG it has to be epic. If it can't make me cry at the end, it wasn't worth playing. If there's not 70,000 fanfiction pieces based on it, it's not worth playing. Yeah. I live in a self-obsessed bubble, I know.
  15. Okay, before we get started with this, I want to make it clear that the purpose of this thread is to talk about couples that already exist or that seem likely, not dream pairings (yes, I just added this because I know we'd get a lot of Sasu/Naru OMG they're so hot!1!!11 otherwise). So... which couple's your favorite? I really like Yumi and Manager Ueda from Chobits. Every time I read the manga that part chokes me up a little. The fact that they love each other so much despite their difference in age and despite [spoiler]Ueda's previous marriage to a persocom[/spoiler]. Clamp does an excellent job making the love-conquers-all thing work without overdoing it. While we're on the Clamp mindset, I also loved Toya and Yukito in Cardcaptor Sakura. You can tell they genuinely care about each other... it's so cute. And the part where [spoiler]Toya gives up his power to Yue to save Yukito[/spoiler] was easily my favorite part in the series. I'm sure I'll think up more, but that's all I've got for now... your turn!
  16. [quote name='CoLoR_Me_EviL][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I've been listening to A&A for over a month now ^__^ They're not my favourite band, but they are quite good and I do love me some Tom D. I think the intros to their songs are wayy too long o_o;;[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Yeah, they are pretty long, huh? Like the first song on the CD, that's like three minutes long. But some of the intros are good. Like I will stop and rewind my MP3 player just to listen to the intro to The Adventure over and over again.
  17. The only thing I could think of was the time I had a fever of 105. I was totally delusional. Couldn't see straight, couldn't think straight, everything was funny colors... yeah, illness is the best I've got. I keep it on the safe side. OH WAIT! I just remembered a really good one! I was in Vegas (we all know where this story's going... XD, kidding. I was with my mom), and we were at the Mandalay Bay (a.k.a. the longest distance I've ever walked while still inside). We were walking up this hallway, and this tall, black guy in a suit sprints towards us. He dropped something on the floor- it was black, and judging from the clattering noise, plastic. The object slid across the floor, and came to a halt about 6 inches from my feet. The guy races by, scoops up the object, and looks me straight in the eye, and he's gone. Then a few moments later whole army of 50 or more security guards flies by us (well, it was more of a float than a fly... they really need to get the security guys off the donuts, but that's neither here nor there). It wasn't until we were in the airport the next day that we found out that that guy had robbed the casino, and that he had a loaded gun that he did fire in the parking lot. I put two and two together and realized that object he dropped was the gun... and I was so close I almost accidentally kicked it away! It was truly bizarre.
  18. First, if it makes anyone feel any easier, I already finished the assignment before even reading any of these responses, but I'd still like to see what you all think. Call it enrichment if you will. Second... [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]What does "you shall have the suffrage of the world" mean? Suffrage has the more familiar meaning of the ability to vote, but Emerson seems to be using it in an older sense. Suffrage here means lending support. Does the statement then say that the man who is "freed" into his own creativity will be "supported" by a community of adoring fans? Not as such, no: Emerson frankly doesn't give a damn about being popular. On support, Emerson says: "Let a man then know his worth, and keep things under his feet." On the world: "A true man belongs to no other time or place, but is the centre of things. Where he is, there is nature." To have the suffrage of the world, then, can't possibly mean to be popular. It has to mean BEING this "centre of things," and allowing the world and nature to rise up and support that center. For Emerson, the one who has been freed into its own power is the basis for measuring "you, and all men, and all events," all of which now orient around the power of the "true man" and establish him in history. The meaning of the first sentence of the quote ("Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind") should now be obvious as well. It's not just that Emerson wants us to be "individualistic" and so on - if nature itself is oriented around the power of man (power here meaning the same thing as integrity), then there is no value or "sacredness" to [I]anything[/I] except that which does the orienting. [/QUOTE] Ah, thanks for this. I was interpreting that "suffrage" part as "popular", which felt really ironic--why would you need popularity if you've just "absolved you to yourself?" The first part of the quote implies self-sufficiency, so the "suffrage" didn't fit in. God, I hate this quote... if you look up the words integrity, suffrage, absolve, and sacred in the dictionary, they each have about 4 definitions apiece. The more I think, the more I wonder why the paper's [i]only[/i] five pages long.
  19. [QUOTE=Charon]Well I'm glad you cleared that up. Although, I do find it a little unusual that a professor would have you use other people's opinions without referencing them. (Unless of course you were planning to cite forum members?). Maybe I just overdosed on proper-ness.[/QUOTE] ...the reason for this unusualness being that it's supposed to prove that many people can interpret the same thing differently. But I understand your concern. ^^
  20. [quote name='Charon']Isn't using other people's opinions and interpretations as your own work considered plagiarism?[/quote] Not when the professor asks you to use past experience and the opinions of others, which she did.
  21. Please, someone, ANYONE, tell me you've heard of Angels & Airwaves! They're a new band that just released its debut album, We Don't Need to Whisper, a few weeks back. Their lead singer is Tom Delonge from Blink 182. I stole my brother's CD when he was at work, and I was afraid this would just be a Blink clone minus Mark and Travis, but I was surprised to find AVA has a totally original sound! Much less on the punk side of things. I actually think it's an improvement, to be honest! I'm so jealous... my brother gets to go to an AVA concert in Sacremento in July. Well, that's okay, cause I still have his CD. ^^
  22. Okay, I have a 5-page essay for my Composition class tomorrow on this quote, but I need some help (meaning, I'm about 2 pages short). Do you guys have any input as to what this quote means? [quote]Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. -Ralph Waldo Emerson[/quote] What I got out of it was that you have to stand firmly with your beliefs and not be swayed by the opinions of others (although that does sound somewhat close-minded). Do you guys have anything to add?
  23. [quote name='Tical']Also, I have a little bit of Yuna from FFX and Colette from Tales of Symphonia in that both of them also do the apology thing, and they would give their lives to save the world.[/quote] Ugh. I would NEVER compare myself to Yuna... mainly because she makes me sick to my stomach. I never knew summoners were allowed to be complete dipsticks... but she IS a perfect match for Tidus. One's dumb, the other's blonde. :P While we're on the FFX topic, I've got a bit of Rikku in me. Of course, I could NEVER pull off the bikini top/mini skirt combo like she does, but I've got her personality in the bag. Hyper and friendly, but really protective of my friends. That, and sometimes I say "cunno" instead of "sorry". Long live Al Bhed!
  24. I generally assume a panicked look and run around in circles, arms flailing in the air, screaming like a distraught chimpanzee. No, really, I do. One time I was in the middle of writing a 10-page essay on Word and I hadn't saved since I started... you can guess the rest. Curse you, faulty power lines. When the power goes out, I thank god for my nifty MP3 player and sit on my bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to Angels & Airwaves while contemplating the meaning of life. But I do that when the power's on, too, so I guess there's not much difference. Then, if there's still light, I might read a book or (gasp!) do homework; if not, I sit hitting the power button on my TV hoping something will happen.
  25. [QUOTE=Sinful Revenger] The thing that i don't understand is how will spells and skills be cast. In Hack//infection. ect you would pause the game select the skill or spell or item and then use it but in an MMORPG you cant just pause the universe for yourself. Anyone know how that will be done? [/QUOTE] With much difficulty, I'm sure. The system's going to have to be a lot different then Infection; for one thing, the root towns are going to have to be a lot bigger. But the battle system won't be able to pause, you're right. Maybe they'll have a system where you'll assign skills to a certain button on the controller for quick access like in so many other live-action RPGs. It'll be a lot easier to control the people in your party, though, when they're real people, because you can just scream through your headset at them rather than going through the chat menu and tell them what to do and hope to god they do the right thing.
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