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Everything posted by PaganAngel

  1. As the first place person has disappeared (allegedly), I guess I get to go. So let's spice this thread up with some Gravitation: [img]http://cloverpetals.com/addiction/ep30124.JPG[/img] Note: Any Flat Stanley allusions will result in death (although that book did rawk... in second grade).
  2. So there's zillions of threads out there about what character you'd like to be, what character you'd like to date, and so on, and so forth. But on a more realistic note, which character most resembles you? First for me is Misaki from Angelic Layer... I have an absolute inferiority complex about my height, or lack thereof. I can't stand it when people pick on me about it, and if another person says, "you're 14? You look like you're 12!" I swear I will jump off a bridge. Minoru in Chobits- I'm the lonely prodigy... I can relate to a lot of what he goes through. Is it possible to replace someone you really cared about? Furthermore, is it right to do so? He was a character I could really identify with. And now the fun stuff: Ryuichi from Gravitation. OK, so I can't sing worth a crap, but I have a tendency to call things shiny, attach a "na no da" at the end of every other sentence, and I'll occasionally tote around a stuffed bunny. When I'm in my hyper moods, I'm basically Ryuichi incarnate.
  3. I have a thing for werewolves, myself. The fact that they are both human and beast adds a lot of depth to their character. They kill, but probably regret doing so. They hunt while their subconscious warns them against it. I think the life of a werewolf is rather tragic. They didn't choose a path of destruction, yet they must live it. Their instinct tells them to kill, yet their still-human heart despises it. It's a bi-polarness that really appeals to me. I blame the obsession on Harry Potter... *sigh* Vampires are also sort of interesting to me. I blame Anne Rice for that. Just the way they hold themselves is so sophisticated, so dignified. I love their air of being above mortals, their "survival of the fittest" nature. And honestly, did you ever hear of a vampire who was particularly hard on the eyes? I guess my favorite mystical creatures are those in the form of man, because their lives are something we can identify with. They have conscious thought just the same as mortals, and that brings an immense multi-dimensionality to their personas.
  4. Well, it's certainly a prettier price point than Newtype, to be sure. I'd give it a try just because I'm sick of wandering into the manga section and having not a clue what series I want to start. It'd be a great (and relatively cheap) way to get a sneak peek at my next purchase.
  5. For me it's not the pronunciations themselves that trip me up but the stress. I always want to stress the middle syllable, then I see the anime and it sounds totally different from how I've been reading it in my head in the manga. From what I've learned, all the syllables have equal stress, but being the westerner I am I keep wanting to stress it in the middle. It's a habit I just can't shake.
  6. .hack//Legend of the Twilight had a really confusing ending, mainly because it even said it didn't have an ending. To me that explanation just seemed like a way to avoid closing all the loopholes which just felt lazy. I was still confused... [spoiler]so Shugo found Aura finally, so what? It never explained what happened after they completed the event, why Aura gave him the bracelet, whether CC Corp. still hunted for him or his party, or anything. [/spoiler] There was a whole bunch in that series that made absolutely no sense [spoiler](the breaking of the Spear of Voltan, for instance)[/spoiler] unless you read both volumes of AI Buster, which didn't even come out in the States until much after Twilight. While we're there, AI Buster was a little confusing as well. All the talk of Morganna and "God" and the bounds of the game really flew over my head.
  7. [QUOTE=Dhampir]-^^- Ah, I love this question. It seems to pop up in every forum I'm in... Only three people for me: (In order of how I like them) 3. Yukito (CCS/TRC)- Not only is he tall, skinny, and super super kind, He has an appitite just like mine, so I wouldn't be embarassed on a date if I eat too much. Plus, I love the fact that he wears glasses. Geeky guys are my favorite. 2. Fai D. Flowright (TRC)- Again, tall, skinny (actually, almost anorexic) and so funny! He is so adorable, the way he teases Kuro-chan. He seems like the one that you could talk with for hours about nothing. 1. Shaoran (CCS/TRC) XD Fan girls of the world, unite! your god is here!!! It is just adorable how much he loves Sakura. Again, tall, skinny, and the Amber eyes are just a plus. But, the main reason that he is my favorite, is how often he blushes. I absolutely melt for guys who blush.[/QUOTE] Looks like we have a Clamp fanatic on our hands... I nearly put Yukito on my list but then I realized I'd never want to take him from Toya. XD They're just so cute... note to self: add a 'favorite couple' thread if there's not one already. But following in the Clamp theme, I wouldn't mind a date with Kazahaya from Legal Drug. I think he's adorable. He's all clumsy and easily embarassed and I think it's so gosh darn cute! And I'm sure his temper is a little lessened when Rikuo's not around. Plus, he could delight in the fact that he got the chick and Rikuo didn't (even though, unbeknownst to him, Rikuo would probably be doing a side mission in the meantime and making oodles of money). Wow, anyone who's never read Legal Drug must be real confused right now. o_O
  8. Veering ever so slightly off topic I'll add a manga to my list... I didn't notice that the title said "continuation" as well as "sequel". But it'd be fantastic if Clamp would pull their heads out of places they shouldn't be and continue Legal Drug. It totally got dropped at volume 3 and I was hooked... I need more! Wait, I'm hooked... on Legal Drug. That can't be good. Does that make me cold turkey right now? (please pardon the puns...)
  9. First, 5ilv3r F0x, you totally stole that sig from my "You Might Be a Gravitation Fan If" article... I won't hold it against you, though. Second, another thing someone brought up I agree with: the characters are appealing. They have deep backgrounds and multi-dimensional personalities like something out of a soap opera, but unlike a soap opera they're not limited to physical possiblility (or Hollywood special effects), so fantastical stories are possible without being corny plus they can be immensely deep. A nice combo, if you ask me.
  10. I was under the impression that "If I only had a mouth" wasn't in The Wizard of Oz...
  11. I don't really mind it... I think it adds a sense of unity between the creators and the fans. My favorite instance is the anime version of Excel Saga in which every episode includes a disclaimer from Koshi Ridko, the original manga creator. And then when Excel is assigned to kill him, she creates a time paradox. I thought it was classic.
  12. [quote name='KawaiiNekoboy']Plot: Nami is your normal NekoGirl [/quote] And there lies my first objection. There is no such thing as a normal neko girl. That's pretty much an oxymoron. [quote]So now she wants to get revenge on her parents.[/quote] Er... don't you mean "she wants to get revenge on her parents' killers"? Putting that technicality aside, frankly, if I read that summary you just gave on the back of a manga at Borders I'd put it right back down. It's far too derivative. In fact, basically every aspect of that summary I can translate to Loveless: -Neko-main character. -Relative was murdered by some mysterious team. -Neko-protagonist thinks no one cares about him/her as a result of the death. -Neko-protagonist wants to seek revenge on the killers. -New character is introduced right away to a new character who quickly befriends him/her, a person who can reveal to the neko-protagonist the secret behind his/her relative's death, even if it is indirectly. And that's just one series I can name that it's far derivative of. You just need something more unique.
  13. Never was a big fan of the early classics, but I did like Record of Lodoss War. That was the epitome of great fantasy anime. Not perfect by any standards, but it was a heavy influence on the genre.
  14. Hm... Lavie Head in Last Exile- her voice is like a cheese grater on my brain. And her hair looks horrible too. LE was such a beautiful series and Lavie was its only flaw. She just didn't fit in and it ruined everything. Like fingerpainting all over the Mona Lisa. How's that for a big bundle of analogies? Sakano in Gravitation- seriously, dude, take a chill pill. So your album misses the deadline by a couple days. Tohma's not gonna freaking eat you. Chill. Kotori Monou in X- Girl nearly falls out of tree. Boy saves her. Boy moves away. Boy gets all angsty after his mom's death. Boy comes back antisocial and emo and stuff. Girl manages to make him happy. [spoiler]Girl dies. Boy gets even more emo and vows to avenge her death.[/spoiler] Good god, Kotori ticked me off. Her voice, her appearance, everything. She was a total airhead. Every time I see the first episode, when she says the line "I don't get it," I say, "Amen to that." Indigo dying? You're seriously joking. And she turned Kamui into even more of a whiny wad of angst (sorry Kamui, it's true... but you're still hot!). Honestly, [spoiler]I was relieved when she died.[/spoiler] Sakura Kinomoto in Cardcaptor Sakura- NOBODY is that perfect. She's a great friend, athletic, honest, brave, kind, an ideal daughter, and a partridge in a pear tree. And she gets to use magic. Virtually flawless (she's probably a persocom... enough with the crossovers already, Clamp!). Ugh. I love CCS, but I just wanna remove the S part. Let Tomoyo be the heroine. Her I can stand.
  15. I guess my best answer is the feeling of being a fan. I mean, if you read a lot of regular books, you're probably not going to call yourself a crazed book fan. With anime it's different. Fans are really tight-knit. It's a community of otaku and I love it. Another reason... it's art. It breaks the bounds of the mundane. So much effort (for the most part) goes into the details and I truly appreciate it. It's simply poetry in motion. It's like a completely different reality. Wow, I suck at explaining. I guess liking something is an abstract kind of thing. Like asking a person, why do you like chocolate? Because I like the taste of it. Why do I like anime? Because I like the feel of it.
  16. [b]Angels & Airwaves- We Don't Need to Whisper[/b] is the one I can't wait for. Even though the whole album's been leaked already, nothing compares to the feeling of holding the CD in your hand the first time. I was a huge Blink-182 and Boxcar Racer fan, and I can't wait to see where this band goes. My lucky brother gets to go to one of their concerts in Sacramento, tickets right up front, too! I'm really jealous. Seeing AVA live would be killer.
  17. Yet another one... I just love quotes. They make me all warm and fuzzy inside. "If you can manage to fall out of love with someone, then you were never in love to begin with." It's a quote I myself coined. In my life, I'm tired of friends dating someone, ranting about how much they're in love, and then breaking up within a week and hating the mere thought of the guy. It frustrates me that they think they know true love. If you've ever really been in love, you'll think about that person always, even if you eventually part ways and move on to someone else. They'll always be there in the back of your mind, and you'll savor every memory of them even if it didn't work out for you. You'll still love them even if you're not with them anymore. And one more: "The course of true love never did run smooth." Shakespeare, [i]A Midsummer Night's Dream[/i]. The first time I read that line, I went, "oh, that is so me." Ever noticed that the thing that makes you the happiest is always the hardest to obtain? It's so in love. It never works out perfectly. There always seems to be some drama involved.
  18. [quote name='Suzuhiko][COLOR=DarkGreen']I'm a fan of Gravitation as I really liked the anime. Obviously I want to read the manga too, as it's the original story and is more in depth. However I've been hearing a lot of bad comments about TokyoPop's translation and I don't want to read something that takes away from the original story. If I could I'd prefer to read the raw but theres no japanese manga sold near me so I can't get it right now. I guess what I'm asking is, is the translation really that bad or is it worth getting so I can read it now? XD[/COLOR][/quote] Oh, I'd definitely still get it. I mean, the translation's not that bad- just the occasional using the wrong character's names or poor grammar which is forgivable, and pop culture allusions that just don't translate well to English, which is expected in a series about music. The first few volumes may be a little rusty, but you can definitely feel Maki Murakami mature as an artist as the series progresses. It's the snowball effect. It started out as something really small and forgettable, and by the midpoint you'll be hooked. Be warned, though- the manga is a touch more mature than the anime. Viewer discretion is advised, or something. ^^
  19. [QUOTE=Suzuhiko][COLOR=DarkGreen]I'd probly go on a date with Mihara Oujirou from angelic layer. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Suzuhiko/mihara.png[/IMG] He seems like a really nice guy...and I have a strange fetish for green hair XD...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ooh, great idea. He was my favorite character in AL. Normally guys as pretty as him are all angsty and antisocial, but he's a pretty friendly guy.
  20. A-ha... how about an Azumanga Daioh sequel? It's a series with no plot, therefore it can't possibly overstay its welcome. It'd be pretty funny to follow the trials and tribulations of the gang through college and beyond. I think it might work.
  21. [quote]Actually PaganAngel there already is a Loveless thread. If you don?t see the topic you want to discuss in the: Official Threads Directory Then like the rules state: Before you post any thread, please perform a forum search on that subject. This way, you can determine whether a thread already exists about the subject you've chosen to discuss. With that in mind I have merged your thread with the existing Loveless thread. ~Aaryanna[/quote] Oops. Checked the Directory, forgot to do a search. Terribly sorry. Actually, I only saw a few episodes of the anime; I'm more closely following the manga. I always seem to be a bigger fan of the manga than the anime. But I do think that the battle scenes flow better in the anime.
  22. Wow, I was surprised there wasn't already a thread for this.... I love Loveless. My, what an oxymoronic statement. I just love the series's perfect blend of action and romance, of school drama and fantasy battles. It's shounen-ai, but it's by no means over the top. I think it's a near faultless series. Plus, it has cat ears. That's always a plus. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT]Actually [B]PaganAngel[/B] there already is a Loveless thread. If you don?t see the topic you want to discuss in the: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]O[U]fficial Threads Directory[/U][/B][/COLOR][/URL] Then like the rules state: Before you post any thread, please perform a forum search on that subject. This way, you can determine whether a thread already exists about the subject you've chosen to discuss. With that in mind I have merged your thread with the existing Loveless thread. ;) ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. Try the X movie. Everyone's always ragging on it, but if it's a movie and not a series or OVA you're looking for, your options are limited, so give it a shot. It's very... actiony. And the dudes are hot. *rabid Kamui fangirl*
  24. [QUOTE=Momiji Love][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana] And sorry guys, but I strongly dislike [B]Rent[/B]. Everyone in my highschool is obsessed with it, and our choir is even singing "[B]Seasons of Love[/B]" for their next concert. So, I've pretty much had it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Well, is that your reason for not liking Rent? If so, it's a pretty poor reason. Yeah, I'm a bit of a newbie in the world of musicals, but Rent is what got me hooked. I loved how modern and edgy it was. It was so... [i]today.[/i] "No day but today..."
  25. I love [b]Rent[/b] and [b]Wicked[/b], and for good reason. Now, I know that you cynics out there will have a hard time believing me, but my best friend Natalie's cousin is Idina Menzel, who played Maureen in Rent and Elphaba in Wicked. She's really good. ^^ So's Taye Diggs, her husband. But we're talking about the shows, not the actors. Rent was really a different experience for me. I was so used to musicals being these happy, melodic, "Sounds of Music" rip-offs. Rent, though, was modern, angsty, and really emotionally involving! I love Angel and Collins! They were so cute together! [spoiler]I cried when Angel died.[/spoiler] Natalie and I sing the Rent songs all the time. As for Wicked, I read the book, and that only made the musical so much more fun for me. I love the whole switched perspective to the Wizard of Oz story. Really made you think about who was the bad guy and who simply got the short end of the stick.
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