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Everything posted by PaganAngel
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?
PaganAngel replied to PaganAngel's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lord Dante']I herby mention the Ultimate showdown of ultiamte destiny. Funny and wierd, wrapped up like some kind of evil devil-taco.[/quote] Wrapped in a flour tortilla and grilled to go. Yay, a Taco Bell allusion! What about shavemyyeti.com? Due to circumstances beyond my control I can't check to see if this site's still up, but it's GREAT. I think the title speaks for itself. And the song rocks my socks in a box with a fox. It can never compare to the llama song, of course, but it's still good. And then there's mylittlepony.com. Now THAT'S a fun site. The dance studio and coloring pages are definitely worth a visit. Seriously, my friends and I have cured many excruciatingly boring tech classes with that site. -
[QUOTE=Lord Dante]SProingage-ness go! *sproing!* Congrats, you have a job. you work in an indian sweatshop churining out footballs at the rate of 100 an hour, you get paid £2 a day. sucks to be you. I wish I could Rip the Bark at the moon solo in real life, not just on guitar hero.[/QUOTE] You obviously don't know how much guitar strings cost then, because, in the granting of this wish, you break them, often. You are driven into poverty. I wish I wasn't sick.
My immediate reaction was "Ryuichi Sakuma!" (Gravitation) but then I kinda second guessed it.... I mean, he's eye candy, sure enough, but he's not exactly date material. He'd be bouncing around the fancy restaurant brandishing a Kumagoro and calling random things shiny. Not my idea of an ideal date. But he is hot.
Anyone else been watching this season of American Idol? I think it's the best season they have had so far. This show's such a guilty pleasure... *sigh* I really like Chris. I've liked him from the beginning and I always vote for him. I bet you he wins it. I also like Katherine and Taylor, and I liked Ace but he got voted out... I was pretty mad after that. So who are you guys watching?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?
PaganAngel replied to PaganAngel's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]Oh, speaking of Google versions, you have got to visit Gizoogle. It's like Snoop Dog's version of Google. Everything translates into 'gangsta' and is absolutely hilarious. It has a 'textilizer' that translates anything you want into 'gangsta' and makes me laugh out loud. The O's in Gizoogle are spinners, too, so it's cool. Example: [B]Is this tha real life- Is this jizzy fantasizzles in a landslide- No escape fizzy realizzle yo eyes Look up ta tha skies n see- I'm jizzay a poor boy,i need no sympathy- coz I'm eazy come,easy go, A shawty high,little low, Anyway tha wind blows,doesn't really matta ta me, To me [/B] Hilarious![/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh my god, I LOVE Gizoogle. I love looking up serious sites like CNN and National Geographic with it. It's hysterical. -
Anime Anime that need a sequel/continuation
PaganAngel replied to 5th Hokage's topic in Otaku Central
Hm... a Chobits sequel, you say? That could be interesting, it'd be nice to find out how a lot of the character's lives play out. Though Hideki and Chi's relationship was perfected in the end, we were left in the dark with a lot of characters. I'd especially like to know what happens with Dita and Ziwa. I can't really think of any other series right now... for most of them it would just get old, really. Nothing's worse than a good anime that turns bad once it's overstayed its welcome. -
One I like is in Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve (such a catchy song...): "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..." I just like it... it pretty much sums me up. I totally change my mood at the drop of a pin. I'm always somone different... I also like these two verses from Every You, Every Me by Placebo: Sucker love is heaven sent. You pucker up, our passion's spent. My hearts a tart, your body's rent. My body's broken, yours is bent. and: All alone in space and time. There's nothing here but what here's mine. Something borrowed, something blue. Every me and every you. I just love how these verses sound! I think this is such a cool song... the line "there's nothing here but what's here's mine" I like best. It's so poetic and stuff.
I'd be... a Pagan Angel. Note the username. XD Like, I'm a good person, but I'm not religious at all. I wouldn't serve God; I'd serve humanity. Or something. So there.
The internet has some really bizarre things out there. But what's the one thing that's so weird, so outrageous, so "wtf?" that you just can't stop thinking about it? I think [url="www.wimp.com/llama"][u]the llama song[/u][/url] just can't be beat. Just watch it a couple times and you'll find you can't look away. And you can't help but wonder what horrifying human being thought of it and for what purpose. The song almost offends you it's so random. Only on the internet...
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
PaganAngel replied to NekoSama101's topic in General Discussion
Mine takes the cake, and it only happened a few days ago. I overwrote my hundred hour Final Fantasy X file. I went on to one of my earlier files (only about 8 hours in) to get an Al Bhed primer from a place you can't return to in the game. I got it, then went to the save sphere. I realized too late I had saved over my primary file. All my data... gone. And I had the most amazingly rad file you could ever imagine. My Blitz team had finally gotten to the maximum level... all my characters had at least one stat at over 100... I had nearly everyone's legendary weapons activated... I beat that totally frustrating Chocobo race in 0.0 seconds... GRR! I still haven't forgiven myself. Other stupid things I've done... one time I ate a Yu-Gi-Oh card. A holographic one. Best tasting Blue Eyes White Dragon ever. I did it on the school bus, and I swear to god, the third grader in the seat across from me looked horrified, like I shot his dog or something. I also got kicked out of preschool. On the first day. Yeah. Me... who'da thunk it? And there was the time when I was three and I ran through the screen door... that kinda hurt. -
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=dimgray][size=1] [B]Congratulations![/B] You are now a famous and gifted writer. Author of a successful series of novels, you gain worldwide appeal and have millions of fans. One day on a vacations to the Rocky Mountains for skiing, your car barrels off the road and into a snow pile. You are found by one of these crazed fans who cares for you within their home. Soon however, you find out just how crazed this fan is when she ties you to your bed and breaks both your ankles with a sledge hammer. Don't blame her, blame Stephen King... [B]I wish Wu Tang Clan would do another reunion album.[/B][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Wish granted... 30 years later. Wu Tang Clan's all old and gross and white-haired, and the album sucks. Angry, fans pelt them with tomatoes until they die. I wish Nittle Grasper really existed.
[QUOTE=Lord Dante]Dante powers go! *Sproing* Congradulations, you can no longer age or die. However, being only fifteen years of age, you are forever denied the benefits of age (wisdom). you stay forever ignorant, brash and awkward, just like most other 15 year ols, untill the end of time. [I]really[/I] sucks to be you. I wish Strong bad would answer my Email.[/QUOTE] Shwoosh. Wish granted, e-mail answered. However, Strong bad unknowingly sent a virus to you. Your computer is eaten by worms. I wish my MP3 player worked well.
Oh yeah, not sure if this is filed under "favorite" but the last four numbers of my phone number (1185) are pretty nifty cause they appear in the Da Vinci code. Not that I've personally read the book. I was reading over the shoulder of this guy in my Spanish class and I'm like, "HOLY SHIZNIT THAT'S MY PHONE NUMBER!" XD
[QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hahaha, that's great. It's hilarious, i had to look that word up before i even typed it. And of course, as i read your post i was looking for spelling errors hoping to oust a world class speller. Ah...but my attempts were in vain. Your spelling was perfect as far as i could tell. Actually the fact that you're going to the spelling bee is quite impressive. If you tell me what time the thing is on tv i'd really love to watch it. Tell me what number you are so i can see ya spell! And uhhh....all those words......i don't even know what they mean. And i actually didn't pronounce couchette like a mini sofa. Gee i hope i spelled everything correctly.... Later. PS: Sorry about you FFX file, that's a real bummer. I do that kind of crap all the time with my games. Once i erased my FFVIII file, but it was only like 20 hours worth of game. The best thing to do is just let it go and move on. Maybe play a different game. Or you could always play skeet. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] Ehhh... I was really hoping you guys wouldn't watch it... >< this year it's not only going to be on ESPN, it's also going to be on ABC during primetime from 8 to 10 on the first of June... And... I'm number 145... ACK! NO! I DIDN'T SAY THAT! NOOO! DON'T WATCH! *hides*
Another of my favorite quotes is from Final Fantasy X: "Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life." Auron meant it literally, but it still can have meaning in the real world. Life hurts sometimes, and sometimes it could be easier to shut yourself away in "the dream world", but that's the coward's way out. Even if it hurts, you still have to live. You can't run away from reality.
Anime Favorite opening and ending themes?
PaganAngel replied to TheResplendent's topic in Otaku Central
One I'm rather mad about forgetting is the opening theme to X/1999. I think it perfectly suits the series as well as the opening cinematic, and it's a really catchy song too. It gets stuck in my head daily... -
Anime What anime do you wish you never saw in the first place?
PaganAngel replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
Hamtaro to this day leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Whether it's the 9-hour-long opening theme, the grossly shiny and round eyes, or just the fact that it's about TALKING HAMSTERS, for christ's sake... and what's most painful about it for me is that I heard about the show from a girl who (allegedly) went Goth the very next month. Yeah, we all believe ya, hun. -
[QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Ok PaganAngel, if you're such a great speller then spell onomatopoeia!! Hahahaha! That's right! You can't!!! [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] You're right... I'm stumped. :animesigh But seriously, I've known that word since about sixth grade. My teacher had a poster of it up on our wall. To be honest with you, I haven't really gotten that difficult of words... the ones I've faced get no harder than "stygian," "endostracum," "amalgam," and "couchette" (which, by the way, is NOT pronounced like a miniature sofa). But then again, I've never been to a national level before. That should be nice and challenging. Not to mention rewarding. The winner gets 20,000 bucks. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
While I doubt I could compete with BKStyles's essay... er... response, I'll throw in my two cents anyway. I'm really a big fan of Cloud and Aeris, but I think the only reason I can find for it is that I'm not a huge supporter of the childhood-friend-romance theme. And I think that [spoiler]Aeris's death[/spoiler] just contributes to the tragedy of their romance. I think it'd be an insult to Aeris's memory and to a great number of fans if Cloud were to move on to Tifa. I think love is really something that should last forever, [spoiler]even through death.[/spoiler]
I used to love Evanescence. To me it had nothing to do with labels, gothism, or anything. I just liked their songs and more particularly their lyrics. These days, though, I don't really care about them. I can't even remember the last time I've listen to one of their songs. I've been out of the MTV loop for a while... I feel pretty alienated sometimes in the superficial world of the 8th grade. Actually, I don't really listen to much English music at all anymore. I blame my otakudom.
I don't get America's whole obsession with brand names. It's not like anyone can see the American Eagle Outfitters tag hanging out of your jeans. I don't get why those stores force us to pay 60 bucks on a pair of pants you could get basically get a duplicate of on a Wal-Mart clearance rack for $13.50. And I'm not saying, either, that you have to go to that extreme and only buy cheap Wal-Mart clothes. Just going to Mervyn's or JC Penney is fine for me, and generally reasonably priced. It's all the same. Clothes are clothes are clothes. And yes, this is a teenage girl (albeit slightly nerdy) talking. [quote="Momiji Love"]I personally like to play the A&F Game. Its where you try to walk through the store, touch the back wall and get back out again without an employee talking to you or asking if you need assistance. I've won 2 out of the 6 times of played.[/quote] Ha! Now that sounds like a good time. Maybe I'd give it a shot, but only if the A&F people would TURN DOWN THEIR FRICKIN' MUSIC first.
Swooosh. You can now type with boxing gloves on... however, you can only type on a keyboard on which every button is 4 inches big. Sucks to be you. I wish I had telekinesis.
Anime Favorite opening and ending themes?
PaganAngel replied to TheResplendent's topic in Otaku Central
The opening theme to Last Exile is a lot of fun. The upbeat techno-iness of it totally opposes the classical music in the rest of the series, but I think it makes it all the more enjoyable. Somehow LE manages to make the two genres of music blend together flawlessly. The fact that the song is 6 minutes long doesn't hurt either- the repeat button on my MP3 player is broken. XD While I also really like the ending theme to Last Exile (it has one of my favorite lines in a song: "If you are going to travel the skies, I want to become your wings"), I think my favorite ending theme is Smashing Blue from the Gravitation OVA. I love Kotani Kinya's voice, and I really love the arrangements in this song. It's the kind of song that stands up outside the realm of anime in the real world of music in general. -
Ah, yes. The Scripps National Spelling Bee. I'm sure that a lot of you have at least seen the commercials for that new movie, Akeelah and the Bee, right? And maybe one or two of you have seen the actual competition on ESPN, or that documentary Spellbound from a few years back. If so, I'm sure your jaws drop at the words those kids are asked to spell. What if I told you I'm one of those kids? Yep, I'm going to D.C. for the nationals in 28 days, solitarily representing the state of Nevada. So does anyone on OB have any experience with the bee? Surely I can't be the only one. God, if I could list all the memories this competition has given me over 3 years I could publish a book. But just to name a few, the Las Vegas anchorman mispronouncing 5 words, my school principal pronouncing debris "duh-briss", and nearly getting shot at the Mandalay Bay (don't ask) are certainly highlights. Those were some good times... seriously, the whole thing is more like a soap opera than an extracurricular activity if you only knew.
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1][b]I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God's business.[/b] -Michael J. Fox. I have been a perfectionist for much of my life--it got to the point where my obsession with perfection was negatively affecting my mental and physical health. (That's bad, kiddoes.) It is not easy letting go, but sometimes you need to let things slide in order to stay sane. My mom sent me a magazine clipping with this quote a few months ago, and I keep it in mind. It's becoming a motto. A second motto: [b]Live like there's no yesterday[/b]. I have spoken about this here before. To me, it means "no regrets." Don't worry about the past--sort of a Rafiki-style outlook, but a good thing to be reminded of sometimes. You cannot retcon real life, so please do not try! You will only make things more frustrating.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] Oh, I like both of these. The first one really rings true to me. You can never be perfect; you can only be as good as you can and it's pointless to push yourself further. The second one I also like. Short, sweet, and to the point. Is it just me or is "regret" a big theme in this thread so far?