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Everything posted by PaganAngel
[quote name='Elk']isulum (sp?)[/quote] Asylum. And as insensitive as it may sound, do nothing. Don't try to comfort her or anything because she's doing this for attention. She wouldn't do anything too drastic. Let her figure out on her own that what she's doing is, frankly, dumb. She'll realize that she's getting no more attention from Ruben than she would if she wasn't hurting herself. She needs to realize on her own that this guy's not interested. It's not your job to open her eyes.
That's the question: What quote do you live by, and what does it mean to you? It can be from a song, from a friend, from an anime, anything, as long as it means something to you. My quote comes from the song Spicy Marmalade by Kotani Kinya. The whole song's pretty inspirational, but my favorite line translates to "If the chains are rusted, throw them off." It means that you really can't be afraid to move on or to change if something in your life needs change. I really like this quote because I tend to cling to the past and regret, and I really need to learn to move on. So what's your quote?
What do you think your signature says about you?
PaganAngel replied to shadowpimp's topic in General Discussion
Mine says that I'm an obsessive Gravitation fangirl, that I spend far too much time fiddling with color codes, that I'm a failure at using Photoshop, and that I'm too lazy to think of anything more clever than song quotes to have in my sig. Oh yeah, go me. -
Ta-da! You now have the ability to fly a plane. However, you never specified how [i]well[/i] you can fly it, and thus, you crash into a mountain. I wish my teeth would stop hurting.
I can't believe I forgot Tohma Seguchi from Gravitation! *slaps self* I love him to death... he's probably the cutest badass there ever was. He can push a guy in front of a car, try and break up Shuichi and Yuki, and still have time in-between to play the synthesizer for Nittle Grasper, all with that innocent little grin on his face. I just wanna squish him with love!
[QUOTE=r2vq] If it were any other series, I could easily go out there and purchase the DVDs without hesitation. The problem is that without the actual [i]experience[/i] of surprise and accomplishment that came with catching an episode at its daybreak timeslot, it will just be another anime in my collection. Even if I miss the series that much, I would never want to diminish what I feel for it to just that. [/QUOTE] I know how you feel... you could buy an entire series and watch it over and over again, but there's just nothing like the feeling of seeing a brand-new episode, the anticipation of waiting for the next one... I love it.
Holy superficial teenage drama, Batman. This show disturbs me. Seriously, the characters in this show blow everything way out of proportion. LC went to the park with Stephen? Prepare for the wrath of Kristen. (And yes, I made this scenario up just for an example.) I mean, going to middle school I see enough of this crap, why would I willingly go home and watch a half hour more of it?
My number's 21,748. o_O Oh yeah, mine's the biggest one yet. Ten thousands, baby. But I have a reason behind it. When I was in like first grade, I had a bike chain, and the combo on it was 21748. I still have that bike chain. But that's not all. Then, in fourth grade, I moved to a new town. We each had PIN numbers to get lunch, and mine was 217. The next year, I moved to a different school in the area, and even though it should have changed, my lunch number stayed at 217. The next year, 6th grade, it changed- but only to 2217. 7th grade, I moved up to the middle school. Everyone else's lunch number was the same as their 6-digit student ID number, but mine was 2217 again, and it stayed that way up to now, in 8th grade. It's pretty freaky. And whenever I play Keno, I do a 6-spot with 21, 17, 74, 48, 2, and 8. I once won 200 bucks on those numbers.
What things do you look for in a opposite/same sex
PaganAngel replied to a topic in General Discussion
The main thing I look for is security. Someone who I feel safe with. Someone who I know will protect me. Someone I know will always be there. Someone I know I can tell anything to. I need someone to tell me that I'm doing the right thing. Patience is a must- I'm not exactly the easiest person to deal with. I also look for someone who doesn't expect anything out of me- someone who will just let me be me. This is a pretty difficult thing to find in my case... it's an occupational hazard of being the school's resident genius and Nevada state spelling bee winner to boot. >< Another huge thing I look for... is someone who treats me like I'm special. Someone to whom I'm the most important person in the world. Someone who would do anything to rescue me... jesus, I'm a hopeless romantic, no? -
I miss season 1 of Digimon. That was the catalyst for my entire anime obsession. I was a Digi-addict. I had a bunch of the merchandise... I even had one of those Digivices that were basically a mix between a Tamagachi and a pedometer. You would shake it (or walk around with it attached to your belt) until you ran into a monster, then your Digimon would have to fight it... god, I loved that show to death. The characters were all so great. I even remember going to see the movie in theaters. It was all so great. But then season 2 came along, and it was just okay. By season 3, I had found that the Digimon universe had pretty much been butchered. It's a shame.
[QUOTE=Momiji Love][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana] [B]I wish that normal, clean water rain will fall for a reasonable amount of time.[/B] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Poof! A nice rainstorm comes in pleasant quantities and for just a few days. However, with the storm comes lightning, and you are electrocuted. The end. I wish I got a better grade on my Science test.
[quote name='Your Mother][SIZE=1']I have a question for all you ladies....When a guy is getting to know you and flirting, how long should he wait between meeting you and asking you out? When's too soon and when's too long?[/SIZE][/quote] Well, it really depends. Normally, we'll give you subtle hints about whether or not we're interested in you. If the girl's flirting quite a bit, go for it. If not, get to know her a little bit better. Also, drop hints yourself that will let her know you're interested in a relationship. That way, popping the question seems a whole lot less out of the blue to us.
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] I wish we all lived in Solo Tremaine's OB: Enter the Net world. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Kablam. Wish granted. However, no one has a clue what you're talking about and this thread goes dead due to your wish. Thanks, buddy. I wish I could find some chapstick (that isn't poisonous, gross, or belonging to some great entity that will kill/eat/curse/harm me for having used its chapstick).
I like electricity, more specifically lightning, which is kind of ironic cause I'm pretty scared of lightning... ^^;; but I like it because it's really mysterious and unpredictable, something humans can neither cause nor prevent.
[QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]Ah, yes. Your not the only one. Me and my brothers also got them. My biggest brother broke a controller, because he lost. Yeah, MP was a ver very anger-ious game. It made the loser-s so mad. Grr.[/QUOTE] It was rather aggravating, wasn't it? I've rotated one of my control sticks so much that the control stick is broken... seriously, the thing is limp and unusable. Naturally, whenever we play a 2-player game, my brother gives me that controller. That game, though... *fumes* it was never fun to play alone. Being able to go "IN YOUR FACE!" at a real human being was priceless. Making your brother have to go to Bowser instead of Toad... stealing a star from a best friend... being the winner of the Mini-Game star award... it was just all so personal. It became less a game of strategy and more a game of revenge before long.
[quote name='"AdarianDreamer"']Beating Final Fantasy X was also a great memory for me. I think FFX's ending is my favorite video game ending except for maybe Metal Gear Solid's multiple endings.[/quote] Just thinking about Final Fantasy X's ending is getting me all nostalgic... I totally cried throughout the ending video (which was like 9 hours long, I was kind of wondering if it would ever end... kind of like Lord of the Rings 3). Seriously, by the time Yuna said her final line: "The people and the friends we have lost... or the dreams that had faded... never forget them," I was in hysterics! And then I remember sitting through the credits, and afterward was that teaser clip [spoiler]that shows Tidus coming back[/spoiler] and I was like, "HOLY CRAP!" XD Then I remember going to GameStop in 2004 and saw a poster advertising Final Fantasy X-2... I nearly cried seeing that! I reserved a copy that same day and got X-2 the day it came out. I can still remember popping the disc into my PS2 for the first time... watching the opening scene... trying to figure out the new battle system... it was really a strong experience for me to go back to Spira after all that time. It was amazing.
Well, if you liked Final Fantasy X, definitely at least try Final Fantasy X-2. If you, like me, had only ever played Final Fantasy X and no other FF games, you'll find X-2 a real reinvention of the wheel. The battle system is totally revamped, so don't expecting it to be just 100 more hours of the game you just beat. If you love sidequests, this is the game for you. If you value a linear plot, stay very far away. And it would seem you're strictly an offline RPG-er. May I reccomend .hack? I love how the game gives the impression of being online without actually being online. It's a necessity for someone with a connection as crappy as mine. .hack is a way different experience as far as offline RPGs go.
Oh, dearie me almighty... So... I was over at a friend's house. I brought over my PS2 and Final Fantasy X. After about an hour of grunting over the TV in the guestroom which would absolutely not work, we restationed out in her garage. Yes, she has a TV in her garage. We spent about 10 hours out there in her garage, most of the time trying to beat the chocobo race. We weren't successful. But one memory of that night stands out above all others. We were in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth and we got in a battle with a Magic Urn. On the spot, I invented a game. Auron, Tidus, and Wakka were in my party. I pressed the attack button, and moved the cursor so it was aiming at my people instead of the monster. I held down the left button, and wherever the cursor landed, that player would attack. First, Wakka killed Tidus and he fell to the ground. Meaning to stop there, I accidentally attacked again- this time Auron went for Wakka. Auron missed... and Wakka used Evade & Counter and killed Auron. Auron fell to the ground... right on top of Tidus. In a VERY suggestive position. o_O and being the crazed yaoi fangirls we are, we both just fell out of our seats laughing. Now that is the stuff that fanfiction is made of.
Hm... am I the only one who got those blisters from heck after rotating the control stick in Mario Party? *sigh* So many hours I've played that game...
[quote]An easy way to beat Jumbo Flan (if Anima is powerful enough) is to reflect Slow off of one of your party members onto JF. Then summon Anima and have it cast Haste on itself. Then just keep using Pain until you win. It's the only aeon special attack that JF isn't immune to, so you can do 99,999 damage. If JF uses Regen, just Dispel it (although it only sets you back a few turns). This is the easiest way that I've found, but it still takes about 13 hits to kill it. It's annoying if you're trying to get Magic Spheres.[/quote] Eh, I don't really like using aeons that much. They seem kinda cheap. What I did was have Yuna, Rikku, and Lulu in my party. I Hastened and cast Shell on all of them and cast Reflect on one of them with Rikku and Yuna. I also had to make Rikku use a stamina tablet on Lulu so her max HP would be doubled cause Lulu's is only around 3200, sadly, because if I didn't there'd be no chance of her surviving Ultima. I also auto-lifed my characters, just in case. Then I had Yuna cast Holy on the reflected character (each one dealing around 30,000 HP), Lulu Doublecasting Flare (about 20,000 per round), and Rikku either using Supreme Gems and, once I got low on those, using Copycat. I used dispel once it cast Regen, and the rest was basically cake. All I have to say is thank God for One MP Cost. After the monster arena, the end of the game was cake. It was so funny. I first played the game when I was like 11 and I could not, for the life of me, beat Overdrive Sin. A few years later, I made a new file and still struggled with Sin- my characters were still weaklings and I had to Mix together a Trio of 9999 because back then my characters actually IMPROVED by inflicting 9999 damage. Then I got into Sin and THEN I took the time to level up and do all the sidequests. I beat Seymour Omnis in maybe 4 hits, and then the final boss just made me laugh.
Pop! All trace of the tellitubbies has been vanished. But, having no more competition in the industry, the show Barney rises to complete monopoly of preschool entertainment. Barney swag dominates the world of ignorant consumers, and there's nothing that can be done to stop it. Nazdaq crashes and stocks in Barney quadruple in a mere week. The stock market it totally unstable due to the tyranny of one purple dinosaur. Thanks a LOT, Boo. I wish Reno was only 20 miles away instead of 50.
[QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Actually, I liked the lightning dodging more than any of the other mini-games. (Or at least I didn't hate it like the rest.) I've got good reflexes for that sort of thing, so I got 200 in a row on my second try. ^_^ I never fought much in the monster arena, though. It seemed like you needed to level up for a long time to even stand any sort of chance against a lot of the bosses in there. I leveled up to the point where I could stroll through the Omega Ruins without any trouble, but I didn't feel like doing more than that.[/color][/QUOTE] You're cheating yourself out of the most fun in the game. How many hours do you have on your file? I have 98.
SHING SPARKLE SPARKLE! You become a Jedi, albeit a not very graceful one. You make the not-well-thought-out decision to wield a double-sided lightsaber and end up dropping it on your foot. Thankfully, you're wearing protective boots, so there's only a slight sting, but, being as clumsy as you are, you reach down and grab the lightsaber- except, not on the handle. Your hands burn off. I wish chocolate was healthy and still delicious and not in any way likely to take over my mind.
1. Pick a Band or Artist: Blink-182 2.Are you male or female: The Girl Next Door 3.Describe yourself: Pathetic 4. How do some people feel about you: Easy Target 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Time To Break Up 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Boring 7.Describe where you want to be: Please Take Me Home 8.Describe how you love: Depends 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Toast & Bananas 10.Share a few words of wisdome: Aliens Exist 11.Now say goodbye: Don't Tell Me It's Over
How about a female on this list? Maestro Delphine from Last Exile comes to mind. I just love her aura of "I really couldn't care less about you, you insignificant worm." I love her evil smirk and her bemused little "heh". She's awesome.