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Everything posted by Raine14

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Granted! You have a kitten! But not only is it a kitten...it's trained to kill humans! And when you left it home it devoured your mom, dad, and your little brother. [I]*Scratch, scratch*[/I] [B]AHH!!![/B] Sadly, it just ate you too... :( Oh well[I]...Happy Dreaming![/I] I wish I had a boyfriend who was really nice too me but not too nice. I also don't want him to be mean. I don't want him to kill me or cheat on me. I want him to be loyal and trutworthy![/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [QUOTE=Stark][SIZE=1]To me, soul food is anything that makes you feel all warm and happy when you're eating it, like cookies still warm from the oven and what not. For me, it usually entails some form of baked good--bread, cakes, muffins, cookies, et cetera. One of my favorite things ever is also peanut butter and banana sandwiches, because I'm an absolute peanut butter addict. Though, warm buns with honey drizzled over them count also. It also includes food that kids typically love, like Mac 'n Cheese, balogna(sp?) sandwiches, hot dogs, corn on the cob. That's only my definition, though I did learn something from you, Retri. I honestly didn't know about its origins either, thanks for enlightening me.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Thats cool! And moderators, there are many definitions of soul food. I agree its food that makes you very happy when you're feeling down. If you feel that this board is not acceptable then you can always shut it down. Or if you feel that they're basically the same threads then merge them. Either way, it doesn't bother me.
  3. [quote name='Sayuri-sama']well i think my soul fod would be some good'ol homecooked lasagna!!!!! just love that!!! and chocolate also! its like heavens delight!!!!:animesmil i love food! also my friends home made brownies![/quote] Interesting!!!!!!!!!!!! I just ate lasagna for dinner! :D lol I love chocolate!
  4. [COLOR=Olive][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3]What's your definition of soul food? Me? I think its all about the fried chicken, mashed potatoes, homemade biscuits and gravy! What about you guys? I want to hear your most favorite dishes and best food you can cook. This is a follow-up on Up4Anime's thread on the worst and best foods. This time I hope you guys pick your fave foods! Thanks to Up4Anime for giving me an idea of a thread without knowing it. I hope no one is offended that I put up a thread on the same subject! Enjoy the soul food!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=anime_dark][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS] A very dramatic story Raine14.. It still depends on you if you still wanna be her best fren but if it was me then i'd just ditch her (If it was me but it isn't)... Those friends of yours (guy and girl) *ahem* is an example of one of the very sucky cheaters in this world.. In almost every term i mean.. Main point for my conv. Cheating = bad Karma will serve your doom if you cheat .. Although i don't believe in karma.. :p[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Olive][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'm going to not be friends with her because she doesn't deserve a good friends like me. I am going to put an end to this nonsense. Thank you for your advice [B]anime_dark[/B]. I really appreciate it![/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I've been cheated on before...it sucked and sucks. Guess what? He cheated on me with [I]MY BEST FRIEND[/I]!!!!!!!! Then he broke up with me saying the only reason he went out with me was because he felt sorry for me. and my best friend was cheating on her boyfriend([I] MY OTHER BEST FRIEND)[/I] also with him. Then for the next month or so they were all over each other. 1 day after he broek up with me and i didn't [I]KNOW[/I] she was going out with him now, she told me to come over to her house. Well I did but when I got there, her parents said she was at his house. When i got there they were hugging all over each other. I asked Christa if I could come talk to them. She said," Ugh! No! You need to leave because his mom isn't home." I asked her if they were going out. She said," Yes!" and turned her nose up and turned around and kissed him. I turned around ran down the street crying, pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head so they wouldn't see. EDIT:: Yet..to this day I AM STILL FRIENDS WITH THE FRIKKIN GIRL. I shouldn't be should i?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I also love Alsatian cuisine of[/COLOR] [B][I]Chouchroute[/I][/B], [COLOR=RoyalBlue]sauerkraut garnished with potatoes and a variety of meats such as sausage, pork or ham.I also love[/COLOR][B] [I]Baeckaoffe[/I] [/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]its a one-of-a-kind Alsatian fare baked with white wine usually in a traditional pottery dish and it's a stew comprised of pork, beef and lamb garnished with potatoes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I also love the Alsatian wines...their mostly all white and they have their own vineyard! If your wondering where Alsace is, its a place between France and Germany and it shares each cultural interests, but they speak French(so do i)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [QUOTE=Up4anime][COLOR=DarkOrange]I have this one friend.Who is always better then me if i make a A she gets a A plus.If I like a guy he likes her.They only like her for her looks.She has so many siblings and a big family and i only have a sister and a brother.I always used to wish i had a big brother. I just anted to know if anyone else was secretly jealous of their friend or friends?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I hate this one chick and I'm only friends with her cause she gives me a ride to school. :p because she is SOOOOO FAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm serious she is faking our friendship. She talked to her bf about me(which is my ex) and he told me. ^_^ plus I had a guy but he cheated on me with her!
  9. My favorite foods by far are: FRIED CHICKEN! HOMEMADE BISCUITS! MASHED TATERS! AND some corn on the cob. I also love Cashew Chicken, and Taco Burritoes or anything with taco. ^_^ I love Chili! and Chili and Cheese Fries and nachos!!!!!!!!!!ooh! ooh! POPCORN SHRIMPIES!!!!!!!!! ohh and i could go on and on...Fried seasoned diced potatoes...and fried green maters!!!!(( HEYHEYHEY I live in the South..)) Hated foods: Collard greens, red beans and rice, jambalaya :rolleyes: , and I HATE hamburger helper...
  10. [B][FONT=Palatino Linotype]My questions: What do you guys think about me? (Profile on page 3) Do I interest you? Would you ever like me?[/FONT][/B]
  11. [QUOTE][B]ehesthac[/B] [B] hint-[/B] a really fast wild animal[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I really don't know...that one's a toughy!!!!!!!!!!
  12. [QUOTE][B]ladtimoans[/B] [B]Hint-[/B] type of dog. It was in the first kingdom hearts game [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B] Dalmatians!!!!!!![/B] next one: [B]cairng ptirses[/B] [B]Hint: A Horse Movie.[/B]
  13. [QUOTE]My Questions-[/B] [B]1-[/B] Do you like to draw? [B]2-[/B] Whats your favorite anime or manga? [B]3- [/B]Do you Like the game kingdom hearts? If so who's your character(s)?[/QUOTE] 1- Yes I love to draw!! 2- Naruto and InuYasha..I also like DNAngel 3- Sora, Rikku, Roxas, Kairi
  14. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]1, What's your most embrassing memory? [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]not telling..[/COLOR][/B] 2, What's your favorite sport? [B] [COLOR=PaleGreen]Soccer, softball, basketball[/COLOR][/B] 3, Do you have good morals and do you uphold them? [B] [COLOR=PaleGreen]Yes! Indeed...[/COLOR][/B] 4, Are you reading this post cause your bored you because you care about what I have to say? [B] [COLOR=PaleGreen] Cause I care...[/COLOR][/B] Name:[B] [COLOR=PaleGreen]Danielle[/COLOR][/B] Age:[B] [COLOR=PaleGreen]15[/COLOR][/B] Description: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen] I have short chin-length choppy dirty blonde hair(supposed to be brown :P), deep greyish blue eyes, and I'm athletic build, and I wear thick rimmed black glasses.[/COLOR][/B] Favorite Color: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]Green![/COLOR][/B] Location:[B] [COLOR=PaleGreen]Alabama[/COLOR][/B] Personality: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]very funny, I make people laugh, I can be very serious and other times I can be very teasing. I love to tease people! I'm shy but I can be outgoing if I know you enough. I am very loving.[/COLOR][/B] Hobbies:[B] [COLOR=PaleGreen]Skateboarding, soccer, i like to walk, the computer,[/COLOR][/B] Slight History: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]I moved to Alabama when I was 3 from Minnesota. I was born in California though...[/COLOR][/B] Likes: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]I love chili...:D and I love cheese :D i love chips!!!!!! chips are good! :D And i love Mexican food and Chinese food...[/COLOR][/B] Dislikes: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]BEANS! I hate red beans and rice. BLECH! eww.. :animeangr :animeswea [/COLOR] [/B] Other: [B][COLOR=PaleGreen]I love Neopets...(DON'T ASK!)[/COLOR] [/B] [/FONT]
  15. Name- Asuka Nieumono Age- 21 When and how you died- I died in a car accident on February 2nd, 3228 Appearance-[URL=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b5/vipper69/Anime/angel/Angel-00016.jpg]Asuka's Appearance[/URL] weight: 135 height: 5'6" Race- Angel Short Bio- She was abandoned by her mother when she was 6, and her father was a heavy alcoholic who beat her until she got kicked out of the house at age 16. She found work at a hotel as a hostess and on her way to work one day she crashed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. Weapon- Glove, gives her special punch power. A summoning staff that is atleast 6 feet tall and weighs nothing. Its pink and it has angel feathers around the circle. Magic-Light and Earth
  16. Are these all of the people that wish to sign up for my roleplay game? Well if there are more people who wish to join, private message me....
  17. "Hmm seems as if I am not needed here..I may be off..Once again on my journey." she said sighing. She called Bialiosk , and he perched on her shoulder. She gathered her things slowly and she baked some things to take with her...
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]"Not a problem!" she said as she took all those things out of her pack she brought out of the other room. "It will be done in a jiffy!" she said as she scrambled to the kitchen. She cooked all the food and put it on a large silver platter. She called everyone in the kitchen,"HEYYY!!! IT'S DONE!" [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]"Oh um..thanks!" she said happily as she sat down. "HEY! Anyone up for some bacon, eggs, and honey biscuits?!! My specialty!" :animesigh :animesmil She sat and messed with her hair and pulled it back into a bun. She stood up and waited for them to reply..[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Seeing Salyen, she kind of walked into the room and quietly asked, looking to her feet," Excuse me, where am I?" as she looked up her eyes sparkled with fear. She didn't know what was going on.. She sat on the floor, covering with her black cloak, sort of revealing her brown corset shirt and her long brown skirt flowed around her somewhat tanned legs. She hoped they wouldn't capture her, because she wanted to be free...She was but..she didn't feel like it..a tear rolled down her cheek[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][B]"Mariza?! What is it?!" [/B] Luindo gasped as he saw she had a shocked look on her face. [B]"Wha-? Oh..um, nothing.."[/B] she said getting back to her arrow, pointing it at the ogre in which wanted to eat them. [B]"Hyaaaa!!!!!!!"[/B] she yelled as she ran at him, her hair flowing behind her, she let go of the trigger sending the arrow to the middle of his heart. [B]THUNK![/B] was the sound it made as he fell to the ground, slumped against an oak tree. [B]"Well, serves him right, trying to eat an elf...honestly.."[/B] she said muttering, gathering her pack and walking stick. Truth is, they were all in danger, every single creature that walked the Middle Earth(including some humans). All because of King Paezoithia, in this case he wanted all the creatures to be slaves for his "new founded kingdom". Tsk, tsk..some kingdom he has if he has to use poor Middle Earth creatures to do his filthy work. Its quite awful some say..but others had good mind to hide. Mariza and Luindo had different plans. They were going to stop King Paezoithia and conquer his "kingdom" as soon as they had rallied up enough people. [B]" Lets get on with it then.."[/B] Mariza said lugging along her pack with little difficulty, on the other hand, Luindo had been having trouble since the day they left the Lincolnshire elf village. [B]"Here, lemme help ya.."[/B] she said lugging both thier packs on her worn back. [B]"You've packed more tha you should have!!" [/B] she said gruntly. When they'd finally reached about 5 landings(miles) North of Lincolnshire, they decided to rest....[B](( I warn you this is a bit like The Lord Of The Rings but a slightly bit different in the plot))[/B] Mariza looked up at the sky, it was slightly pink and the sun was moving above the horizon. She looked over to see Luindo already packing their things. She smiled at him and got up, looking over to his pack. [B]"Still to much I see..."[/B] she said smirking.[B] "Mariza..oh um well..atleast I carry things I need instead of stupid weapons and such!!"[/B] he said smartly. [B]"Aww well poor Luindo! I must protect the poor baby!"[/B] she said jokingly and playfully shoved him onto the grass. He grabbed her legs and she fell ontop of him. [B]"Heyy! Lets not get too friendly!" [/B] she said trying to get off of him. But he was too fast and she was soon beneath him, and he suddenly kissed her ... [B](( cliffhanger!))[/B] Meanwhile in the Kingdom Of Fralidon, King Paezoithia was plotting on the new system to trap giants and ogres as his new way for them to do work. [B]" Your Majesty, If I could kindly ask of your assis-"[/B] [B]"NO! Leave my sight! Or else you'll be beheaded, fool!!"[/B] he hissed. [B]"Yes sir, sorry sir.."[/B] he said running from the throne. [B]"Mwuhahaha..."[/B] he laughed twirling a dagger in his hand and threw it at the peasant, it caught on the door and only chopped off a lock of his hair.... ============= [B]Types of Creatures: Giants Gnomes Ogres Pixies Faeries Humans Elves and any others you can think of but let me know if you have any other race in mind.[/B] ============= [B]There will NOT BE ANY GODMODING WHATSOEVER![/B] [B]I will be playing Mariza, and Luindo and the King.[/B] Here are the profile/bio sign-ups:: [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] ((be reasonable)) [B]Race:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] (description or picture) [B]History:[/B] (( like how you grew up and what happened with your life etc, etc.)) [B]Weapons/Magic/Gifts:[/B] (( must be a bit sturdy but no ALL POWERFUL WEAPONS!)) [B]Snippet:[/B] (of your character in action) [B]============(( I don't have time to do all of the character's full profiles but I will post them soon enough))[/B] Mariza's Appearance:[IMG]http://magnetica.ru/print/sacred_elf.jpg[/IMG] Her Age: 18 Race: Elf ============ Luindo's Appearance:[IMG]http://www.lineage2-online.com/gallery/albums/concept-art/org_pic_elf_2.jpg[/IMG] His Age: 16 Race:Elf ============ King's Appearance:[IMG]http://www.heromachine.com/samples/king%20malekon.jpg[/IMG] His Age: 36 Race: Human (( If I have missed anything I'm sorry..))[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Mariella awoke to find herself inside a house which had odd trinkets in it. Bialiosk was now in a cage, that was silver with silver leaves twined through the bars. [B]"Bialiosk!!!"[/B] she cried letting him free. She got up with him on her head while she put on her black cloak. She tiptoed out of the room and went to the kitchen. She saw a hallway and wandered down it. She looked upon a male human and 2 girl gypsies. [B]"Oh.."[/B] she gasped as she saw that she hadn't seen these people before and wondered if they were planning on being mean or nice to her. [B]"Hello?"[/B] she whispered shyly, hoping they'd turn around so she could ask them why they'd found her and decided to take her in.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Mariella Samorino [B]Age: [/B] looks 16 but is really 130 [B]Race:[/B] Elf [B]Sub-race: [/B] Light [B]Personality:[/B] Has a very light and bubbly personality around her fellow Light Elves, but around humans(unless she can sort of befriend them, which is very rare)she is quiet, cold, and distant. [B]History:[/B] Her Elven father left her when she was 8(or looked it) for a human. She felt very betrayed so she cannot quite befriend the female race of humans. Her mother died when she was 12 leaving her to live with her mean Light Elven aunt, Lucindia. As she grew up, she learned to survive off of self-love since no-one had shown her any since her mother had died. She cries herself to sleep most nights but she can face the pain of tomorrow's grief.She has taguht herself the magick of the light elves. She watched humans from afar with swords, and taught herself to do the same. She is very skilled with magick and weilds a dagger, in which she has learned to charm. [B]Appearance:[/B] in her funeral gown...[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/angelspawngirl/Manga_Anime_pics/pictures/Cath5o6u.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paragraph of ability:[/B] [I]"MARIELLA!!!"[/I] Lucindia shouted from her bed, her voice rumbling through the house.[I] "Yes, Lucindia?!"[/I] she gasped as she ran in to her aunt's bedroom, accidentally knocking over a vase that was made by a gypsy. [I]"AI! I don't know what to do with you, girl! Your always in the way! Knocking things over, and always doing things wrong!"[/I] she yelled as she stuffed her face with a jelly roll.[I] "Fine! If I always do stuff wrong then why don't I leave! You should really get off your big arse and help around here!!!!" [/I] she yelled grabbing her things and throwing them into a leather sack along with some nut rolls she had made earlier. She made sure to get her dagger, magick book, and her pet bird, Bialiosk.[I] " I AM LEAVING! Good riddance with you! Hope you do fine without me!"[/I] she screamed as she ran out the door, shaking the house and leaving her aunt looking dumb-founded. [I]"Why, I never.."[/I] she said shaking her head and getting back to her jelly roll. Mariella ran down the dirt path and out to the lakeside. [I]"Of all the things that little..."[/I] she said muttering with an irked tone. Bialiosk sat, perched on her shoulder, cooing with such gentleness. [I]"Aw..thanks Bialiosk..."[/I] she said as she laid her head against a tree that she hadn't noticed was there....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1]Profile: [B]Name:[/B] Juillet Azabak [B]Alias:[/B] Dani Morisato [B]Race:[/B] Human/ Powerful Sorceress or Wicce(Witch) [B]Appearance:[/B][IMG]http://www.artoki.co.uk/artwork/ori_Magic.jpg[/IMG] Her hair is light brown and her eyes are green, she is 18 [B]Her Accent: Deep Scottish[/B] [B]Weapons/powers/skills:[/B] She has a sword, an orb, dagger, and her magickal powers of the Charter [B]Bio:[/B] She is very quiet and distant, she is a human but she can be dangerous. She has a hot temper and she isn't easily romanced...She needs someone that cares...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. I totally agree with Goddess because I am Wiccan myself. I believe there is a good and evil but no we aren't evil. Its just something Christians have made up to make us look bad. Well if you have any more questions feel free to ask me and PM me
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