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Everything posted by SugerT

  1. *clears throat* well, i would be a Tiger demon. i would have white hair, with blue streaks. light blue eyes, and tiger ears on top of my head. also, i would have tiger markings(stripes) on my arms, hips and calfs. fangs of course, what demon would i be without those?! ummm, i would have twin swards and the power of fire. and good at martial arts.... ummmm thats all i can think of! :animeswea
  2. I would be a Tiger demon, female or corse! i would have long white hair with blue streaks. and light blue eyes, with cute tiger ears on top of my head! with...tiger markings (strips) on my body, wrists, hips, and calfs! i would have twin swards, and the power of fire! okay, i have to much time on my hands... :animeswea
  3. okay..here we go! "wow! you've lost weight! was it atkins?" "no, it was the 'my-boy-friend-broke-up-with-me-so-i-can-eat'diet" "ohh, well that works too." yeah.. :animeswea
  4. [QUOTE=kuroinuyoukai]If you could be a child of any anime characters- who would your parents be and why? :p I think I would want Inuyasha and Kagome. I know that Inuyasha loves Kagome. Surely, he would protect his child. :catgirl:[/QUOTE] ohh !! me two, but i would rather have inu as a husband. instad of a father...just think...a hott dad? *shudder* i would kill myself..... :animecry: good thread nee-chan! :animesmil
  5. well, my *real* name is Taylor. But you may call me misstress suger! (only u kuro!) im 17 *woot* Born in Atlanta! *another woot* but curantly reside in Amityville, Long Island I play the guitar, drums(kinda) sing, and draw okay. I *love* MUSIC! but there are so many forms of it, i'll give an example! greenday, blink 182, evenescence, you get the point! mmm, i guess you could call me goth/punk. I hate labels, but thast what im called :animeangr ohh well! but i'm crazy as hell(and a hentai) thats all you really need to know!! :animeshy:
  6. mmm Inuyasha, he's all pouty and immature at times, and then hes all strong and cocky. and hes a jerk too, but i would *love* to go out with him..*wink* :catgirl: ------ [quote name='kuroinuyoukai][COLOR=Magenta]I think it would have to be either Sesshomaru or Inuyasha. I like Sesshomaru's sophistication and brutal honesty- but Inuyasha's immature pouty ways are cute and he's extremely loyal even though he likes to act like a jerk.[/COLOR'] :catgirl:[/quote] I have to agree with you my friend on Inuyasha. you know how mich i love that cute jerk! :D [color=navy][size=1]I merged your two replies. In the future, please don't double-post. Thanks. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  7. I have to say Inuyasha, i just love the songs "my will" and "every heart" hell i love em all, but i have to say Inuyasha has the best...but then again i have not seen many anime's sooo i wouldnt really know! FMA has some good ones too.
  8. Inuyasha was my first! late night fliping thru the chanels, and i see a anime guy with white hair and dog ears...my first thought? damn hes fine! and i was hooked! :animesmil
  9. i *love inuyasha! he's soo kawaii, and i love dogs anyway- and hes just like a puppy! pouty and immature on one side, and the other strong and cocky, all in all i just love him to bits! damn i hate reality... :animeangr
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