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Everything posted by Dragonsamurai24

  1. Have you ever made up an OC and put them in your favorite anime? Some fanfic writers *like me* like to do that and make the story interesting. I have too many OC's to name, but here's one that I'm working on now for s-CRY-ed: Holly Ururei 15 5 foot 4 Alter: Musica Holly is an Alter user that was born on the Lost Ground, but moved to the Mainland before she was 1. Her family is famous for their talent in music. She is no exeption. She's excells great at the piano, mostly. She's also very good at singing. Wanting to join HOLY, she gets on a plane. But it ends up crashing, throwing her from the plane; into the cold, wintery weather outside. Nearly freezing to death, she meets Ryuhou and Tachibana. And then, her whole world changes. She joins HOLY and wears the guys uniform, since she's strictly against wearing a skirt. Her personality is pretty much laid-back. She mostly just lays around HOLY HQ and listens to her CD player. She calls Ryuhou her "old brother" since something tragic happened to her real one...And she annoys Ryuhou the most. Since she knows she can get away with almost everything, she messes with Ryuhou. A lot. When she's started onto something, she won't stop. When she gets ticked off, she uses her Alter to form a musical weapon in her hand and bring it down on Ryuhou's head. :animeswea Actually, anyone's head. It's mostly a guitar, like Haruko in FLCL. Sometimes, she even uses a piano!! Her Alter, Musica, deals a lot with music. It's first form is like a chibi person; a short, stout body and spheres for hands. It's basic attack is "Sonic Blast" It can also form a piano or any intrument in Holly's hands and let her play different songs for different effects. Musica's second form is a huge, person-ized sound system. It has the head, arms, and legs of it's first form, but it's body is made of speakers. Now, "Sonic Blast" has turned into "Bass Blast". This form can even render an opponent deaf for a couple of minutes! Also, using a particular song, Holly can use Musica to control a person's Alter. But this takes a lot of energy. She has a crush on Asuka Tachibana. (When I created her, I completely forgot about Cammy and forgot to add her in!! So, now it's TachibanaxHolly. So sorry!! ^^;;) Holly calls him "Tachibana-kun" or "Tachi-kun". She's very fond of him, since he saved her life when he was nearly frozen; even though Ryuhou found her. Holly can also amplify Tachibana's Alter, so that he can use his Eternity Eight to look into people's minds. It takes a lot of effort in both of them to use this ability. Her main goal: To make everyone happy. Which means to put Ryuhou and Mimori together. She uses a lot of methods to ensure this; mostly threats towards Ryuhou. :animeswea Holly sets up dates, then spies on them to make sure they go well. Holly also has help from the other members at HOLY. But, her goal to make everyone happy doesn't come without a price. Holly is willing to risk her life to make everyone happy. Of course, she gets many disagreements from a lot of people; especially Ryuhou and Tachibana. Holly is really strong. When she was 6, she ran away from home and ran into an old kendo sensei. She trained for 3 years and came out an excellent fighter. Especially at hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. She can lift up Ryuhou and throw him across the room! She can also lift and carry a lot of objects at a time; even people. Once, she had to carry an unconscious Ryuhou AND Tachibana at the same time!! Basic info: She has short, blonde hair and blue eyes. Holly always wears a neckalce that has a cross on it; the cross is a dark grey with a dark red mixed in with it. When she summons Musica's first form, a strip of her hair is dyed black. When Musica is in it's 2nd form, her whole head of hair is striped with black bars; like on a page of music. I hope that wasn't too much info...Well, what are some of your guy's OC's?? ^_^x
  2. Hmmm...tough choice. I have a lot of OC's that I've made that I would resemble...but I'll throw some things together. I would be a Neko person! :catgirl: I would have blonde hair with one strip longer than the rest *kinda like Krad's hair*, blue eyes, and orange neko ears and tail. I would be able to hide my neko features if the situation called for it. I am shy and laid-back, so nothing would really get on my nerves. I would wear a cat bell around my neck; like a collar. But its more than what meets the eye. The bell would be my seal from my demon self. If I could have a different name, it would be Kaze Hikaru. And my demon form would be called Kage Hikari. When my seal breaks, I loose all control and start killing without reason. Only my true love can bring me back to reality and the seal would be back in the form of another bell. As for skills, hand-to-hand combat with the claws. Claws can cause major damage, ya know. ;) I would be skilled at wielding a katana. I would have my own style. Also, I would know some neko magic. The greatest threat to my opponent would be my swordsmanship. But when I transform into Kage, I can rip out a person's heart with my bare hands!! :eek: Misc. things: I would be an expert in music. I would be able to play any instrument and play it well. I could also use my neko magic to use the music to my likeing; like playing a lulaby to put my opponent to sleep. Well, this is what I would be! Hope that was enough info. :animeswea ^_^x
  3. Samurai Champloo is awesome!! When I saw the first episode, I was hooked. I loved the first episode so much, that I watched it about 5 times!! :animesmil :animeswea My favorite character is Jin. He's awesome at the sword and is very cool and collected. I love his attitude!! :catgirl: Last Saturday's episode was hilarious!! I can't wait to see it tomorrow!! ^_^x
  4. The RK manga is a lot better than the anime. First of all, it goes on longer and there's more violence. I LOVE the blood and gore in the manga!! Bomb-awesome!! I've collected 1-20 so far. I plan on getting vol.21 for Christmas. All-in-all, there are 28 volumes of Rurouni Kenshin. Which is ironic, 'cause Kenshin's 28 years old!! XP Okay, besides that, a definte must-buy. I can't wait to read the rest of the Jinchuu arc! Enishi rules!! :catgirl:
  5. I thought IGPX was gonna be awful. I decided to watch it...and it turned out to be awesome! Takeshi is the perfect example of a teenager. :animesmil And plus, it was made by the makers of Ghost in the Shell. Awesome animation! I look forward to watching the rest of the series! ^_^x
  6. I like shonen-ai and yaoi. I like it to a point. When they start getting naked and..."interact" with each other, then NUH UH! Just kisses, hugs, and positions is fine with me. I really don't have many yaoi couples that I like. But one is Daisuke/Satoshi from DNAngel. Very cute. ^^x Especially with this one fanfic I read. :animeshy: :catgirl: I also like Sanzo/Goku, a little bit of Kenshin/Sanosuke, and I'm just getting interested in Ryuhou/Kazuma. But, all-and-all, I'm a yaoi lover. :animeshy: :catgirl: ^_^x
  7. s-CRY-ed is awesome!! The series is coming to an end on Adult Swim, but from what I saw, it's awesome!! It ranks as one of my top favorites!! I love the characters! Especially Ryuhou, Tachibana, Kazuma, and Cougar. The fight scenes are awesome and so is the animation itself! The music is rockin'! Especially Reckless Fire. When I heard that for the first few times, I had it stuck in my head. The plot is kinda weak at the beginning, but then it all adds up at the end. And, there's the love triangle: Mimori, Scheris, and Ryuhou. Overall, a must-see anime!! ^_^x
  8. Oh dear. This is hard. Hmmm...probably Ryuhou from s-CRY-ed, 'cause he's hot and he needs a high-spirited girl in his life. :love: Also, probably Mustang from FMA. Again, 'cause he's hot and I love his attitude. ^_^x Also Kenshin from RK. He's cute, funny, and he does chores. ^^x And Tachibana, also, from s-CRY-ed; he's a loner!! Plus I'm diggin' the purple hair. XP :love2:
  9. For me, I'd have to say Sobakasu from RK, Reckless Fire and Drastic My Soul from s-CRY-ed, Fukai Mori from Inuyasha, Thesis of a Cruel Angel from Evangelion, Ready Steady Go from FMA, Battlecry from Samurai Champloo, Byakuya~True Light from DNAngel, and New World from .hack//Twilight---just to name a few. ^_^x
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