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Everything posted by Mewprincess

  1. I'd probably just commit suicide XD at least i know i wasn't in the hands of an evil zombie lol
  2. [QUOTE=True Angel][COLOR=Lime]Okay that's tough. I would have to say that I would rather lose my right eye since I'm left-handed. Would you rather be a spoiled brat with no friends but with all the money in the world? OR Would you rather be a normal person with all the friends and not so much money?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] i'd rather be a normal person with all the friends and not so much money. who needs money anyway? and plus, money can't buy love... would u rather eat hot tomatos? or eat mushrooms in mayo?
  3. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....I think i'm gonna have to go with that first choice. I mean, that's not really that bad, especially compared to that second choice. Anyway's, my turn. Would you rather play baseball? Or.... Would you rather play basketball?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] basketball!! yay would you rather... have it snow? or... happy sunshine? ^^
  4. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]I kind of feel that that issue is somewhat irrelevent. I just provided a scenario, which happened to include a public bathroom. (Essentially: hey, it could happen.)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Acoustic. I want the technical skills and solid classical background before I branch out into the popular culture. Besides, I can get jazz gigs just as easy with an acoustic as with an electric. Would you rather have... ...a solid black cat with gold eyes? or ...a pure white cat with sapphire eyes? Assume medium-length silky fur in either case. (Aww, kitties...)[/FONT][/QUOTE] i'd rather have a pure kat with sapphire eyes would u rather... sleep forever even to u wanna wake up ... or stay awake forever even tho ur so tired
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I would wanna be in the anime Tokyo Mew Mew because it's one of my favorite anime. My personality is VERY close to the characters (Ichigo, Lettuce, Mint, Zakuro, and Pudding), so I would most likely fit in.[/COLOR]
  6. didn't the rules say there shouldn't be no more than a 48 hour gap?.......F.O.Y.!!!!! where art thou??? please come post :bawl:
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Yep! I celebrate Halloween. Most years, I just go out to get some FREEEEEEEEEE CANDYYYYYYYYYY because I'm still not old enough to go to parties and stuff (what the heck? I don't even think there ARE any fun parties in middle school!). I was SUPPOSED to go trick or treating this year (FREEEEE CANDYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!), and dress up just like my normal self (I consider myself a lil too old...) to get FREEEEEEEE CANDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then, I kinda posted the same question on myOtaku and this dude told me that some people put poison in your candy and the whole idea just sorta freaked me out. :animedepr Plus, I'd much rather not have FREEEEEEEE CANDYYYYYYYYY than have FREEEEEEEEEE CANDYYYYYYYYYYY and get fat at the same time (not that I am, but I'm kinda a paranoid).[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Last night I had a dream where Abel (from Trinity Blood) was trying to kiss me, then ended up accidentally biting my neck instead. Some person thought I was experiencing an accidental death, so I got brought back to life. Abel got confused so he was like, "What? Hey, you're supposed to be dead!" So he bit my neck again. Then I got brought back to life again, so he bit me AGAIN...and the whole thing just turned into a cycle lol[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I remember a few years ago, when I was 10, I was out with my Dad. He told me to wait in the car and then he went someplace. I stayed in the car for about an hour and he never came back so I started crying. He came back, saw that I was crying, and got me a toy to make me feel better. It came in a package: two plushie mice, a twirly thing and something else. I later realized that it was a cat toy :animeswea So I guess the cash register was looking at me like a wierdo. I mean, a crying girl, buying a cat toy... [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Let's see...when I lower my face to a particular angle, I look a lot like Tifa from ff7. My hair is exactly like Talho's in Eureka Seven. My personality is a lot like a mixture of Ichigo and Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew (sorta like a split personality)[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]My fav subject in school is Band. I LOVE BAND!!! So yea, music sorta runs my life lol. But there's also another reason too. I'm first clarinet, so yay! I love rubbing it in other people's faces. (i'm so evil :demon: My second favorite subject is English. I love writing short stories and poems during my free time, so when it comes to doing a graded assignment, I usually get 100%'s. So, the class is sorta like an easy A. I take Honors Geometry and I usually get A's, but come on, it's math! who likes math?? (unless ur some sort of a mathematician...) But considering my teacher is really cool this year, I think I'll actually enjoy it! :animesmil I absolutely DREAD PE!!! I can't run to save my life! I'm probably the only skinny person who's slow in running...it's so sad...[/COLOR]
  12. eveyone took mine, so i'm gonna guess ur name comes from an anime :animesmil
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]hmm...I'm guessing you aren't missing any fingers, so I think maybe your eyes are differen't colors...? [/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Sakura']I'll go ahead and say that 4 is true. No real reason behind that answer besides the fact that it may not be, since I have a long list of favourite animes which don't have to do with my username. *shrugs*[/quote] ok yea, she got it right(and she has a point too lol)! yay! ok, it's ur turn now! o, and...yes, i do get straight As, just not this year...i was only off by 2 Bs!!! =(
  15. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yay! I'm so happy!!! :animesmil ok, here it is!! 1. I'm a first-chaired saxophone in band 2. I have been an outcast before 3. I get straight As yay! 4. Tokyo Mew Mew is not my favorite anime [/COLOR]
  16. i think u've never broken a bone in ur body...if it's wrong, i'll just be thankful i haven't! :animeswea
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't really use Wikipedia. A staff who works in the Media Center in my school said some info on that website may not be correct. She says it's open to anyone who wants to submit an article, even if it's written by a 5th grader! :faint: Imagine using resource written by someone like that!! (no offense if he/she really knows what he/she's talking about) So instead, I use Britanica.com ...i think that's what it's called... [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]my avi is just a picture I picked out...I really like it cuz I'm a huge fan of ff characters. and plus, I think she's pretty! :catgirl: it would've been better if I had the same haircolor as her, but unfortunately, I don't lol I made my signature's banner if also from one of the ff movies (it kinda goes well with my avi. :animesmil the quote plays its part as well. I'm a very romantic kind of girl so I skimmed through a book of quotes to find the right one that 100% matches me lol. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] i don't have a car. i don't have a wallet either lol. i have a purse and it's stuffed with at least 5 or 6 different lip glosses...and maybe a pen or pencil...library card...and WHEE! STICKERS!! (no really!! i've had them since 5th grade :animeswea )[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What I look for in anime is just mainly a very unique, and original storyline...even if it has just an extremely short summary, it has to totally capture my interest. Personally, I'm a huge fan of romance anime, so whenever i'm out looking for anime, i usually pick the ones about love and that kind of stuff :animesmil Ok, now I totally hate it when the creator makes the anime just a ripoff of an old one. Viewers already know the original story, so y would they want to watch something that's like a repeat of what they just did?[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Shinje][color=seagreen] I'm gonna go with number 3 here. If you didn't own an XBox then two statements would be untrue. Of course you could still play Halo 2 at a friends, but I'm gonna risk it. Lock in number 3 thanks. [b]Useless Facts and Trivia concerning the one they call Shinje:[/b] [list=1] [*]I have a drivers licence [*]Star Wars bores the crap out of me [*]I am a Christian [*]I sport jet-black, spiked hair.[/color] [/list][/QUOTE] hmm...i'd say...number 2 is false...?? lol random guess lol here are mine: 1. i'm baaaaaad for an extremely smart girl who gets straight A's 2. i play two instruments 3. i own a xbox 4. ppl hate me cuz i'm too pretty and i make them an outcast lol
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]To me, both of them are pretty awesome! It just depends on what anime it is or manga. For instance, Princess Tutu is waaaay better in anime because of it's elegant design in beauty. But as for manga such as xxxHOLIC and Tsubasa, they're better in manga because of it's breathtaking details in the drawings.[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='Sangome][size=1][b]Mew Mew Power[/b'] - No, not the quality Tokyo Mew Mew anime or manga, I'm talking about the 4Kids hackjob. While it may not air anymore, and I still think it was horribly dubbed, I managed to wake up every morning to watch it, and somehow eeked some enjoyment out of it. A Sailor Moon ripoff? Maybe. One of the worst 4Kids dubs? Most likely. Guilty pleasure? Heck yes.[/size][/quote] HAHAHA!!!!! i can't tell u how much i agree with Sangome!!! Tokyo Mew Mew- YES!! it's sooo terribly dubbed, it's scary!! but since I like the fact that catgirls (ichigo) are in it, i still manage to get my lazy behind out of bed to watch it. altho, while watching it, my mind is going nuts how they should just make it subtitled lol. i take out a lot of guilty pleasure here! lol [color=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]Did you really have to quote the entire post? I ask this especially because her post was longer than yours. I shortened it for you. PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/color]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'm a subtitle person. When I watch the American verion anime, I get FURIOUS cuz the totally messed up the voices of the characters (they stretch out a lot of the words too)!! that's y if they don't have English subtitles, i don't even bother watching it lol Has anyone seen the Chinese version of Cardcaptor Sakura the Movie? omg, i'm guessing they used a girl's voice, made it deeper to sound like syaoran. i was watching it with my cousin and we were totally cracking up! lmfao[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]uum...I guess it would have to be that day when I got really sick. I threw up nearly three times that day. Once even on the bed!! So I had to get the sheets cleaned and all. Then later on, I was in my room readin, then suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach, so I went to the bathroom and *sigh* couldn't make it in time to the toilet, so I puked all over the floor =( Gosh, I felt so messed up that day lol[/COLOR]
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