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Everything posted by Mewprincess

  1. Hmm....would Sephiroth be considered a bad *** character? lol guess he would...lol...even though I hate him for putting that [spoiler]sword into Cloud's body, [/spoiler]I still think he's a hottie!! [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Mewprincess[/B], I added spoiler tags to your post. Please do not reveal aspects of a show that may spoil it for those who have yet to see it. For easy instructions on how to use spoiler tags just look at the sticky titled spoiler tags at the top of the section. Also, OtakuBoards is a discussion based forum so a little more explanation as to why you would consider Sephiroth to be a bada** character is important. So please put more effort into your posts. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Magenta]I think DNAngel should have a sequel becuase I wanna know what happens with Daisuke and Riku, as well as, well remember in the end when Risa and Hiwatari [spoiler]exchange funny/flirty looks?[/spoiler] lol yea I also want to know if they would have a relationship lmfao :animesmil Oh, yea and how could I possibly forget?? Final Fantasy VII should have a sequel too. I want to see what Cloud :love: does afterwards...*sigh* Cloud is so hot....... [/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Mewprincess[/B], I added spoiler tags to your post. Please do not reveal aspects of a show that may spoil it for those who have yet to see it. For easy instructions on how to use spoiler tags just look at the sticky titled spoiler tags at the top of the section. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. yea, well I was reading the last volume of Cardcaptor Sakura Master of the Clow and bursted into tears...it was sooo sad how Sakura had to say [spoiler]goodbye to Syaoran[/spoiler]...but I cried even harder when [spoiler]they were reunited.[/spoiler] :animecry: Hmm...Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne...when Miako found out her bro had [spoiler]been possesed by a monster-demon-ghost[/spoiler] whatever lol [indent][size=1][color=#007520]Mewprincess, your post was in need of spoiler tags. Posting spoilers without concealing them behind tags is against the rules. Posting lists without backing up the items on your list with reasons is also against the rules. Work on your post quality or future posts like this will be deleted. -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
  4. form my point of view, anime is getting soooooo perverted! :animesigh
  5. I subscirbe a magazine called Newtype USA and it comes with a free DVD that contains three episodes of different anime shows. One of them was Princess Tutu. It was cool. I kinda liked it, but I'm not crazy for it... :animesmil
  6. [COLOR=Magenta]A nice dinner at a dim lighted resturaunt is my ideal place of a date. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Magenta]I actually don't care. But the ones that are really bad and off-beat, I just skip them! I did use to like one of the songs on Cardcaptor Sakura...[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Hittokiri Zero]I don't see how [b]digital[/b] sex is any worse than [b]digitally[/b] blowing the brains out of [b]digital[/b] human beings. This argument all goes back to the simple truth, video games are fake. It is just up to the people who play them to realize that. If you're going to allow sex in movies, then why not allow sex in video games?[/QUOTE]But why would they allow it in the movies in the first place. Sex is disgusting in both tv and video games. Real life? Well........
  9. [COLOR=Magenta]Well, I know nothing about Bandai, but I'm just saying that Clamp ROCKS!!!
  10. [quote name='Grave Yard']Vash vs Grave just to see who the best gunslinger is.[/quote]Couldn't have said it better! :catgirl:
  11. [quote name='IceRose']I've watched Spirited Away more than 8 times, its cute, romantic, adventurous, good plot and all. I think its the best.[/quote] Really? Well I bet I have watched it WAY more times than you. I can watch it everyday if I felt like it and, of course, have the time---which I don't. But anyway, it's a really sweet movie and I like it a lot. :animesmil
  12. I wish I never saw Dragonball Z. Like, it was EVERYWHERE!!! There's no way I can run away from it and not see it. :animesigh
  13. [COLOR=Magenta]I LOVE Tokyo Mew Mew. I started liking when I just saw it on television and began to develope a crave. I think Zakuro is cool. We share the same fav color:PURPLE! :animesmil [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Magenta]I was at the library and my dad just picked out a book with a pretty cover. It just happens to be a Cardcaptor Sakura book. So I said,"Sure, I'm gonna check it out." I took it home and I got really into the book. That's when I realized how much I like anime. Though it was only the 5th grade, I still like anime today. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  15. I really like crossover stuff. It makes them fun to read and you get to know at least 2 different point of views of something. I also like how XXX Holic crosses over t Tsubasa. I'm reading both of them right now and it's really neat. :D
  16. [COLOR=Magenta]Chobits is sooooo TIGHT! Chii is really cute. Her pink "ears" really brings out the cuteness.^^[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Magenta]Drool? I drool over the tall, slim, shaggyhaired ones with dreadlocks. They are soooooooooooooo cute!!! :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  18. I would want to go out with Fai from Tsubasa. I think he's a real hottie!:love: He looks cute with every outfit he wears (and believe me, he has many)!
  19. The first manga I read was Cardcaptor Sakura when I was in the fifth grade. It was cool for a while, but after a while, I got tired of it. Now, I'm working on Tokyo Mew Mew. :catgirl:
  20. Anime is TIGHT!!! I love the way they they draw the characters. I go fluttery everytime I see anime characters and I would scream from the top of my lungs (sure, I know I'm crazy)! I'm ANIME CRAZED!!!
  21. Well I'm currently making my own Tokyo Mew Mew story. Since Ichigo maried Massaya, My story states that Ichigo married Kish. How sweet!!! :love: They really make a good couple. However, the story is basically going to be about Ichigo's daughter(sinebody I made up). Don't be surprised when someday my story is going to be published and I become rich and famous! ;)
  22. If I can be any character, I think I would want to be Zakuro form Tokyo Mew Mew. Her outfit is sooooo tight! Not to mention my crave for purple. :D
  23. Well, I'm embarrassed to say that I actually liked Yu-Gi-Oh. :animeblus Everyone In my else either HATES it or thinks it's gay. My friends think that way, too. I think it's pretty cool. But that was before. I still like it, but I'm not a major fan of it... :D
  24. Crushes? Wow. Sure I had a crush. I almost go cukoo when anyone talks about Yue (cardcaptor sakura). But I think I'm over him now...not! I recently developed another one on Fai (tsubasa). Isn't he HOT???!!!??? :catgirl: :love: :love2: :luv:
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