OK. First of all I'm what you call a "punk", but I don't label myself. I'm just saying that so you know what I mean. And I hate it when peole label others. I mean, if we're all human, what's wrong with us? I don't care how much money you have, where you're from, skin color, whatever! It doesn't matter to me! What really counts is what kind of person you are. Are you pure and innocent? Are you crazy and wild? That's what i hate about people. They pre-judge you before they even get to know you! I can't stand that! You are who you are. And I am who I am. Everything else shouldn't matter. And if you think other wise, you don't like people for themselves. You like pepole for their looks or their material possesions.You don't see what's on the inside. You don't see what matters.And further more, I hate it when people aren't true to themselves. Even if you hate yourselves, you should find something good about you, so you can stop lieing to yourself. But, actually I don't think it's that easy. I used to hate myself until I found someone I could be true to. And when they told me that they liked me, I could start to like myself. So if you are someone who hates yourself, I suggest you start to search for someone who can truly make you happy.
And as for music, I love to connect myself and express myself through playing and singing music. Music makes me feel comfortable. It's like poetry through rythem.
And if you thought that all of this was ridiculous, know that it was written by a 14 year-old girl who has found happiness after a lifetime of pain in suffering alone in eternal darkness...