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Everything posted by Lotica

  1. [quote name='cancer][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'm not 18 yet, soon to be though, and I smoke. My parents probably know, and question me, but I do deny it. I do wish to tell them, but am not sure how to do so without them punishing me or something. They used to smoke too, so I'm sure they'd be understanding to an extent, but they are not too carefree about what I do. Any suggestions?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] May I ask who pays for your cigarettes? Is it money that you've earned outside of home or money that your parents have earned and supplied you with? Parents are not stupid. Just because they are questioning you about smoking doesn't mean they don't already know. Maybe they're waiting for you to fess up and take responsibility for your own actions. I'm sure they care, but how hard is it to care about someone who doesn't care about him or herself. Is not smoking itself punishishment enough?
  2. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']I am bored. Like, really, really bored. So bored, in fact, that I plan to spend the majority of the time I'm not at school sleeping. What do you do when you have nothing to do? I don't wanna become a vegetable, you gotta help me![/quote] Being bored is a symptom of too much outside stimulation. Maybe that's why you want to sleep. Your brain is craving a dream from within. Try to dream when you are awake instead.
  3. [QUOTE=Raya][COLOR=#7B075B] Congratulations, you've successfully faked an epileptic seizure.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] (still laughing) Put on some music that you really like that has a nice and steady dance beat. Do it when your alone (so you don't need to be self conscious) and stand in front of a (preferably) full length mirror and practice moving your body to the music without moving your feet at first. By the time you don't look so bad to yourself dancing; you won't look so bad to others. Then, to quote renayiiq, "shake what your mama gave ya."
  4. [quote name='Kaise']I'd like to know what a good way so that my parents don't catch me is.[/quote] Dear Kaise, There are ways to rise above your problems besides running or killing as many here have tried to tell you. You will be dealing with the [b]***holes[/b] of this world for the rest of your life. Try to think of dealing with your dad as practice. There is a reason for everything, even if you can't see the reason at this point. To take your own life because someone [b]'else'[/b] is an ***hole would make you a bigger one. To kill a jerk would be a big mistake which would send you to prison where you would have to dwell with hundreds more like him...possibly for the rest of your life. To try and run away from ***holes is basically impossible, because they are [b]everywhere[/b] you go. Just be the best person you can be so you have no regrets there and try to avoid jerks as much as possible.
  5. As a child, I lived in a enormous old victorian house that looked as if it were haunted. On the second floor were huge closets (the size of most modern rooms today) that connected with other closets and other rooms. There were strange tiny doors in them that led to an enormous windowless attic that looked as if it had been inhabited once upon a time. Even though the little doors in the closets all had locks on the outsides, they frightened me terribly, but the hideous creature with long arms living under my bed frightened me more.
  6. The first thing I can remember was wanting to be was a gypsy. After that I wanted to be a private investigator. Then one day after watching an old Steve McQueen movie, I wanted to become a bounty hunter. According to most of my friends, I will someday become a homeless bag lady...which is not quite as romantic as I imagined the life of a gypsy to be.
  7. [quote name='Hug Monster][COLOR=Purple]In that case, what am I? That's what I came here to find out after all, so please, enlighten me. I truly, honestly have an equal attraction to males and females and would be [b]willing[/b] to have sex with either, despite the undelying consistently avoided factoid that [b]I don't want sex at all[/b']. Yeah yeah, growing process my ***, why the hell can't I just be a goddamn frikkin bisexual no growing bullcrap and no it'll change stuff, no. I'm not changing so tell me what I am right now at this second because that's what I'll be.[/COLOR][/quote] How about you don't label yourself at all? How about thinking of yourself (and everyone else for that matter) as a human being instead of labeling yourself or them by sexual preference? You're 14 for goodness sake...go climb a tree and think about it.
  8. [QUOTE=Pagan][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The pastor of the church I go to says we are in "the finals days". I consider this guy a nut case who wants the world to end soon so the doomsday sermon he's been preaching for the least 40 years wouldn't have been wasted. I'm not your textbook Christian I do believe there is a God among other things. But I don't think the world is ever going to end. He baises his statements on the current events going on in the world today, and vague material mention in the book of Revelation. Sure it says there will be wars and natural diasters at the end of the world, but how do we suppose to know these just aren't changes being cause by global warming and a ignorant president. But I can't shake the thoughts that these could possible be the final days of this world. The thing that's really gotten to me is the discovery of the oldest christ church near Armageddon. Sure wars will happen as long as humans have wants and needs and yeah I can say earthqukakes, storms, and volcanic eruptions are just a coincidence, but this church which was lost to time now being discovered near the supposed final battlefield has left me with a lost for words. How much longer do you think we have? Is George Bush the anitchrist? [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] How about asking your parents pastor about this scripture: Hebrews 29:6 [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the [b]end of the world[/b] hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Maybe the system of antichrist is only that system that denies this scripture. Maybe your parents pastor is the antichrist. :smirk:
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