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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. System of a down has gone on a permanant hiatus. The blows major monkey *blanks*. However, has anyone heard of the single they didi while on hiatus. I thought they were done, but apparently they have a song out. Anyone know anything about it. Oh and they rock! :animesigh
  2. Yeah luffy is pretty awesome. I like Zolo though. He kicks major tail (wow). I mean who can use 3 swords effieciently. I mean really. Still though Luffy is better. If they went at it. I bet luffy would win. I talking like an all out brawl.
  3. I have one manga. It's pretty good. I didn't think that the hype was right, but yeah it was. It's pretty good series.
  4. What I find funny is the fact that most christians think that if you question the belief then you don't really believe. It was that day that I cussed out my pastor and left the church. It's totally ridiculous that you can not question your faith to make it even stronger. I totally believe in the whole aspect of the fact that written works are human made. This is why I don't believe in the Bible. It's been re-written so many times. They had to revise it and all that jazz. Also the whole human made thing bothers me. I would totally believe in the Bible, if god came to me and said here this is the ultimate truth and this is how you should live your life, I probaly would. Only if this being could answer a series of questions that only god would know. It'll never happen, but it's nice to think about. Man-made works are what started the Bible and I bet sometime in the future that somehting else comes out and says it's the holy document. Whatever the case. It's a false hope if you can not question your beliefs openly.
  5. Okay the whole idea of world govt. is freakin' stupid. It could never happen. Humans are creatures of habit and they will always hate and despise one another. This is why it would never work. We could never do anything like that because of how many people hate the United States. N.Korea still hates us because of what happened a long time ago. They are brainwashed to think that U.S.A. is the enemy and is going to attack us. Also the fact that if we don't like what your doing we bust in and are like, "Stop what your doing or well blown you the *blank* up". And then it's all apoligizes from us and then we leave several thousand troops there. It's a blunt and horribly true fact about us. We are controlling of lesser nations. World Govt. is a idealistic thought from people who have no grasp of the fact that humans can never stop the fact that we repeat things over time. It seems new, but if you look back in history, the tech gets better, but it does the same thing something from the past did, only better. World War 3 is coming and when it does I'm getting the heck out of the dangerous part, because the whole WW3 thing is just bullcrap. I mean we KNOW it's going to happen. The problem is when. That's what sad, we know what's going to happen, but yet we're still careening straight into it. This is a great point to the whole World Govt. thing. It's a nice concept, but to bad it will not happen. Nice try though. It's a pity though.
  6. My favorite color is blood red. Why? well to tell the truth the name says it all. lol :animenose
  7. Who has read this manga? It rocks. It's about a teenager who lives in the fuedal times and has a curse on his whole body. You only get this if you tried to take down the god dragon's guradian. His body is slowly turning to stone. If he does not kill the guardian by the time that the curse is on his whole body he turns to stone. I'm not going to give out any spoilers about this. So if you want to know private message me about it. Hopefully somebody's read this before and can give me feedback. :animesigh
  8. My favorite manga would have to be Dragon Hunter. And as for the anime sect. It would have to be like always the Dragonball Universe. Duh! The whole dragonball, DBZ, and DBGT series rocked and still so if you own all the tapes and dvd/s.
  9. There are 26 eps. The manga is the shiznizzle. I'm in the middle of affording to buy all the manga. I like how they have those extras at the end. I think it's funny how all the girls like him and he could totally mess w/ all of them. Then again that's what makes it really funny. Like when the headmaster's granddaughter tried to get him to kiss her to get a card. That was pretty funny.
  10. Naruto is awesome especially when you are a free fansub member and you get it with english subtitles. I can get all of them that way. It's nuts. I know alot of poeple can, but oh well. I'm not complaining. I like the fact that Gaara is the way he is. Him being a insomniac could be a pointer in the right direction. Still the fact that his head has the word love on it is hilarious. Big ol' tough guy and the word love is on his head. I've always wondered if we get tatoo's of japenese letters, do japanese gets english word tatoo's? Just something to wonder about.
  11. I've seen all that's out and I also read the manga. The series as a whole is nuts. It's great. To all anime fans I would suggest this anime. It totally rocks and well I guess that's all that really needs to be said.
  12. Full Metal Alchemist is nuts. I really like it. I have a friend that has a hoodie adn she didn't even know what it was. I asked her if she liked it and she said she had no clue what in the hell it is. What's funny is she didn't know it was Full Metal Alchemist and the name is on the sleeves. :animeangr
  13. People just don't get it. Many people think that anime is stupid and it's just cartoons. That's why people think it's stupid. I just think that if everyone were to watch a little the world would be better.Hahahahaha :animesmil Well Peace, love, and oil grease
  14. Who likes them? If you don't like them them don't even bother psoting. For those of you that don't know who they are, they are a rock band whose leader singer is called,"Serj". I like this group. They're pretty good. Anyone else think so?
  15. I like Case Closed because you can get into it. And they are not afraid to show a bloody head. That non-censorship is nice! Adult Swim kicks *****.
  16. Duel Masters isn't to bad, but it's the same concept as Yu-gi-oh. The only reason they made a rip-off version was to make the game simplier. Yu-Gi-Oh is getting pretty adult oriented because all the completcated rules.
  17. I just go to Walden Books. If anyone's ever heard of that! Barnes and Noble work too. The manga is pretty good. Did you know that it has a series now. It was on Cartoon Network a day or 2 ago. It's pretty cool.
  18. Wow. How true that is! It's funny to think that a guy can get married to the ugliest chick on the planet and yet still can't marry a hot(*shudders*) cross-dresser(bad drunk story). One thing that I remember when I was growing up is that Saior Moon was on before school. I saw all of them. Of course my friend now buys the uncut versions. Stupid pervert.
  19. Banning of cartoons isn't going to stop Allah terrorists from blowing up themselves. I don't think that getting rid of cartoons is good. If you don't have that you can see what a hardcore fight is like then kids might fight to see what one looks like promoting more violence.
  20. You would choose a band over another one because of cuss words?!?! Hmmm......I like Good Charlette and Blink and all the others. They all are pretty good. Still it's funny how Good Charlette sings about the rich and famous, both of which they are kinda funny huh.
  21. They are pretty good even though I do agree they they may not have expierenceed the stuff first hand, but they do have good music. They may have a way off base for their songs though they still are pretty good. I like the guitarist. Their words are a blur to someone who loves guitar. I haven't really heard to much of them, but what I have heard I liked.
  22. If you get sick over everylittle thing you don't like then your in for a rude-awakening. SOAD is liked by a lot of people. They have reasons for their songs. They are a great band and I happen to like them. They have fans. Fans are all you need to have a great band. Some people hate certain bands, but do you think the fans really give a damn. One fan or a million it doesn't matter. You may not like them and that's whoever doesn't like them's opinion.
  23. He has done alot of voice training. If he hadn't taken classes then he would have blown out his voice box. Serj may not make sense to alot of people, but I can understand it. They're music is hard to play. I have tried. It's harder than yopu think. If they were "utter crap" then they wouldn't have so many fans.
  24. You could try to get movies from Suncoast. They have a crapload of dbz movies. I walked in the store and there was a lot dbz movies.
  25. Wow! I wonder what would happen if they started to kill each other off. They had bars on planet vegeta? Hmmmm imagine if they were drunk when they fought! Lol
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