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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Well I have no clue who you are talking about be more specific? Bido?
  2. I most likely say he got it in a contest. I have a jet black one and I love it. I would prefer a gold one though. But he probaly won it.
  3. I am going to get them all exept for the PS2 one. I don't have a PS2 my brother does. I own all the other systems, but he owns the own that can help me the most. I own tons of systems, but no PS2. Goku's Legacy is the first one I'll get.
  4. #1 Sonic Electronic Gaming Association #2 Make games #3 Spazhario
  5. Okay in the Men's Sweet 16 are- Duke Maryland Indiana(is against Duke.....Lol there going to lose) Kentucky Pitt. So. Illinois UConn Kent St. UCLA Kansas Missouri Illinois Arizona Texas Oklahoma and Oregon. On the 22nd and 24th I'll post the Elite 8. .
  6. I have proof Goku had no clue Goten was alive. On the ep Gather for the Tournament Goku appears and they get misty eyed and Goku sees Goten and says to Chi Chi: "I think theres a little me behind your legs Chi Chi." Case Closed I have found the proof. If oyu don't believe me watch the ep.
  7. Well thats not that bad of a theory. Maybe your body will ocasionally a surge of power and thats when you get a fever.
  8. Well personally I just want to see a movie come out. I would prefer though it not be people, that just would look right. Thaey should make like a big action and humor movie about 2 hours long. That'd be awsome.
  9. Well if I see it I don't want it deleted. I think they shouldn't add digital bathing suits at all because its on adult swim now I don't see why they can't jsut show the orignals. Oh whoopee it shows breasts, its not that bad they should show it again.
  10. Do you guys even watch CN! Its on everyday! Tenchi in Tokyo have you heard of it? Well its on around 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
  11. If its a Tenchi series I like it. I like almost all anime out there that I've seen there are only a few that aren't good.
  12. Well she could do a lot of things to break them up. I think shes just not that mean.
  13. Well I didn't learn about sex and drugs till well, lets say I was a little to young and my dad wasn't exactly what you would call the most "hidden" person. I learned from videos first do you know what thats like. Well its good to teach kids at an ealier age, but the youngest I would say is 10.
  14. Winners since last night: UNCW over USC Pitt.won over Cent. Conn. Wyoming won over Gonzaga NC State won over MSU Creighton won over Florida Wake Forest won over Pepperdine Kansas over Holy Cross Standford over W. Kentucky Duke over Winthrop Notre Dame over Charlette Indiana over Utah Arizona over UCSB Oklahoma over Ill. Chicago On Monday I'll post the entire second round okay. So till then.
  15. Well so far Here are the winning teams: Kent St. Ohio St. Alabama Missouri Tulsa (beat Marquette....HOW????) Kentucky Oregon. Well I haven't seen the other matchs yet. I will post tomorrow who is in the second round. And after that I'll post the winners each day (not including Sat. and Sun.) Have fun and I'll post the winners.
  16. Vegeta gets it rough because hes Vegeta. Don't understand and really don't care. Heres awsome gif.
  17. Yeah well I'm still confused why he chose the human girl, not one of the psycadelic hot space chics.
  18. MSU?????Hahahahahaha!! Funny joke them beat Duke if they beat Maryland I doubt that, but its your choice.
  19. I know the police are retards(not all). They need proof. Heck if they want proof tape them or take a pic. Heck for all the police know the next day you could be dead the house robbed and the place recked. Thats when they'd come. Policemen&women should actually check things out before something happens.
  20. shibatku

    Big News!

    YEAH FF games on GC now it'll be easier on me so I don't need a PS2 sweet......YES!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the info James!
  21. Who will win you decide!!(Not really but sounds fun doesn't it. Hey why don't we have this on till the tourneys over and I'll post who wins and who loses. If you pick right you get.........The satisfaction of being right. Have FUNi!!!!!Lol!Hahaha Note: If the one you want isn't on their post it!
  22. shibatku


    [QUOTE][i]Originally Posted by Deus_Ex Machina[i] dunno about that... ok.. people who don't have a computer would have no incentive to get one, but I think that those who do would probably use the computer more... I may be wrong, but that's my opinion.[/QUOTE] Well I don't have a internet accessable comp. at home, but still I'd probaly use the PS2 more, D
  23. Its like Ryo-ken(not sure), Jujitsu, Judo, Karate, Kung-fu, and Krog-Moga. Those are just a few that they use. Judo is the deadly stuff(used to be)and the rest is used for fighting. Of course it could be a whole new style.
  24. Well your right people have different views. But I look at it this way. Okay so we have bombed them. We did it for a reason, a good reson no just to pay back. So they now have tons of taliban buildng gone. Who really cares about the taliban, they went to far and really the ones to blame are Alqauda, but still we didn't deserve our people dieing did we. I think that if you laugh at the 9/11 incident that, well, are very immature. I'm immature most of the time, but I now when its funny and when its not. I am not the kind to laugh at this kind of thing. I'll laugh things that are close to it, but not ones that actually laugh at the people that died. Okay fine the buildings were destroyed Whoopdedo! who cares (exept the contractors) Its the lose of life that people care about. Think about that.
  25. I give a crap. If someone laughs at the 9-11 they should be shot. I mean who laughs at Americans being killed exept non-americans and if you do laugh your not American at all. When people stick together bad things seem to go away. So I give a crap, especially when someone laughs or talks trash about my country.......[SIZE=5]The U.S.A[/SIZE]
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