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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i] [B][color=crimson] To all the homosexual males out there...you are the closest thing to being the perfect guy! (At least in my opinion) :smooch: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] WHAT!!!!!!!! Homosexual males are close to perfect?? I don't know what world your living in but howcan a homosexual be close to perfect??? No on is perfect and thats a fact no is close to being perfect you are who you are. No-one can say they're close to perfect with-out lieing.
  2. If you believe in God then you shouldn't have any problems. If you like your self, who cares if someone doesn't like you. God loves you and thats all that really matters.
  3. Mine name is the name I'll go by when I move to Japan. Mine was originally supposed to be Shibataku. But I messed up. When in Japan I'll go by Tku Shiba.(family name first, your name second)Thats not may real last name but over there it will be. But thats my meaning of my username.
  4. Thats the only one you had this year. I've had like 20. The one right now I just finished was over the book great expectations. I severly dislike how in order to get a grade I have to read stuff like that. I also have three coming up one on each chapter in Geograpghy.(dislike that class)
  5. The most mind boggling thing ever about certain girls is How do they take hours and hours to put make-up on and comb hair????? Thats so confusing. Heck My mom won't even leave the house with out hair and make-up done. Its so weird and confusing. Hey goddess21 not all guys are like that I'm not I do care about girls feelings and I don't care about action. If it happens, it happens...not a priority. Most of the time I plan for things. So don't say boys as in boys in general. Some boys aren'tlike that.
  6. Personally my favorite X-man is Gambit. Hes awsome I love how he jsut picks up something charges it and it becomes a deadly weapon. I don't watch it to much, maybe every now and then.
  7. Money can buy almost anything. The only things it can't buy are all that inner stuff and true love. Sure money can buy love but not true love...:bawl:
  8. I have a car, but my retarded brother wrecked his car and is using mine. I do have a car its a '86 Buick Skylark. Can't wait till this summer I actually get to drive mine.
  9. It looks awsome and as soon as it come out next friday I'm going to see it saturday.:laugh: I want to see the nemesis it was much better than Resident Evil. I wonder if they'll make one for Resident Evil: Code Veronica. That would be awsome.
  10. Link is better. I like him because he has all that power to use. If he could combine all of the itmes he has no evil would even try to take over any place Link is. Link is awsome and he is the better of the two.
  11. Hilda the best?????Have you ever seen the ep were they go to the hot spring planet?????Aisha's the best looking. That ep is awsome. To bad it wasn't released in America. But I have seen the pics and part of it and Aisha is the best looking.
  12. Yeah were have you been I mean if you watch it you would know this. Rio-oki is cute......she/he is awsome Rio-ki is an awsome ship, well its no the best. Personally I like the ship Washu and Ryoko had in Tenchi in Tokyo at beginning(in the flash backs). That ships awsome the only ting bad about it is it needs fuel.
  13. I know why did Tenchi hook up with one of them. I mean the others were around longer and they're totally better. The least he could have done is hook up with one of the 7 already in the house, what loser just waits two years with 7 women in the house who likes him and doesn't do anything.....come on thats lame.
  14. Majin Buu absorbs about three people. And they are Gotenks, Ghan and Vegitto. I believe thats right. But Majin Buu absorbs baby buu and that forms Super Buu. Uub comes at one point and Super Buu absorbs him and forms Super Uub Buu. If thats wrong tell me...Super Uub Buu pretty much destroys the earth and there are a few of them left. If you want more info just look it up on the net.
  15. WHy would you want to kick the crap outta them? Well, first of all you can't do crap because their cartoons. Second, if they were real they'd kick the crap outta you before you touched them. Whats the point of talking about you want to beat up trunks? Is there really a reason?
  16. The most said quote:"Mihoshi stop messing up"-Kiyone. Well its not all ways the same but its basically what she says and it is said alot and I mean ALOT.
  17. FYI for you SSJ Pud get your facts straight- Bobidi is the father Bibidi is the son and the creation is Buu. No-one anwsered what are the two sagas in GT? Are they Bebi and Evil Shenron? I know that Bebi is one but what about Evil Shenron is that a saga?
  18. Could you imagine: [size=4]Dragonball Z-Human Saga[/size]-the day the human beat the sayians.:laugh: Humans are really weak though but it would be funny to see that saga.
  19. Vegeta dieing is my fav. I was happy he finally died and won't be on for a while.:laugh::laugh:[size=3] Vegeta's Gone[/size]:laugh::laugh: Vegeta was annoying, always trying to be tough when Goku can whoop him. Pathetic. Trully the best moment in GT is when Goku goes SSJ4. Vegeta just cheats to get there.
  20. The powerfulest card in the game is Cell's last strike or something. It does two cards of damage but if you don't beat them with that card you lose. But Cell Lv. 5 has the power: Do 12 life cards of damage and pay no power stages. Thats truly powerful. But hten again if your at lv. 5 you really don't need to worry about your life cards just your anger.(I play alot and know all of the rules.I spend about $20 a week on cards, so I have most of them.) Cell game previews are cool, one of them to be precise have and awsome attack. I wonder when Buu saga will come out?
  21. I like Shiro Amada. Hes awsome. I like how he handles all that stuff being so young, but Siro Amada is my fav. pilot. Hes my Pilot Candidate...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I know its corny...but funny:laugh:.
  22. I watched it when it first came out and well it was good then they kept re-airing the eps they'd already shown. But when are these others on? Around what time in the morning. I can check having satelite and all but what time is it supposed to be on and what channel. I'm guessing CN, but if not tell me. I really like watching Gundam.
  23. Yeah you're right OO83 is better than WIng even thought I do like the wing Gundam. I watched Gundam 0083. Whats the point of the guy, as the beginning part starts, running till the little counter gets to 0083. It is a cool show thought they should show those shows like they do with the ones on Sunday, they should re-air them thursday. Well I guess they do it on Saturday and make you wait a week at a time for it, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. Anyway thats my perspective.
  24. I have been watching these as they first came out and I think they're awsome especially Piot Candidate, its short though it stops 7 minutes before its supposed to be over. As for the others they're awsome to exept Tenchi Muyo I've seen, but still I wathced it though just for kicks. I recommend to people who haven't seen it to watch it at least once, well if you're mature enough that is.(CN made me say that.:laugh::laugh:)
  25. I knew Version 2 was coming out on the GC since like as soon as it was made public. I didn't, however, know that the first one was coming out thought. Whats it like? I've heard, seen and even checked it out online.(Not gamesystem online) Its looks awsome.
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