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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Well now we all know the only saiyan women are Pan and Bra (Everyone in Bulma's family has a undergarment as the name or last name-Trunks Brief,Bulma Brief, Bra Brief.)
  2. I like any Zelda game and am Personaly going to get it because Zelda games rock.
  3. I have only well an 1 or 2 in vs. because I don't have the controllers and I have a life to do(Plus homework) I'll have to try using donkey kong and oh I did the yoshi thing and it didn't do crap for me how do oyu do it???
  4. I still can't believe that they started the Buu Saga over again and I waited for the new ones but todas they showed when Saiya Man is discovered by the girl and wants to go out wiht him on a date and why did they have to stop right when Vegeta Blows Up(....yes.....hes gone...Mwhahahahahaha...well at least for now.)
  5. shibatku


    Well I haven't played it yet but I'll problay get it or rent it but Its sounds like fun to me. I mean I haven't played the first one yet I'll probaly rent it and then beat it to figure some of the story line out.
  6. I Bought FFX and I didn't see anything that said you can get on the internet with it I don't have a modem yet but can it go online or not?
  7. The hardest charactors for me to get is Ganondorf because my partner Zelda in it keeps dieing and then I lose. I have killed 69 of the 100 man melee with Roy but I can't seem to get past that point.
  8. I f you don't know what the powers are after the Trunks Saga you should look at the cards I did and so far the powerfulest one during Cell Saga is Trunks Remember Cell Saga not Cell Games Saga.
  9. One question, you mean chichi dies?? Well I waiting till new eps are shown till I actually see what happens. After the Bu Saga isn't it the Baby Saga.
  10. I think that they can switch styles mastery.
  11. Heck I won't be on tonight because I have to go out to dinner and then I have several weeks for Christmas Break So Hopefully I actually get to see who won I hope Seph wins it hes cool.
  12. I have to get the cord for it but I saw a preview of the hookup and things on the box.
  13. I might just have to check that out never tried I just went for beating the thing not going postal on it.
  14. Yeah I plan to get Super Smash Bros. for GameCube and then I 'll get the modem and Ican get on anytime I want to and with the money I going to either get the game if I don't get it as a present or I 'll start to save for a modem.
  15. That be cool so you could go anywhere in like 2-5 seconds that'd be sweet. I tell ya Christmas is the best time of the year.
  16. i don't know why they wanted to ban violent video games from certain ages I mean its not like they won't see it on tv or somewhere else.
  17. Piro go to [url]www.ballericons.com[/url] then pic charators and go through all 30 pages for one that you do like. And by the way Goku is the best you can even check my site. Christmas presents are cool and not only do I get that I also get money from my aunt and uncle and stuff like that.
  18. Well I can't wait till they get to the Dark Shenron Saga cause Goku goes SSJ4 and absorbs the Dark Shenron and the dragonballs, which I think is sweet.
  19. Dude that must suck. Well the point is that your getting one I guess. GameCubes are cool I like Super Smash Bros. Melee.
  20. You guys are just now getting a GBA I had to buy one my self but I had a sumer job to pay for it but still you just now got it. I'm using mine as a controller for the GameCube.
  21. Dude you done flipped your lid heck the only time he'll tell us is...Wel actually tommorrow.
  22. Whatcha getting for christmas or hoping for... *cough*GameCube*cough*
  23. I found out I getting a Gamcube for christmas and I already saw it and I will get RFU adaptor and a memory card. Oh and is the modem for it out yet.
  24. What do you mean in the future I thought it was already out cause I saw one. And yes you can use the GBA as a controller you can see that on the package. Oh and if you do the controller gives you info you can't get with the normal controller which is cool.
  25. Oh...you might want to make your level a bit high..for safety reasons because I played that game and I got to high strong and went through parts of the game with a low level charactors and won but thats not the point you will need high level charactors when you get to a point which I believe should be coming up soon. Oh and this is not a spoiler so don't erase it Kuja. When your on the floating island and you get to the end of it make sure you chose to wait for the black ninja guy with the dog because if you don't you can't get him later in the game. Just letting you know.
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