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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. shibatku


    Well ...hmmmm FF3...Well I probaly have played it but weres Death in the game......Well you could level up to 20 use a great magic healer and a great black magic user and make your knight very strong. But were is Death.
  2. Hes a chosable charactor(Stupid fake game) I think that someone made a fake with that one cuase I couldn't use he which sucked stupid fakes.....AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG:flaming: :flaming: :cussing: :cussing: :angry2: :angry2: :mad: :mad:
  3. You just fugured that out....Wonder whos winning
  4. Well DB was made to be funny, DBZ was made for acton/humor, and GT was mad Humor/action. So all of them have action just the only one that is truly meant to be comedy is DB. Thats what I believe they were made for.
  5. Well you know one reason Nappa was destroyed....No Hair...:)
  6. Well I guess the creator thought it'd be funny if they added little things for you to notice.
  7. Yes you did he should have read the earlier posts. But Still the creators chose it and thats what its got to be because unless you can ask the creator Toriyama then I guess its up to opinon.
  8. Well you could check [url]www.geocities.com/vincentrulesff7/Gokusbestpage.html[/url] thats mine and if you want I could look for some for you oh and by the way pm me don't use the board for it.
  9. I know why would you want them I only care about Goku and Vegeta fugures(Goku first always)
  10. You know the part were Gohan decides to be The Great SaiyaMan well some people consider it a saga.
  11. Well you could go to diffrent sights like theres lots of them for example go to [url]www.search2.com[/url] and type what you want and choose a search engine and there you go.
  12. Ehrgeiz is cool I played that game and how do you play as sephiroth I didn't find out cause I had to take it to the store which sucked.
  13. If you want a wonderful chocobo go to the tracks by the snow village place and do it there but if you just need one for that part of the game do what they said.
  14. They both think about the same and why does Vincent have a metal claw arm did Sephiroth tear it off or Hojo or someone else does anyone know.
  15. That pic isn't the only time he smiles he does it several times during the game.
  16. You mean your still on the Cell saga, please tell me you watching the cell games. Heck I wish they'd hurry up with the redo of the Buu saga I haven't seen it for a while because they won't hurry up.
  17. I think that spiked hair just loked cool to the creater I mean there the ones who made them so they chose what they wanted not what someone else wants spiked yellow hair just looks cool.
  18. Still why did Goku not know that was going to happen I mean hes the powerfulest Saiyan and a rock hurts him.
  19. I hope **** because I really put a lot of thought into who was going to win. Well two days left till we find out.
  20. shibatku


    I like all FInal Fantasy Games well at least to play them. All Final Fantasy Games are worth one try plus you have to think on some of them.
  21. Yes the Irwin toys do come with special cards and the hair on them are gold not yellow gold. I have the Goku. But the best so far is the Cell Games Toys.(Goku is awsome)
  22. I like the Buu saga because well they fuse in htat one but I also like that Goku goes SSJ3
  23. SX-Well time to go *SX walks out of the bar and heads towards the tower of Shadow* SX-Come on lets go to the fortress for an all out attack
  24. Yeah well at least we don't have to do more than that my brain would fry.
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