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Everything posted by shibatku
Huh??? Maybe they're talking about a different movie. You never know.
Still it's kinda funny though. He may sounds like it. Well that doesn't mean it's hid brother. Aliens might have a different form of brother. They could have been formed the same day. How do they have baby's hmmm.
I think they will do it in a perfect set. I could be wrong, but I think that's what they might do.
Yeah, but how do you know he's a guy. It doesn't say that. He never said wait he was. He may be a guy yes, but just because you have a voice doesn't make you a guy. He doesn't have any distinguising parts to prove it.
Well I can't wait for it to come out. I hope the other 2 are as good as the first one. I will watch them all even if they are boring. I like all DBZ movies. To bad we have to wait so long.
Kenny's the best. He dies like every ep and the only one he hasn't died in is the christmas ep. He's awesome. My parents think that I watch South Park because they don't like it. I think it freekin' hilarious.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]shibatku, Transtic Nerve knows what he said and he said it on purpose. If this "they suck, no they don't, yes they do, your grammer sucks" hoo-ha keeps up, I'm closing this thread up faster than Britney Spears' restaurant for health violations. [/B][/QUOTE] Well it's not my fault that he doesn't know how to spell their name right. He said that he used a lower case d. If he said it on purpose and it's not a lower case d then why did he lie?Hmmm SOAD was great in concert. I loved them. Serj threw out his robe that he was wearing. I wanted it, but I was to far back. I couldv'e sold it on e-bay for alot of money. Oh well.
Aren't there 2 Brolli movies. The first one just recently came out in my state. I watched it and thought it was great. Then someone tells me about another one coming out.
If I had a scanner I would draw one and put it on too. It sucks that alot of good drawers don't have a scanner. I'm to poor for that.*Crys*
The games can get expensive. It's hard to get them all if your poor.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Thats what I said, System of a clown....it's a lowercase D I don't care WHY you created this thread.... by creating it, you open it to public discussion... and i'm publically discussing how much I dispise them.... If I was in the senate and I brought up an issue, I don't expect to have just the people who like it tell me how much they like it, people are gonna disagree and tell you about it. Thats life. If you can't take that witha simple band, I feel sorry for you when you come into the real world. I could do that guys voice. He just can't sing.... he yells. There are no classes he took to be like that, and if he did, he should sue the teacher. All he does is yell. It gives the band a different sound, albeit a horrible one, that apparentl have gotten tone deaf people interested in them. It's not singing ability he's got, it's just an annoying sound he makes with his mouth. [/B][/QUOTE] So what if it's a lower case d. See that's a d. That's not the point. You're still miss pronouncing the name. It has S capitalized and D capitalized. That's a grammar mistake if you don't capitalize it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by animangademon [/i] [B]Yeah, I watched Inu last night and they started back to the birds of paradise..I was a little upset, but I don't mind! I will watch re-runs because I am addicted and my body is programmed to stay up to watch Inu and then go to bed. Besides I will go crazy if I don't watch it, I don't know why, but I just will. I think Inuyasha is worth the wait [/B][/QUOTE] I was a little upset that they started to rerun it from that point. At least they didn't start from the beginning. I wonder why they stopped at the point were he was transfroming into Demon form. I wish they would've continued. I hope they continue when they get to the point were they were at.
I used to love Power Rangers. I got out of it though. I occasonally watch it. They best was the original. I was around when it first srated and loved it. My favorite was the Green Ranger. I still wish I had the toy dagger for the Green Ranger. That thing was awesome.
I don't think they do. I would like to see it now that they are older. It wouldn't be near as funny as it was in DBZ when they were kids. Gotenks or whatever would look totally different.
I think they just refer to Frieza as a him because he acts like a guy and others things. Maybe he's really is an it, but calling it a him is easier to explain to kids watching it.
Okay well if your going to dog on them at least say their name right. Its System of a "DOWN" okay. I really could care a crap less of what you think. If you don't like them then you shouldn't post. I see your point and you've stated it numerous times. I like them and to me thats really all that matters. I created this thread so I could see how many people LIKED them. If you don't like them then all you had to do was say so. Serj probaly had to take long classes to get his voice like that. That kind of voice takes time to do. Heck the lead singer of Otep had to do that and she's pretty good at it. Anyways their music is awesome.
That was great. Umm are we talking about the Super 13 movie. I don't usually go by numbers. Just wondering.
You could try e-bay. Or you can go to Suncoast, they have some music cd's there. If you go to e-bay you can basically get anything you want there.
I thought Broli dies too. He was totally winning though. I don't think that he should've won based on the following reasons:Vegeta lost to him, Goku lost to him(at first), Gohan lost, and Trunks lost. Then Goku get their energy which was totally low and wins!? How can that do the job?
Yeah its the one in the sig. My got my friend to let me use his adobe photoshop 7.0 to do it. I told him what I wanted done and he did it.(He doesn't like others doing things on his comp, that's why he did it not me. I could've done it, but he's stingy with things like that.
You could download Morpheus and then look for it. That might work. I used it to find hard to find music before.
Yes, it says DeztruxN. It's my name from another site. What do you guys think of it? My friend helped me make it.
Hmmm. The dvd's from the game are pretty good. That's what's good about the game's you can play it and get a dvd too.