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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Wht the dietys mask its cool you don't need the other stuff to fight the majoras mask boss I really like the Fierce Dietys mask.
  2. Good and for my bio: I am a former Shadow troop turned rebelous and I have the power over all elements and can transform. SX-Shall we procede *They travel for eight days before reaching a town and go into the local bar* Bartender-Hey get out scum we don't like your kind here. SX-We only come to seek recrutes for a journey against the Shadow Fortess Bartender-I'm warning you*pulls out plasma rifle* SX-put that down*waves hand and the gun bends in half*now I'll take a Everdark and my friend'll take a?
  3. Android 18..hmmm......I wonder what her real name was before got turned into an android. She's the hottest.
  4. I really liked that song it was funny Heck I've seen the movie several times and I still think its funny.
  5. I really liked DOA2:Hardcore it rocks and the bad guy at the end he has a weird facial feature thats huge and hes easy. Try to unlock the special cg gallery it has cool pics inside.
  6. If that were to ever happen(never will) I think thay'd all agree on a new name like Lishenka :laugh: :laugh: Becuase heck imagine the paper work you'd have to do when writing your name.:laugh:
  7. Welcome to the world of Shadow Hon where evil rules and Good perishes in the ashes. Lets begin: Hello my name is ShadowX and I'm recruting fighters for the journey to take over the Shadow Fortress of evil and make this world pure again please join me in my quest. Please input your name if you want to make the journey.
  8. Dude you just like reposted what everyone else said and Flash is still in the lead and I doubt that she'll lose.
  9. If it goes past friday-a.k.a. tommorrow-why don't we make the next dealine for votes like till tuesday and if it goes past that like if someones ahead at the end of the day after tuesday they'll be voted out. Thats a reasonable solution.
  10. Yeah your absolutly right she did try to get them together and for you people who don't like Sephiroth I really don't care because he is the best and may always will be till another game comes out that has a better bad guy.
  11. How many Chocographs do you have to get before you can get the one after the coral running one and after that how long till your get the flying one.
  12. Your Welcome sweetreyes. And Brolly Anthology is a combo of two games in a package its FF5 which is a early FF game and them there FF6 which is the one on that was on Nintendo as 3 I believe not sure but its the one where that girl loses her memory and you go throught the game trying to find who she was and what she can do I love that one its fun. Gold Chocobos are the best they rock.:therock:
  13. shibatku


    Well how did the Qu come along with Vi Vi I mean how'd he get there I forget? And How many Qus are there:grandfather,master and quina's all I know.
  14. Well they should make an all anime channel(then goodones not the chepo oones) That be cool and uncensored anime channel for teeanagers and youn adults. Censoring is to over rated. they should not dub as much as they do.
  15. Brolly just to let you know I'm old enough,ok. I think that Goku and Gohan should transform that'd be funny a father and son fusion. The creation: :flaming: :mad: :mad: GOKAN!!:mad: :mad: :flaming: :laugh: :laugh:
  16. It continues till there is a winner I guess, thats alot of votes.
  17. shibatku


    I believe Quina is a he although the cloths but s/he is a Qu or whatever and well there has to be guys and girls because how did they have all of the Qu's. The game doesn't tell you but there must be girls and guys.
  18. Heck when I was young if my mom wasn't around I would say cuss words occasionally but I really did censor my self most of the time like[Quote]Gosh Darnit stop it you stupid game[/Quote] Heck the cartoons that were censored corrupted my bad language. Dubbing should only cover the nudity and no cussing.
  19. Basically I said that I was forever scared by the thought of those fusions ******* its-self....eewww...bad thought again...bad thought again..:laugh: :laugh:
  20. yeah thats real life they have to censor it on cartoons for people who sit home all day waiting to sue someone for stuff like that.
  21. If the censorship bureau* all rights copyrighted* didn't edit that or Cartoon Network didn't then they can show that on DBZ they don't censor me watch....**** *** *****....AHH CRAP they edited it:laugh::laugh:
  22. *dry eyes guy voice*I have been scared forever I am not a walking stone pot:drunk:I have lost my abilty to think right.:laugh:
  23. And Raiha is in the lead comin down the strech..ooooooo Raiha is is the lead for votes the presures on:flaming: :flaming:
  24. Yeah well if they do show them uncut the worst they would do is cussing and just like Brolly said it'd show their backs and the sound.
  25. Thats a little to intimate but there also would be no one left to make another child the'd all have to do it fused...eewwww....bad thought...bad thought..:eek::cross:
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