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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. I know its just breasts and penis's I mean if you haven't seen it yet you'll see it soon enuf so just grow up at an early age and you'll be better off the rest of your life. Dubbing sucks they need to at least do unedited for cussing heck little kids parents say the d*mn words.
  2. Thats a litte to much fusing I think that their head would explode from all of the fusing and thoughts.:laugh:
  3. Soory I guess I thought Flash was a girl my bad sorry but I guess he'll probaly win is that one fine with you Neo Cactuar.
  4. Wonder what would happen if Bulma and Chi Chi were to fuse then all Goku and Vegeta would have to do is fuse and then Pan and Bra fusing then they'd be one big fused family imagine: Mom-Chilma Dad-Gogeta Sons-Gohan, Gotenks Daughter-Panra(Bra+Pan=Panra) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  5. He prabaly wasn't born ssj but like maybe a little after or at and older age. Goten and Trunks must have either trained hard, doubt Goten did or they just willed it to happen.
  6. No the ones on Antology are 5 and 6 but 7 is the first one to have the best graphics it was the best till they came out with ff8 and 9. just for everyones info heres the chocobo mating you need to get a gold: Great-get it at the Gold Saucer Area tracks and a Good-Get it at the Mideel area Race them till they can go their highest then mate them and save before you do and repeat till you get a Blue or Green. Then train that one till its at its highest and mate the originall two to get the oposite of what you have(Greenor blue, Male or Female) save before mating. THen train it to its highest piont and when you can mate the two colored ones to get a Black one save before mating. Then get a: Wonderful- get at the chocobo tracks at the snowy place on the upper continent. And raise to its highest and then mate the black and the wonderful and save before. Then you should have a Gold Chocobo and you can get KOTR. Master KOTR about eight times to get Excaliber the best sword in the game.
  7. Well Raiha alot of people don't want Rrico to get voted off do you feel the heat:flaming: HAHAHAHAHA:laugh: :laugh:I really don't want Rico to be voted off right now I really think hes cool but I want Seph to win the whole thing, hes the coolest.
  8. Everyone is getting into DBZ, not everyone but you know what I mean. Heck I would have liked to see that ep with that DBZ reversion song on southpark.
  9. He may look weird but he is very, very powerful at that form, but I like Goku SSJ4 he rocks.
  10. I think they should at least have a little cussing like when Videl was being hurt or something[Quote] Goku said Gosh dang it stop it already[/Quote]at the living tournament not other world.
  11. Yeah it might be but they store alot of bytes. PS2 is awsome.
  12. Well if they do show GT(if they ever finish the Buu saga) hopefully they show it like reall early or they show it late at night *un*edited.
  13. Ahh well I guesas they really don't sorry thought they might. I guess almost everyone thinks Flash'd banner is the best she'll definitly win.
  14. Well I'm glad she got that dollar back sheesh shes been goning on about it for two days.*Stealls dollar and dips in gasoline and burns it* whoops:naughty:*
  15. shibatku


    Yeah Quina isn't even human and if Quina was it probaly be a boy. Does anyone know what Shocks best weapon is and how do you get it.
  16. Raditz was to under developed to go any higher than saiyan if he trained and went SSJ3 he could kill you just with his hair. Goku is the BEST and Vegita may try but he can not totally destroy Goku.:flaming:
  17. i doubt that they had trouble I mean Goten and Trunks did it just by wanting to so I doubt that the chances are that high. Goten and Trunks are cool, especially as SSJ3 Gotenks. I like SSJ Gotenks' hair.
  18. Yeah alright Android 18 is in the lead she rock she is truly the hottest of them.
  19. Sephiroth is a gift to games and I think he should return to a new game made for Sephiroth as your main personality that would be aswsome. Maybe some day they'll make another Final Fantasy movie.
  20. I could still beat it in 2 days but I have to much stuff to do and I finally found the Tower and Soon I will beat the game....Stupid Necron.
  21. Sephiroth is really powerful and really is the powerfulest, but the programmers made it so Cloud won which if it was real he would be dead.
  22. Yeah it is a matter of opinion but Sephiroth is the best heres a pic of the one winged angel. Seph's highest stage.
  23. I'm not talkin about you or the otheres I just said that sometimes someone may slip and mod votes but I'm not talkin specifically about anyone I'm just sayin that If someone wanted to they could easily manipulate votes. Rico's is in the lead for votes right now.
  24. Well first of all why do you want to see his prvate area I'm glad they dub those parts but I wish they would dub the cuss words.
  25. I think Goku did't go SSJ3 because he didn't want to kill Vegita(cheater) so he only went to SSJ2 I really wish he would have powered up and kicked Vegita's butt.
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