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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Well of course you know if someone has the power and they don't get what they want someone somtime or the other will slip and modify there votes. But I really want Seph to win he's awsome.
  2. Yeah Vegita could have never beaten Goku if he didn't elbow him in the back like the cheater he is.
  3. shibatku


    *Shiba powers up and charges full speed at Majin Brolly* Shiba: I'm very hungry and your in my way move or I'll have to kill you MB:Yeah right now I'm stonger than yesterday and I'll kick you so far to the curb your mom'll fill it Shiba: Yeah right now MOOOOVVVVVVE!!!!:mad: :flaming:
  4. Yeah DBZ Man they have lots of pics of your dbz charactor you just have to look through 21 pages one of them. Flash is in the lead for the best banner.
  5. Sheesh I really don't want rico to go but its weird how he got all of those votes against him.
  6. I guess they have better controlability. I haven't played Madden 2002 but I might sooner or later.
  7. Seph sorry you really are wrong I've been to one in Castleton, Indiana and I know that was a eb.
  8. I like Ned or whatever his name is I love his electric attack he does I unstoppable with him.
  9. I love DOA2:Hardcore I think its awsome I mloove the entire game it really is a good game and the FMV's are sweet.
  10. Look in [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] at the dragonball section and look at the pics they have some really god one of him. If I could I'd make one and show you what I mean but I can't so there's where you get some pics.
  11. For GT3 they should make a racing whell for that game and have so it is just like the arcade whells and not so easy to turn and they should mke it interactive with you in the seat that'd be awsome.
  12. I played that game and I could get past the onion master of course it was just a demo and when you finish a demo the game is over...sucks
  13. Yeah, but think about this if you knew who he was, if he ever had a childhood, then ysomepeople would think he was weak and it would make people not think he is the best and always was.
  14. Android 18 is in the lead, Pan is ok but But 18 is way better. I think that Android 18 is just misunderstood.
  15. That ones cool but you should change the drawing in the background and try like a pic of him as his powerfulest form instead.
  16. shibatku


    *then as the waves are being fired Shiba and Duo closeline Brolly choping his head off then shiba smashes the head.* Shiba: Well thats the end of Brolly and S.Brolly 17 whats next.. *all of the sudden.....*
  17. I really think that would be awsome if they had a movie about everything thats not told about Sephiroth but that then he would be mysterious any more.
  18. It really sorta looks like this pic of some DBZ charactor going oozaroo like that on Toonami fan art so I gussing it may be a ooozaroo transformation or it could be just fanart.
  19. Where do you get the discs I got something you have to use computer for is that it.
  20. Heck I hated those games they sucked hopefully they don't make any more.
  21. GT3 is the best have you ever seen its graphics looks real.
  22. Trunks will always be the powerfuler of the two because one hes trained more and two in the future Trunks is killed well not now the androids are dead but you know what I mean.Trunks is more powerfuler.
  23. Trunks will always be the powerfuler of the two because one hes trained more and two in the future Trunks is killed well not now the androids are dead but you know what I mean.
  24. I meant Gohan but they did train together I knwo that for a fact and I don't have time to edit my other post cause my computer is really slow today.
  25. Those costumes were stupid and the crowd was stupid for thinking its true.
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