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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Your just being modest yours is the best I love it its rocks you should believe more in yourself you have a great talent at making those to bad I don't have anything to make my own or the talent to make one *sigh*
  2. I've read his posts hes so annoying a girl should be treated with respect and devotion and you should never dis on a girl its rude ya know.:angel: ssj chic is gonna be voted out I have a feeling.
  3. Sephiroth totally rocks he's awsome I like his sword, his power every thing about him is cool.
  4. Once you get the hang of it you'll win its pretty easy(I'm undefeated in that game and I got Cloud)
  5. Why would it have to much jumping around thats part of the fun you need patience with Final Fantasy Games. But any way who knows where to get the best weapon for Shock and the tower for Zidane?
  6. O come on Android 18 is totaly hot she has short hair, she is way strong, she knows how to brib people for money lol, and she can get out of things easily.
  7. Where is it I don't see it??:confused: You'll probaly add it on and I'll look stupid but right now I don't see it.
  8. Heck I can't believe how uncommonly good Final's is I mean thats a cool Banner, it rocks.
  9. I guessing thats it but you never know until he somehow finds a pic of it small enough for the post.
  10. I plan to get it soon I saw it once at Electronic Boutique but I got Breath of Fire 3 and that one with it has those two people and you can play as both and one turns into animals and the other uses magic. I will try to go there again to see if its still there of course I may save my money to get games for GameCube if I get it for Christmas and then a week later is my birthday so don't know if I'll get it.
  11. Yeah Android 18 looks the best and she's tons times more stronger than the others.
  12. I would love to learn Japenese and get the unedited version of DBZ that'd rock but alass I can't and can't get a hold of a Japenese version:bawl:
  13. shibatku


    *Shiba powers to full and starts to charge another condensed power flucuater* Shiba: Now your rain of terror stops.
  14. D.Man: I hate they boy bands!!!! *D.Man puls out a bazooka a fires it in the middle of the singers* D.Man: Take that you over-rated, lipsinking, piece of crap, low down, dirty, hog washed, lousy singers!!!!!!!
  15. That's weird. I mean Raiha is cool. Krillin why would you vote for Raiha what'd she do to you?
  16. I like Flash's because I love DBZ/GT and that helped in my vote.
  17. I know they should base the movie on one of the game like chocobo raising and the charactors, all of them, and make it like 2 hours long that would be cool.
  18. I forget how do you get the Regnarok and does anyone know where the weapon called The Tower is for Zidane in Memoria?
  19. I'm glad I don't live in Canada that must suck.
  20. I know there isn't any level beyond SSJ4 but if they were to start again and I'm not saying they will but do you think they would make more levels or just like make a new version like SSHL(Super Saiyan Heritage Level)I know its stupid but is it possible?
  21. That would be coo I just wish 18 would have kicked his butt and humiliated him I mean that way more satisfing that getting double the money.
  22. I guess people like to dis on teletubies *Then D.Man throws two huge rocks at the teletubies*
  23. shibatku


    *Shiba gets up and falls to the ground and starts to regenerate his power*
  24. I can't beleive that Raiha has 6 and ssj chic has only 4 more than her.
  25. I think Dargonball rocks specifically DBZ/GT.It should win.
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