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Everything posted by shibatku
Heck with Yoshimitsu I'm unbeatable I like his moves and he look scol to but I like some of the others to but right now I like Yoshimitsu.
I know thats funny please tell me your kidding right? It could never be equal to the others that version sucked royally.
Well its about time we started to stop all of those kind of posts but at least keep the ones that are already out plz.
I can't beleive thaey stopped showing the Dragonball Z Buu saga and started showing other world tournament its sucks and I was recording it to..
I played last night and I beat deathguise and Kuja by necron beat me anyone know to beat him.
*Gets up from the huge 1000 by 1000 mile hole created* S. Brolly 17: You'll pay punk! *S.Brolly 17 charges toward Shiba* Shiba:I don't think so and heres my quote to you[Quote] Your only weapon is your brain, and your out of ammo[Quote] *Then Shiba fires a condenced power flucuater and rips S. Brolly 17 to pieces and his pieces fall to the ground* Shiba: Now to help with the other Brolly Kool's fighting *Shiba flies over and starts to charge a kamehameha* Shiba: KA-ME-HA-ME-H......... *Shiba falls to the ground from using the power flucuater*
MYSTICBABE!!!!!!! Too bad Mystic babe you stayed on for a while
D. Man: Theres more on the march run for your lives I'll be back *D.man dissapears and returns hands full of weapons* D.Man:This'll stop them *D.Man fires twelve bazookas one after the other*
Drivings easy I can do anything and do it without fear, try to not think on what your doing as much but still focus I do that among other things.
What diffrent things did they have? Did they have any DBZ things or stuff like that? FF7 is cool I just stared to play it a few days ago and I've already gotten a gold chocobo. But I like FF8 because it has better graphics.
I watched yesterdays episode of DBZ and it was an old one did anyone else see it made me mad they didn't continue the buu saga weird? And thanks for the infos on Buu I had no idea that fat buu was eaten by skinny buu thankx.
Lady Katana really there is a tv tuner for GBA I found out when I bought a GBA gameshark I'mm gonna get one as soon as I find one.
*Shiba gets up* Shiba: Okay that's it your dead! *Shiba powers up to SSj4 and does 10 kamehameha punches to S. Brolly 17 sending him almost to the ground* S.Brolly 17:Well you won't listen *S. Brolly 17 starts to charge an evil version of the spirit bomb and throws it a Shiba* Shiba:AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!! S. Brolly 17:No likely *All of the sudden Shiba turns the evil spirit bomb and adds energy and fires it towards S. Brolly 17*
D.Man:That'll take care of that dinosaur what the.. *A huge squadron of teletubies starts to march towards the place* D. Man: uh oh. TELETUBIES ON THE MARCH!!!!!!:eek: Run save yourselves.
Well ever since Vegeta started to turn Majin I have recorded all of the episodes. But if you can't see it Saturday watch the Midnight run till its on.
If you dont like those I have another one I have alot so just ask me for diffrent ones.
Hers another one I have.
Well heres one of the pics.
I think so but I not sure I have'nt seenthe mobies but I've heard things about it but for the most part I think thats right.
I have been meaning to try Chrono Trigger whats it like?
*Shiba then grabs Majin Cell and tosses him into the meta rock and then commands the rock* Shiba: Well sorry to say but you aren't the best. Okay Meta crush him to he pops. *Metarock follows Shiba's command and Majin Cell starts to get crushed, when all of the sudden another being appears* Super Brolly 17:Ha you think that this is a match *Then S.Brolly 17 shots a kamehameha and destroys Metarock and Majin Cell* S.Brolly 17: Now for your home planet, unless you think you can stop me? Shiba: Ha your power isn't that musch higher than Majin Cell so just lose already and I won't have to kick your ***. S.Brolly 17: Now Now don't get cocky or I'll have to take out your entire solar system *Shiba is punched with a kamehameha fist by S.Brolly 17 and falls to the ground and loses all power*
Well I think that Sephiroth rocks he's cool Just imagine if he joined then good guys as the one winged angel that'd be cool But I thought he used to be good. Like in the very beginning does anyone know?
Well its not horrible but its gets the job done.
Ihave one of Goku but I can't post it till its on mine but when I get a hold on my files I'll post some animated ones that are really cool and if you really want some badly goe to [url]www.theOtaku.com[/url] and choose Dbz and look on the side and you can get animated or just regular pictures.
Fireball:Well were moving on so if you want just reply. *Then the group leaves and approachs a hughe meteor crater.* Fireball: Well lets check this out *Then the group starts down the crater wall and makes it to the middle where all of the sudden a huge meteor and a being of pure dark light appear* Being: You shall not pass to the ruins you will die now *Then thousands of zoids appear made of pure darkness* Fireball: Were outmatched we can't beat them *Fireball then starts shooting missiles and gets a path out with Kevin right behind him.* Fireball: Take this! *Fireball fires a nuke in the hole and kills everything*