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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. shibatku


    *shibatku attacks Duo with a satelite attack(basically I threw a satelite at him) then shots a wave of bombs at him*
  2. It was 1.(Goku 2.(Vegita 3.(Gohan4.(Piccolo 5.(Chibi Trunks 6.(Goten
  3. I like the one where Ggoku first goes ssj thats my fav.
  4. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    Fireball then jumps to the field wating for his team* I don't know if Almightyssj4 or whatever will play so my team is on the field you have to wait for you team I have like 10 to 15 minutes left we will all start it when everyones here k I'll be back later tonight k.* Fireball makes a shield(doesn't matter if we have a shield the rules are still the same If you need further Instructions pm me k) I only have alittle time to goe so I'll seen you tonight k.
  5. Well to bad Warlock I guess its on to a new vote. Hopefully Rico doesn't get voted off the big brother, hes cool.
  6. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    Heres some more info: when you attack you take that from your attack like if you attack for 500 you take 500 from your total attack and the defender takes his defense and divides it by three and you take that from the attack, but after that you lose 50 defense. And once you run out of attack you can then use your speed. (Once you run out of attack) You still do the defense thing but you take away 50 from the remaing numbers . k Everyone starts out with 700 hp. Battle Mode 0892 Fight! I have to go 40 minutes after this post because I'm watching the Zoids anime. I'll be back later though but whenever someone leaves the battle it's paused k.
  7. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    O.k. The tournament will start two days from today because I won't be home for those two days and I can't get to a computer. Well we have our competitors in two days the tournament begins if anyone wants to join they have tose two days to join but if your not ready you can't play The fight will be the Zero vs. Tech
  8. You idiot you vote for who you don't like If you like him shouldn't have voted for him jes didn't you know that.:mad:
  9. Aeris is dead and she can't come back well she could but Square didn't let it happen you could just use Life on her or that one herb thing.
  10. I can't think of some of them I rarely play those other games. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]rules say use a PM to cloud... so i have to delete your answers... thou u did get a few right--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. Not Nova Dragon the one right before them in the crystal realm.
  12. I like ff8 the gf's are cool plus his moves are cool to I like the one with the huge blade that comes down on the enemy but its not the best one but its cool.:excited:
  13. Hey what level would you have to be to beat that wierd Dragon thing before the crystal thing and Kuja?:nervous:
  14. I like Ocarina of Time the best its cool but so is a link to the past but I like Ocarina of tim my second fav is Majoras Mask I beat that game it was fun.
  15. I like the Zora mask better than the others I like the force field under water that cool. Plus he can shoot his fins at enemys.
  16. My all time fav mask is the diety mask link looks so cool when he has that on to bad you can't wear it every where.:bawl:
  17. They should aput armor on him and create a game like Zelda: Link's Ambitions and he would have a magical sword and magic armor and all sorts of powers of course you'd hav to earn them.
  18. Wow that sig thats like 1/4 of a page. I may get the x-box but I am trying to decide which one I like better ps2, gamecube, or X-box I'll probaly get the X-box.
  19. shibatku


    I think it means anime cause all of the stuff I've seen with magna on it was anime based.
  20. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    You have to wait for your captain and if he doesn't respond within three days your team can lose but I guess If hes doesn't respond you get to be captain ok Zero. I won't be on tommorrow and the day after that Ill be back on monday k. So the battle will start monday when I return.
  21. I have that movie Raditz was an idiot of course he was powerful but he wasn't the best. Neither was Tuarus
  22. I doubt it means great tour but I guess the creators only know what it means.
  23. Dbz MysticGohan I agree they wanted more money and if they continue this they will have tons of it.
  24. They probaly used a made up art that the creaters thought of. I like Jijitsu the best right now but I'm familiar with Judo.
  25. I like Yoshimitsu's moves. Of course I rarely play it.
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