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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. I like Metal gear VR missions of course I like the graphics in MGS2.
  2. I know some of the games are to easy and to short like Bouncer I beat it in one night. But If they focus alot more on the game and put decent graphics for it it would be better.
  3. I dont think they age they only die from a virus or Getting killed. Age doesn't really matter that much, does it?
  4. I saw a picture of Goku and Piccolo fusing and someone said it was called Gobuu bUT IT WAS A PICTURE OF THEM FUSING.
  5. I never knew the story behind it I just knew there was a Super 17. Thanks I got that cleared up.
  6. They could mean like Zeta and GT could mean Greater Transformation. Of course they could mean nothing.
  7. 1. Goku went ssj after Frieza killed Krillen and it ticked Goku off 2. Gohan wanted to be like his father when they trained of course Goku pushed him to. 3. Vegita wanted to be better than Goku(Which he isn't) 4. He wanted to kill Cell but he also used it when Goku arrived back at earth and he wanted to challenge Goku. 5. He wanted to be like Gohan
  8. I like super buu not the fat one he looks stupid why does he have to start out fat then build up to super hes thinner and better.
  9. I know they should know by now they've gone past that I think but still they all have gotten there and some above it they don't call it what it should be called.
  10. Well they said 43 new episodes and they are all dubbed because Funi wouldn't have Toonami put them on other wise plus Toonami also edits them.
  11. I'll make sure I follow the rules. Thats my decree......:toothy:
  12. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    Ok Ok the tournament has officially begun*The field opens up* The first battle is Zero versus Tech. Let the fight begin:flaming: If SS Trunks doesn't control his Zoids by monday he loses. Just a warning limit to respond is 3 days unless you have a good reason.
  13. shibatku


    *Shibatku then fires a huge kamehameha wave at Duo and then fires a series of huge fireballs at him, after that I shoot another Kamehameha wave and continue the fireballs*
  14. I can't believe Rico is getting so many votes hes cool of course so is Warlock but I didn't think they would vote Rico off thats wierd:eek:
  15. You have to be a moderater or have 500 posts to put your own on there.
  16. I have a really cool pic of Gogeta and Veggito I don't know if it was first hand drawn or not but here it is.
  17. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    well thats two for my team and two for Tech team we have one open space for Zero and an open for Tech, Forte's team has two.
  18. Well right now Warlock is got the most votes well some people I guess really don't like you Warlock.
  19. Well now I know some of the words on it well the japenese version at least.
  20. Well now the age problem is settled unless someone has another question.
  21. Well now I know that I thought that they would surpass their fathers in time thanks for clearing that up.
  22. Their faces are screwed up thats weird I have pictures of them and they aren't like that.
  23. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    O.K. SS Trunks Tech is yours. Enter name and stats of Zoid (At top the rules for your Zoid total is there) The team captains are as follows: 1. Zero-Shibatku 2. Rebel-Forte 3. Tech-SS Trunks The battle begins friday if people don't join your teams then you command two other Zoids. People can join when they want unless the captain opposes strongly. The teams left to join now are: 1.Zero 2.Rebel 3.Tech
  24. lol Raiha funny welll whatever the reason its there choice.
  25. I act alot like Goku I eat alot and I am simple minded most of the time. Power I could never equal but I can definatly(spelling) match determination.
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