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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. To bad anime isn't still on Sci Fi but there still is on Cartoon Network a new called Zoids is there but they need to bring the other anime back.:bawl: :bawl: :sleep:
  2. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    Why don't people want to play if someone does't understand it please tell me. Or if you'd like to know what it is PM me.
  3. Maybe everyone justs guess's Warlock, well some the others who voted for you probaly have a reason.
  4. I may not have a scanner but I found a picture that looks cool can't submit it, its not mine plus I'm out but heres the picture anyway I could draw this and put it on but I have no scanner.
  5. They should make it either anime or 3-d that would be better.
  6. shibatku


    I've gotta go I'll see you tommorrow* teleports away and waits for tommorrow*
  7. shibatku


    Yep finally the thread got back running* Laughs yep I'm back; fires a fireball at DeathKnight; Finally; uses the Misinco move on DeathKnight again.*
  8. Well Rico people are voting for you your not in the lead but you better keep your eye on the poll.
  9. shibatku


    *Shibatku starts using the Misinco move on Deathknight(big series of fireballs) into the hole and throughs a knife at mach speed at Deathknight and continues the Misinco move to him.*
  10. shibatku


    *shibatku flys in and goes to help SSJ4 Gotenks and fires a huge fireball at Deathknight and powers up 1/3 full power and laughs then fires another fireball and fires an armada of fireballs sending Deathknight into a huge boulder then into the ground and fires a fireball into the hole.
  11. I like Dragonball Z/GT, Cowboy Bebop,if it was still on Outlaw Star, and some of the others at the time I can't remember right know when I find the box for it I'll post it. P.S. Night Stalkers.
  12. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    Forte is Rebel team captain. Forte you may now enter your Zoid name and stats. (The rules of the total is at the top).
  13. Its spelled Kame-Hame-Ha its said Ka-me-ha-me-ha. Of course I beleive Transic said the same but I've know this ever since they first said it.
  14. Well I can't scan with the computer because I don't have a scanner wish I did. But Ithought you'd like that pic so I put it in well bye bye for now*flys off*.
  15. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    Once we have captains and at lest three people on each team if people do not join you then we all equal out and the captain controls the Zoids that people aren't in. We'll start this when we have enough players. or till friday.
  16. shibatku

    Zoids Rpg

    There are three Zoid teams to choose sides for: 1. Zero 2. Rebel 2. Tech I rule the Zero team. The first to declare the captain of the others teams is the captain. I am the judge also for all of the events. We will start off with a tournament to decide who gets champion spot, in the champion spot you are co-captain of any team you choose which means you can help make decisions except for my team of course. Here is my Zoid and Stats: Name: Midnight Fireball Power:1000 Defend: 600 Speed: 600 Intelligence:300 The total power you can have is: 2500
  17. I like doing posts plus Im now only about 300 away from downloading my own avatar its going to be sweet.
  18. Well I didn't see anything of course that could be because I feel asleep at 10:45.
  19. Welll I think Dragonball Z rocks and I can't wait for GT. I have'nt really seen the otheras but DragonBallz/GT rocks.
  20. Yeah Cowboy Bebop is cool, if they still had Outlaw Star still on I'd recomend it to you but it went off about 3 weeks to a month ago.
  21. Yeah *children run in fear away* Haha anyway alot of posts are good didn't you know that Kizu.
  22. Well still your cool Sephiroth. I mean people why did you vote for Sephiroth hes totally cool. He may have been gone all week but it really doesn't matter hes cool.
  23. I know who would vote for Rico he's cool..... I mean he's never done anytihing wrong(That we know of) and hes an all around nice guy. And who voted for Sephiroth hes cool.
  24. I found a pix of Gogeta that is cool of course the computer won't let me put a artwork of Majin Vegita.
  25. Gohan at 18 is maybe not as good but he did train some so hes is better cause when he powered up at the tournament he didn't even go to his full power.
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